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| Thivilt
# Statistics
Favourites: 658; Deviations: 32; Watchers: 4
Watching: 16; Pageviews: 2611; Comments Made: 71; Friends: 16
# Comments
Comments: 84
Iovena [2019-11-03 18:11:39 +0000 UTC]
Sag mal, machst du auch bei NaNo mit? Ich glaube, du warst bei ein paar Word Wars dabei.Β
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MichaelOdomArt [2015-12-26 22:01:49 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the ! Stop by and check out my comic sometime at www.HOLIDAY-WARS.com
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ThornRedRayne1 [2015-12-25 04:03:11 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for all the faves! I really appreciate it!Β Β Β
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Sara-Favalli [2015-09-14 16:52:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the favorite, Jule!!! Β Β Β Β
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Thivilt In reply to Serra-Tayanami [2015-08-09 19:38:05 +0000 UTC]
Pas de problème ^^
It really is a cool tattoo (and my french to bad to say it in french ^^)
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Thivilt In reply to Mimi-Weather [2015-08-06 18:30:30 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome (and a really good artist ^^)
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Faerietopia [2015-08-04 18:02:58 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for adding Thorin Smokenshield - Centerfold to your favorites!!!Β Β Β Β
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Faerietopia [2015-07-31 13:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for following my X reader segments with characters from The Hobbit.Β Β Β Β
Here is the full story:
Β An Introduction of Sorts - Gandalf x Reader
Β Warrior Boot Camp - Dwalin x Reader
Β Say What??? - Bifur x Reader
Β More Stew, Please! - Bombur x Reader
Β For The Sake of Art - Ori x Reader
Β Misunderstood - Oin x Reader Β
Β Just a Word - Thorin x Reader
Β It's the Beard - Gloin x Reader
Β One I Could Follow - Balin x Reader
Β Hey, That's Mine! - Nori x Reader
Β Replaced - Fili x Reader
Β Bottoms Up! - Bofur x Reader
Β May I Tempt You? - Dori x Reader
Β Blackmail - Kili x Reader
Β Deflecting - Bilbo x Reader
Β Never Late! - Gandalf x Reader
Β Erebor's Eve - Thorin x Reader (Bonus)
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Laur-A-rt [2015-07-15 13:15:51 +0000 UTC]
Thanks soo much for the fave!Β Β
Great photographs and drawings!
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Thivilt In reply to Laur-A-rt [2015-07-15 18:51:41 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
Thank you ^^
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