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| SurrealBrain
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Favourites: 3229; Deviations: 37; Watchers: 62
Watching: 337; Pageviews: 31552; Comments Made: 1292; Friends: 337
# Comments
Comments: 223
TheAdorableOshawott [2018-10-30 14:32:33 +0000 UTC]
Hey, man, Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy your day.
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
SurrealBrain In reply to SurrealBrain [2017-10-31 04:58:34 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the misspelling...app won't let me fix typos.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
falconvillager [2017-05-05 14:02:14 +0000 UTC]
Do you like what I made for Amitie's birthday?
Happy Birthday, Amitie! (2017)
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JBX9001 [2016-01-15 18:13:50 +0000 UTC]
Hiya SurrealBrain! We haven't spoken in a long time, so I'm just dropping by to say hello!
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2016-01-18 08:23:52 +0000 UTC]
I've been doing good! Enjoying my winter break of course, and thanks to the Wii U I got for Christmas it's been a real blast! Of course, break time's almost over for me... How about you?
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2016-01-18 12:10:32 +0000 UTC]
Oh, it's been better...best I not get into it. Security reasons. Let's just say it's left me stressed as all get out.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2016-01-18 17:29:58 +0000 UTC]
Ah, well I hope things get better for you...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ButtonsMakerG2 [2015-07-07 20:52:13 +0000 UTC]
ButtonsMakerG2 recommends to you, this button: fav.me/d9005pw
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JBX9001 [2015-05-29 04:29:50 +0000 UTC]
Hi SurrealBrain! Been meaning to ask you, how was Comic Con? Did you have fun?
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-05-29 05:55:33 +0000 UTC]
Quite fun, though my wallet cried. I got commissions and some comics. The commissions themselves are Puyo Puyo related.
At least I saved for the event, or my wallet would be in much worse shape. Still got quite a bit in the bank.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-05-30 19:19:10 +0000 UTC]
Ah, that sounds really nice! Yeah, I know how it feels to be low on funds; all we can do is build it back up and try to be patient.
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SurrealBrain In reply to NickProlArt [2015-04-29 03:41:47 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! Thanks for watching back!
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JBX9001 [2015-04-25 20:52:54 +0000 UTC]
This is JBX9001! Thank you so much for adding me to your DeviantWatch! I really appreciate it! Say, I believe we've met before on the Puyo Nexus Forum.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-25 21:02:21 +0000 UTC]
Yup, we did. How have you been? Been making up for some lost time with the Puyo series, myself.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-26 04:52:25 +0000 UTC]
I've been doing well, thanks for asking! So do you own any Puyo games? I myself don't (not counting the Puyo Puyo Vs 2 fan game), so I'm just being a little nosy I guess...
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-26 06:41:13 +0000 UTC]
I do, in fact. I have Puyo Pop GBA, the Gamecube version of Puyo Pop Fever, and the DS versions of Puyo Puyo Fever 2 and Puyo Puyo 7. Still need to get the Puyo Puyo 15th and 20th Anniversary games
I also have the Wii Virtual Console release of Puyo Puyo Tsu (surprised the American Wii Shop Channel even got that).
If you want to count them, I even have various versions of Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and the Wii Virtual Console version of Kirby's Avalanche.
I ordered the PS3 version of Puyo Puyo Tetris a couple months back, but Play-Asia screwed up and gave me a K-On! game instead. I sent the game back after a few emails, and they promised to fix the screw-up. Still waiting.
Did I mention I was making up for lost time? I feel like at least some of these games should have been part of my childhood.
Of course, I've been spending too much money, and I have a comic convention to go to with family next month, so I should cut back on the spending...been trying to, with varying degrees of success.
I guess finally having a job got me a little too excited. I'll do my best to avoid it in the future.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-26 16:55:36 +0000 UTC]
Wow, you've got almost all of them! That's pretty cool! And I wasn't aware that Puyo Puyo Tsu was available in the American Wii Shop Channel; is it translated?
Kinda odd of them to confuse Puyo Pop with K-On!; I didn't even know that anime had video games. Then again, I guess there's a ton of anime that have video games I wouldn't know about, because they themselves are Japan-only...
Yeah, once you get a job, it can be easy to get carried away with spending it, since it's money you earned and you don't necessarily have to ask someone to use it. And the comic convention sounds fun! I hope you and your family have a good time!
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-26 17:42:17 +0000 UTC]
Sadly, Puyo Puyo Tsu (or Puyo Puyo 2, as it is listed) isn't translated, far as I can tell. Still the Japanese text for the most part. It's also a port of the Mega Drive version, which probably isn't the best release.
Still, I grabbed it on the grounds that it's something. More than we probably thought we'd get, even if it isn't much.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-26 23:27:55 +0000 UTC]
Huh, I guess they figured most American gamers (or any who didn't move to the U.S. from Japan anyway) wouldn't think to type in "Puyo" or anything like that in the search bar, so they didn't bother to translate it. Still, translating Tsu would've probably gotten the word out about the series more, so it's a pretty odd move to leave the text as is in an American release...
I would probably download it, but still, I'd like to know what's going on in terms of the dialogue (I dunno, maybe I'm too much of a stickler?). I did watch a translated gameplay video of Puyo Puyo Tsu however.
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-27 02:56:28 +0000 UTC]
Even in the game itself, it seems to be called Puyo Puyo 2. I guess it varies.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-27 04:06:33 +0000 UTC]
Hmmmm, 'tis a strange case indeed...
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-28 04:28:32 +0000 UTC]
It's late, but I finally got Puyo Puyo Tetris in the mail.
Need to play it yet, but I'm glad they made good on their word and got it right this time.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-28 04:48:17 +0000 UTC]
Well that's some good news! I hope you enjoy it! In the meantime, I'm considering buying Puyo Pop Fever off of Amazon some day. There are some GameCube games I missed out on, and I want to get all of the ones that grabbed my interest so I can complete my GameCube collection of video games (of course, that also means buying more Memory Cards).
Thing is, I'm also considering picking up the DS version as well (so I can pop Puyo on the go!) Would you recommend getting both, or should I just stick with the GameCube one?
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-28 05:00:24 +0000 UTC]
Didn't get the DS version of Fever 1 yet, so I can't speak for it. Though if Fever 2's DS iteration is anything to go by, it's probably not bad.
I'm thinking I'll get it eventually, though I'm not making it a priority since I own the Gamecube version already.
I guess if you want both get both.
I feel like I should get this out of the way. If my research is at all accurate, if you ever decide to get the DS version of the 15th Anniversary game, you should check and see if that copy has a green Puyo on the back of the case.
If not, don't get it, because early copies have a nasty save glitch.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-28 12:37:24 +0000 UTC]
There's a U.S. copy of 15th Anniversary? If not, will I have to worry about region lock (I use a 3DS)?
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-29 02:07:37 +0000 UTC]
Nope, no US copy as far as I know.
DS games aren't region locked for the most part. From my experience with Puyo Puyo Fever 2, Japanese DS games can work with a US 3DS.
However, as you probably know, 3DS games are region locked, so if I get the 20th Anniversary game, it won't be the 3DS release.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-29 12:59:32 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I see...
At any rate, I guess it's a good thing that DS games don't have region lock, even when played on a 3DS!
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-04-30 03:36:18 +0000 UTC]
Any other series you're into? I see Mario is among them.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-04-30 13:38:44 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, Super Mario's my number one favorite!
I pretty much like almost everything from Nintendo, but my top favorites after Mario are Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and Pokemon!
As for third-party games, my faves there (besides the aforementioned Puyo Pop) would be Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man, and Bomberman!
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-05-02 06:14:25 +0000 UTC]
Mega Man is good. Though I will admit, the comics are the reason I got into that one, though I played the games afterward. I immediately kicked myself for not playing them earlier.
I do enjoy Sonic as well. I even enjoy many of the newer games, which most...don't like.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-05-02 23:25:05 +0000 UTC]
The Mega Man games are indeed very fun! It's too bad Capcom hasn't been dong much of anything with the series in recent years aside from his appearance as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4... The creator of Mega Man is making a new series intended as a spiritual successor of sorts, Mighty No. 9; it looks pretty cool, but at the same time, I hope that doesn't mean we've seen the last of Mega Man...
Aside from the Sonic Boom game on Wii U (which wasn't even developed by SEGA and Sonic Team) I don't see how some people act like the new games are so bad! Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations are free from such "fan lashing", but for the others, here's my [not so] brief take on them:
Sonic Unleashed - Most complaints here come from the Werehog stages. While I'll admit there are too much of them, they are a nice addition to the game and adds a bit of variety to the gameplay; there's multiple combos you can pull off on the enemies too, so it's not just a button-mashing "beat-'em-up". The daytime stages are where the game truly shines, playing in the traditional Sonic style, but as mentioned previously, there's only half as much day stages as there are night stages. If they kept a balance between the number of both versions of levels, it probably would've gotten better reception from the "fans"!
Sonic Storybook games - Secret Rings and Black Knight both had these weird control schemes that made the game feel kinda funky when you play them. It's not impossible to beat the game or anything, but they feel really odd and take some getting used to; multiplayer mode in those games is also kind of bland, but the games as a whole are still decent; plus, in Sonic & the Black Knight, they showcase fan art from the U.S., Europe, and Japan; that was really nice of them!
Sonic Lost World - Most people hate on the game for not keeping the formula that was perfected in Generations and instead following a somewhat different gameplay style. If you ask me, it's not that difficult to work with, it plays just fine! Though I do agree there was no need to deviate from the Colors/Generations gameplay style, there's still good fun to be had with Lost World (Yoshi's Island and Legend of Zelda Zone DLC!) Not too many complaints here from the "fans" though...
Sorry if this is a lot to read; I was making up for the late reply...
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-05-03 06:05:38 +0000 UTC]
I'm aware of Mighty No. 9. I gave $5 to the Kickstarter and I do hope the game is good, though at the same time I worry...
Sonic Colors isn't completely free. Many people in place I go to hate that game. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few on there who admitted to enjoying the game, let alone thinking it's amazing.
I did get enjoyment out of Sonic and the Secret Rings. Black Kinght was the weaker one, oddly enough. I don't know, the former just felt more natural to me.
And yes, I thought Lost World was a decent game...on the Wii U, especially the DLC. The 3DS version stands as one of the worst in the series in my book, however, mainly for taking the Wii U version's flaws and making them the game.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-05-03 16:40:35 +0000 UTC]
That's great! It's supposed to come out this September, so I'm really hyped up after seeing legit box art for the game!
And yeah, I guess Sonic Colors did have a few haters... They're probably not very good reasons though, and I've only run into one such person online. And you're not alone; I think Sonic Colors is one of the best Sonic games out there! The critics did too, so why some fans don't agree is beyond me...
While Black Knight did add the use of the Nunchuk's control stick, it also added motion controls for the sword swinging. There are times when you'll want to swing it in rhythm to make an attack combo last longer, but most of the time you'll be shaking the Wii Remote like a maniac! So yeah, odd design choice there.
I've heard the 3DS version of Lost World wasn't worth the purchase; of course, I don't think people will mind getting the console version of a game over a handheld one.
Nobody ever complains about the music in Sonic though; it's always awesome!
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SurrealBrain In reply to JBX9001 [2015-05-06 18:16:50 +0000 UTC]
Some hate Colors for its writing. There are other complaints, like how the gameplay is in a 2D plane for a good chunk of time and not being as speedy as Unleashed and Generations, but that's the one I see the most.
Lost World gets the same criticisms. I will give them Tails' characterization, at least. He wasn't handled the best there. If you disagree, that's fine.
Yeah, I actually played the 3DS version of Lost World, and like I said, it's one of the worst in the series. Especially the gyro controls. At least the Wii U version patched it, and since the patch was out by the time I got the game, I got it before they became a big problem. The 3DS version gets no patch. In fact, I could go on about how terrible it was...
Keep in mind, I enjoyed Sonic 2006, as surprising as that may be. I'll let you take what you will from that.
Yes, Black Knight didn't have the best control scheme. Made worse with the boss fights. You clash swords, and it looks like it's telling you to shake it...but when you do so, the boss trumps you more often than not. What was I supposed to do?! I would usually try to avoid it if at all possible as a result.
Still, it wasn't a terrible game. Not great, either, though, and I wish I had waited for the bargain bin back then.
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JBX9001 In reply to SurrealBrain [2015-05-08 00:50:20 +0000 UTC]
I'm guessing the writing complaints came from the jokes... To be honest, I felt it was hit and miss; some jokes were pretty funny, while others were pretty cheesy. But hey, I like cheese, so a few corny jokes wouldn't kill me! The story itself wasn't too bad; it was simple, but it felt right at home for the series! Now that I think about it, there were a lot more 2-D stages than 3-D ones; an odd choice, but to me it doesn't detract too much from the game. The only main nitpick I have with Sonic Colors is the fact that the bosses are a bit on the easy side and there's only three of them (aside from the final battle with Dr. Eggman), each being reused for another level...
I guess Tails has been a little too lax recently, at least compared to how he was in previous games where he acts a bit more lively. Gyro controls are either make or break when they're implemented into a game; some like Mario & Luigi: Dream Team handle it just fine, as they are only used for some Bros. Attacks and aren't too complicated (though still tricky to pull off perfectly). Others just aren't worth the use, an example being Star Fox 64 3D (thankfully, a traditional control style is still present).
To like Sonic 2006, either you miraculously got a copy with no bugs (Super Mario Sunshine has been noted to have loads of glitches; my copy has no such issues), or it's just one of those things where the plot is so bad that it's hilarious. Regardless, I'm pretty sure more people are concerned with the Sonic Boom Wii U game as that is even worse than '06 (which sadly means we'll be hearing more of "OH MAH GERD, DUH SANIC SEEREESE IZ DED, SEGA HAZ FAILED!" for a couple more years, even though as I stated previously, that's Big Red Button's fault, not SEGA's or Sonic Team's...)
Yeah, bosses were another problem in Sonic & the Black Knight. Though there's a hidden video clip that shows how to make the final battle look effortless! The Lancelot Returns mission, now that is difficult!
I haven't seen that game at all in stores (of course, the fact that the Wii U is the main console now obviously has something to do with that)... The box has a little image that says "Sonic Storybook Series", so I was under the impression that more were soon to follow; apparently not, as we've yet to get a sequel in this sub-series, even though Black Knight came out in 2009...
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