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| TheTacticalWolf

TheTacticalWolf [9702416] [] "Everything has a solution."

# Statistics

Favourites: 533; Deviations: 21; Watchers: 20

Watching: 21; Pageviews: 17422; Comments Made: 9442; Friends: 21

# Comments

Comments: 359

ricketystiks [2022-11-10 03:26:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

TheTacticalWolf In reply to ricketystiks [2022-11-10 16:02:41 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

WayneBenedet [2016-08-15 13:32:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the

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SohmaSatori [2014-04-17 12:14:32 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday! x3

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2014-04-17 13:29:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Big sis!! Hope to hear from you on skype to day to join me and Shayna!    

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2014-04-17 13:44:32 +0000 UTC]

I think I can around 4pm-5pm today. :3

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2014-04-17 14:16:11 +0000 UTC]

Your time or my time? Cause other wise me and Shayna will be on in the evening,I'm gonna bring my xbox one to set up the skyp vid call

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2014-04-18 00:20:44 +0000 UTC]

I will be on in about 2-3 hours ish. I need to prepare dinner then I can be online :3

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2014-04-18 00:50:05 +0000 UTC]

Awesome,We'll be online so just join whenever or call me and you can join us (Seriously call though cause I may be on Fallout new vegas on my PC and may not hear the message)

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FearlessFlying [2014-04-17 08:10:52 +0000 UTC]

......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to FearlessFlying [2014-04-17 13:26:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!  

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ben13241 [2013-11-13 12:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch, dude.

Appreciate it.

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to ben13241 [2013-11-13 18:26:58 +0000 UTC]

Glad too since the dead frontier art catch my attention

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Babby-Nub [2013-10-09 22:11:42 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to Babby-Nub [2013-10-09 23:24:18 +0000 UTC]

I was about to say that I could add you if you'd like,kiddo

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Babby-Nub In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2013-10-09 23:29:57 +0000 UTC]



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TheTacticalWolf In reply to Babby-Nub [2013-10-09 23:30:55 +0000 UTC]

Ok,ok give me a sec

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SohmaSatori [2012-07-03 06:54:02 +0000 UTC]

Hi bro

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2012-07-03 12:11:18 +0000 UTC]

Big Sis!O.O

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2012-07-07 05:18:36 +0000 UTC]

*dances* Hallo~ >w>

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SohmaSatori [2012-03-29 21:30:18 +0000 UTC]

hi OwO

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2012-03-29 21:33:15 +0000 UTC]

Ah! Big sis you suddenly said something haha

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2012-03-30 08:35:45 +0000 UTC]

I apologize for being gone so long...Ive been having severe artists block and havent been using my computer a lot. Im a bit of ashamed with myself, so Im forcing myself to draw again. =w=;

Surprisingly, I do a little bit better everytime I take a break from drawing, I dont know why o_o Right now Im making a Neko Miku Reimu picture. Its still in its rough draft form, but it looks pretty good! Still, there are a few proportions that are off, but I can always fiz that! >w<

I may have to post pone it though, since I need to make a B-day pic for my Banzatou ^_^- Im not sure what to make but I have 4 days, and Im on spring vacation! >=3

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2012-03-30 11:25:18 +0000 UTC]

It's ok Big sis,I'll wait on ya till you return I have spring vacation starting next week too!!

and as For Alberts B-day pic,yeah you should O.O we only have 4 days till his birthday haha! Anyways tell him I said happy birthday!I'l be around still just on Sl or Minecraft with everyone Whoo!^^

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2012-04-02 09:19:58 +0000 UTC]

Now I only have 2 days left...I have the rough draft done, so now I just need to ink and color~ No sleeping tonight! >=3

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2012-04-02 14:32:58 +0000 UTC]

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!-Runs around cheering excitedly,but fights though the cold at the same time-

I really can't wait to see how it comes out,I'm sure he'll love it!

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2012-04-02 22:56:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^_^ Its a simple drawing, nothing complex, but I thought it would be nice to draw him something for once. ^_^

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Padzi [2011-12-11 11:51:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch!

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to Padzi [2011-12-11 13:40:41 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!!

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King-Zairak [2011-11-22 03:22:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for faving!

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SohmaSatori [2011-11-10 22:17:32 +0000 UTC]

You've been hugged!
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)

1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay!
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!

Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1, On Second thought, Please give one back.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved

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SohmaSatori [2011-11-09 01:24:12 +0000 UTC]

I Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked why: ... The angel said:"angels don't watch over angels!"
Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, One is reading this message. Send this to ten friends including me if I don't get it back then I guess I'm not one of them... as soon as you get five replies someone you love will quietly surprise you..

👍: 0 ⏩: 3

TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-12-17 20:49:06 +0000 UTC]

-After managing to get up I stumbled around my room slowly getting feeling back bit by bit-...need to find out whats going on..-I stumbled around the room looking at things,it felt like point and click adventure as I was mumbling details of things I picked up or looked at-

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-12-01 21:22:57 +0000 UTC]

-Weakly looked up again- Miss..who are you..?-It was rather hard to tell when my vision was blurring on and off still from the morphine,I could only assume you were just another nurse-

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-10 22:40:05 +0000 UTC]

-A few days after the camping trip I was happy and very at ease,I had few sketches of nofaces,but of those shadowy things too..-

Best camping trip ever ^^-I post photo of the nofaces on the fridge with a funny magnet-

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-10 23:22:43 +0000 UTC]

*I begin to get bored in the hospital* I want to go and work out...I dont want to be weak anymore...I want to beat up my enemies! >.<


O_O Crrrrrrrrrap....*slowly takes the IV needle out of my hand and turns into my wolf pup form* (thinks - run run run RuN rUn RUN!) *runs lightly trying not to open my chest wound*

Nurse - why is there a dog in here?! Sherry, is this yours?! *she picks me up by the skin of my neck and shows me to a blonde haired nurse*

Sherry - n-no? And please, stop accusing me of things! *they both hear a scream from afar and see the figure with chains breaking through one of the hospital walls. In one of his hands is a nurses head with tenticals pierced through her neck, going all the way through till it broke through her skin. He turns his head slowly and looks in our direction. Both nurses panic and I get tossed down as they both run away*

Ahhhh no noo nooo!!! O_O *runs and hides inside of a storage room. I hear the two nurses scream, followed by muffled cries, and skin tearing. I close my eyes and cover my ears with my paws* (thinks - plz dont find me...dont find me...) *I hear footsteps coming my way and I look up, the monster is right in front of me. In both hands are bloody corpses of the two nurses I was just with. He didnt bother with infecting them, he just mauled them both. He dropped one of the bodies right next to me, and I see the womans strained and bleeding eyes. I unintentionally whimpered and cried out of fear, and the monster tossed the other body through a wall while looking down at me. It picks me up by the stomach, causing my chest cavity to open slightly, but then it smells me. It suddenly becomes frightened, and begins yelling and thrashing.

(thinks - let me go...Im getting nauseous...)*it loosens its grip and I fall in a shipping box full of donated clothes. It smashes through a nearby wall and runs off out of visual capabilities*

Owww...my head...my chest...*feels blood leaking on to the clothes* I really just want to get home TTwTT *weakly climbs out of the box and walks out of the hole in the wall. I hear sirens and hide in a nearby bush, several ambulances arrive as well as a few cop cars too.*

(I better get home...they might accuse me of doing this o_o *walks off quietly*

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-11 00:44:10 +0000 UTC]

-The nofaces heard from distant the chaos that erupted,could have it been more endermen..they couldn't do much it's un human territory they watch from nearby tree line horrible events that occurred-

I hope sis is doing alright..hostpital didn't let me know about wen she was avaibal for visit..-my ears lowered worried something happen- No..n-ono.. it's ok.. I should just watch some T.V..yeah -I flipped the t.v on only to see breaking new report of what occurred- WHAT!?!-my eyes widen if I could Id have been pale as ghost hearing all this-

..Oh God..this can't be..this can't be real..I'm just having a nightmare..

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-11 01:08:25 +0000 UTC]

*walks through several bushes and lays down to rest* Man, Im beat...Gotta rest a little...*begins to close my eyes*

Girl - Puppy! OwO *she pokes my ear and it twitches*

I mumble - plz, not now...go awaaaaay....*is irritated and wants to sleep*

Girl - Oh! Your hurt doggy! *she picks me up and my chest wound opens a little more*

Sweet Jesus girl, lemme go! *is mad because of the pain, but she ignores me and takes me to her house. She lays me on her bed and lays next to me smiling*

Girl - Im gonna call you fluffers! >w<

(thinks - jeez she is annoying...well, I guess this isnt so bad...much more comfortable than....grass....*falls asleep*

Girls mom - dinners ready! Come down!
Girl - coming! Wait here fluffers! Ill sneak some food for you. >w<
Girls mom - who are you talking to honey???
Girl - No One! Im coming right nowww!~ *she hops out of the room and walks downstairs*

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-11 01:12:09 +0000 UTC]

-I get up grabbing my gear and look at the card that says "B.P.R.D"- I don't think I should involve the Bearue in this after all maybe its ..who am I kidding it is probably ancient demon or monster for all I know ..Oh boy..-I grab my backpsack concealing my magnum inside and and hurried my way to the scene of the hospital,my ears lowered the smell of blood was wrenching enough..I was scared how many casualties there are-

God..its a mess-I saw the body bags of the nurses-

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-17 22:30:19 +0000 UTC]

*I suddenly hear a crash and some screams from below me, I force myself awake and I see the little girl staring at her mother being strangled. The tenticals are about to stab her but then I bark at it, and growl.(thinks - It was afraid of me at the hospital, so maybe now he will just leave) It looks at me and lets go of the mother, it walks closely to me and grabs me. It studies me, trying to understand why I smell like the dark figures*

Girl - Let go of fluffers! >o< *she pounds her small fists on his leg*

Hey! Run away! *I jump down, and mid air I change into my human form. I grab the girl, roll and pick her up while now standing. The monster looks at me and recognizes me now. It begins walking toward me with a clenched fist*

Girl - No way OoO Your the best fluffers ever! XD
Girls mother - Get away from them! Nina, come over here! *she reaches her hand to her, and the girl runs over to her*

I'll distract him, you two get to safety...*I turn back into my wolf pup form and begin running out of one of the holes in the walls the monster had made. The monster begins running after me, and I start to slow down* (thinks - where should I go...huh?) *sees a ground hog hole and hides inside. The monster stops, and looks into the hole. He punches the hole causing a ton of dirt to cover the exit. I hear a couple of grunts and steps, and the monster leaves*

Its so dark here...maybe...I can rest now...*lays down and notices my chest is bleeding still, my eyes start to close bit by bit*

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-17 23:56:17 +0000 UTC]

-After sometime I overheard the police chatter about something happening at that very house-

Officer:I have no idea what's going on but I bet it serial killer behind this!

(I highly dout that...)
-I managed to follow where they were going..by a distants to avoid suspicion as I approached near the house as I smelled it again blood,fresh too-

Somone is hurt but where?-I hurried looking around to see the hoole- Wait..a pup its got scar like si...Oh no

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-18 00:10:42 +0000 UTC]

*hears the commotion outside and my ear twitches. My chest feels numb, and my head feels heavy. I smell you nearby* Darkar? *I look up and see a figure that resembles your own*

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-18 00:13:47 +0000 UTC]

Sis!-I carefully pick you up-We need to get you some where to have the wound patched up.. how did this all happen..

Officer:Check around back for any clues of the suspect.

OH shit..O.O-I look around quikly to find a way to hurry and run for it- (Think,think,think!)

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-18 00:23:30 +0000 UTC]

Lets hide in the gopher holes, theres a lot of tunnels...Besides, its not safe here...*dark figures begin to gather but all are hidden pretty well*

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-18 00:29:25 +0000 UTC]

I can't fit in there though -My ear layed back- I'm not gonna back down from a fight either-I carefully placed you in my backpack-

(I really hope that book I found in the library with Raina works..O.O)

Err where is it-I flip through OLD looking book as its just full of odd symbols and letters-

-I see them beggining to gather-

Fu..fs ro..fus ro.. Fus Ro ..ERRGH -my ears pin as adrenaline and energy of that in a wolf but that of a dragon-

-I saw them gathering now-

FUS RO DAH!!!-I shouted this out loud as blast wave of energy blew the figures away some even were destroyed by the power of it,I felt my lung my spirit and howl everything in that shout-

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-18 00:35:11 +0000 UTC]

*feels the energy you gave off and yips cheering for you* You can do it!~ *tail wiggles weakly but happily. I lay deep into your backpack and rests there. I then notice a ripped page in your bag, and hand it to you* Maybe this will help? *it has a few blood stains on it, but it is still pretty eligible*

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-18 00:39:11 +0000 UTC]

-I take it reading it carefully,my spirit ws bit worn out by the shout,it takes lot of energy to use one let alone- Ok Uhmm uh..

Ra..RAN MIR TAHH!!!-The moment I shouted this the officers had encountered more of the figures,but in nick of time the cavalry had arrived the nofaces heard the shout as if it summoned them to come aid us-

Officer:What are these things!?!

-a figure nearly killed one of the officers,but jorge chomped up the figure thrashing it a part saving him-

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-18 00:50:48 +0000 UTC]

*hides in your backpack. The few dark figures that survived screech out to call for reinforcements* (thinks - Somehow I feel like this is all of my fualt...I led that monster down from the mountains, and now all of this.) *I climb out of your bag and turn back into my half human form* This is getting bad...

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TheTacticalWolf In reply to SohmaSatori [2011-11-18 00:53:14 +0000 UTC]

I can't .. keep the.. away-panting more and more- k..just need to rest..-I hear the nofaces arrive as they attack the figures in the area,jorges friends takes care of the "aid" for the figures they will not be joining us after his friends introduce themselves to them-

I need to rest..too much..energy..-I sat onto the ground panting- I feel drained.. spiritually as well.. thats..impossible..

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SohmaSatori In reply to TheTacticalWolf [2011-11-18 01:24:06 +0000 UTC]

Its ok...catch your breath. *I help you rest on the ground and uses your bag as a pillow. I take the sheet of paper and attempt to read it* Ran...ran mar....ran mir tan? *nods in understanding, and I start to glow white. I read several incantations and the glow brightens* Whoa, w-what did I do? O_O *my heart is racing*

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