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| TirckyFarnsic

# Statistics
Favourites: 2262; Deviations: 95; Watchers: 76
Watching: 173; Pageviews: 11338; Comments Made: 673; Friends: 173
# Comments
Comments: 103
jamesgunner123 [2019-09-20 05:40:35 +0000 UTC]
...the happiest of (late) birthdays to you...may this year be a joyful and prosperous one....=3
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jamesgunner123 [2018-09-20 09:32:40 +0000 UTC]
...a very happy birthday toΒ you...hope all is well for you and yours...=3
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jamesgunner123 [2017-09-20 08:48:49 +0000 UTC]
...the happiest of birthdays to you sir...=3
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ClockworkCatastroph3 [2017-09-20 00:43:01 +0000 UTC]
happy birthday!!! been too long man
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mdylantk [2016-09-19 17:59:51 +0000 UTC]
you do not know me...well, but I know you...kind of
so... happy birthday?
I would back you a cake, but all I have left is coffee crumbs.
I hope life been treating you well : 3
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Featherpens [2016-01-20 10:35:09 +0000 UTC]
T-t-ttttrickyyyyyy QwQ <3
I.. I miss you~~~~~Β
You are the wonderfulest.
Wwe should talk more often!
I mean, only if you want to. orz
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Featherpens [2016-01-20 21:10:09 +0000 UTC]
Q 3 Q <333333333333333Β
ffdsfjsg I miss you too Shirooooooooooo
I am lurking on skype but distracted a lot
playing too many video games. I streams them sometimes but it lags super bad orz
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Vipermedia [2015-11-06 06:32:30 +0000 UTC]
If you haz any artz you want done then you can post a commentz of what you wantz becuz chrizmaz.
In the spirit of christmas I'll do free requests!Request almost anything you want to It can't be explicit but it can be suggestive, I will draw OCs and or your favorite cannon character and basically any other random request you may have!
Here are some examples of my art:
Free requests will close sometime mid December since I'll be focusing on doing artwork for my friends.
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-06 19:14:42 +0000 UTC]
Β //flails arms around// AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH- it's early for chrimas but I am also already all excited for chrimas
it's like... mild turkey hype
gonna eat so much food
and then it's just full throttle christmas I'm so HYPE>
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-06 19:27:42 +0000 UTC]
Lol yep, I get ready for chrizmaz early becauze monies. But I do like myself some turkehhhhh.
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-06 19:55:29 +0000 UTC]
mmmmm I'm looking forward to Thanksgivn
so much yummy food wheezes
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-06 20:00:16 +0000 UTC]
Turkeh, Chickin, potatoes 'n graveh, and so much moar. . .
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-06 20:08:57 +0000 UTC]
I am so hungry right now LOL
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-06 20:16:07 +0000 UTC]
I could go for some chickin' fingers right about naow.
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-06 23:00:42 +0000 UTC]
; u ; I want pumpkin pie...
T qT and sweet potatoes and turkey sounds really good rn dfhgsjdfh
= w = all I've got atm is Pita Crisps...
and nothing to go with them pfft
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-06 23:04:23 +0000 UTC]
I know the feelin', I have cheese flavored chrackers and das it. XS Alkjslfdahdf, I need to stop thinking about fud right nah. XD
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-06 23:08:41 +0000 UTC]
same XD
TOPIC CHANGE- so how have you been? xD
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-07 00:00:49 +0000 UTC]
Β Β Β Β Been cray cray brah, I went through n emergency move, also my other computer crudded out, and I was so tired of bas computers that I literally learned out to build one " but right after I built my shiny new thing my drawing tablet stopped working so I bought a tiny one for 20 buckz. Oh, last but not leastly. . .I worked on a celebrities selfies book .______. (I'm notz jokin') Todd Haberkorn is his name and the book is called "Haberselfie", I never thought that going to a convention would get me employed by one of the guests, but hey ya never know I guess. O.o Funny thing is I hardly knew who he was but a friend of mine wanted me to get his autograph on one of my drawings. So. . .In total things have been busy.Β o.o
So lieeeeekkkeee how about you dudeee?
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-12 07:39:13 +0000 UTC]
Holy shiet (also sorry for lateness I've been doin a bunch of stuff orz)
I've never heard of that guy rityer rifl
I'll have to look him up :V
I been super tired mostly
So much stuff has been happening family-wise and it's just waring me down x___x
My grandpa is in the nursing home and my grandma's been being mean and manipulative and thinks she's sneaky about it but we see right through it >.>
Otherwise I spend like
My entire day usually just dog sitting my mom's new puppy and our older dog
They're both awful 90% of the time and they will probably give me a stroke eventually
I've been coping with all the stressy things by playing Guild Wars 2 though.
It's such a pretty game qq
And I try to draw at least once a week and put stuff on my art Tumblr via mobile
I don't have a tablet anymore but have a touchscreen laptop
It's not the same XD
I'm on a quest to find a better pen to work with the screen still after 3 1/2 years
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-12 12:02:04 +0000 UTC]
Β I know the family drama feelz, my family is simply at the point of being completely broken up at this point
plus I'm the weird member of the family so I'm even more excluded then everyone else already is
ALSO, there be tablets for like 19 dollah bills made by Huion, they're actually pretty good!! (This is with the pen etc btw)
PLUS I also haz GW2 I haven't had the time to play as much as I'd want to though -.- all of my characters are basically Charrs too
and like, does you want to set up a GW2 sesh sometime? I'm a NEWB but heyz.
And it sounds like 'dem doggies aren't too nice, I took in a pregnant stray cat and now I have six cats to take care of out of my pocket they're all sweet as muffins but it's tough az nutz taking care of them all @_@
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-12 20:33:11 +0000 UTC]
//looks at my last reply and sees "rityer rifl" -- oh god this is what I get for replying on my phone LOL
Stuff is just getting slower and slower and I'm just kinda at a point where it's just "I am aware of the bad that is happen but I am just dead on the inside and cannot react emotionally correctly to this DDDDD //dead stare" orz
I've kinda turned into a sort of pro (at least with the classes I play XD)
I've had the game for a year now, so I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the stuff in it so I can help a lot
most of my characters are sylvaris and I am plant trash and I have three Charr who are my special giant war-cats uwu //pets them
I play a lot during the day with one of my friends usually gathering materials or farming lately to help them level up crafting because I don't craft barely at all e ue;;; and when it's just me I usually just go to farm for stuff to sell on the Black Lion Trading Co.
I main Necro/Mesmer/Ranger (all maxed levels) and then I've got another mesmer and necro, another ranger, two guardians, a thief, an engi, and a warrior o3o --oh yeah. and I have a Revenant with the expansion Heart of Thorns. :'D
I need to make a small dump on stash with pictures of each of them >_> --- //does that quickly:Β sta.sh/216q75qm33c8
There's all my current children with the set looks I'm currently working towards for each of them/have gotten :'D
1 Asura, 2 Norn, 3 Charr, and ... many salads. :'B Damn I love Sylvaris.. they're so colorful and interesting.. them and Charr are my favorites orz
next is Asura and then Norn < u > booooo humans
Blarg they're a handful
;; I'd rather be with a bunch of kitties lol I'd probably sleep all day though then because cuddly cats make me tired XD
these dogs are buttheads :v
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Vipermedia In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-11-12 21:10:33 +0000 UTC]
LOL iz chill.
And now I *REALLY* need to keep my mind busy because one of the kitties that I mentioned got sick this morning, turns out they might die, I've owned this specific cat for six years. . . 2015 has been the year of sh*t dying everywhere for me personally >:V F*ck 2015.
So howz about I play some GW2 early tomorrow, I'll be a purple/gold charr near the Char starting area.
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-11-12 23:40:12 +0000 UTC]
; 3 ; ahhh I hope that they get better.
my cat died this year before my birthday orz
I had her for almost 4 years fdsgfjdh
this year has been a giant mess lmao
year of the sheep
peaceful year my arse T nT yis yis yis
I will probably be on early in the morning if I'm not lazy
add meh on the friends thingie (Y key opens the panel) ===> Trickster Francis.8320
I'll probably either get on my Charr or my Necromancer.
Probably my Charr since even though she's level 80 I haven't done a lot of the Charr's home area maps yet XD
or maybe I'll play on my Engi Charr, Jinx, so that I can level her up more o3o
; w ; it's so hard to pick...
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Vipermedia [2015-09-30 10:45:52 +0000 UTC]
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Vipermedia [2015-10-03 09:22:40 +0000 UTC]
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BavarianZombieBoy [2015-09-19 14:38:19 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!
Hope it's a great one, Tricky.
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to BavarianZombieBoy [2015-09-22 05:29:31 +0000 UTC]
c: THANK YOUUU~ <3 IT WAS GREAT!!! there is so much cake
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BavarianZombieBoy In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-09-22 07:11:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh awesome! Sounds like a blasty-blast!
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to BavarianZombieBoy [2015-09-23 00:22:11 +0000 UTC]
a cake blast
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mdylantk [2015-08-13 01:28:03 +0000 UTC]
Hello this is your friendly neighborhood (interwebs)stalker : 3 yust saying hey and that I went on a long overdue favoirting spree on your art. Btw I hope your summer been epic =^.^=
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to mdylantk [2015-08-13 05:04:55 +0000 UTC]
XD heyo~
I saw that
Thanks for all the faves xD and same to you o wo
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mdylantk In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-08-17 14:12:34 +0000 UTC]
btw what have you been up to? epic gaming, enjoying summer, drawing, being a sloth, or maybe normal boring thing? idk my body wants sleep, but the dog says no. I kind of want to try to complete more on the newest dragon age today. ugh that game so long for people like me who wants 90+% game completion than just finish the story asap.Β
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to mdylantk [2015-08-19 22:59:38 +0000 UTC]
I've mostly been dog-sitting in the garage with no air conditioning x____x
We got--- well.. MY MOM got this puppy, and she has to be watched 24/7 because she's an absolute terrir in the garage. =w=;;;
Eating things that aren't edible, ripping up important things, peeing on the floor, attacking the older dog and then the older dog starting biting her because she wants to be left alone, climbing on things and knocking down things.... Bleh.
She's about 7 months old and really smart but she does a lot of dumb stuff xP
She's waring me out lol
Otherwise, I get inside when my dad gets back around 5-6PM usually (sometimes later) and then lay on the futon in the house and draw or play video games while in skype calls or something orz
Tired 90% of the time lol
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mdylantk In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-08-19 23:46:01 +0000 UTC]
I done me share of dog sitting but you know it is basicly a full time job when they are puppies. Sorry though. Lucky the dog i take care of now just nag me from time and time and try to trick me :3
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Tomtomcaty [2015-06-05 10:07:54 +0000 UTC]
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Tomtomcaty In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-06-11 03:02:17 +0000 UTC]
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Tomtomcaty [2015-06-12 04:13:53 +0000 UTC]
I left a lot of clues as to where I went
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Tomtomcaty In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-06-12 05:06:48 +0000 UTC]
If you did I missed them cus I just got back last month ;u;
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Tomtomcaty [2015-06-12 23:52:27 +0000 UTC]
xP most of them were just on my profileΒ
I think I did one image and one journal announcement
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Tomtomcaty In reply to TirckyFarnsic [2015-06-13 11:30:37 +0000 UTC]
Yea I found out when I was looking through some old art and im like "Oh lets see what they are up to.... OH OK" and here I am .u.
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Tomtomcaty [2015-06-14 04:37:20 +0000 UTC]
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to Tomtomcaty [2015-06-16 23:39:30 +0000 UTC]
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AutopsyJuice [2015-05-24 17:41:30 +0000 UTC]
I can feel the flattery coursing through my delicious veins. *gross sobbing*
I'll staple you to my heart, and treasure you always! <3
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TirckyFarnsic In reply to AutopsyJuice [2015-05-25 01:15:22 +0000 UTC]
Sweet and sour sauce Batman, this is most definitely one of the top comments to bless my messages page so suddenly..
Gosh your art is just so fabulous and lovely to see, I couldn't help myself- I might have been in a Skype call with some people at 2AM when I was checking my messages and happened across you and your art, and I might have yelled and scared all of them
You are so very much incredibly welcome!
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