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# Statistics
Favourites: 1862; Deviations: 54; Watchers: 44
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# Comments
Comments: 416
Juan-Chaves [2013-02-27 10:47:59 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for faving! much appreciated
My gallery
My acebook page: [link]
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Scoucher In reply to J-u-d-a-s [2013-02-25 18:23:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you
I wasn't expecting any birthday greetings so i haven't logged in for ages xD
It was a welcome surprise
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
cambiare-magico [2012-09-24 08:57:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for the favourites on my work. You are very kind. You have some really interesting work here too.
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Scoucher In reply to cambiare-magico [2012-09-27 01:41:26 +0000 UTC]
It's not a problem
Thank you
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RenardFasces [2012-07-30 01:08:48 +0000 UTC]
A belated thank you for faving Behind the 8 Ball.
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Scoucher In reply to Voiseyjr [2012-05-23 20:36:16 +0000 UTC]
Missed ya too
I haven't seen you in like a month And i won't see you all summer
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Voiseyjr In reply to Scoucher [2012-05-23 21:11:06 +0000 UTC]
I KNOW! I'm also not able to drive now.... I dunno did Lauren tell you? I had a car cash, didn't want to tell many people as to be honest Lauren and Chloe's reaction along with Suzi's the next day showed how everyone might react, meant to tell people one by one but memory kinda has ailed me these past few weeks... Wasn't good to begin wih lol! So yeah, car is a right off and my hip is still dodgy and I'm screaming/crying while being a passanger so not attempting to get back behinde the wheel just yet. So I can't drive down to macunthlach? Lmfao my spelling is POOR! So yeah could arrange to meet up one day though.... Depends on my working times too sorry I didn't see u all before u left! I've only just recovered from everything (to as normal as you can get wih long term things)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Scoucher In reply to Voiseyjr [2012-05-23 21:28:06 +0000 UTC]
Lauren did tell me, I didn't want to just ask you about it so i just waited until you wanted to tell me ^_^
Right car crash O_O Umm What happened? I have some details...involving a car and them hitting each other and some whiplash but what you've just mentioned is clearly worse than what i was told.
Aww hun Are you seeing a councilor for traumatic stress or something?
Surely it's drive up to Machynlleth Also i won't be there for most of the summer, not till late July. Till then i'm just outside Cardiff.
We need to meet up
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Voiseyjr In reply to Scoucher [2012-05-23 22:16:04 +0000 UTC]
Oooooo Cardiff! That's EVEN closer will have to meet up!
No I'm not, I may do but I'm always one to try and sort myself out first....
Lol I've been in a way waiting for you to ask as I didn't want to bomb u down with it... Ah well basically, *deep breath in*
Mum and dad were going to a reunion party, a pub crawl around Caerleon, mum took dad up, h ad a glass of cola then decided to drop the car home and then meet the group back at the next pub. When mum got home I just finished my pizza and offered to take mum back up, i though it would be safer and quicker especially if the bus takes half an hour to turn up! Mum finally gave in and off we went, went into the Hanbury no problem, dropped her off and turned and off I went, got into the 40mph and no problem, reached the 30mph so I looked ahead, nothing, looked behinde, maybe something in the distance but nothing significantly, so I decided to slow down, looked ahead after checking my speed which was no more than 32 and I noticed a car in my lane coming towards me, I was taken a back so braked and honked the horn, by that time I was too ate, last thing I saw was the other car swerving back into their lane, last thing I headed was a weird noise which can't be described and next thing I know I'm breathing in smoke and dust, numb face and my right side of the body is sore, panic hit me so I tried to open up my door and it failed (will email u photos! Or put one up here so u'll see why) so climbed over the other side and just cried! I ended up being spun by the house with the lions on the wall in the ditch that had a sign saying 'motor vehicles prohibited' typical me! The other party isn't claiming liability and now is too late for the police to prosecute so I'm like really upset that I have had to go through this and the so called justice system has been apple of shit!
As for injuries, I had horrible burns from the airbags, along with really gritty feeling skin from the dust that got pelted at me from it! An unaligned nose, though it's not noticeable or broken or swollen any more, it's just feeling odd to me! Nothing that can be done about it..l I then had a badly bruised and swollen fist which had a cut on it.... Looks likes it's where I beeped the horn and my arm flung with the air bag! Still bruised but no longer swollen and not broken! Though the cut is netting infected again! Which is not good! I had whiplash to the neck and chest, which his why I was taken to the hospital collared and boarded but that's gone... Somewhat now, I also then had my hip problem.... Basically where the lower seatbelt locked, it caused cuts to my hips, along with swelling to the major muscle that runs along it, my only worry is, although I've been told I'm alright, I had no x rays and it feels like something has lodged out of place! It's still very painful but bright side,ni can fit into my normal clothes again! It did feel like I had Botox to the hip! Lmfao! Other thing that's worrying me is that I can't feel hat I can't go to the toilet... I have to guess most of the time which is horrible! Gonna give it til June 4th and if there's no improvement I'm gonna go see the dr again.
As for the other person... Well she complained of chest pain on the scene and had a blooded eye...
Lol this is a one post! Lmfao yeah it's in detail but if I ever narrow it down, knowing me it'll disappear... I do believe I have dads problem... At my age he had a near fatal accident and has lost 3weeks of his life and forgotten some key things, I haven't forgotten key things like how to play something but I am disoreienated with as and what I did the previous say etc and do stumble when talking but I think that's just where I've been shaken and my head is still like "Ah WTF IS GOING ON!" hahaha!
But yeah as I said, it's too late for the police to arrest he woman for drunk driving or anything so I'm really pissed off! I'm a victim of someone's speedin stupidity and I'm the one who seems to be suffering... All I want is answers to questions I have to ry and stop the flash backs and nightmares.... Though I am trying to claim compensation so we'll see what happens
Oh and as for the illness! I went to the hospital as I had this horrible cough that came from no where, dad thought it was dust/smoke on the lungs so I was worth checking out, in act I was a chest infection... Likely cause for me was that the whiplash caused swelling in my chest, then this caused an infection to creep in... Which is why I dunno why I have an infection in my hand as I was on my antibiotics.... I'm now fine, an occasional cough but a bit of phlegm but nothing half as bad as what I had like a week or so ago!
I apologise for the long message!
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MisplacedFox [2012-03-25 04:17:19 +0000 UTC]
I am behind.... Thank you for the fave a while back.
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YoungSamModels [2011-12-30 11:15:44 +0000 UTC]
I was Raumasy, but sorta disappeared off of dA. I came back, and saw your change of accounts, and thought you were worth still watching.
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