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| TheRainbowDragon
# Statistics
Favourites: 89248; Deviations: 230; Watchers: 181
Watching: 259; Pageviews: 52217; Comments Made: 44393; Friends: 259
# Comments
Comments: 13970
Devinesouljah [2018-01-10 01:41:20 +0000 UTC]
Want Daisy in main and other titled games that's not sports? Super Mario Run helped changed that as she's got more potential down the line, her future lies here
Share this message to everyone
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PULLAST0RMY [2016-10-12 23:11:32 +0000 UTC]
voit muuten laittaa mun uuden accountin sun sedäksi senkin veturi. :^)
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to PULLAST0RMY [2016-10-18 18:48:32 +0000 UTC]
Hhhhhhhh en edes puhu ihmisille kovinkaa täällä ja oon myöhässä mut ok
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DWN-022 [2016-08-22 19:16:34 +0000 UTC]
Huaaah, laitan myöhään viestiä deviantartin kautta koska tumblrin viesteistä ei koskaan tiedä meneekö ne perille-
hyvää syntymäpäivää!! : D
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to DWN-022 [2016-08-22 19:43:37 +0000 UTC]
Haluutko olla yksi ensimmäisistä jolla on sketch-request slotti koska mä aijon avata sellaset tumblerissa viimestään ens kuussa :33
(oli tarkotus tehä tää tumblerissa jo sillon ku sain sadannen seuraajan mut vähä myöhästy)
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DWN-022 In reply to TheRainbowDragon [2016-08-24 15:37:43 +0000 UTC]
myöhäinen vastaus on myöhäinen, köh
Toki toki : D
En tosin heti keksi mitä requestaisin p:
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to DWN-022 [2016-09-16 21:40:59 +0000 UTC]
Ei se mitään ku en pysty tässäkää kuussa toivottavasti ens kuussa avaan~~~~
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to Rotschmetterling [2016-06-12 19:37:26 +0000 UTC]
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to Sekares-Arisawa [2015-12-03 17:01:30 +0000 UTC]
Np your art is awesome!!
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to NekonK [2015-11-14 17:53:06 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome ^^ I love everything 3D and that model is gr8
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to MaelysTremblay [2015-11-14 17:37:20 +0000 UTC]
Yes. I made a post about this on my Tumblr.
It makes me sick seeing some people immediately go to hate and racism because of this...
The way to deal with attacks on innocent people isn't attacking more innocent people... ever...
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MaelysTremblay In reply to TheRainbowDragon [2015-11-14 18:18:12 +0000 UTC]
You're right. But people can't stand this situation anymore. They need to scream their anger... I hope they'll keep in mind that the terrorists are no longer humans, they're monsters... And that they'll stop to hurt other humans.
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to TheChocolateZorua [2015-05-17 07:30:13 +0000 UTC]
??? hello
who art thou? :3
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TheChocolateZorua In reply to TheRainbowDragon [2015-05-17 21:44:20 +0000 UTC]
Eh...That's hard to explain.
How about you?
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Rotschmetterling [2014-12-21 20:23:36 +0000 UTC]
sorry there was a small problem with the items metagrossnite and so I cpuld mot battle fiest now it should work!
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to Rotschmetterling [2014-12-21 20:41:47 +0000 UTC]
I accidently pushed a button whoops lol
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to Rotschmetterling [2014-12-21 20:39:46 +0000 UTC]
Do we trade now? Invite me into whatever you wanna do next c:
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Rotschmetterling In reply to TheRainbowDragon [2014-12-21 20:43:35 +0000 UTC]
ok but i have not much on trade on my alpha saphr
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to Rotschmetterling [2014-12-21 20:52:24 +0000 UTC]
I'll just give you some pokes I have multiples of or something
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Rotschmetterling In reply to TheRainbowDragon [2014-12-21 20:54:28 +0000 UTC]
fine i have some seeper(4em) on trade and maybe i can find something nice as a rhydon or farfetch with ha
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to MRHappy88 [2014-12-16 12:00:35 +0000 UTC]
I'm really sorry! I lost mah computer sometime before August and I just haven't felt like bothering to use my mom's laptop... It's not that I don't care about you and all my other net buddies, just like I said, my PC has been dead for many many MANY months and since I have nothing I had on my OWN PC, like steam, art programs, any files, not even skype, no games... I haven't been feeling like using another person's laptop and have to install things or just... sdkafjdsgk
You can also blame my ""busy"" big brother for me being gone for like, half a year(?) since he's the one who is just now getting my PC to work, after it being broken since summer.
Anyway hi how are you?? I've been feeling many kinds of bad lately... I've been some weird kind of tired, sleepy, my muscles and joints randomly hurt from the moment I get up in the morning and I don't feel like or want to do anything really nowadays. And I nearly always feel generally weak and I have trouble breathing and feel dizzy...
And all of this is also connected to depression I think. Since I mostly only feel either something negative or feel emotionless nowadays, emotionless in the same way I remember feeling the last time I felt really down.
But uh, yeah. I'm really sorry I've been out of reach. It's been part on purpose but mostly because I haven't had my PC since this year's summer. I'll get my PC back soon though! ;w;
I have thought about you and how you must be real worried since I just suddenly disappeared and haven't told really anything to you and how I should have talked to you on SOME website and stuff like that but I never got to doing anything like you can see :c
I broke my headset though, so we can't talk until I get a new one :c But we can write to eachother like hell as soon as I finally get my computer back and working! ...Sometime before Christmas Eve :I
Right now I'm at school because I had to do some paperwork stuff earlier today.
Please don't worry about me feeling bad too much while I'm still on this stoopid STOOPID hiatus! Because I'll be going to the doctors and later some specialists to try and find out why I've been tired, aching and other bad things for at least a month straight now... Also feels like I'm always a little sick, like, a small cold all the time...
See you soon hopefully!
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MRHappy88 In reply to TheRainbowDragon [2014-12-16 17:50:22 +0000 UTC]
owh my god i thought you where dead. i was so worries xcuse me if i'm showing tears right now but i am so happy you arn't dead. i really missed you and i can't go over how worried i was. amagad. i am so happy you're alive that i'll give you a gift. i soft reset my pokemon omega ruby fir a shiny treeco started and i had success after 60 soft resets. once its a fully specialized trained shiny mega sceptile i'll give it to you. <3 my god what was i worried. i am verry sad to hear things arn't going well with you. maybe once you'll get your stuff back i'll be able to make you feel better? . i rly am looking forward to seeing you again. *sigh* well thank you for letting me know you're alive. i miss you for now. please write me soon <3
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to MRHappy88 [2014-12-18 15:44:52 +0000 UTC]
Yup I didn't die ;u; my computer just did and now I gotta wait for a new power-source. And sometime new headset.. don't know when I can mic with you because of dat .-.
OH MY GOD REALLY? You sure you want to give me that shiny you spammed for? And train it before giving it to me???
I can't wait to get my Alpha Sapphire ;U; Especially now that you promised me a cool shiny like that X3
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kagomegirl96 [2014-07-29 07:42:45 +0000 UTC]
Omg, you seem so cool and I really like your art! +1 watch!
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TheRainbowDragon In reply to kagomegirl96 [2014-07-29 18:47:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank youuu so much!
even though I don't know how I seem cool
I'm not cool I'm a dork XD
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