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| SamanthaLenore
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# Comments
Comments: 1082
Ch1l1l1zardL3g3ndz [2019-12-04 16:57:30 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, tie the sun to a mountain!
Happy Birthday, order a big chocolate!
Happy Birthday, let us all be happy!
Happy Birthday, to you from me!
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holymacro [2019-11-27 08:36:00 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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holymacro [2018-12-02 01:26:28 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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holymacro [2017-12-01 22:49:52 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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holymacro [2016-12-01 00:32:16 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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holymacro [2015-12-01 00:08:05 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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joeyv7 [2015-05-25 17:31:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for faving, Samantha I hope you and yours are well.
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holymacro [2014-12-02 00:16:41 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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Vizen [2013-12-07 19:42:09 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday !!! Sorry for being late. I hope you're doing well
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SamanthaLenore In reply to FondRecollections [2013-12-06 06:10:11 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I did.
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SamanthaLenore In reply to AbandonedAccount2024 [2013-12-06 06:10:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank-you, so much.
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ls269 [2013-12-04 08:53:21 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday, dear!
Hope you have an awesome day, with lots of hugs and cake and presents!
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SamanthaLenore In reply to ls269 [2013-12-06 06:11:35 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, Lucy. Lots of hugs and presents. No cake. I had wine instead.
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ls269 In reply to SamanthaLenore [2013-12-08 11:37:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh, wine's much better! I'd switch a piece of cake for a nice glass of wine any day!
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holymacro [2013-12-02 21:02:32 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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holymacro In reply to SamanthaLenore [2013-12-03 23:37:29 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome!!!!God bless!Hugs! Glen
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28dragons [2013-11-18 01:22:49 +0000 UTC]
I hope you don't mind my reviewing here, since it's been so long, but I just spent two days captivated by The Alchemist... and now the story's over. The first half, anyway. I read a comment on one of the chapters, how it would have had a redemptive ending. I'm sure it would have been a magical ending, and I'm sure the second half, continuing with the deathly hallows, would have been just as exquisite as the first, if not moreso, and I can imagine a redemptive(happy?) ending for the characters ^^ The central message of love being able to transform the soul is heartbreaking and inspiring, and one I think Rowling tried to convey, but didn't exactly make it, in my humble opinion.
Thank you so much for writing your story, it's truly, truly a breathtaking, remarkable work. I just got started on the Snape/Lily fandom a month ago, years after finishing the books. For some reason I remembered Snape, and his story, and his tragic love, and started looking up fanfiction, and then I couldn't stop. I searched high and low for more stories to read, but the pickings on Fanfiction.net are rather slim, even though there are jewels here and there. I heard about The Alchemist but never found it, and somehow I stumbled upon it, blessed fortune, and I'm done reading it now, and it's glorious. Thank you so much for writing it. Reading it was a sort of revelation - your character interpretations were so true, so alive, so painfully present. Your world leapt off the page so it was like watching a movie in my head. Are you writing original fiction? I would love to see you published one day if you aren't already. Good luck and best wishes for all your goals! If you ever return to the story or fandom I hope you'll let us know ^^ I honestly can't sing your praises highly enough; it would take a hundred pages!
(And this is off topic, but I found it funny that two of my most favorite SSLE fanfics both have titles starting with "A" - "The Alchemist," and one written by debpeters, "The Apprentice"; have you read it? It's unfinished, but really, really good.)
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SamanthaLenore In reply to 28dragons [2013-11-18 06:44:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank-you so much for taking the time to tell me what the story meant to you. It is kind of timely and weird because I was talking to a good friend about this story tonight, and I hadn't thought about it in ages. I'm so glad it touched you. Sadly, I don't think it will ever be finished, and I apologize for that.
I am not writing original fiction, but I have been considering it. Thank-you for the encouragement. It is very motivating when you know that people enjoy your work and are touched by it.
I haven't read "The Apprentice". Where can I find it? I do still like to read some Harry Potter fanfic now and again.
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28dragons In reply to SamanthaLenore [2013-11-18 14:39:15 +0000 UTC]
It's all right, things happen! you still made something really beautiful. But, do you remember what would have happened to the characters? I'm just wondering ^^
Not sure when the author will update again, but I have hope! www.fanfiction.net/s/6306296/1…
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SamanthaLenore In reply to 28dragons [2013-11-19 15:33:17 +0000 UTC]
I don't remember all the details, I'm sorry. I didn't write notes. It was all in my head. Won't do that again.
Thanks for the link. I read the first chapter of that story last night, and it pulled me right in. Sounds like it is going to be a good one!
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28dragons In reply to SamanthaLenore [2013-11-19 20:03:45 +0000 UTC]
Personally I really enjoyed it! I like seeing different interpretations of Snape; in this story he doesn't do much angsting and just tackles the problem straight on! if you ever want other SSLE recs I have tons of them
Also I just finished reading Once yesterday and adored it! It had your distinctive voice and vivid emotion and characterization that I really admire. One of the most intriguing AU's I've ever read, and I would've loved to see where you'd gone with it - Sev and Lily would have been toeing a really dangerous line if they'd been together seventh year, and beyond - not to mention Sev's possible inheritance! XD
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SamanthaLenore In reply to 28dragons [2013-11-20 02:48:27 +0000 UTC]
Yes, they really would have!
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SofiaLK1987 [2013-07-15 07:19:36 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for favign my "Summer of 1980"
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SamanthaLenore In reply to SofiaLK1987 [2013-07-16 04:20:52 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome.
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SamanthaLenore In reply to hanna-dora [2013-04-25 03:36:07 +0000 UTC]
Hello, you! How are things?
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hanna-dora In reply to SamanthaLenore [2013-04-25 06:29:46 +0000 UTC]
I'm okay, thank you! It's so nice to be back among you all.
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Vizen [2012-12-04 18:12:38 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday!!! with the hope you're doing well , too
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SamanthaLenore In reply to ForlornExistence [2012-12-05 03:46:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank-you, so much!
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ForlornExistence In reply to SamanthaLenore [2012-12-06 11:46:38 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure! I hope you enjoyed your day.
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ls269 [2012-12-04 09:07:08 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, Samantha! Hope you have an awesome day, with lots of tea and cake and hugs and presents! (Here's lots of hugs to start you off:
Lots of love,
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SamanthaLenore In reply to ls269 [2012-12-05 03:48:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank-you! It involved hugs, presents, cheese-stuffed tortellini and tiramisu! I hope the novel writing is going well. It must feel great to be well into your second novel!
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ls269 In reply to SamanthaLenore [2012-12-05 23:00:52 +0000 UTC]
It would feel better if either of the novels had been published and were earning me some money!
But it's not going too badly - I've got into some soppy, romantic bits now, which always make me happy!
The cheese-stuffed tortellini and tiramisu sounds perfect! Much better than tea and cake! I'm glad you had a good day.
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