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| ThanEros
# Statistics
Favourites: 1731; Deviations: 131; Watchers: 83
Watching: 63; Pageviews: 23134; Comments Made: 1578; Friends: 63
# Comments
Comments: 267
Tenwood [2013-08-14 18:33:25 +0000 UTC]
Hi there!
There hasn't been anything going on with the Ouro club and I was wondering if everything was alright and/or if you need some assistance with it.
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lakengubben [2013-08-02 18:06:52 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for adding my piece to your collection!
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ThanEros In reply to Khay-Lis [2013-07-25 15:51:54 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome friend~ Be ready for the fav spam XD
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ThanEros In reply to misakigozen [2013-07-25 15:52:04 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome _o/
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Meilyli [2013-03-29 10:13:45 +0000 UTC]
Teeeeeeeeeed tu es ici toi aussi hohohohohohoho~ <3<3<3
(J'ai fav' la photo sans mΓͺme regarder de qui c'Γ©tait, je pensais que c'Γ©tait une d'Inu hahaha XD ! J'aime bien l'edit que tu as fait dessus btw \^w^/ !!! )
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ThanEros In reply to Meilyli [2013-03-30 22:48:29 +0000 UTC]
Mwahaha je suis partout *^* Content de t'avoir trouvΓ© ici
Kufufufu c'est que l'Inu est tellement plus connu XD Merci~
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Meilyli In reply to ThanEros [2013-03-31 22:02:09 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha pas faux, elle est famous notre Inu, elle se rend pas compte ! <3
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drakshadow666 [2013-03-28 12:16:32 +0000 UTC]
Sumimasen!Je ne fais que passer un little message pour aider qqun =3
Et en plus parce que tu fais des cosplays amazing xD
We need members here, please, unite ... ---> [link]
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ThanEros In reply to drakshadow666 [2013-03-30 22:47:14 +0000 UTC]
C'est toujours un plaisir sauf que le lien... n'est pas un lien XD
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drakshadow666 In reply to ThanEros [2013-03-31 19:19:08 +0000 UTC]
AH!Sumimasen!Je t'envoie de suite le bon lien ^^'"
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ThanEros In reply to Sheila-Is-My-Queen [2013-03-30 22:48:31 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome~
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ThanEros In reply to kenseigoku [2013-03-24 22:58:42 +0000 UTC]
Pas de quoi, j'aime beaucoup ce personnage ainsi que cette illustration.
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ThanEros In reply to KitsuneLolita [2013-03-24 22:58:54 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome~
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Double-A-Cosplay [2013-02-19 19:08:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for all the favorites! We really appreciate it!
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ThanEros In reply to Double-A-Cosplay [2013-02-26 20:44:36 +0000 UTC]
You both are welcome~
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