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SethKearsley [3282302] [] "Director at Dreamworks"

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# Comments

Comments: 237

zebG [2019-11-09 02:55:35 +0000 UTC]

I find it hard to believe that I found a veteran of animation that has worked on multiple shows and movies. I really like all your gallery as well as the designs and expressions!

Btw, I hope you wouldn't mind giving your opinion and criticism on my drawings since I hope to work on animation or character design one day and I would like the opinion of a profesional on my stuff to see what I can improve about it.

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SethKearsley In reply to zebG [2019-11-09 06:00:30 +0000 UTC]

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zebG In reply to SethKearsley [2019-11-09 06:20:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the tip.

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Wittle [2019-10-18 13:12:25 +0000 UTC]

*knock knock* If given the possibility that Disney DID let you do that Kingdom Hearts tv show, would you been granted freedom to put in details of your own accord? Say like, dinosaur-human hybrid soldiers?

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SethKearsley In reply to Wittle [2019-10-18 17:36:59 +0000 UTC]

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Nintrendodude [2018-07-09 22:41:10 +0000 UTC]

Any new luck with disney on the kingdom hearts tv series?

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SethKearsley In reply to Nintrendodude [2018-07-09 22:45:22 +0000 UTC]

Last time I asked, they said they were not interested in pursuing it. I'm sure they look at the numbers and have bigger franchises to exploit. Maybe, at some point, that will change.

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skysoul25 In reply to SethKearsley [2018-08-24 04:04:33 +0000 UTC]

I Hope so, this series just has SO Much potential and if they can do a manga, why not a series?  I guess it goes right down to the people themselves. 

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Nintrendodude In reply to SethKearsley [2018-07-09 23:02:36 +0000 UTC]

Fair enouth, thats a bit depressing. But there are alot of game ips id like to see turn into shows but itd never happen

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SethKearsley In reply to Nintrendodude [2018-07-12 22:12:12 +0000 UTC]

Games make so much more than shows...it would be like trying to get a show to do a comic book of the show.

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Nintrendodude In reply to SethKearsley [2018-07-12 22:22:33 +0000 UTC]

Theres actually a comic of a game series that id absolutely kill to see as a cartoon/anime now that you mention that

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Agent-G245 [2018-04-21 23:07:31 +0000 UTC]

 Thanks for comments! If you like the picture I did, I think you'll enjoy the fanfiction I wrote that goes with it, called "Egypt on Anur Khufos" here on DA (Also on ArchiveOfOurOwn for a more compact format). It's mostly based on the show "Ben 10", but Mummies Alive inspired some side parts as well, hence the characters.

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SethKearsley In reply to Agent-G245 [2018-04-23 19:49:35 +0000 UTC]

I'll take a look when I have some time.

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Syrus-Williams [2017-11-23 06:45:10 +0000 UTC]

Hey Seth. Me again. Wanted to know about your history with Eight Crazy Nights of how you got involved.

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SethKearsley In reply to Syrus-Williams [2017-11-29 23:03:20 +0000 UTC]

I was doing DILBERT at Sony TV animation at the time. When Eight Crazy Nights came up, and I campaigned pretty heavily to get the gig. Was a huge fan of Sandler and since I was already in a show running capacity at the studio, it seemed like I had a shot even though I was only 27 at the time.

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Syrus-Williams [2017-11-21 20:03:56 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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SethKearsley In reply to Syrus-Williams [2017-11-21 23:59:18 +0000 UTC]

Glad you like it! It was a lot of fun. I was brought on to direct the pilot, and set the look of the characters and the world. Who knows if a season 2 will ever be.

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Milkymoofficial [2017-08-23 04:50:55 +0000 UTC]

Just out of curiosity, since you've played the first Kingdom Hearts through, what was the best and worst part about it for you? Coming from someone who's played and beaten it themselves and currently doing an expert run through it that is, haha.

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SethKearsley In reply to Milkymoofficial [2017-08-25 20:17:11 +0000 UTC]

It's been 12 years or so since I played it, so I can't say specifically. I feel like it took me forever to beat the night on bald mountain guy. I liked the whole concept of the features being different worlds.

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Milkymoofficial In reply to SethKearsley [2017-08-25 20:21:50 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see! I loved the sense of pure adventure the game has honestly, it really makes you feel like your going to different worlds and seeing what's there with friends and that always charmed me.~ By the way, the Night on Bald Mountain guy is Chernabog, haha. He was actually a cake walk for me, but then again I was able to beat Sephiroth so... I guess everything else seemed easy? Haha.

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cookiepink3 [2017-05-25 02:58:55 +0000 UTC]

I wonder, do you think they'll revive the Kingdom Hearts anime once the game's story ark is complete? Kingdom Hearts 3 will be at E3 next month after all, which will end the story ark, but not the actual series. Maybe there's hope.

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SethKearsley In reply to cookiepink3 [2017-05-26 19:27:43 +0000 UTC]


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Milkymoofficial [2017-03-19 14:21:52 +0000 UTC]

So, were you ever involved with the games of KH? Like, did you ever talk to the people woking on them, or...?

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SethKearsley In reply to Milkymoofficial [2017-03-20 19:24:23 +0000 UTC]

Nope...just the pilot.  It never got far enough for me to have those conversation, although, I would have wanted to have them before proceeding with the game.

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Milkymoofficial In reply to SethKearsley [2017-03-20 20:46:59 +0000 UTC]

Ay, sorry to hear that. :<

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Nintrendodude [2017-03-19 05:54:32 +0000 UTC]

Is it true that you're trying to revive your plans to make a Kingdom Hearts cartoon/anime?

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SethKearsley In reply to Nintrendodude [2017-03-20 19:23:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm trying.  It's up to Disney though.

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Nintrendodude In reply to SethKearsley [2017-03-20 22:58:17 +0000 UTC]

I would assume it'd be up to Square-Enix too right?

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SethKearsley In reply to Nintrendodude [2017-03-23 18:22:10 +0000 UTC]


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Nintrendodude In reply to SethKearsley [2017-10-16 15:11:44 +0000 UTC]

Any updates to your re-pitch to Disney?

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SethKearsley In reply to Nintrendodude [2017-10-18 17:54:36 +0000 UTC]

They're not interested at this time is the official word.

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Nintrendodude In reply to SethKearsley [2017-10-19 06:15:53 +0000 UTC]

Aww, that's rather unfortunate.

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Nintrendodude In reply to SethKearsley [2017-06-18 09:46:18 +0000 UTC]

I would assume that'd be the case cuz of the final fantasy characters featured like Cloud.

Also, I'm assuming you'd want it to look like this in the style: youtu.be/b9fDpTaQsw8

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MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-16 05:37:19 +0000 UTC]

Just saw your Tweet about Kingdom Hearts, I'm very excited and hoping for the very best for you Mr. Kearsley!

And thank you once again for your advice and the kind words you gave me several months ago, I've been feeling much more confident in my work.

Good luck, I hope the show can be a reality!

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-17 18:33:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks.  Happy to help.  Kingdom Hearts show is a long shot, but the fans keep pushing me, and I would love to do it.  So...worth a shot...even if it could be shot down at any second.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-17 21:04:04 +0000 UTC]

Well, fingers crossed! I can imagine it'd e a tough show to make, much less getting it green lit, but the fact you have the option to re-pitch it seems like a miracle after all the years.

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-17 21:19:03 +0000 UTC]

yeah....we'll see....it actually wouldn't be as hard as you would think because at least for the first game they go to locations which Disney TVA has already had entire series based in, not to mention the features.  Even if it were to go into the Marvel universe, they've had series based in the marvel universe as well.  It would be like having a new story that hops from series to series telling it's own story.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-18 00:45:29 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see. There's a lot of debate about whether or not having Marvel in Kingdom Hearts would be good for the series, though I think some forget that Big Hero 6 is in fact Marvel, and that it's going to have its own TV series (as well as being a world in Kingdom Hearts III). Do you think there would be issues with copyright if you were to expand beyond the first game? I understand if you can't answer that for legal reasons.

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-19 18:40:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm not legally attached to it so it would be purely fan speculation with a professional opinion.  It could be that they never went ahead because there were multiple rights holders just on the first game.  Like, I don't know how it works with each of the Disney Properties.  I imagine that there are royalties and residuals for writers and what not.  Plus the Final Fantasy side of it has it's own separate rights issues.  Might be that they can't carve that side off legally.  No idea.  If the Marvel universe were to be introduced, it would have to be similar to how the Disney worlds where the leads aren't a part of the story really.  There could be legal issues there as well.  Every deal is different and there are a lot of deals that go into just the first kingdom hearts.  Could be a tangled legal web that keeps it from happen.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-19 22:27:42 +0000 UTC]

It never occurred to me just how many legal issues that were attached to Kingdom Hearts, I only thought that since the game was also Disney that they just had all the rights to the rest of the Disney movies, but I never took into account the rights of the writers or directors of those films. I remember the reason we never saw Tarzan again in KH was because Disney had lost its rights to it. And like you said, Final Fantasy is its own rabbit hole of copyright. Back when you worked on the show before it was dropped, were you planning on getting in contact with anyone to be able to include the Final Fantasy characters in the show?

That all being said, it's just more reason to wish you luck with getting the show off the ground!

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-21 21:32:45 +0000 UTC]

I always assumed that whatever was in the games would be in the show....but then they may have only licensed the use of the FF characters in KH.  Just like Tarzan, Winnie the pooh rights are still controlled by the family of the author as well.  Other things like Nightmare before Christmas might have it's own rights issues.  I's all speculation though.  They probably just ran the numbers and decided it wasn't going to make them enough money or have a large enough audience.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-21 23:25:49 +0000 UTC]

I wonder if this affected the manga series too, considering there weren't that many Disney worlds in the manga. Speaking of which, the manga isn't bad either. Not perfect of course, it has its goofs every now and then, but there were a lot of moments in the manga that weren't in the games that I appreciated. There were also moments in your original storyboards that I really liked as well, like Riku being more a victim of circumstance and not like a villain. I thought it was a really interesting take! Even if that didn't make it to the final product, I just think it's cool that it was an idea at all. I like seeing all kinds of interpretations, between the games, the manga, the novels, and your storyboards that will hopefully be made into the show. 

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-22 21:42:05 +0000 UTC]

yeah...I wanted it to be that both though they were doing the right thing.  Riku thought he was using the heartless to get what he wanted.  There was a moment when Maleficent possessed Riku and spoke to Sora through him to try and get Sora to quit.  The higher ups thought that was too dark for a kids show.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-23 02:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Haha! That's little to nothing compared to some of the content within the games themselves. Even then I'm surprised by some of the things they did allow in the games, yet censored some others for the release of the games outside of Japan. 

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-24 17:22:25 +0000 UTC]

That's Disney TVA though.  

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-24 20:39:27 +0000 UTC]

Right, I can imagine it'd be different, especially for Disney. Though it's amazing what they used to allow on television back in the day compared to how things are now. I remember watching a few episodes of Courage the Cowardly Dog awhile back for example, and thinking "Wow, this was on a kids' network" and the stuff I didn't find dark or disturbing as a kid watching that show in the 90s/early 2000s  was now dark and disturbing to me as an adult, but still enjoyable, if not more enjoyable because I could appreciate it for what it was. 

I find myself noticing these things as I go back to watch some of the shows from my childhood and how they wouldn't fly today. 

I digress though, I can see how some of the heavier stuff in the games may have to be dropped or rearranged to make it work on the network. 

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-28 17:25:44 +0000 UTC]

Every network has a Broadcast Standards and Practices department, that's kind of like the code of ethics department.  It's different at every network.  It's different with every person who heads up that department or network.  Sometimes it's tighter, sometimes it's looser.  Sometimes the things they won't let you get away with are ridiculous, sometimes the things you get through are ridiculous.  There's actually a strategy used to get things through.  The rule of thumb is, "If you want to get a fart joke in, put a poop joke in that can be cut or reduced to a fart joke."  Doesn't always work but it's used quite a bit.  Sometimes things get through because BS&P just doesn't catch it.  Family Guy got a "Dirty Sanchez" and "Cleveland Steamer" on the air because the BS&P department didn't know that they were real things.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-02-28 19:56:10 +0000 UTC]

I can imagine how bad a certain joke has to be for the BP&S not to allow adult shows to get away with them. I wonder how that process goes for South Park, haha. I could see it being a stressful process!

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SethKearsley In reply to MadAsThyHatter [2017-02-28 21:01:46 +0000 UTC]

South Park is completely different.  They deliver their shows to the broadcast center sometimes minutes before they go on the air.  They're in constant contact with BS&P but they don't know exactly what's going up until it's on the air.

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MadAsThyHatter In reply to SethKearsley [2017-03-01 01:25:55 +0000 UTC]

It's amazing the show can hold up like that, but also intriguing. I rarely watch it but I know it's considered to be raunchy, but enjoyable to viewers who enjoy seeing just what they can get away with on TV.

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