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| SojiOkage
# Statistics
Favourites: 3325; Deviations: 149; Watchers: 831
Watching: 166; Pageviews: 96200; Comments Made: 21382; Friends: 166
# Comments
Comments: 1164
BenSoulstone [2014-07-10 01:32:55 +0000 UTC]
Hope you've had an awesome and happy birthday today!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TheWolfBunny64 [2014-02-21 04:58:24 +0000 UTC]
Believe it or not, my favorite Ouran character is Renge.
Also, I'm Patrick, but you may call me TheWolfBunny. Nice to meet you.
Can you do a request with Renge?
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
moonlitinuyasha1985 [2014-02-18 12:40:11 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I'm still waiting for you to submit my fic to your group.
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blackstorm [2013-03-11 11:22:11 +0000 UTC]
Hi Soji, the "Couples" folder is full, so I've set up a new "Couples 2" folder.
Just giving you a heads up, because I can't 'tick' the Contributors can vote check box on that new folder at the Contributor's section of the Manage Members setting (only Founders in general have the authority to tick those)
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
kuchiki6byakuya [2012-04-01 11:45:37 +0000 UTC]
i have a question: i have started my own group but my members arnt able to contribute, how and where do i solve this, and which settings should i choose?
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
Elanory In reply to kuchiki6byakuya [2012-06-16 11:06:38 +0000 UTC]
Click "Admin Area" on your groups page, then click "Manage Members" on the upper left of this page.
There you can choose members, contributors, co-founders, founders and their settings.
Hope this doesn't come too late^^ If you should have any questions feel free to ask.
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SojiOkage In reply to kuchiki6byakuya [2012-06-05 18:27:10 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I can't really help at the moment.
I have not been here for the last 91 weeks and I am slowly re-learning everything again.
Hope by now you have figured it out.
~ Soji
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DarkKnightofAnime [2012-01-07 23:36:22 +0000 UTC]
I feel like a bit of a bastard asking this but i gotta know: has Club-Bleach received a bit of a pile-up in deviation submissions? I mean more than usual
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SojiOkage In reply to Classic-Dave [2012-06-07 07:12:57 +0000 UTC]
They would end up in the Misc folder.
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Night-S [2011-07-09 01:23:42 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday tomorrow! Hope it will be fun for you!
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bosronald [2011-06-08 20:29:50 +0000 UTC]
If I were you, I would take charge of Club-Bleach again, or appoint a new co-founder that can update it descently. If you don't give a crap about it anymore, at least be responsible, and transfer some administrative rights to your admins.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
justwhru In reply to bosronald [2011-06-11 22:30:05 +0000 UTC]
you thinking like egoist here, sorry. but maybe something happened to her? don't you think so? her last login was 40 weeks ago. nobody will disappear by his/her wish for so long. nobody. maybe she even isn't in this world... or maybe she really can't login. how could you say such things...
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patamfreti [2011-04-30 01:56:32 +0000 UTC]
You've been featured in my news article ([link] )!
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True-Love-IchiHichi [2011-04-14 13:24:32 +0000 UTC]
Your goup is popular~ Just thougth I'd say. Yes, I am random.
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The-alchemist-girl [2011-02-13 01:05:26 +0000 UTC]
Hiii! :3
I have been looking your gallery and I have to say it.. I love the way you draw!!!!!! awesome!
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LeCirqueDuMort [2011-02-07 22:30:16 +0000 UTC]
Hello sweetie, i love all ogf your art. I have recently fallen in love with death note, and i just wanted to say your work was amazing. My fav character is L and i'd really love to be able to start drawing death note characters xx
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kenseigoku [2011-02-07 05:45:38 +0000 UTC]
I would like to ask you a question, I wanted to know who your fact tone images gif profile of your group bleach, because I I have a group Saint-Seiya I I would like to have one of it in the same style for my group. Thanks for your answer
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Lili-ve [2010-12-26 19:13:49 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I'm a member from Soul-Slayer.
Can I ask you why my deviation : [link] is declined ?
This deviation is even in #Quality-Bleach .
Where is the problem ? Oo
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
rocksandwich10 [2010-10-16 14:18:02 +0000 UTC]
hi i love how you draw gin and the bleach characters <3
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CerebralVomit In reply to tetsigawind [2010-10-14 04:28:54 +0000 UTC]
I agree with this ^ that icon is epic
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
SojiOkage In reply to gintan [2010-08-21 07:01:19 +0000 UTC]
Heheh, I'll try to get around doing it, since I have nothing better to do. XD
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SojiOkage In reply to blackstorm [2010-08-15 08:41:57 +0000 UTC]
Yes. :]
Sorry I went camping... I left a little note off to the side in the admin section... but I guess that was not noticeable.
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The-8-Elements [2010-07-07 02:39:32 +0000 UTC]
Greetings, fellow Dai Li Agent.
Our meeting at Anime Expo was most enjoyable. I eagerly await the photos.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
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