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| TarenPyronite
# Statistics
Favourites: 831; Deviations: 33; Watchers: 25
Watching: 82; Pageviews: 8416; Comments Made: 1348; Friends: 82
# Comments
Comments: 230
LemonPainter92 In reply to TarenPyronite [2018-06-17 08:26:51 +0000 UTC]
No problem, you're welcome.
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TarenPyronite In reply to LemonPainter92 [2017-08-06 03:34:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank You so much! I haven't been on here in a year.
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LemonPainter92 In reply to TarenPyronite [2017-08-06 06:47:53 +0000 UTC]
Aye, I noticed through your Journal that you've been through a dark place this last year. :/Β
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TarenPyronite In reply to LemonPainter92 [2017-10-29 07:36:55 +0000 UTC]
Yes... yes I have. sorry I took so long to reply.
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LemonPainter92 In reply to TarenPyronite [2017-10-29 09:23:17 +0000 UTC]
It's alright. :3Β
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TarenPyronite In reply to DJCatt [2016-04-29 01:08:17 +0000 UTC]
Hello! How are you? I'm never really on here anymore.Β
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2016-04-29 01:12:31 +0000 UTC]
I am aware of you not around on here anymore... you kind of said something about that to me the last time that we talked..
But since this is the "only way" I know how to contact you.. I left a message on here..
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TarenPyronite In reply to DJCatt [2016-06-19 04:59:29 +0000 UTC]
Hi, yes I am not really on here anymore. Been so busy. I realize this was a reply from April but, How are you?
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2016-06-19 05:06:19 +0000 UTC]
I'm busy too.... but I still care enough to make time to talk with friends when I do though.. busy is just not an excuse that works for me unless you work more than 7 days a week and more than 24 hours a day as I do... but either way,to each their own..
Yes.. I did reply on April because I'm typically swift on my replies... even if I am not around as much... *wink wink*
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TarenPyronite In reply to DJCatt [2016-06-19 05:35:44 +0000 UTC]
How are you able to work more than 24/7? That's all there is given to us.
Everyone has an amount of activity going on which they consider busy and its not really fair to compare. Also Deviantart isn't my first go to place anymore for several reasons. I Started off the end of last year and the beginning of this year very rough for my normal. Things are still not totally settled. I'm sorry I'm not on here as much anymore.
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2016-06-19 05:41:42 +0000 UTC]
It comes with the "position" sort to speak... work at day.. work at night... pretty much,I have to be "on call" at all times.. but more on that at another time.. but I am "on the clock" even now... but my position allows me to speak to you now,aha!!
But on the more serious parts.. I kind of asked you if you wasn't on dA then where else could I talk to you on... by you not answering,I figured that you just didn't want to talk.. so I just didn't ask no more..
deviantART isn't my only medium... true enough it is my "main" medium but not the only one... I made it possible to talk with friends through any method that works best for them,to make it easier for them.. I don't have 'everything' but I do have many places. It's important that I keep myself available and my options open for those who may need me for whatever,chu know?
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ONEOKCosplay [2015-08-12 10:19:36 +0000 UTC]
And thank you for the favorites too ((*^^*))
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TarenPyronite In reply to StrawberryCappo [2015-02-23 03:40:54 +0000 UTC]
Your Welcome!
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Redwolflake15 [2015-01-18 19:14:23 +0000 UTC]
*pokes* Hey, check on my Sun Wolf art! Please show it to my cousins
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C-WorldProductions [2015-01-07 02:58:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for favoring my School Riku (Kingdom Hearts) cosplay!
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TarenPyronite In reply to C-WorldProductions [2015-01-18 06:28:08 +0000 UTC]
No problem!
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TarenPyronite In reply to Redwolflake15 [2014-12-27 03:45:55 +0000 UTC]
Hi there! Miss you too! Its been a long while!
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Redwolflake15 In reply to TarenPyronite [2014-12-27 06:49:25 +0000 UTC]
X3 yes! Now we're staying in contact!!!!
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NailgunInk [2014-12-24 08:56:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the favs on "Sora and Riku" and "Miss Stitched Alice!" I really appreciate it! And I am sorry for such a late response. I suck sometimes. XD
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TarenPyronite In reply to NailgunInk [2014-12-26 04:39:37 +0000 UTC]
No Problem and don't worry about it ahaha!
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DJCatt [2014-11-28 09:27:15 +0000 UTC]
Hello there.. one of many of my friends who doesn't really even talk with me anymore.. hi~
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TarenPyronite In reply to DJCatt [2014-11-29 09:52:14 +0000 UTC]
Hi Rave! Why did you add all that I don't really talk with you anymore? You don't take time to start a conversation with me. I usually am the one to contact you first. JustΒ had to pointΒ that out.
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2014-11-29 10:04:25 +0000 UTC]
But to come at you better.. I should just say... yes you do come to me... and I feel that is "the right thing to do" because I am typically the last person to respond....
I don't always have to be first but if someone stops talking with me (as non of my replies are "ending replies") then I feel that they should come to me..
It would be different if I was not the last to respond... then I would come to someone and start a conversation... but typically I am the last to say something and I get nothing else... D:
I'm sure you can even see it through dA with me being "the last" to respond... ><
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TarenPyronite In reply to DJCatt [2014-11-29 11:33:23 +0000 UTC]
Even if you are the last to respond it doesn't mean you have to wait ages for me to respond if it doesn't look like I'm not saying anything back.Β MaybeΒ ask again about the conversation.Β I'm just saying things are not a formula that follows a strict script. Conversations can start, stop abruptly, go on for hours and days, can take many forms and can be at any pace. Sometimes they go how you'd expect and sometimes they do something totally off land and random.
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2014-11-30 02:56:33 +0000 UTC]
It isn't more about waiting more so than possibly bugging someone who doesn't want to be bugged..
Typically when you see activity from someone who hasn't responded to you.. it's because they don't want to be bothered... typically that is the case.. and I don't want to bother anyone..
The thing is.. there are those who are "ongoing with their messages" which means that they still wish to continue to talk.. and then there are those who "skips" you to talk with others..
But as I mentioned to "many others" in the past/present.. I really do not like to "bother" someone if they haven't replied to me..
And with me already feeling as I am indeed bothering "most people" as it is... if someone stops talking with me and they don't ever come to speak... it's likely that I don't hear from those people again and typically those people takes me off of their friendslist and then I speak to them about it and then they tell me that I never talk to them when in reality it's that they don't talk with me..
I will admit.. there are "some" I don't talk to... but that's because they have insulted me and I don't have to mind frame to speak with them while I'm in a fragile state of mind.. they insult me and talk down to me... personal insults and things that you just don't say to people in general. There is someone here who insults "my race",my country and my religion... which I have mentioned openly that bothers me... but he still do it anyway... and I kind of went off subject a bit...
The thing is.. I just don't want to bother anyone as I feel I am bothering most people as it is.. ><
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2014-11-29 09:55:32 +0000 UTC]
Because I am the "last" to respond... D: I just had to point that out...
I don't feel it's "right" for me to talk when I am still awaiting a reply... I mean if someone stops talking to me.. and then I go and "bother" them when they have not replied to me then I feel like I am pestering them.. :c
Understand.. I do reply to my messages...
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TarenPyronite In reply to DJCatt [2014-11-29 10:05:31 +0000 UTC]
What I'm meaning to say is starting a new conversation if an old one has stopped. I'm sorry I haven't replied. I really have no excuse.Β When the conversation replies become really long and stuff its hard to keep up. No your not pestering me. I'm kind of underΒ a lot of stress lately and so sorry if I am a bit agitated at everything.
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DJCatt In reply to TarenPyronite [2014-11-29 10:16:27 +0000 UTC]
You and me both... but anyone who's been talking with me will know what's been going on with my life...
But as I mentioned... no I don't feel it's right for me to come to anyone when I was the last to say something or reply... that isn't my fault so I don't feel I should be obligated to say anything... I will start a new conversation if for some reason "I" didn't respond to someone for whatever reason....
But if I were the last to respond (which is typically usual) and I have to go to someone who I feel "don't want to talk with me" then I feel like I'm bothering them.. I mean if someone stops talking with me.. they typically don't want to say anything else to me...
Though true enough.. if I see "no activity" from someone then I will assume something is wrong and I may come to someone and wonder "what's wrong"... but when I notice activity then me saying something to someone is more like "Hi... you haven't talked with me in a while... but I'm still checking up on you..."
True enough even I am "slow" with replies seeing I am sitting on 138 replies... slow yes... but I will get back to people at a point or another one way or another...
Stress.... I'm going through that.... but when someone dies... rather.. passed due to a homicide... things can be beyond stressful... it was even more upsetting that those I talked with didn't seem to care...
But I do care about even the smallest of issues... and with that said... I apologize that you're stressed about whatever is going on with your life...
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oOoNaruto-chanoOo [2014-11-14 13:12:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the s
My Fanpage: www.facebook.com/oOoNarutochan⦠You find here Outtake pictures, Cosplay works and
anymore stuff from me and my friends
My WorldCosplay: worldcosplay.net/member/195801
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TarenPyronite In reply to oOoNaruto-chanoOo [2014-11-24 17:23:16 +0000 UTC]
Your very Welcome! :]
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C-WorldProductions [2014-11-12 21:37:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for favoring my Kingdom Hearts - Organization XIII Riku cosplay!
<-- Riku may look displeased, but he really is happy about it! XD
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