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# Statistics
Favourites: 1978; Deviations: 277; Watchers: 108
Watching: 226; Pageviews: 30236; Comments Made: 10921; Friends: 226
# Comments
Comments: 777
Oseike [2019-10-11 02:24:05 +0000 UTC]
HAPPY BDAY SPADE!!!! I know I'm a day early but I didn't wanna miss it. Β HOPE YOUR SEM'S GOING SWELL!
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ThunderSpade In reply to Oseike [2019-10-14 22:33:24 +0000 UTC]
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Oseike In reply to ThunderSpade [2019-10-15 00:50:21 +0000 UTC]
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ThunderSpade In reply to Oseike [2019-10-30 18:36:59 +0000 UTC]
*finger guns* I went to the most magical place on earth: Costco.
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Oseike In reply to ThunderSpade [2019-10-30 20:31:15 +0000 UTC]
Valid and magical in its own way. Β I hope they had food samples while you were there.
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Takaya-chan [2017-10-11 13:42:21 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday Derp Masterrrrrr
Keep doodling. KEEP ON DOODLINGGGGGG <333
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Uxagi [2017-04-23 00:08:18 +0000 UTC]
spade..what--how-- I haven;t watch you--DID U UNWATCH ME??
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ThunderSpade In reply to Uxagi [2017-04-23 23:08:12 +0000 UTC]
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ThunderSpade In reply to UrbanTheProfessional [2016-10-11 23:47:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank youuuuuuuuuuu
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KumoriNinja08 [2016-06-16 05:44:31 +0000 UTC]
Watched you back homgee I thought I already did gomen Spadeo :'D
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ThunderSpade In reply to KumoriNinja08 [2016-06-17 00:15:57 +0000 UTC]
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KumoriNinja08 In reply to ThunderSpade [2016-06-27 03:07:42 +0000 UTC]
LOL well ty either way C:Β
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PumPurin [2016-03-21 20:46:43 +0000 UTC]
I am so super late to say this but thank you for the watch ;v;/
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ThunderSpade In reply to PumPurin [2016-03-26 05:08:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the arrrrrt
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Takaya-chan [2015-10-12 05:44:05 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthdaaaaaaay Thunderrrrrp
Thank you for always rpin' with mehhhh ;w;
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ThunderSpade In reply to Takaya-chan [2015-10-13 03:17:34 +0000 UTC]
I should be saying that you nerd :'D
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Spicywolf100 [2015-10-11 21:52:24 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday. I'll make you something since im busy all the time.
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ThunderSpade In reply to Spicywolf100 [2015-10-12 02:47:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the birthday wishes it's really appreciated
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Takaya-chan [2015-07-20 14:41:48 +0000 UTC]
Th-thanks for the watch <><>;;
...now we are watching for each other liek bros //HIT
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ThunderSpade In reply to Takaya-chan [2015-07-21 01:25:43 +0000 UTC]
We can be cool cops together.
Now who is chris tucker and who is jacky chan //HIT
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Takaya-chan In reply to ThunderSpade [2015-07-22 03:29:16 +0000 UTC]
AWISSSSSS, we'll protect the peace of Virens and Violaceus togetherrrrr
...Can I be Jacky? I like him-//HIT
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ThunderSpade In reply to Takaya-chan [2015-07-22 04:22:02 +0000 UTC]
Can we both be Jacky, I don't think anyone wants to be Chris ahahhahahaha....
Okay I'll be Chris
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MarVogue [2015-07-11 18:21:47 +0000 UTC]
Did you say
you liked
Golden Sun
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ThunderSpade In reply to MarVogue [2015-07-11 19:15:23 +0000 UTC]
Yes. Yes. I do.
I've played them all and to this day roll in circles hoping for a dark dawn sequel. I miss Feliiiiiiiix
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MarVogue In reply to ThunderSpade [2015-07-11 19:48:09 +0000 UTC]
It's so rare to find other Golden Sun lovers (other than obvs in the fan groups LOL but around those its scare like damn) so I'm glad I found someone who loves it too \owo/
me too adsfghd like like like likeeee Golden Sun (the first one) is my favourite and I keep playing it over and over again but Β yeah yeah! I hope they do a sequel for Dark Dawn, tho to be honest it doesn't look like itll happen. From Golden Sun to Lost Age, it took one year (but I heard that they were working on both at the same time cuz both games were actually supposed to be one but it just ended up too big so it got split into two). From Lost Age to Dark Dawn, it was around 8 years of wait (feels more like 7 cuz they gave us sneak peaks in 2009). And now from Dark Dawn onwards, for a sequel, in terms of how they worked it before, it should be smaller than another 8 years. And its already been 5 years and everyone I talk to don't have hope/didn't find DD challenging and all that so they don't care. but but I think the issue here is the waiting time between the games--8 years was long and we've already got 5 that passed. We're loosing fans [and generation of fans] and the older ones lose interest in games (I personally got the game really young so I'm luckily still in the boat) but yeah the longer we wait, the longer fans are loosing interest and its so sad ;w;
...UH OOPS sorry for ranting LOL you can ignore that too id you want I just got super excited teehee
but but but I see you like Felix eve what about him's got your interest? :D
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ThunderSpade In reply to MarVogue [2015-07-13 17:41:04 +0000 UTC]
Yeah we're a rare breed it seems :'D I've only really ever seen one other person I know online know about it
I can't decide between one or two for my favs they're both so unf and the puzzles actually challenged me and battle were hard and it was so fun and satisfying (yeah they were the same game and split up hnnng) Dark Dawn wasn't enjoyable for me as the others because it did seem way easier battle and puzzle wise but I liked the sidequests and summons. I actually found Golden Sun later on my own because of Isaac being in super smash brother brawl and i was like WHO DAT HAND GUY.
His fabulous hair I really liked his arc since they set him up as a bad guy in 1 but then showed everything he'd been working for in 2 and you're like WOAH. Also the nerd tried to hide himself with like, a mask and you're like "WHAT A NERD"
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MarVogue In reply to ThunderSpade [2015-07-13 18:15:11 +0000 UTC]
oh wow! we are pretty rare xD I know there are people in the fan groups but idk I get too scared to approach them but when I find people outside the fan group I just kinda spaz like I did with you ahahah sorry ovo'
I like the first Golden Sun because in Lost Age, I don't like being on a ship because you often don't get clues of where you should next, so you can technically do everything out of order and still win and that kind of thing just derps with my mind. Like my brother and I like to do Aqua Rock before Sol Rock because Aqua doesn't have a final boss. but sometimes we go Sol Rock first and its like asdfghgfd this game why do you let us cheattttt
But also the first Golden Sun has the event with Tret which is personally my favorite thing about the game ahaha \ ovo / I really loved climbing Tret and his branches and needing to be clever about it, I really loved it :'D oh, and the deserts were also fun, since sometimes you could see the characters complain about the heat and that's amusing ovoΒ
Yes yes yes I totally agree!! Dark Dawn was way easier than I expected and the monsters were way weak... like the final boss wasn't even a challenge. The only one was a challenge in Dark Dawn was Dullahan, to get the Iris summon. He was the only one I had to try again and again to beat. They should've put him as the final boss ahahahaΒ
Oh yes! that's right! I forgot he's in smash bros brawl! I don't often see him/use trophies so I forget //ming// when I do use him, I fail so much ahaha
his hair is pretty fabulous ohhhhhh eve those are some pretty good points! In the first GS, before you go to Mount Aleph to get the elemental stars (after the storm), if you go to the second floor in the inn, you can find masked Felix there and he shoes you away all nerd-like winkΒ
I personally like Alex who also has fabulous hair eyyyy cuz in the Lost Age, at the start, he was actually being decent and helped Jenna and Kraden escape (and the scene where he flung the enemies away with water is just super LOL to me) and then he showed up more often and idk I like his cool, calm and collectedness (and just how he dealt with situations super ninja like to achieve his goals) and also at the end of Lost Age when he failed was just awesome aww yis
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ThunderSpade In reply to MarVogue [2015-07-16 22:50:25 +0000 UTC]
Actually now that you remind me of the endless oceans of LA I think I like one the most ahahahhaa. I played them both back to back so it all molds into one giant game for me. I was actually super shocked I somehow did everything in order without a guide in LA it was so open ended that when i found actual plot or new towns it was like LAND :'D
Ahh the desert levels I remember the sand pits ohoho I loved the fair and spent forever at the minigame winning all the good gear.
Optional bosses were the only challenge yeah, with party swapping I could abuse stuff so much. AND THEN FREAKING DULLHAN WITH THAT MOVE THAT DEACTIVATES ALL YOUR DJINN JUST OMG you really have to plan it out. I could only beat him by spamming summons ahahaha...
SHOO FLY DON;T BOTHER ME I must have missed him at the inn :'D There were so any little hidden bonuses in that game i can't even.
Ohhh an Alex fan ehehehe The ending he's just all "WELL THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN HMMM" //flash of life poof Though when he came back in DD the entire time I'm like
""Hi Alex"
"I'm not Alex"
"Yes you are"
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"It was I, Alex the entire time"
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MarVogue In reply to ThunderSpade [2015-07-20 02:39:31 +0000 UTC]
LOL its all good~ my brother does the same thing xD
right RIGHT DD my brother and I were idiots when we played and never actually realized that we could use the internet to cheat :O that's mostly cause we were young and figured it all out for ourselves... but still xD I could never do anything on my own //orz
but yeah! that huge ocean is awesome! And I can remember hours upon hours trying to figure out how to enter lemuria without having the trident so I was always failing because I was stupid at the time and kept trying the same things ehehe
and his dad wow I really liked those pirates like I felt for them every time I activated their plot scene xDΒ
YEAH YEAH D: that skill was so stupid! And I think he could use your summons against yourself of something and it was really stupid and even when you tried to fight only using psynergy it was really hard and he could still use your djinns and it was sooooooooo unfair! But yeah spamming summons is usually the way to go ahahah
LOL TEEHEE I have a tendency to not like "point of no returns" so since I knew that I can't go back after going into Sol Sanctum and getting the stars, I would waste time looking over the town and talking to everyone and learning the side dialogue~ (like I'm pretty sure some random npc loves Jenna or something, its that dude that's dramatically looking at the river where the bridge broke and Felix nearly drowned)
yes yes big fan big fan eve eheheΒ
LOL yeh pretty much! xD He failed big time and even the Wise One was ahead of his game and shut him down instantly! I loved finishing the game to see that happening! It was such a great bonus, I can't even
(omg I love that little interaction, it's prefect to describe it yeees)
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ThunderSpade In reply to MarVogue [2015-07-25 19:32:04 +0000 UTC]
I remember seeing lemuria or that area it's in and just being like LEMME IN and ramming around the place with my boat looking for any way to enter :'D Ocean took hours to explore and I doubt I ever found everything LOL
I loved exploring the boat even though you didn't really get too because of all the scene triggers hnng. I just see barrels in that game and get super excited. ARE THERE ITEMS? *sparkles*
Such a hard boss. Had to spam all the best summons before he inevitably took all my shit :'D Your stats are so low without djinn it's crazy what is the point of gear when you can just wear a djinn body suit and like, tape them on you
UGH DARK DAWN WAS LIKE 80% NO RETURN POINTS If you miss a djinn it's like "well shit can't go back there". I don't think I ever re-entered sol sanctum since back then when characters were like "WE CAN'T GO BACK" I took it super literally and would never go back to old areas like a derp
Alex will always be the weird derp villain that you're like "How did you get to this point, seriously you're so bad at this" XF
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ThunderSpade In reply to UrbanTheProfessional [2014-10-12 22:29:22 +0000 UTC]
Thanks bro~ ^ ^
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ThunderSpade In reply to D685ab7f-pis [2014-10-12 22:29:29 +0000 UTC]
Thanks man, I will :3
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