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| SeptimusPhoenix
# Statistics
Favourites: 1143; Deviations: 161; Watchers: 320
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# Comments
Comments: 1338
demoneyeslucifer [2010-03-01 21:52:04 +0000 UTC]
i got a tat of coma... ill put up a pic once it heals nd put a link up for your page
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Faelan4173 [2010-02-04 22:28:48 +0000 UTC]
HAHA you are in Tassie, with Hannah, adam, ej and I hope you enjoy your stay
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Faelan4173 [2010-02-09 03:19:09 +0000 UTC]
mwe he he Just got back in this afternoon thanx so much for letting me bum around for a few days.
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Faelan4173 In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2010-02-09 22:28:47 +0000 UTC]
Hey no problems, welcome any time at all, you're most pleasant company. And you make good stirfry
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Raynelouise2008 In reply to Faelan4173 [2010-02-09 22:29:41 +0000 UTC]
OI! i could be good too lol. and yeah, i loved having you here too emmy
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2010-02-02 13:25:20 +0000 UTC]
Alex said your credit card got swiped wtf!!!! can you claim the money back from the bank????
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Bouncy-Britt In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2010-02-02 13:27:38 +0000 UTC]
Aha~ not my credit card, my key card was skimmed, you know on the news they keep reporting about ATM skimming. But yeah, all my money was stolen, a little over one and a half grand. I need to get back in touch the CWB, I hope I can get it all back ;;
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2010-02-02 13:30:43 +0000 UTC]
That's terrible, i'm so sorry. Gee we think we're doing the sensible thing using debit cards instead of credit and still get screwd
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Bouncy-Britt In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2010-02-02 13:32:18 +0000 UTC]
Exactly. Now I've been using my credit card where ever I go, and transfering the money with online banking as soon as I get home.
How are things with you anyway? I heard you were going to Tassie..?
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2010-02-02 23:24:48 +0000 UTC]
EJ and i leave for tassie tomorrow morning!!! I'm spending till sat with her, then going off to hang with the relatives i didn't get to see over christmas. I need a break so bad. I haven't had time off in....can't remember how long. It's only a week off but that's alright.
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-11-03 08:37:51 +0000 UTC]
currently straining under completing uni projects for thursday. Long days...too busy...and am developing RSI in my right hand from all the moulding/painting/drawing/freaking everything
How bout you? Been keeping busy?
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russo666 In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-11-05 07:27:56 +0000 UTC]
lol! flat out as always hey! poor girl hope you got it done! yeah pretty good not as busy u tho! i got into the army should be in by feb can't wait! so been flat out training which is fun! few drawings and a bit of reading!
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-11-05 07:57:38 +0000 UTC]
wow the army hey, congratulations!
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russo666 In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-11-06 01:42:41 +0000 UTC]
thanks! so big wkend on?
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-11-06 06:24:45 +0000 UTC]
christmas party for work, and recovering from the stressful uni work. u?
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russo666 In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-11-07 02:01:09 +0000 UTC]
awesome sounds like a good idea! hope it went well! had a party last nite so so boring left pretty early! tonite im not to sure see what happens! have you watched any of true blood?
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-11-07 04:14:03 +0000 UTC]
i've seen bits of true blood. just vampire porn really
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russo666 In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-11-08 08:28:53 +0000 UTC]
ha ha true! seen any good movies of late?
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-11-08 20:14:53 +0000 UTC]
nothing too brilliant...saw the new christmas carol film, was pointless really.
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russo666 In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-11-10 02:16:19 +0000 UTC]
ha ha! have you seen Zombieland isn't thats bad at all!
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-11-10 11:02:56 +0000 UTC]
heard about it, haven't seen it yet.
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Blue-Eyed-Wonderland [2009-10-14 07:45:46 +0000 UTC]
zooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmannnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnddddimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
on your page. hello there!
Long time no speak it seems! Hows it all going? Whats been up to?
And i saw your scrapped post which if i can gather is about joining facebook. And i believe one should do whatever you want. Im pretty against the whole, running with the crowd and being there cause its cool. But yeah i only have it so i can keep in contact with most of the people i know and i guess keep up with them. But yeah thats really the only reason id say. Other than that, i have little interest in technology.
Hope all is well!
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Blue-Eyed-Wonderland [2009-10-14 07:56:46 +0000 UTC]
zoman ndim? random typing there.
things have been...ok...the scrapped post was actually because i'd finally announced that i had a boyfriend, only to get a 'we need a break because i'm an idiot' talk two days later, so if he ever calls me again he's getting an earful and a proper breakup. So i've been really out of it this week, stressed and kinda depressed really, so i'm taking a few days off uni and work this week to rearrange my brain and get back to becomming a painting/drawing machine to get all my assignments completed in time. so yeah, not so great times but i'll get through it.
Yeah no facebook for me still. No reason now.
What have you been up to? Take any kick ass classes this semester or make any amazing movies?
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Blue-Eyed-Wonderland In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-10-15 14:36:52 +0000 UTC]
ohh, well, i guess my guess wasnt as good as i thought. Ah well. But that majorly sucks , what an idiot of him! *shakes head* Do take some time off, have some "you" time, dive into that drawing, creativeness is one of the best medicines i find!
As for me, mostly been doing uni stuff, loaded with all these crappy projects (minus a sound project, which was quite awesome, i had to design and create sound for this short film, check it out if you have time - [link] - )
I also had to do this photo essay dealy, which i think was quite fun also - [link] -)
But yeah other than that, its been a pretty draggy semester, pretty much all classes have been shit, and all i really do now is draw humourous pictures of my tutors/lecturers. I do miss film studies, fun times.
What else have you been up to? (other than the bf stuff) Manage to view any awesome films?
I hope you feel better, enjoy yourself, dont feel down about things and idiots, youre worth more than that! Just do what you love and imbrace the happiness! SMILE
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Blue-Eyed-Wonderland [2009-10-15 20:59:51 +0000 UTC]
Sucks about your uni semester. some are just structured better than others. mines been pretty good, though i took the weirdest theory class - art, gender sexuality and the body - so we got to see people mutilating themselves....degrading themselves in unspeakable manners...or just acting weird. good times.
movies hmmm...district 9 was kickass (even with the large plot holes). Up was sweet. And managed to finally see Escape from NY and Escape from LA. NY is kickass carpenter, LA is like wtf? seriously. although loved the bruce campbell and steve buscemi parts.
I'm stating to feel better, more myself. I think it's shock more than anything. Doing this week long dance class has helped, though i feel like im bruised and battered because of it. I'm hoping come saturday i can bare to open a sketchbook again. I have too much work to do...WAY too much work to do at the moment.
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Blue-Eyed-Wonderland In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-10-20 13:23:10 +0000 UTC]
hahaha that kinda sounds like my "reading performance" class, as we too see people degrading and multilating themselves as performance, eg, flying around suspended by hooks attached to the skin from a crane. Quaint stuff! But anyways, im glad its coming to an end, so very tired and burned out. But the semester wasnt all bad, markwise pretty goodo, especially my image and sound as my sound project got a delicious HD. BOOYA!
Yeah i really enjoyed District 9, just really entertaining. I havent yet seen Up, but yeah you cant go wrong with Pixar. I thought Coraline was a charming film, especially in 3-freaking-D, that was trippin'! And i also saw 500 Days of Summer which i found to be very well made and also charming! But really its been a cinematic dry season ever since Inglourious Basterds came out. Although theres a few i really want to see, ie Moon, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Richard Kelly's The Box. Excitement!
And how ironic. Last month i went through a John Carpenter period (great minds think alike eh? ), and watched almost all his films again (i didnt bother with a few due to their crappiness). But yeah, shit he can tell a good story, and yes some of the lesser ones can be trashy, but i think theyre quite well done (aka Prince of Darkness is pretty trashy, BUT it has a kickass idea and pretty ominous ending, really dug it). But yes, my favourites remain The Thing and Escape from NY (i like LA too, but yeah its really just a trashy re-hash of NY, it had cool elements though
). And the cool thing is, Carpenter is finally directing another movie for release in like 2011. Yiew.
Glad youre feeling better, good to hear. Relationships are indeed something, they can be the greatest thing in the world and also the worst thing in the world. And as the semester is ending soon, there will be plenty of time to independently draw and be artistic. I cant wait, and after abit of rest, i should jump on into some new project! Wooooooo!
Keep on keepin' on
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Blue-Eyed-Wonderland [2009-10-21 07:58:12 +0000 UTC]
I've always wanted to see those hook suspension performances. they sounds quite intriguing.
I didn't get round to seeing Coraline..is it still out? otherwise i'll wait for the dvd. Moon and the Box sound interesting (though i can't stand Cameron Diaz). And Terry GIlliam is usually great. Also i loved Prince of darkness even with it's trashiness. It was one of the first Carpenter films i saw. Made him really stand out to me.
Relationships....grrr...my lack of experience in them doesn't helo, but hey, you learn with each one. For now i've just got to focus on all this painting!!!
Goodluck with finishing all your stuff! Then you can let the brain brew over some personal fun projects to fill the holidays with.
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SovietPancake [2009-10-08 07:33:15 +0000 UTC]
your tattoo designs are awesome, be sweet to get them tatted. Keep on keepn' on.
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Bouncy-Britt [2009-10-02 09:14:36 +0000 UTC]
Who's snuck a peak at my page?
How are you doing beautiful? and how is Alex? >3
Ehe <33~
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2009-10-03 00:15:28 +0000 UTC]
i seem to fail at sneakyness...
Things are going great, met some of his friends last weekend - they're freaking awesome.
How have you been doing? How did your mum's surgery go? And your job situation? Sounds like your starting your own little business there.
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Bouncy-Britt In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-10-21 10:24:03 +0000 UTC]
I would love to hear more about him *o* You seem very happy~
I'm.... eh. Mum's surgery went well thank ra~ her wounds have all healed up and she's doing fine, although they couldn't get to do what the wanted to do because she was so damaged inside, she is was really quite pointless.
After weeks of guessing and knowing nothing, I found out by one on a Saturday that I wasn't needed anymore. Laurence sounded absolutly distraught, it was really upsetting. I'm going to miss him so much.
I've got business cards all printed out~ I wish you could have been at Kino at the bake sale D: I had a stall there and everything. It's not an officialk business, I'm freelancing, I guess you could call it that...
I miss you heaps D: I hope I can see you before Christmas~
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2009-10-21 10:40:05 +0000 UTC]
yeah...he went and ruined everything so you won't be hearing about him again...
I'm glad to hear your mum's doing okay, healing can take some time. when my mum had a hystorectomy she had more than 4 weeks off work. it's just nice to know she's doing well.
How's the job situation going for you?
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Bouncy-Britt In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-10-21 10:51:07 +0000 UTC]
... Well fuck him then, you don't need him.
Yeah. I'm so glad she's doing well. This whole thing with her made me really upset, and worried and stressed, so I'm glad it all went somewhat according to plan this time.
Job situation sucks. There is nothing I can find. I'm giving myself about two weeks rest then I'll be getting out the phone book and phoning every single pastisserie I can get to.
Although one of my favourite cake decorators, Paris Cutler, actually likes my work and wants to speak to me more about it! She was at the kino bake sale and took a look at my decorating. I'm having a coffee with her two weeks from now since she is currently writing a book, but atleast its one piece of good news in this hurricane of bad.
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2009-10-22 03:37:31 +0000 UTC]
A little break sounds good for you. get some much needed rest, watch dvds, draw, then worry about your job. this paris cutler one sounds promising. best of luck.
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Bouncy-Britt In reply to Bouncy-Britt [2009-10-02 09:15:03 +0000 UTC]
I spelled peek wrong xD; Oh man am I tired.
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PsychoSlaughterman [2009-09-13 09:09:57 +0000 UTC]
just dropping by to say "hi" not talked for a while
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to PsychoSlaughterman [2009-09-14 07:17:07 +0000 UTC]
hiya there! sounds like you've been pretty busy lately
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PsychoSlaughterman In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-09-14 09:23:32 +0000 UTC]
sure have been, work coming from all angles and no money if i don't meet the deadlines, hows things over there??
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to PsychoSlaughterman [2009-09-15 02:37:07 +0000 UTC]
pretty good, i've started seing one so life's getting interesting
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PsychoSlaughterman In reply to SeptimusPhoenix [2009-09-15 03:50:01 +0000 UTC]
ooh that's good news, glad to hear that
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mybrokenshadow [2009-09-05 11:55:29 +0000 UTC]
SUP!!!! long time no see! come talk to me! [link]
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russo666 [2009-08-15 07:45:11 +0000 UTC]
hey u! hows things? meet QT hey that would have been awesome!
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SeptimusPhoenix In reply to russo666 [2009-08-15 11:10:14 +0000 UTC]
it was the biggest mind fuck of my life!
otherwise i'm painting like a manic for uni, u been up to much recently?
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