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TeamTachi [26381230] [] "badum tss"

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# Comments

Comments: 203

dropit141 [2014-02-07 18:16:48 +0000 UTC]

Give ♥ This♥ To ♥ The ♥ Twelve ♥ Nicest ♥ People ♥ You ♥ Know ♥ If ♥ You ♥ Get ♥ Five ♥ Back ♥ You ♥ Must ♥ Be ♥ Perfect

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dropit141 [2013-08-29 12:15:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I just accideantly ran into your page and you seem like Haruhi series fan, am I right? xP

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-02 08:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Yep, definitely! I'm a hardcore fan! :3

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-02 09:01:26 +0000 UTC]

Awesome xP I'm kind of looking for people like that... Just a quick question now, which character is your favorite?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-03 04:42:18 +0000 UTC]

I would have to say Yuki Nagato! Especially human Nagato from the manga, the disappearance of Yuki Nagato. Way cuter and funnier than the human Nagato from the movie, in my opinion. I'm actually planning on cosplaying her for the next upcoming convention I'm attending!

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-03 13:44:59 +0000 UTC]

Well thats awesome xP And I agree with the stuff about human Nagato. And cosplaying her should be nice experience And since you are a fan of these series I must add you to my friends list xP If you have any thoughts or just anything related to those series it would be a pleasure for me to chat with you

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-06 03:36:23 +0000 UTC]

Sure! Anytime! A conversation about TMOHS would be awesome!

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-06 13:09:34 +0000 UTC]

Hope you won't mind me asking a question, but how did you feel and what do you think about all the characters after The Dissapearance movie? I really liked it and want to know what others think about it xP

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-07 01:19:12 +0000 UTC]

After the movie Yuki became my favorite character because her story was really touching for me and I could understand why she would change the world like that. I really liked Haruhi as a private school student (especially her long hair) and for Koizumi, he was just there. XD Anyways, I was still somewhat scared of Ryoko especially when she stabbed Kyon in the back. I didn't think much different for Mikuru and Tsuruya but both of them are still super cute. And as for Kyon, I kinda hated him for a while after he made human Yuki cry but then he completely regained my trust when he spoke with Yuki on the rooftop and promised he would never let the Data Integration Thought Entity erase her "errors". So yeah, that was the longest movie I think I've ever seen but every second was worth it.

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-07 06:40:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for such a review I must totally agree with all your statements xP And I think that the rooftop scene was one of the most touching things in my life... And just for sake of fun, which romance options do you think would be most likely to happen? Not talking about Kyon only. xP

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-08 08:45:38 +0000 UTC]

Uh...let's see.... (we all knew this one was coming...-.-) Haruhi x Kyon, maybe Mikuru x  Koizumi, Yuki x Book (or computer, in Haruhi-chan XD) Yuki x Kyon, Fangirl x Koizumi, and I can't think of much else.... but if we're talking about Yuri, definitely Yuki x Asakura and Tsuruya x Mikuru. It's so popular......well anyways, what do you think about The Genderbending of Haruki (or Haruhiko) Suzumiya?

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-08 11:59:21 +0000 UTC]

I have never been a big fan of gender bending, but it's funny Though it's really weird... And well Kyonko looks nice xP And if to give some deeper thoughts here, I think Haruki can be dangerous o_o Even as a girl she is vicious, but a guy? Yea... Thats pretty much all I can think in this topic, if you have anything to add, feel free to do it :3

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-08 17:59:14 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, even though Haruki is supposed to be the main character, I feel Kyonko gets much more popularity. XD Koizumi (Itsuko) has a thing for Kyonko which I find funny and creepy at times. Yuuki is no different. It's just Yuki as a guy with another "u" in the name. (Don't worry Yuuki, I still like your cool personality!) But Mitsuuru, for some weird reason he is seen most still wearing a maid uniform. I thought he would be put in a butler uniform or something.... and Ryou has a sword instead of a knife which I find pretty cool. But sadly, I happened to stumble upon an Ecchi version of the genderbent S.O.S Brigade......it was too horrible to even think about...wow, I talk way too much. Moving on, have you seen Haruhi-chan and Nyoron Churuya-san?

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-08 18:21:22 +0000 UTC]

First, let me comment on things you just stated: that maid uniform is really weird xP And the sword! Thats totally awesome xP Ryou must be a total badass (sudenly a weird idea, what if Ryouko met Ryou? )!
Now about spin-offs, yea I watched them both and enjoyed every minute of them And well Haruhi-chan is a masterpiece xD Especially the otaku Yuki part, she gets some kind of more human-like personality xP And well Nyoron thing, it's made almost of pure cuteness and smoked cheese! Nothing more to say. Now what are your views on those? And you don't talk too much xP It's really fun to have a long answer

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-08 18:36:22 +0000 UTC]

About the genderbent part, I wrote partial of a fan-fiction on Haruhi and other characters meeting their genderbent selves in writing class. XD So now, about those spin-offs, they were amazingly awesome! Kyon played the straight man a lot but he co-signed with Haruhi a few times which made it even better! Then when it had Otaku Yuki I thought my life was complete! She is just like me! Always on the computer! XD I loved the series so much that I bought the first six volumes! The anime extends only to the second volume but the other four are ridiculously stupid (in a good way)! The opening for the last episode of Haruhi-chan was so awesome there should be a visual novel made just for the purpose of that opening to be included! Oh yeah, and Nyoron Churuya-san was cute, simple, and funny. For the next few days after finishing the series "Nyoron" was my mental catchphrase and Smoked cheese became my favorite food! (Also is it just me, or was Mikuru really scary in Nyoron Churuya-san? O.O)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-08 19:06:32 +0000 UTC]

You could write fan-fiction in writing class?! Thats awesome xP And the opening in last episode, it was magnificent xP And I loved Kyon's reaction after it "What the hell was that...?"

 In Churuya series Mikuru was veeery scary O_O Especially her voice lol. Now I really feel like I should ask you something again, but I'm really tired and out of ideas... Also I need to get some sleep, so I leave the keeping up the conversation part to you. xP I won't answer now, but ill make sure to do it the next day.

Oh and right, just out of curiosity, are you more into drawing or writing or something else?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-08 21:22:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, all I can say is I'm an amateur artist. I'm not that very good compared to what I've seen. At times I can come up with very good fan-fiction plots as long as it has to do with anime or video games or something like that. Usually I want to draw it out but like I said I'm an amateur and kind of a perfectionist so I'll end up beating myself up about it and never get it done. I do like building (and destroying) things though I don't do it often. Actually at this very moment I'm working on a Yuri fan-fiction from Touhou project (PatchuKoa) So if there are any fan-fiction suggestions just tell me! (It doesn't have to be just from Haruhi either)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-09 14:54:16 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see... It would be nice to read some of yours if I ever have time... Now sadly I don't have any ideas for a fanfic... Anyways, what other stuff are you a fan of? I mean any video games, anime etc?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-11 03:13:32 +0000 UTC]

(I finished the fanfic and now I'm working on a non-Yuri fanfic about Patchy turning chibi.) Uh, I'm into all types of things. I love video games like Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash bros, Legend of Zelda, Mortal Kombat, you name it. For anime, that list is way too long. But stuff like Clannad, Soul Eater, TMOHS, Lucky Star, Naruto, DBZ, Elfen Lied, Angel Beats, Inuyasha, FMA, etc. I like reading doujin, but mostly Touhou Doujin. (Because that's all the doujin I ever get to read) For manga, basically the same thing as Anime. How about you?

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-11 18:10:10 +0000 UTC]

Well for games, I mainly play LoL and WoW xP Quite a fan of mass effect series... And for anime, I'm a big fan of TMOHS ofc, Hellsing series and SAO xP I'm not very rich in anime experience...

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-11 23:26:54 +0000 UTC]

I've seen the first few episodes of SAO. I really like it so far. If you watch Lucky Star the anime is full of all types of anime references. In fact, Konata is an Otaku and loves TMOHS in Lucky Star, and to make it even more ironic, she has the same VA as Haruhi! Lucky Star is what made me watch TMOHS in the first place. The anime really has no plot but is super funny random and awesome! (I've been going back to catch all the anime references lately.)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-12 06:43:49 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I watched some episodes of Lucky Star and it really is full of TMOHS references xP I somehow couldn't watch the entire anime... Maybe cuz of fear that somebody will come into my room and see that I am watching something like that xD I think I should finish it sometime... And well SAO is really good xP Though most people say that it gets lame at later episodes, but I liked every second of it...  Now since you watched Elfen Lied, whats your opinion on it?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-12 23:16:29 +0000 UTC]

Actually I read the manga which is much longer and more detailed than the anime. I happened to catch a few episodes of it though, and I love the opening song, Lillium. It ended on short notice, with alot of suspense and mystery. It was probably one of the only anime with alot of gore that I watch. I mean, who do you think could beat Lucy? I really can't think of anyone. The only way is neutralizing her vectors by putting her in pain before she notices you. Which may result in quite a few torn limbs right about now. XD

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-13 06:34:38 +0000 UTC]

Ah I see xP I personally only watched anime of it and well it was cool xP Didn't seem too gory for me since my first anime was Hellsing Ultimate which has even more blood and unnecessary killing than Elfen Lied ;D But what I really like was strong plot. Very strong... Oh and if there is any more overpowered anime character than Lucy it must be Alucard (from Hellsing). xP Thats just my opinion, I haven't seen a lot of anime.

 "Alucard fights with ferocity and often-extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated.  One of his favorite methods is allowing himself to be blown to shreds before simply flowing back together. " - from Hellsing Wiki.

-Sorry for going of the topic-


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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-13 21:07:33 +0000 UTC]

You didn't go off topic. Also I can say that I kinda really liked how Elfen Lied was gory....and I've heard people debate about Alucard vs. Lucy alot.....too bad I never watched Hellsing before XD Maybe I should.... anyways, it was fun to watch all the different ways Lucy could kill people. Using their heads as ammo, ripping their limbs off, ripping them in half completely, using other body parts as ammo too, paralyzing the victim by making blood of their loved ones shower over them... oh such fun!

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-14 08:07:22 +0000 UTC]

....throwing boats on people, using pens to penetrate their chest and killing them in any sick way you can think of.... xD And you should definetly watch Hellsing xP Alucard is as "creative" as Lucy. *spoiler* rips person's legs off and lets him think that he has a chance to escape, he crawls out of the room and sees that the only way to escape is to climb up a long long staircase. Then Alucard comes to him, says some epic lines and lets his demon dog feast on the poor guy.

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-14 23:14:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, someone showed that to me before! Pretty brutal guy, huh? I might try to watch Hellsing but I usually get sidetracked. A LOT. It's rare that I ever get through an episode of an anime without being reminded of something else and checking up on that. Then about 10 Touhou wiki pages later, I remember I was watching something....then I'm out of time. -.- Sigh....

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-15 07:40:17 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm also having trouble with finishing anime usually... And especially in school year..... I almost have no free time cause I still want to attend my art school! Oh btw... Clannad, what is it about? xP I heard its an extremely sad anime... But since it's in your fave list, must be good

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-15 09:38:00 +0000 UTC]

Let's see.....Clannad is basically about this lonely girl named Nagisa who wants to join the drama club but it was closed because no one joined the year before. She then becomes friends with a boy named Tomoya and other people she never met before. They all work towards opening the drama club. The sad part of Clannad comes with the second season, Clannad After Story but not all of it. Clannad is actually very funny and usually manages to cheer you up and sad parts later on. Way funnier than it is sad. Let's just say it's a romantic school life comedy with a very in-depth plot. The anime is based off of the visual novel so it mentions things from every route in the game, so its not all about the drama club but it is a big part of it. I really suggest it. It's an amazing anime. Trust me.

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-15 09:44:57 +0000 UTC]

Ah, seems like a nice one xP Will need to watch it... If only I have time lol

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-18 06:33:03 +0000 UTC]

The only reason I was able to finish Clannad (and After Story) so fast (about 3 days) was because I stayed really focused on the plot, rather than thinking about other things which make me procrastinate. Oh yeah, and my profile picture is actually my favorite character from Clannad, Kotomi. Anyways, have you watched Highschool of the Dead?

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-18 11:32:12 +0000 UTC]

Didn't watch it... It just seems a bit out of my style xP But I can't judge without watching it. It seems quite popular, is it good?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-18 23:08:23 +0000 UTC]

I've seen only seen the first two episodes and all I can say is three words: Fan. Service. EXTREME! HOTD has more fan service in the first episode than I've ever seen on TMOHS. XD Ugly zombies and high school girls. What can I say? They mix well apparently. It was getting pretty interesting. I mean, who doesn't love an anime about surviving through the zombie apocalypse? The first two episodes were good but then I gave up because I ended up procrastinating WAY too much. I'm probably going to keep watching. (For the zombie action part.) Oh yeah, and the last anime convention I went to, I swear there was HOTD posters everywhere! Along with body pillows and these weird looking pad things with girls on it that you can grab. (I'm not into that stuff its just I barely saw anything else but that. I swear I think my eyes burned when I saw that stuff.)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-19 10:48:54 +0000 UTC]

LOOOOL! xD Seriously, something has more fan service than TMOHS?! And I think anyone's eyes could burn after seeing too much anime culture stuff... And I just remembered there was some Japanese culture festival called NowJapan in my country a couple of days ago. It included cosplay and all other stuff like that... I didn't go there mainly because I'm afraid of too much "otakuness" :C (also cause i have no money and it costs quite a lot but thats beside the point) Anyways, maybe you've seen Fate stay night or Fate zero?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-19 22:35:46 +0000 UTC]

I've heard of Fate Stay Night. On the Lucky Star OVA Konata tuned Kagami's clothes to ones like a girl from there I think (and then turned Kagami into Hatsune Miku). What's it about?

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-20 11:01:03 +0000 UTC]

Just my sister watched it recently and now keeps on telling me to watch it xP Thoght maybe you knew anything

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-20 20:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh, sorry about that... so have you head of a game called Touhou Project?

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-21 06:51:49 +0000 UTC]

Haven't heard of it... Whats that about?

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-21 17:28:39 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's really hard to explain. It's a scrolling Danmaku (bullet hell) shooter game (for PC). Uh, it's centered around this shrine maiden and her adventures through Gensokyo, a place separated from the rest of the world. Gensokyo is full of Youkai (non-human beings) like Yukari (the gap youkai), Alice (a doll maker), and residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. (Patchouli the magician, Meiling is an unknown form of Youkai who serves at the gate guard, Koakuma the devil who is Patchouli's assistant, and the scarlet sisters Remilia and Flandre. Flandre is uncontrollable and too powerful so she stays in the basement and Remilia is head of the mansion. She has a chief maid who is human, but has the power to freeze time.) Reimu is also friends with Marisa, a witch but is still a human. (Under certain requirements humans can become youkai) Yeah, a whole lot to explain. (Really, I haven't even covered half of it.) Touhou Project has over 100 girls and a few boys in it, but can't be taken lightly. This game is extremely hard to play I warn you. If you want to see what I mean look up either Alice Margatroid, Ran Yakumo, or Flandre Scarlet boss battle on lunatic. (I prefer Ran for examples of how hard it is, Alice and Flandre are hard too, but have cool music. Izu Nagae's boss battle music is one of my favorites.)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-21 17:53:59 +0000 UTC]

Ow dang it looks hard xD I will have to try it out!!! And I just lost half of my wekkend which was meant for studying watching Fate zero. Managed to get through entire first season D: And what I can say it really is fun to watch.

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-21 18:47:55 +0000 UTC]

Fun to watch? Maybe I should check it out....but now I have to finish my fan fiction.....so much to doooo! Anyways, what boss battles did you watch? If you watched Alice's boss battle IOSYS made a remix of her theme and a funny video with Alice singing called "Marisa stole the precious thing." There is also a remix of Flandre's theme with a funny video called "Rampaging Flandre." (There is Rampaging Sakuya which is longer but includes Marisa, Reimu, and all of the other residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.) Yeah, these 3 videos became my first influence to Touhou. Guard them well. XD

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-21 19:01:34 +0000 UTC]

I cant remember which exactly i watched lol.... But well it looked damn hard, with stuff all over the screen xP I guess this will be another game I could play, but I just won't have time for D:

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-21 21:37:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I need to play too....but I gotta do my fan fiction...it's damn hard to stay focused with the internet being available...not that you're getting in the way of anything! It's me....my fault. (Still, if you have any fan fiction requests, tell me!)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-22 07:08:59 +0000 UTC]

Lol, yea internet loves to make people lose focus xP Sadly,(or maybe not) I don't really have any fan fictions ideas... But I guess you already are kind of busy And even if I had idea, I think it's much more fun to write your own story than someone else's.

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-23 00:57:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, another thing about Touhou I forgot, if you were ever to play the whole series (It's 13 games, not including the .5 fighting games, which would actually make 20 games.) It's best to start with Touhou 6, Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil. The 5 games before don't really have much of a continuing plot after each game. In plus, EoSD is the only game that includes Flandre Scarlet and Koakuma (who didn't even have a name in the game, poor devil). It just came to mind suddenly so I thought I would share.

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-23 17:58:28 +0000 UTC]

Ah I see xP I really wish I could play all this stuff... But damn, school is killing me D: I barely have time to reply even xP

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-24 00:27:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, school is such a pain. I have a 5 paragraph summary of my history book chapter....auugh. Not include all my other work which would take too long to explain in full detail....

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-24 12:28:37 +0000 UTC]

Aw... That sounds like pain xP How do you find time to write your fanfics?!

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TeamTachi In reply to dropit141 [2013-09-25 23:12:06 +0000 UTC]

Some days I get off easy with just a little homework. That is when I go crazy about writing my fanfics! Yesterday I managed to write one whole fanfic in only a few hours. (I was lucky)

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dropit141 In reply to TeamTachi [2013-09-26 11:12:51 +0000 UTC]

Thats quite amazing xP

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