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| TriforceZZ
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# Comments
Comments: 328
Devinesouljah [2018-09-01 15:45:15 +0000 UTC]
Help bring Princess Daisy into main games after being playable in Super Mario Run where much potential is needed for her to be in lots of games of the actual strong support is needed www.change.org/p/shigeru-miyam⦠spread the word
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LilianaSabato [2011-12-16 18:14:06 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for my artwork !
Check out my facebook page to stay tuned.
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ender-wiggin42 [2011-11-18 06:55:50 +0000 UTC]
you have the coolest icon avatar ever... just so you know. lol
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RaspberriRain In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-09-04 04:35:35 +0000 UTC]
*can't wait till skyward sword*
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TriforceZZ In reply to RaspberriRain [2011-09-04 18:50:01 +0000 UTC]
preordered it today. special w/ cd & remote
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RaspberriRain In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-09-04 21:20:11 +0000 UTC]
i pre-ordered yesterday. (:
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TriforceZZ In reply to zpecter [2011-07-02 22:02:57 +0000 UTC]
no problem! Can't wait to see more awesome art!
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kukuland [2011-02-11 23:23:23 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the watch!!
p.s. i LOVE legend of zelda!!!!
p.p.s. i see you are a lady gaga fan, as am i. what was your thoughts on her new song? lol
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-12 01:44:49 +0000 UTC]
No problem for the watch! You can watch me if you like, I periodically post Gaga stuff.
I love Zelda and can't wait for Skyward Sword. I've played all the console ones thru 100% (heart pieces etc. XD)
Born This Way is EPIC!! I absolutley love it. It's so upbeat and well written. I love the Ooo there ain't no other way part of the song. it's EPIC! XD
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-12 02:24:11 +0000 UTC]
I'm sooo excited. you have no idea. I've only mastered Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time (btw, how do you pronounce Ocarina? i say "Or-cay-na", even though i know it's incorrect. haha)
I love the song. but for the first 30s i was kinda disappointed. like, i was expecting something slow, like "Speechless" so for months i was prepping myself for a ballad to belt in my car. but then i hear dance music?! i was like, "WTF!?!" but i love it nonetheless. haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-12 04:05:15 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I say Ok-are-een-ah, and I'm so hardcore Zelda nerd. I have a Triforce belt buckle. I practically worship the goddesses.
And I totally thought it was gonna be a ballad too, for parts at least. I thought the chorus would be slow and have a piano backing and then slow down and pick up speed with some dance beats and go through the verses, and the last chorus would be both put together. I really like the song though.
I don't know what you think, but I know that it's way better than HIAM. WAAAAAAY better. Aha.
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-12 04:23:26 +0000 UTC]
i'm pretty nerdy myself. when i first saw how the godesses' created hyrule, i was like, "oh my god. this is too good to NOT be real." haha and i somewhat worshiped them for a while too haha. one day, someone had three triangles drawn on the back of their hand, i immediately walked up and was like, "please tell me that's the triforce!" and thankfully it was (otherwise i'd look totally nerdy. haha), but, all three triangles were colored in. I had to explain to her that she could only choose one. haha, but it couldn't be power. i'm power. so she chose the top triangle... wisdom. (she had no idea which order they went in, lucky for her she's super smart so wisdom suited her. haha)
Oh well, lady gaga could sing about murdering puppies and make it into an amazing song. she's brilliant. haha
HIAM??? haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-12 04:36:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm still in that stage, and that rule agrees perfectly because I'm so unoriginal I just stole Link's Triforce. XD Yeah, I tell my friends I was baptized into Hyrule as a Hylian. I'm so cool. But yeah, Skyward looks awesome, Wind Waker was one of my favourites and Twilight Princess is my top favourite so the marriage of these to as Skyward looks f*cking epic. I just want it to come out! Geez, at least because I live in Canada I can get it with North America and not have to wait like Europe.
Hold It Against me by britney spears. It's not nearly as good a song as Born This Way. Check it out. Do you know about other songs on Born This Way? Besides You and I and Edge of Glory?
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-12 05:06:33 +0000 UTC]
OH MY GOD! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT WINDWAKER!!!! hahaha i loved that game!!! it was sooo much easier when i was able to hook up my GBA or "tingle tuner" haha. I really liked cartoon zelda/tetra... she was wayy better looking than OoT zelda haha. Skyward Sword is going to be so amazing. i can't wait! do you know when it's coming out here (I'm in canada too! haha)
OOH! haha i'm super bad with acronyms. haha it takes me a while. yeah, i like that song, but for different reasons lol. but born this way is definitely better.haha. i think isn't "So happy i could die" on born this way? i could be wrong though... lol
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-12 21:40:08 +0000 UTC]
Yes... I'm not totally sure when it'll be done. I know that Miyamoto said it was half way done back in mid-December. So I think it'll be like a June/July release. It's definitely coming out after Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D for the Nintendo 3DS. I'm super excited too! I just hope they don't use this Link for the next Smash game. Link needs tights, none of this pants crap.
And I hate hold it against me, but then again, I can't stand britney either so when my friend told me to listen to it I was skeptical form the start. And So Happy I Could Die is on The Fame Monster, already released. Some new songs that'll be on Born This Way will be: You and I, Edge of Glory, Born This Way (duh), Americano, Government Hooker, Judas(next single), Hair, and Bad Kids. But there'll be 17 tracks on the final CD (+ 3 studio songs and 5 remixes if you pre order it from Target, they have a deluxe edition). I love her so much. She's so liberating and beautiful. I can't wait for BTW in May. And hopefully there'll be a Born this way music video coming out soon, it's been recorded already. It was directed by the same guy that did Paparazzi and Telephone! He's sooooo great. Hopefully it'll be a short video like Bad Romance and not friggen 10 minutes though! I think Judas should be a long ass video. We will see. I know too much. LMAO
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-12 23:01:03 +0000 UTC]
oh my god... soo much reading! haha
I hope it's done soon! i'm so excited for it. i definitely agree on this pants thing, he needs tights. it's much more logical. do spies wear baggy pants? no? that's because they're rip and tear easily. you need tights. well, at least TP tights. none of this ocarina nonsense, i mean, you have to let the boys breathe! haha This is the first i've heard of a OoT re-release for the 3DS. Now I'm excited for that again! I really hope the Gerudos are in Skyward Sword. That level and that music will always the the greatest part of any video game. I just loved the spirit temple. and fighting the gerudo thieves to save the carpenters. Why don't you want him in the next Smash game? i love him in smash. he's one of my go-to guys. him and zelda, peach, and pit. Zelda really needs a new makeover. i wasn't a fan of her in TP. she didn't look as innocent and pure as she does in other games.
You don't like britney!? seriously?! i love her! well, she's not my favorite, but she always has some really good dance tracks. I'm a Slave 4 U is still awesome. Wow, you know a huge amount of GaGa knowledge. amazing. do you know if any of the other songs are avalible for download yet? or is she keeping them secret for the release of BTW? I love her too. she's amazing. and she wears lots of alexander mcqueen, a fashion visionary. The born this way video has already been shot. from what i hear it's amazing. and there was lots of emotion on set while filming. i'm excited for it. and i agree, it should be a short video, i haven't seen the entire video for telephone or alejandro because i don't have the attention span for a 10min video! haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 04:18:57 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, when I'm in the mood to type it flows out of me.
Yes, tights are a must, and I agree. The TP tights were subtle and still allowed Link to spawn children. And I LOVE Link in Smash! He's my favourite character! I'm just saying that they shouldn't even bother putting him in if he's wearing tights. Unless he can transform into a wolf... that'd be BADASS!! Yes, the OoT remake for the 3DS looks AMAZING. And I can;t wait for it because OoT was excellent, except I found the water temple strenuous. =.= The music in that game is soo good too. I love Sheik's harp theme. Sheik's pretty sweet too. When I first played OoT for the GameCube (because I never owned an N64 and my GC came with a LoZ collectors edition) I thought Sheik was the coolest guy character ever. Then I found out Sheik was a girl and I was like O.O WHAAAAAT?! Her design in Brawl was excellent, but I agree that Zelda could do with a makeover. She's almost too conserved and needs to be a bit more like P.Peach or Rosalina! And just saying, I want the next Smash to be called Quarrel.
McQueen is AMAZING! It's so sad that he committed suicide because he was iconic. My favourite article by him were those armadillo shoes! They're so funny to look at and yet to distinct. Clearly Gaga dedicated BTW's single cover to him. The obscure facial features were used in runway shows for McQueen minus the shoulders, and the song came out on the 11 of february, the day he died last year. So far, she's only said those titles from an interview in Vogue. We don't know what any of them sound like, but a lot of people are betting Judas will sound great if it's gonna be the next single, and are hoping that it was produced by RedOne instead of Garibay, because RedOne did Just Dance, Poker Face, Bad Romance with her. Garibay's producing the album though, but Redone does have 2 or 3 songs on there. Garibay produced Dance in the Dark which is pretty awesome, kinda disappointed it never got a video. I worship her, geez. It`s almost scary when I get going. Are you excited to watch her on the Grammys tomorrow?!
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 05:08:55 +0000 UTC]
i know, when i want to write i could write for days and days. my dream job is to work for GQ, eventhough i have absolutely no journalistic skills. just business and fashion. haha
link is the perfect character on ssb, i mean, he's powerful, AND had speed to bad him up. the other powerful characters are just soo slow that it completely ruins them. but whatever, links awesome. but not toon link. i think he's a douchebag. hahaha. and child link was stupid too. lol. ok, that is a brilliant idea. someone should do that. or atleast have a wolf link option. that would be simply amazing! however, i don't know how he would hold the light sword or other items. maybe in his mouth. that'd work. haha now that you mentioned the OoT on 3DS i did some research on the game...probably going to buy it as soon as it comes out. The water temple is the devil's work. after the third time playing that game, i'd just say piss on it and use a walkthrough. i know it's cheating. but that level sucks. any water temple sucks. the TP one does too. sheik is an amazing character. i thought she was like, Impa's brother or something. Impa was cool too, much like telma. i loved telma from TP, she was sweet. haha oops. got off track. haha sheik's reveal as zelda, looking back, could have been much better. like, it should have bee more like it's done in Smash bros. that'd be much better! haha. i disagree with the fact that zelda should be more like the mario princesses, i mean, they're awesome, but zelda should be much more regal, and less elfish. she needs to be happier, like the mario princesses though, she looked so depressed in TP. just because you're kingdom is being taken over by a villian from the twilight realm, but a smile won't kill you! haha
mcQueen's death was definitely a tragedy. he just had such an amazing eye. the dress gaga wore with the black feather headdress thing was simply stunning. she looked like she had stepped out of an old oil painting. the dress was beautiful. but really, any thing he designed was beautiful. the man was a legend. if i had half the talent he did i'd be happy. (when i was younger i wanted to be a designer. then i realized i can't sketch or design. damn reality. haha) i never really thought about that, but she must have dedicated it to him. it only makes sense. she adored him. as everyone did. Judas could be the ballad i was hoping for! but who knows... lol i really liked her work with RedOne, i wasn't a fan of Dance in the Dark. i don't know, it was him-hah for me. lol I love lady gaga, but you sir, take it to the extreme. hahaha. good on you. lol I don't know if i'm gonna watch the grammy's. i probably will watch some of it, but i'll rage and get mad if justin bieber or taylor swift win an award. i loathe them both. and i know they'll each get an award. taylor swift sucks at singing. and i dislike justin bieber's music. he's a good kid, and i like him as a person, but his music?! not so much. haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 17:06:33 +0000 UTC]
It's too bad that Ninty can't rehash the reveal of Sheik being Zelda, because it'd be too predictable, but they could make it excellent. As for the 3DS, I doubt I'll get one because I really only want Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, OoT, and Pokemon if they make it eventually. But NONE of those games are launch titles! So I'll probably wait for the 3DS lite or something, because the entry price for the handheld is kinda high (I remember buying my Wii for that back in '06) and there isn't any games I wanna play. Nintendogs + Cats? No. If OoT was a launch title and they had it in a special bundle with a Zelda themed 3DS then I'd already have it reserved, but I digress. Some games I use the players guide to complete it because sometimes I can't be bothered to find everything by myself. In Wind Waker I used the guide for side quests because there are way too many. I just hope Skyward Sword is a mega game because I want to have a lot to do. And if it releases over the summer, I can play it over my summer break! Yes! It's looking to be an excellent game, but I don't want any spoilers or anything going into it. It's a good thing I refrain from all game spoilers except Pokemon, because I'm so addicted to that. I ruined some elements of Black and White and it's killing me to not look them up. Do you play much Pokemon, Mario, Metroid, other non nintendo games? I have DS, Wii, PS3, you?
I take pride in knowing it all about her. And I totally agree, if Swift or Bieber win a single award Gaga was nominated for I'll flip shit. I feel the same that Swift is a shitty singer (hate country) and that I hate Bieber's music. I hate that he has to be the same age as me, and the fact I've been compared to him... NO! Geez, he's even older than me by a few months! Why?! I'm thinking Judas will be more of a pop sort of dance song because when she first sang You and I she said that a song like this wouldn't ever be used for one of her singles to justify playing it. I think Judas would make an excellent debut if she sang the chorus on SNL or something fun like that. She's so good live, the best performance imo being Paparazzi from the VMAs in 2009, but I didn't care much for the outfit she was wearing. My favourite outfit is probably in the Telephone video when she's wearing the silicone dress and the blue phone headpiece. It's amazing. Do you like a specific outfit?
Geez, I could talk about Gaga and Zelda forever! None of my friends can hold interest for very long. I hope I'm not boring you.
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 18:36:54 +0000 UTC]
ok, all this typing is getting ridiculous. haha i'm gonna keep my presponse short, and in point form. haha
- hopefully they have good games for 3DS so i can justify buying it for one game.
- i'm sooo excited for skyward sword, it's going to be amazing.
- i'm not that into pokemon or metriod, but i love mario! haha
- i have an N64, gamecube (zelda collector's edition woot!), wii, and Xbox with kinect haha
- Biebs is younger than me... how do you think that makes me feel? he's more successful than i am and i'm like, a year or so older! grrr! anger!!!
- speaking of snl, chris brown SUCKED last night. he had problems with the autotune for sure!
- the greatest outfit is the one she wore in the Bad Romance video, with all the crystals.. you know the one? it was awesome! haha
-no, you're not boring me. you are however increasing my chances of getting carpal tunnel with all this typing!!! hahaah jk
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 19:40:27 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, I just find it awesome to be involved with people on dA. It's an excellent community and a great way to find new art. Plus I type a lot, point form sounds good.
-Chris Brown did suck last night. I hate his music anyway though. Russel Brand was hilarious! But I fell asleep after Weekend Update so I need to download that episode and watch it.
-yes I know that one, my best friend absolutely loves that one. She does look very hot there.
-my friend has xbox w/ kinect, it's pretty cool.
So how did you discover dA? My friend introduced it to me when I was in gr.9 and I got hooked. It's great!
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 19:57:46 +0000 UTC]
i agree, i've been meeting quite a few nice people! haha it's so great!
- i like his music, but last night was absolute shit. haha russel brand is always awesome, i loved his american accent lol it made me laugh, the weeekend update is my favorite!!! but last night's wasn't that great.. lol
- it's such a great outfit. (i think it was a McQueen....)
- i'm lovin' it! haha i have the Dance Central game, i saw it on ellen and HAD to have it haha
well, originally i was just a model, well, i still am, and one day, i was at my friend's [link] house after a photoshoot and she was uploading all the pictures, so the next day i just decided to join. that way, i can see all the pictures and read the comments! haha i tried uploading a couple pics of my own, (only "me." and "...sal." were good haha). but i failed. so now i'm only uploading pics of me that my friend takes... to see what everyone thinks of me haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 20:43:47 +0000 UTC]
Sweet that's awesome. Were you posing as a model for your friend or are you a legit model? I've seen some of your work, it's pretty good. And yes, I checked out your friend's work and she's really excellent at her photography. I'd take shots of people too if I had a camera nearly as awesome as whatever she has. Do you know, by chance?
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 20:50:37 +0000 UTC]
well, i'm a model... for her. haha there's not many agencies in southern alberta... but when i move to calgary i'll see what i can do. she has a canon... that's really all i know about it haha i don't know a lot about cameras and such... lol
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 21:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Sweet! It'd be fun to be a model... I think. All the places you'd go for shoots and stuff. That's excellent. One of my friends applied to be a model at Sutherland in Toronto. There aren't many where I live, but I'm like 45 minutes away from Toronto so it's not that bad. I could try to get in, but I don't think that's where I wanna head, as fun as it could be! I wanna keep going towards medical sciences! Woot. Whatcha' moving to Calgary for? School?
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 21:13:24 +0000 UTC]
it would be fun to be a model. i'm a fake model and i have a blast hahaha. i really don't know if i want to actually be a model as a career, like, i need something to fall back on. so i'm going to calgary for a degree in business administration haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 21:24:26 +0000 UTC]
Sounds excellent! I like to think I'm a fake model too, I'm all over fashion and looking the part when I step out into public. And it's good you have a backup plan ahaha. That's an excellent field to be going into.
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 21:28:04 +0000 UTC]
i think it'll be awesome haha i've wanted be a businessman, or lawyer since i was like, six. haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 21:33:43 +0000 UTC]
yeah, I've been the same. Except when I was around 6-7 I wanted to be a doctor because I thought I could stop people from being sick. As I got older I thought it'd be more fun to specialize in a specific area, so I'm looking into dermatology.
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 21:40:07 +0000 UTC]
that would be cool! i've always hated the sciences. i finished chem last semester so i'm sooooo happy that's over with. this semester i was bio. which is apparently easier in grade 12. haha then i have grad, then summer!!!! whoooooooooo!!!!!
what made you decide to go into dermatology?
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 21:56:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I had chem last semi, also french, functions, and economics. I have accounting, physics, english, and bio this semi. It's pretty full. I'm in gr.11 so I suppose it isn't as difficult as gr.12 stuff. In bio we're dissecting a pig. I'm all into the sciences, especially chemistry.
I really want to go into dermatology so I can help people out. No one likes acne, so I wanna be able to help out more people with their facial and other skin problems. It's such an interesting topic, I'm really into the whole healthy skin thing. Plus I've always thought it'd be cool to own an office space in a building and have a clinic and have patients come in and all that. My dermatologist is super nice and she's worked wonders in less than a year. I'm so grateful for that and it really makes me wanna go into that field, plus it's something that interests me deeply. Why not eh?
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 22:02:47 +0000 UTC]
you have super weird classes... haha last semester i had social, computers, chem, and spare, now i have bio, english, spare, and math haha. We'll be dissecting a pig in grade 12 too! haha grade 11 we dissected a cow heart haha. i'm in love with social haha
that's very noble of you. i'm glad that your dermatologist was so good that she inspired you to become one. that's pretty cool. haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 22:09:23 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it'll be a hefty semi. From what I've heard physics is super difficult and no one gets a decent mark. I'm hoping that isn't my case, but we'll have to see. I'd much rather dissect a cow's heart then an entire pig... I only dread the smell.
Thanks for that, my first patient! No, no, I mean, if you wanna fly out to Ancaster for appointments in Ontario then please, go ahead. How about you and business? How did you go about wanting to be a laywer?
On a completely unrelated note Gaga made it to the red carpet of the Grammy's in an egg...[link]
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 22:15:52 +0000 UTC]
physics is the devil. haha i was in it for a day lol, then i dropped it. haha. i'm kinda looking forward to the pig. me and one of my best friends have bio together, so it'll be entertaining to say the least haha
haha i really don't have that bad of skin, but i mean, if you're willing to give me 100% beautiful perfect skin, i'd be happy to fly out lol. Well, both business and law are super cut throat. and i love that. i was a spoiled little kid, so i know how to work people. i've been getting what i want from people since i was like, six. haha. i need a job with lots of drama and stuff like that. i mean. if i wanted to, i could pretty much destroy anyone in highschool. haha but i use my powers for good, not evil...usually. haahha
that's kind of amazing. like, really super amazing. haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 22:32:04 +0000 UTC]
I feel the same way! I love something with drama and I know what you mean about being able to destroy people. I could do that in my school too. Not like some sick psychotic maniac, but just for the fun of it. I usually use my personality to get the best of people when I'm trying to get what I want, and it'll usually work. I guess we can relate when it comes to being persuasive, you need to be social and have a voice.
I know. I wonder if she'll stay in there until she performs... which is in 2.5 hours... Doubt it. Maybe she'll preform another single! I know Born This Way will be performed, but she could always throw in another song too. Maybe she can take Biebers time slot and have a super-act.
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 23:00:35 +0000 UTC]
It's so great! and i'm super excited for the future! haha. and being manipulative: it's a gift, really. haha
i doubt it. she'll walk the red carpet and have a couple of dress changes. haha
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TriforceZZ In reply to kukuland [2011-02-13 23:34:49 +0000 UTC]
It's a true gift.
Yeah, I wanna see some more crazy outfits. I can't wait for the performance! I'm gonna miss it cause I gotta go to work! Geez!
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kukuland In reply to TriforceZZ [2011-02-13 23:37:52 +0000 UTC]
oh man that sucks!!! and she's not revealing herself until her performance!!! ugh! and it's not an egg. it's a womb. ryan seacrest was just corrected. hahahaha
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