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SerLuxfero [2364167] [] "Valeria Favoccia, comics artist"

# Statistics

Favourites: 6923; Deviations: 212; Watchers: 1637

Watching: 403; Pageviews: 112218; Comments Made: 10797; Friends: 403

# Comments

Comments: 2165

cardgamerdebu [2020-08-10 13:20:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SerLuxfero In reply to cardgamerdebu [2020-08-10 13:27:52 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DLPP [2019-04-09 20:45:00 +0000 UTC]

Too Fantastic

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tranki-zieleniack [2019-04-02 18:01:09 +0000 UTC]

Hi! There's a journal featuring your art Two people who are also featured in it told me that they didn't get notifications about  the feature I suppose no one got this I wanted to inform you about it, so here's a link to the journal Hope you'll enjoy it   March feature :)A compilation of pictures I found in DA last month and I think they're special. They gained less than 100 favs, I think they need more exposure 
Go and check them 
This one is going to be very long! I found so many precious pictures !!!!
Ypu may notice that I feature some people every month, they are artists whom I watch and I think they are amazing <3

Rainy by ForestDiver
winter night by DmitriyIsacovArt
Human eye by RmSilicio
Sea of Tea, MerMay #2 by ForestDiver
Northern Wind by svetaluch
Freddie Mercury by ElMetmari
Green Dryad 5 by ForestDiver

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MagnaAngel [2016-12-16 20:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for joining

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JonathanPiccini-JP [2015-11-02 12:43:53 +0000 UTC]

ciao Valeria!

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SerLuxfero In reply to JonathanPiccini-JP [2015-11-05 12:13:46 +0000 UTC]

ehi!! Ti aggiungo subito <3 

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JonathanPiccini-JP In reply to SerLuxfero [2015-11-05 12:44:16 +0000 UTC]

grazie Lux <3

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ThexW-I-T-C-HxMaster [2015-06-08 17:04:09 +0000 UTC]

Cornelia's Birthday Surprise contest(41535 points)I was hoping to start this before now, but that's fine better late then never. Hello this is the official Cornelia Birthday Surprise contest. This contest will be going on for two months and will be featuring over 41,000 points in total prizes. I will not go on about the reason for the contest over than to say the date of this contest is suppose to be the date in which Cornelia Hale celebrates her birthday (according to the comics anyways...) AND so I have held a contest here two years in around to mark this occasion. Last year the contest started earlier and finished on her birthday this time I wanted to start the contest on her birthday and end it on a 2 month deadline. So it will be ending on  July 10th. Final thoughts... I will not be doing anything after this contest ends until Halloween my next contest so a September start date would be that contests beginning giving me time to rest and save up for it over a longer period.................. DOING MAJOR W.I.T.C.H. CONTESTS ARE

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my-immortals [2015-05-24 04:12:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

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14th-division [2014-11-16 10:23:57 +0000 UTC]

sei troppo brava a disegnare U__U

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SerLuxfero In reply to 14th-division [2014-11-16 11:40:58 +0000 UTC]

ahahahah grazieee :*** e tu sei sempre una meraviglia <3

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arinadream [2014-09-22 14:58:24 +0000 UTC]

Grazie del fav    

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mirrorsandapples [2014-09-01 06:07:16 +0000 UTC]

hiiii just wanted to say im in love with your bioshock fan art and what program do you use to draw?

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SerLuxfero In reply to mirrorsandapples [2014-09-01 08:32:58 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked them!
I've just used Photoshop, that's all!
If you want to see a work in progress, here's the elizabeth' one! www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Iv88… <3

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mirrorsandapples In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-09-01 18:44:03 +0000 UTC]

np!! and the wip video is really cool

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SerLuxfero In reply to mirrorsandapples [2014-09-01 18:55:58 +0000 UTC]

thanks! Happy that you've enjoyed it !

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GoldammerArt [2014-07-18 14:34:11 +0000 UTC]

Are you open for commissions?

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SerLuxfero In reply to GoldammerArt [2014-07-18 14:37:52 +0000 UTC]

Hi! I'm currently finishing old commissions, but if you want to save a slot for the next batch, feel free to note me !

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GoldammerArt In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-07-18 14:46:41 +0000 UTC]


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uhavethekey [2014-07-11 16:02:08 +0000 UTC]

I think your drawings are something beyond spectacular!
I like all of your stroke types and colors are crazy!

Keep it up Lux!

your B.

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SerLuxfero In reply to uhavethekey [2014-07-11 19:57:13 +0000 UTC]

non avevo visto che c'eri anche tuuuuuu !!
Così arrossisco <3 grazie mille *^* oggi hai fatto tu un regalo a me!

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uhavethekey In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-07-11 23:08:52 +0000 UTC]

<3 non dirlo neanche per scherzo!!

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Thallys [2014-07-07 09:00:55 +0000 UTC]

Urgh. So effing close! i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/58/25…

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SerLuxfero In reply to Thallys [2014-07-07 15:41:59 +0000 UTC]

awgh <3 You were so close!!
maybe next time dear don't be sad !!
Oh and sorry for keep you waiting, I'm going to finish all the commissions in this week

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Thallys In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-07-07 19:11:26 +0000 UTC]

Bah don't worry, it was fun trying!
And don't worry about the commi, take your time ^^

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SageCOMIC [2014-06-10 08:11:52 +0000 UTC]


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SerLuxfero In reply to SageCOMIC [2014-06-10 22:32:43 +0000 UTC]

aw thanks !

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SpigaRose [2014-06-07 22:18:27 +0000 UTC]

wow come mi aspettavo fai delle cose meravigliose, grazie mille per la tua Sara versione Sailor Saturn

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SerLuxfero In reply to SpigaRose [2014-06-09 09:17:12 +0000 UTC]

Ma grazie a te per la gentilezza! Hai uno stile carinissimo e mi piacciono un sacco i tuoi colori *^*!
Ah, volevo chiederti se potevi cortesemente mandarmi una foto della dedica, perchè volevo mostrarla all'autore xD!!
Grazie ancora e speriamo di rivederci alla prossima !! 

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SpigaRose In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-06-09 09:38:14 +0000 UTC]

ma certo! purtroppo non ho fotocamere di grande qualità ç_ç spero che vada bene lo stesso con il mio cellulare
(ora che posso parlare liberamente volevo dirti che mi piace molto di più come la disegni tu Sara che l'autore XD, lo stile è molto più morbido e personalizzato e anche la forma del corpo è molto più realistica)
grazie mille per i complimenti! spero di non averti stressata troppo sabato XD
e asljkdkid grazie del watch! *se n'è accorta in questo istante*

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SerLuxfero In reply to SpigaRose [2014-06-10 19:04:48 +0000 UTC]

Grazie sei carinissima!! La foto va benone, l'ho salvata quindi puoi anche rimuoverla se ti occupa spazio <3 !
Ti ringrazio molto dei complimenti, Carlo ha uno stile molto fresco e con il genere più comico del fumetto, credo che calzi a pennello, spero che ti divertirai a leggerlo !!
E non mi hai stressato assolutamente, anzi, sei stata carinissima!! Spero di vederti nelle prossime fiere, anche perchè spesso sono in cosplay anch'io x°D! Magari riuciremo a beccarci di nuovo !!

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SpigaRose In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-06-10 19:25:54 +0000 UTC]

prego, è stato un piacere!
sì, sono d'accordo, il disegnatore è molto in gamba, mi piacciono gli scenari, la prospettiva, e i supereroi che disegna sono molto originali, solo sui personaggi femminili mi pare che cali un pochino ma questo è un mio parere personale, sicuramente a molti piace
oooh che bello *^*! io purtroppo non mi sposto molto da questa zona ma mi farebbe molto piacere rivederti a qualche fiera spero di riconoscerti in cosplay mi farebbe molto piacere

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Wicz3D [2014-03-10 22:39:22 +0000 UTC]

yar awesome

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SerLuxfero In reply to Wicz3D [2014-03-11 07:47:21 +0000 UTC]

aw thanks!!  

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Mad78 [2014-03-02 12:16:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks alot for faving the Hand Cannon blueprint

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SerLuxfero In reply to Mad78 [2014-03-11 07:46:54 +0000 UTC]

thanks to you for having shared it!

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arinadream [2014-02-18 17:53:03 +0000 UTC]

Grazie del     

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SerLuxfero In reply to arinadream [2014-02-20 21:09:18 +0000 UTC]

ma figurati !

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VictorLightningBolt [2013-12-27 01:35:53 +0000 UTC]

Hey, how are you? i have a question: are the Mondo Zappa Cosplayer in the photo with Goichi Suda?. You are mi inspiration for my Mondo Cos! Cheers from Argentina!.

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SerLuxfero In reply to VictorLightningBolt [2013-12-27 15:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Hey!! I'm fine, thanks ! Yes, it's me! I'm honored that you are going to take insipiration from my costume ! I really love Mondo *_*!
If you need some help, I'm here

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VictorLightningBolt In reply to SerLuxfero [2013-12-27 19:17:27 +0000 UTC]

How it feels to meet Goichi Suda? Is a Great Sensation?  www.deviantart.com/users/outgo… Hope You Like it! The Musselback is not finish yet, maybe tomorrow i will finish s17.postimg.org/5bhedp073/Muss… s17.postimg.org/ngucrqzpb/Muss… Cheers again! (Sorry for my bad english T__T).

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SerLuxfero In reply to VictorLightningBolt [2013-12-28 08:56:42 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry, it's okay!!
Oh i LOVE your sword!! It's really amazing!! I haven't enought time to do it properly for myself, but woah, yours is truly beautiful!!
And also the Musselback looks amazing! Can't wait to see it finished *_*! Your costume is coming out really good!
Oh it was amazing meeting Suda-san, he's so kind, so amazing so funny, it was an incredible day... Also, he loved my Mondo's cosplay at the first sight and he was so friendly and he asked me to make some pictures togheter, it was really great..! I can't even describe it properly !
And also, his assistant, Kuma-san, was also too kind with me... he shared my pics on Grasshopper's official page & twitter, I was really, really honored.. even because my costume was rought and unfinished but still, I was happy they liked it that much !!
Keep going on your costume!! It will come out amazing  

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VictorLightningBolt In reply to SerLuxfero [2013-12-31 01:45:47 +0000 UTC]

Hey Val!, how are you, Sorry if i answer you later. The Gekkou Katana is entirely made in MDF, designed by the guys of Warprops Argentina www.facebook.com/warprops . The painting and barnish are made by me. The final design of the Sword is in Black-Green-and Gold pattern, Mine is based on the preview design, i dont know for what reason they changed during the concept design, i like in this way.

s24.postimg.org/ccqr1fyh1/Muss… Here is the Musselback Finish. It took me 2 weeks after my Job to do it. This is the first time i work with EVA Foam, i would like to improve it the next time!. If you need photos of the Sword for Improve yours, tell me, i will send you!.

Again, sorry if you answer later and i wish you a very happy New Year 2014, and all your projects (And Costumes too) become true!.

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SerLuxfero In reply to VictorLightningBolt [2014-01-02 11:54:39 +0000 UTC]

don't worry!! I'm late with my answer too !
It comes out amaziiiing!! It's waaaaaaaay better than mine <3 (I'm going to redo my musselback again since I don't like it so much...)
Really it was the first time for you??? You did a GREAT job!! I love the hand <3 *^*
Thank you for your kindness! It wold be simply great to have more photos of your sword!! If yo prefere to send them by mail, here's mine: luxfero11@gmail.com !!
When are you suppose to wear your cosplay? it's an amazing job ;^;!
And happy new year to you too!!

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VictorLightningBolt In reply to SerLuxfero [2014-01-05 16:14:12 +0000 UTC]

Hey Val! Dont worry, i will send you photos in high resolution when my photographers have time to do me a session-photoshoot. Possibly for the 20th of january one of them have a time to do a Session and i take photos of the Sword for You!. If you need photos of the Musselback too please tell me!.

In Argentina is summer time and the most of the events of anime-cosplay-comics is on vacation time, they will return in february, for this date i will use the costume in one convention!.

Please, upload photos of your costume in deviantart!.

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LadyDeddelit [2013-12-16 17:01:18 +0000 UTC]

ma perche io non ti avevo ancora nei watch !?!

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SerLuxfero In reply to LadyDeddelit [2013-12-21 21:01:04 +0000 UTC]

Sono felicissima che te ne sei preoccupata e che mi hai aggiunta !!

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Split-Heart [2013-12-08 15:32:27 +0000 UTC]

*grabs your legs and noms your toes off*

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