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# Comments
Comments: 681
Sindah In reply to JJJMadness [2020-03-10 01:17:01 +0000 UTC]
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HaintSoul [2020-02-22 16:18:06 +0000 UTC]
JUUULLLLZZ~!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! Wishing you all the best today, and every day in this new decade, and know that you deserve it! Thanks for everything and I miss you, sweetpea! Please be well!
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HaintSoul In reply to Sindah [2020-03-10 16:23:21 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome, sweetpea!! Of course I wouldn't forget one of my long-time friends on her birthday, omg never. Hope you had a great day! (Oh, don't worry about it. I understand how life is, and if having a hectic or hellish life makes someone a bad friend, then I'm totally a horrible friend, too! So don't sweat it.)
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birthdays [2019-02-26 01:00:39 +0000 UTC]
On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.
We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: KoudelkaW
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HaintSoul [2019-02-22 16:28:15 +0000 UTC]
AAAHHHH JULZZZZ~!! I know I've been a rather absent friend and haven't been as active on dA as I once was, but *comes flying in outta nowhere* I just gotta wish one of my oldest (as in long time ) and bestest friends a very Happy Birthday!!! I hope you and Owen manage to squeeze in some much deserved celebratory time, because I'm sure you've been crazy swamped with life stuff as you usually are. Please take care of yourself, dear, and enjoy your day! Sending lots of love and cheer and wishing you all the best!! Thanks for everything, you awesome friend, you!!
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Sindah In reply to pbxn109 [2018-05-13 05:38:53 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome, Thanks for the fantastic artwork!
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SawuScimitar74 [2018-03-15 01:37:49 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! Hope your birthday was a good one! I would've replied sooner, but I was busy at the time. :/
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Sindah In reply to Jasperinity [2018-02-27 09:06:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
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birthdays [2018-02-22 21:48:06 +0000 UTC]
It's February 22nd which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: KoudelkaW
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Sindah In reply to birthdays [2018-02-27 09:15:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you birthdays and KoudelkaW !
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Sindah In reply to JJJMadness [2018-02-27 09:11:31 +0000 UTC]
OMG! Thank you so very much for the awesome birthday wishes! (Love those eyeball cakes and dragons! )
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HaintSoul [2018-02-22 17:24:32 +0000 UTC]
AHHH JULS MY BUDDY~!! Happy Birthday to you!! I think I might be a little bit late with the time zone differences, but I hope this heartfelt message finds you happily celebrating and having some fun. You deserve all the best things in the world, sweetpea, and I hope Owen is spoiling you rotten today! XD Here's wishing you a bright day full of cheer!! Hope all is well (no earthquakes or rubbish landlords to spoil anything) and take care!!
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Sindah In reply to HaintSoul [2018-02-27 11:38:17 +0000 UTC]
Aww! Thank you so much, sweetie! Of course, Owen spoiled me, more than rotten, I think I may be positively rancid!
I was a little disappointed that the gift he ordered for me from Amazon got obliterated between the supplier and the distribution center and couldn't be delivered, but I guess these things happen. We spent too much money on cake, (it was Owen's b-day on the 21st, so we celebrate one day each year and go wild.) We had no earthquakes and no rubbish property managers (they turned up a few days later...
) It really doesn't matter if your wishes weren't on time, I didn't have the chance to check in here on my b-day anyway, and I'm well aware of our timezone inconsistencies, so it's all good! Love ya!
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HaintSoul In reply to Sindah [2018-03-02 04:38:23 +0000 UTC]
Of course! You're always welcome, Juls!! Haha, I'm happy to hear Owen was there to give you a great birthday because, frankly, you deserve all the spoiling, sweetpea! And Happy belated Birthday to Owen as well!! I love that you two can go out and celebrate together, make a huge festive time of it! Hey now, you can never spend too much money on birthday cake, it is a must.
Ohhh, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your Amazon package, though. But holy heck, do you remember that time I sent you the package of books years back and the Customs label fell off, causing the post office in New Zealand to hold it for, like, months and months and FUMIGATE it?!? Ugh! That's what this made me think of omg. The postal system, man. Were you able to file a claim and get Amazon to either reimburse you, or sent a new order? I certainly hope so!
Yay to no earthquakes for a change, but urgh, of course the landlords showed up eventually. At least they waited until after your guys' birthday.
Again, thanks for understanding and you are super welcome!! Love back at ya, gurl!
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Sindah In reply to HaintSoul [2018-03-04 09:54:05 +0000 UTC]
I dunno... $20 on a little carrot cake is probably too much... It was mighty tasty though! Funnily enough, we never make that much of it... It always feels wrong to spend too much money on our birthdays... I guess we buy whatever we really want year round, so we don't really have to. Besides, I always get a text from my mother saying how beautiful the memorial service was on TV. Kinda dampens the mood.
Ugh... The post! Don't get me started! Apparently this time it was improperly packaged, and it was metallic watercolor pans, (who knew such a fantastical product could exist? They sure as heck aren't available in stores here!) and got stopped by customs, probably for spilling fairy dust everywhere.
Anyway, we got a refund. I'm thinking of getting some more, just not from Amazon. We haven't been having a good run with Amazon. If it's not a book they seem to cancel the orders for weird reasons, like 'product is unavailable', when it's still on the website for sale. I suspect they find out what it's going to cost to ship and pull out pretty quick. The post shouldn't surprise me. We found out Owen's sister is working for them. He got a call the other day saying she couldn't handle it any more, and demanding he come and pick her up. What kind of grown-up demands their kid brother rescue them from whatever shitty situation they've gotten themselves into?
Oh, sorry for the rant. I'm just quietly going crazy here. I hope you are well, and the world is treating you decently, 'cause you deserve some peace!
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birthdays [2017-02-28 02:25:34 +0000 UTC]
On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.
We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: KoudelkaW
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
HaintSoul [2017-02-22 23:07:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh, Juls, I hope you've been having an AWESOME birthday, sweetpea!! I know this message is probably a little late by New Zealand standards and I apologize, but know that I've been thinking about you a lot, my friend, and missing you like crazy!! I hope everything is well and that you and Owen are enjoying your new flat. How is the kitty clan? Any major plans for 2017? What'cha doing today to celebrate? Let me know how you've been~!!
Again, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!
Party hard 'cuz you totally deserve it!!
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Sindah In reply to HaintSoul [2017-02-24 11:25:21 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, dearest!
My birthday was good. No earthquakes this year, so, it's all good!
I have to apologize for not being around much lately... Our new place is great, but our internet speed sucks ass, and drives me crazy with its glacial pace. So annoying, considering there is a fibre box at the gate for the new subdivision down the road.
I need to develop more patience! Anyway, I hope you've been well. I feel bad that we haven't spoken in so long and you're right, it's well past time for a nice long letter! I suck! My concentration levels are at an all-time low it seems. The Cat Clan are good. Bob got bitten by a dog, but it's healing up well. Mr Whiskers is doing well. He even caught the elusive 'red dot' after he dived under the rug to catch it.
Love ya!
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HaintSoul In reply to Sindah [2017-02-28 04:22:11 +0000 UTC]
AHHH You are very welcome, sweetpea!!
Of course I would never forget my oldest, dearest friend on her birthday! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed your special day, and even more excited knowing there was no earthquakes. That's a surprise, as the weather this year has been majorly whacked here. We just had a freakin' February heat wave. 76-degrees F when it should be, like, 15. I miss snow so much!!
Oh no, no. Don't apologize. I know my activity level has dropped these past few months, as well, so if you suck, then I suck even more. I'm sorry! But OMG that's awful about your Internet connectivity. Are you on dial-up, or is something like interfering with your Wi-Fi? (And I totally don't know what I'm talking about, really. I'm not sure I've even heard of a fibre box. I am so NOT tech savvy. ) Do you think it's something that will get sorted out soon? If not, hopefully you don't let it drive you even more crazy. I'd say "patience is a virtue" but yeah, no. I'm not the world's most patience person either, so I understand the feels.
Gurl, I feel ya on the concentration levels, too. I dunno, but lately I just have zero motivation or interest to see anything through. I've started so many projects, and then just went, "Meh." I'm not even sure why, but it's been a depressing struggle. I hope you and I can pick ourselves back up from these lows were in, truly.
I'm glad everyone is doing well. Eep, sorry Bob got attacked by a dog, though. Poor little guy! Was it a neighbor's dog? Hopefully Bob knows enough to watch out for the meanie canine. I wish him and all the fuzzy children well!! Awww, yay!! I am glad to hear about Mr. Whiskers antics and fun. Good for him! You get that 'red dot' Whiskers!! Anyway, my best to Owen and you guys take care!! We truly do need to catch up sometime soon!!
Love ya right back~!!
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HaintSoul [2016-02-23 01:45:50 +0000 UTC]
Aw heck yeah, Juls!!
Happy Birthday to you, sweetpea!! OMG another year older, huh? My gawd, we're gettin' up there, bwahaha~ XD I hope your day has been great, and that you and Owen managed to get a little time to spend to yourselves, celebrating your Natal Day with all the things you enjoy most! Know I'm sending you all the warm wishes and bright cheer I possibly can from across the seas, and cheers to the awesomeness that is YOU! YES, YOU!!! Thanks for being such a dear friend, always being patient with me all these years, and here's to many more, soul-sister!!
Now go get thee some more birthday cake and ice cream!!
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Sindah In reply to HaintSoul [2016-02-23 12:11:59 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, honey-bunches!
You're right... We're getting old!!!! And I don't know about you, but some days, feeling it also! Owen and I have spent a week and a bit celebrating Valentine's Day and our respective birthing days. We've been two decadent little trolls, I think.
I'm sure I felt your warm wishes, all the way from there, and appreciate them so very much!
Love ya to the stars!
(I'm not a huge cake fan, but I think I'll have some of that ice cream! )
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HaintSoul In reply to Sindah [2016-02-25 06:01:26 +0000 UTC]
Of course, you are absolutely more than welcome, bae!! (I still am not sure what that word means, which only goes to show how incredibly old and lame I am, haha~)
Oh no, I'm right there with you. Almost every day now I'm reminded of just how dang old I've gotten. Sometimes I'm a crotchety old lady with how achy my joints are, and I remind myself of this lil' old mama from a Korean drama, who whined that all foods taste too sweet to her in her Golden Years. Ah, dude. It sucks. (LOL)
Anyway, it's awesome to hear you and Owen were able to enjoy all the joint festivities! That's it, that's the ticket! You guys definitely deserve to treat yourselves like decadent trolls every now and then. It brings a little more fun into your world, right? So spoil yourself rotten, sweetpea! I'm glad my positive vibes could make the miles to you; you're always in my thoughts!
(Ah, that's right, no cake. So that means you have to eat DOUBLE the amount of ice cream to compensate! )
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Sindah In reply to HaintSoul [2016-02-26 11:06:48 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thank you! I just found out what bae was myself in an article the other day. It's an acronym for 'before anyone else'. So, happy to be your bae, bae!
(Unless, now that you know what it means, you want to run screaming...
I understand that, too... ) Haha, I get the crotchety old lady thing. I seem to be angry and frustrated with every-damned-thing lately, especially myself, and my extraordinary lack of any sort of talent what-so-ever. And everything seems to be too sweet or too salty.
Mother is always saying "You're grandmother always said 'old age never comes alone', and now I know what she meant." Sounds like we're in for some fun times!
Yep, being decadent trolls has brought a lot more fun into our otherwise mundane little lives. It will be hard to go back there. We went to see Cirque Quidam, which was bitching incredible, and we went to see Deadpool, which was awesome. I know you aren't big on Marvel but Deadpool isn't entirely fussed with any of the Marvel characters he's been in contact with. Anyway, it doesn't come across as Marvel too much.
You're always in my thoughts too, sweetie!
If I eat anymore ice cream I think I might !!
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birthdays [2016-02-22 20:18:14 +0000 UTC]
It's February 22nd which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: KoudelkaW
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Lintu47 [2016-02-19 14:06:33 +0000 UTC]
Happy early Birthday!
Have a wonderful day! Best wishes,
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MizDawesome [2015-10-28 23:28:58 +0000 UTC]
Heather says we're very much alike and that you're a really sweet person. So I think we should be friends (<- yup sounding weird now huh? I'm pretty straightforward
). Here's hoping for a future friendship
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Sindah In reply to MizDawesome [2015-10-29 13:36:36 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear, I think I may have been overrated by dear Heather, but sure! Sorry in advance if I turn out to be weirder than I am sweet. (Okay, I don't mind anyone sounding weird, being the weirdest person I can think of myself...) Anyway, I should shut up before I scare you off from being my friend, like I usually do. Start over!
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MizDawesome In reply to Sindah [2015-10-29 20:51:09 +0000 UTC]
Hahah no I don't think Heather has you all wrong from what I can see so far. Plus I think Heather is a pretty good judge of character
And no worries. I'm studying in an art program right now and used to be part of anime club, believe me, for the most part, I can deal with weird You don't sound weird at all to me right now! I'm officially not scared off
w00t! the beginning of a new, great friendship
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Sindah In reply to MizDawesome [2015-11-02 09:37:45 +0000 UTC]
I'm hoping you're right and Heather is a good judge of character. (Otherwise, what does that say about us!
) I still think she may be overrating my good points though... I dunno.
Uh-oh... An art program. I've met some of the weirdos that do art programs. (Not suggesting you're one of them, just that I know art programs can attract them.) I did a few years of design studies and there were a bunch of wackos doing that. I guess I wasn't weird enough for that, so maybe I'm not that weird after all. It's just that people look at me funny when I say stuff, like I've grown an extra head, or something. Could be that no-one in my real life space has any imagination. Anyway. Sweet! New friends it is!
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