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| Supafoxxeh
# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 11
Supafoxxeh [2016-01-24 18:12:06 +0000 UTC]
Uh oh.
I can't seem to find a way to locate all my 256 (excluding this one) comments I've left in the past. That's what I do, post comments, ranging from a simple "lolz" to a two-part analytical hypothesis on a hug-based Equestrian economy. In fact, aside from putting something under my DeviantID and "favouriting" ten or fifteen dozen of my favorite comics and stuff for navigational purposes, that's all I've done!
Must I hunt each and every one down and keep a link to them? Is there no better way to do this? Do I have to post a status update every morning informing everyone where I think I'm going to obtain my lunch and how sad and depressing life must be for the floor tiles, gazing up at the snobbish florescent light fixtures, suffering their constant jeering and sneering and gloating at the dimly-lit denizens of the world below, wishing they'd all just spark out and die, until the first customer of the day, an elderly Indian woman, enters the restaurant and looms directly overhead, blocking the burning light and replacing it with a hideous darkness that torments the soul with undesired up-skirt Nirvana, knowing that in a moment the eclipse will pass, subjecting the tiles to another cruel scorch of light before a squealing two-year-old comes out of nowhere and dances on you, the tile with the spot of ancient green and black chewing gum permanently embedded in the surface, stamping you with a senseless brutality only seen in small children, and then she runs away, the Gods granting a split second of respite before a fat man puts down his big black boot for what seems like an eternity, the regular motion of order and pick-up lines disrupted and jammed by the chaotic rampaging toddler clutching a Doritos bag, crying about the social injustice imposed upon her by her overworked single mother and... Um...
Yeah, I hope I don't have to do that, because I'm not going to.
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
PoetBrony In reply to Supafoxxeh [2016-01-30 19:09:44 +0000 UTC]
Why are you wanting to be able to find all the comments that you have left? I see no need to (except for ones I really liked, or feel were important).
Hmm, well... if you really want to keep all of thy comments, then there is a way, I think.
When you respond to a comment (in Notifications tab), unchecked the checkbook at the bottom of the box. Then at the bottom of all the comments, locate the "Move" button. First, click the comment you want to move (to select it), then scroll down and click "Move".
Now, you may need to create a folder, so if need be, do that first before all this (located on left side under "Folders"). After that (if needed), click the desired folder. All done. Repeat as necessary.
Does this help any?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Supafoxxeh In reply to PoetBrony [2016-02-07 00:53:22 +0000 UTC]
YES! It worked. Now I just have to hope I never forget to uncheck the remove buttons. I haven't been on in over a week, partly because of school, and partly because I'm waiting to hear the results of the poetry contest one of my professors pressured me into entering.
Unfortunately, I have received no confirmation regarding my entry. I'm thinking that they either didn't receive the poem for some reason, or that they are simply unprofessional. Either way, I'd be quite annoyed because I like to be recognized for my awesomeness. Who doesn't?
Then again, I hate writing poetry, so go figure
...No offense. Just because I don't enjoy writing poetry doesn't mean I can't appreciate it. But I still prefer historical nonfiction and reference books. I use them to play computer games, which is more than 90% of my life after homework and stuff.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
PoetBrony In reply to Supafoxxeh [2016-02-08 18:50:56 +0000 UTC]
Lol. Your welcome. Happy to help a friend.
On thy poetry contest, believe me, they take forever to come to a result. One of them took about two months to tell me if I had truly gotten anywhere, which, in that case, I actually did.
"A Crack On the Old Wooden Door" got published in an anthology of poems. I felt like I was on a sugar high for the next couple of hours after that.
Well, everyone to their own strengths. I'm not to good at writing short stories, but I still do occasionally, one of which I plan to (eventually) turn into a book.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Supafoxxeh In reply to PoetBrony [2016-02-20 03:06:02 +0000 UTC]
I would have submitted one of my short stories. But my professor's like "It's a little too long, but I think if you take out these pointless characters and some of the philosophy at the beginning then you can bring it down to eight pages and it will be even better." I'm like "The characters are only pointless because I was limited to twelve pages written in five hours and it needs at least fifteen pages and a few more hours."
I was thinking Survival Horror with foot-long wasps breeding larva in slain cats in the basement, airsoft guns (an old hobby of mine), and badass close-quarters weaponry like an iron rod with a detachable shoe one end that will fly off and destroy an insect all over the floor if you swing it right. I actually have one of those. I made it in November 2010 because something died in the attic and when the flies were finished with it, they invaded my bedroom. I had had enough of their surprise kamikaze attacks while I was playing video games, so I created the "Verminator 1500" and killed 35 flies in 31 minutes. If you've ever played Resident Evil 1 (or 2, I guess), then my story would be something like that. Then again, RE1 was released in 1996, and the sequel was in '98, so this was a while ago.
I'm not a bloodthirsty savage, or a violent pony, and I don't like killing bugs, but I'm used to it.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
PoetBrony In reply to Supafoxxeh [2016-02-22 23:05:51 +0000 UTC]
Sounds interesting, though not my normal cup of tea, but I would still give it a read.
Lol. With the length of the story, just use the one you wrote for school, and expand it. It's what I've done with a couple of mine, one of which (if I ever get back to it) might end up as a multi-chapter book someday. The original is only a page long, that said page now the prologue of the (barely written) story.
You should finish your story I think. You never know, it might end up being bigger (and better) than you could ever imagine. Eragon was written by a 15-year-old, and it became world-wide famous, so I think that if someone puts their heart into something, there is always a chance that it could go big.
I've heard of Resident Evil, though I'm not very familiar with it. Being a '90s child has its perks, like knowing how to appreciate the old games and tech.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Supafoxxeh In reply to PoetBrony [2016-03-09 20:01:21 +0000 UTC]
Yes, that's exactly why I like being a '90s child. 👍: 0 ⏩: 0
As for the story, the strained realism is something fun that I could go with. For example, a few days ago I was thinking...
OK, so, you know how foxes are notorious chicken thieves? I was thinking about the trio of professional amateur "extreme pest control specialists" (The Verminators) noticing a suspicious ad in the newspaper or taped to a street post calling for "serious pest control experts" to solve a farm's "chicken and fox problem." Their intuition would correctly lead them to a conversation with the farmer clarifying his brief and intentionally misleading description of the 'problem.' The problem is not that foxes are stealing chickens on the farm. It's not really a farm, even, and the true situation is simply wonderful.
(I haven't named any of the characters except the bloodthirsty psychopath aptly nicknamed "Mario," but I want to write the story from shifting perspectives. This part is from the perspective of the "Twilight" of the group, who keeps emotions and priorities in check and provides leadership and knowledge, giving a rough sense of professionalism while making smart-ass comments. I have an image of the third Verminator, but I need to make sure he's functioning properly early on).
"Now that y'all're already come out here," the farmer said. "I'm gonna be honest with you. The eggs're bein' stolen by oviraptors."
"Oviraptors," I repeated.
"Oviraptors," he confirmed.
I checked behind me. Over my left shoulder I saw
Later in the conversation, we learn that the 'farmer' is actually a former S.E.A.L. instructor who bred and trained foxes to assist humans in dangerous special operations. After several decades, the aging war veteran grew senile and eventually retired the farm where he continues his hobby in peace, harmony, and a bit of delusional paranoia. The chickens he breeds and raises to feed his regiment of foxes, but in the last few months, unexpected dinosaurian intruders have been stealing the chicken eggs and disrupting the fox-commandos' rations.
The rest of the story involves, among other things, deploying heavy weapons inside a concrete-fortified chicken coop (machine guns, mortars, flamethrowers, and other possessions he inherited from another veteran, a close friend who smuggled a bunch of equipment out of Vietnam when the war ended) and holding off wave after wave of suicidal dino assaults during the daytime, and eventually the Verminators leading squads of elite commando foxes on covert operations to eliminate the enemy at the source: their nests.
But I have much a better idea than smashing eggs. The foxes and Verminators will become the oviraptors, and steal the dinosaur eggs, give them to the chickens to take care of (chicken eggs, dinosaur eggs, it's all the same to a mother bird), and when they hatch, and the Navy veteran will use his skillz to train dinosaurs for badass commando-style raids.
I think that sounds really fun to read and write about
Supafoxxeh In reply to Supafoxxeh [2016-01-24 19:32:46 +0000 UTC]
OK, I'm posting this as my first status update XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Supafoxxeh In reply to Supafoxxeh [2016-01-24 19:33:51 +0000 UTC]
Nevermind, I thought status update font would be smaller. **** status updates.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
PoetBrony In reply to Supafoxxeh [2016-01-30 19:00:52 +0000 UTC]
Lol. Yep! That was about the same as my reaction to them.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
PoetBrony [2016-01-24 01:16:40 +0000 UTC]
After reading the comment you posted under Pony Beserker's comic, I just had to give you a Lama.
Have a fluffy Lama!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0