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| Swankified-squeegee
# Statistics
Favourites: 8887; Deviations: 388; Watchers: 366
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# Comments
Comments: 1320
Swankified-squeegee In reply to Shrimpkitty [2014-05-02 00:43:24 +0000 UTC]
KELLEHHHHH <3333333333
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Lunatarr [2014-03-11 20:08:57 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the on my Kill la Kill cosplay photo! I appreciate it! c:
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Lunatarr [2014-04-29 04:44:34 +0000 UTC]
ahhh no problem! Your cosplays are awesome! C:
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Flyeaf [2013-11-10 18:22:17 +0000 UTC]
im just here to tell you that omg your sollux cosplay was sooo beautiful i almost flipped my shit
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Flyeaf [2013-11-14 00:58:04 +0000 UTC]
omg I'm surprised people even still look at my Sollux cosplay since it's so old lmao
I don't even cosplay him anymore since I mainly do Zahhaks now but thank you!! aahhh
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Flyeaf In reply to Swankified-squeegee [2013-11-17 12:21:27 +0000 UTC]
WHY U NO COSPLAY HIM it was so beautiful omg youre gonna make me cry
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Flyeaf [2013-11-27 09:43:57 +0000 UTC]
idk like...it's funny because online I got so much positive feedback for my Sollux cosplay, yet when I wore it to a con it was kinda whatever because there's already so many Sollux's around and I'm just another extra y'know? But when Equius became my fav and Hussie came out with Horuss in the comic I was super excited to cosplay an alpha troll, especially one that wasn't cosplayed very often. Same thing with ARquiusprite! My Horuss cosplay became my most well-known homestuck cosplay, I made an ask blog for it and it was the only homestuck cosplay I actually made from scratch (since all the others were just symbols painted on shirts--basic stuff)
so yeah, cosplaying the Zahhaks just brought me much greater joy! I Love the captors and miss cosplaying Sollux, but I'm happy being a Zahhak cosplayer~ UvU
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lynxshadowstalker [2013-05-16 01:59:22 +0000 UTC]
Just watched the "Happiest Homestuck CMV Ever" posted to YouTube by XMoonLilyX . . . well for like the 3rd or 4th time (I'm reading Act 5 and need something cheery/funny at regular intervals).
Your Sollux cosplay is outstanding -- Both the actual costume and the speaking!
My daughter (who is 13, ironically) is wanting to cosplay Sollux at InConJunction in Indy this summer and I'm kind of using your cosplay as a ref. (well, except for the contacts probably! lol)
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to lynxshadowstalker [2013-05-26 20:10:53 +0000 UTC]
oh my gosh aekrjfshfgsfdg
thank you so much! ;;//A//;; I'm very flattered aaahhhh
I hope the cosplay turns out splendid! And dang brownie points for you being a cool mom and reading homestuck!
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lynxshadowstalker In reply to Swankified-squeegee [2013-05-26 21:06:02 +0000 UTC]
Awww, thanks! I try to be! ^^ I've posted a pic of my daughter in my gallery and will be posting others as we get the pieces of the cosplay together. She practices her Sollux voice . . . a lot! lol
(and if you ever get the urge to rp Homestuck in chats, she's started a chat: HomesuckAwesome. We both rp there and have a lot of canon spots open still)
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to lynxshadowstalker [2013-06-08 01:15:17 +0000 UTC]
(blarrgg sorry for the slow replies, I'm hardly active on DA and only check it once in a while skfjngs)
I don't rp much nowadays ;3; it's really hard for me to get the motivation to, and I'm always busy with work/school/sewing OTL thanks for the offer though!
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Faenoire [2013-02-15 01:43:37 +0000 UTC]
Hii 8D;; I watched that 'happiest homestuck cmv ever' video and i just felt compelled to tell you that you're the cutest Sollux A+
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Faenoire [2013-02-18 18:33:18 +0000 UTC]
jksfgdhf oh thank you dear ;o; <3
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MikamiTeru5 [2013-02-03 16:05:13 +0000 UTC]
OH YOU'RE ADORABLE!~ anyway xD Thanks for the fave~
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to MikamiTeru5 [2013-02-04 04:06:13 +0000 UTC]
aww aww thank you and you're welcome!
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MindFall [2013-01-18 22:57:00 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav on [link] !
Please feel free to check out/watch my page for more of my work!
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Kiwi-Cosplay [2012-12-29 16:22:15 +0000 UTC]
*has a little freak out cause you also cosplay Equius*
I came to thank you for the fav, but I got distracted in your gallery......
Thank you for the fav! *goes back and looks at your pictures*
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Kiwi-Cosplay [2012-12-30 02:18:36 +0000 UTC]
XDD Equius is my favorite troll! I love all the Zahhaks~~
and you're welcome!
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Kiwi-Cosplay In reply to Swankified-squeegee [2013-01-18 18:58:25 +0000 UTC]
Mine too! Him and Sollux XD I'm so glad someone else love the Zahhaks! And cosplays them so well! lots of people just think they're creepy.
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Kiwi-Cosplay [2013-01-20 05:30:51 +0000 UTC]
yeah the captors and pixies are my second favs >w< I plan to do all the zahhak cosplays, if possible! kjfdgn
I'll admit, Horuss and Equius can be quite creepy but they're still lovable in their own weird ways XD <3
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Kiwi-Cosplay In reply to Swankified-squeegee [2013-02-05 18:11:48 +0000 UTC]
I'm so excited to see all of them!
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Kiwi-Cosplay [2013-02-11 11:35:10 +0000 UTC]
thanks 8D skjrtng
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Zuiey [2012-12-27 03:28:28 +0000 UTC]
Your cosplays make me squee louder than a 13 year old hyped up on pixie-stix at a one direction concert.
in other words,
your cosplays are amazing and i love them.
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Zuiey [2012-12-27 03:45:59 +0000 UTC]
aww well thank you! XD
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Tsukymi [2012-11-25 18:09:38 +0000 UTC]
probably Paris, though I think I'll only be there for a day or two skjnfgsg
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Tsukymi In reply to Swankified-squeegee [2012-11-28 14:13:45 +0000 UTC]
Oh... I live next to Paris but you stay only for a day or two days, so it will be very hard to see you ^^'
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Tsukymi [2012-12-09 15:42:30 +0000 UTC]
yeah but it's okay kjsdngsfg ;w;'
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to Tsukymi [2012-11-11 00:46:49 +0000 UTC]
wow dang XDDD If only you lived closer to me, I'd totally love to do a twin cosplay with you skjnfgsfg
funny thing is, I'm actually visit France in December!
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Tsukymi In reply to Swankified-squeegee [2012-11-11 08:32:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, It will be funny to do a twin cosplay with you ^^
Oh, you'll come in France in December, this is totally awesome
But It will be hard to meet you ^^'
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ClayMage [2012-11-06 14:39:07 +0000 UTC]
hey there i realy like all of your zahhak cosplays :3 (i tumbled by because you liked a picture of me and my rufioh^^ thanks for that by the way~)
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Swankified-squeegee In reply to ClayMage [2012-11-06 21:49:45 +0000 UTC]
oh thank you! yes you guys are adorbssss~ C:
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