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Saliko-Archive [33499478] [] "Saliko is love, Saliko is life"

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Favourites: 24; Deviations: 2289; Watchers: 424

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# Comments

Comments: 140

ChershireHatter [2019-05-19 20:05:43 +0000 UTC]

I just wanted to ask if my one design correction was overlooked. Cause all others around it were a aprooved.
Maybe it just needs correction and therefore it was leftout. But Iยดm not sure about that, thats why I wanted to get sure.


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Saliko-Archive In reply to ChershireHatter [2019-05-19 20:17:22 +0000 UTC]

Hello Chershire!

Don't worry, your Design wasn't overlooked by me

I just wasn't the Person who made the original comment on your Design

and had to ask the Admin what exactly was off, I'll get to your Design very soon!

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ChershireHatter In reply to Saliko-Archive [2019-05-19 20:18:47 +0000 UTC]

Ah! alright! Never saw this happens thats why I just wanted to ask! Thanks a lot for the fast answer!^^

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Danvii [2018-07-07 04:38:05 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I have 4 salikos (Saqui,Nuka,Ayo,Nahia) and I will be using them in my rpg account from now on cryptiott I was wondering if that could be changed in their import sheets so I won't have to haggle around accounts for permission

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Danvii [2018-07-08 14:50:52 +0000 UTC]

no problem ;3
you just need to request the ownership change here-->
Saliko Change Log

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Danvii In reply to Saliko-Archive [2018-07-09 15:39:23 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much!

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Scottish-Fold16 [2017-04-03 21:28:08 +0000 UTC]

How does one get a saliko? Does it cost much?

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Scottish-Fold16 [2017-04-04 15:42:19 +0000 UTC]

right now you can only get a saliko via the adoption center or from other members
We suggest to check the slot sale and Saliko sale folders and the adoption center:
Adoption CenterAdopting a Saliko:
check if there is a Geno you want
If yes, please fill this form and comment here: http://comments.deviantart.com/1/602473101/4103265938 (You will only get one geno, however you're required to list two in case the first one is no longer available.)First Choice: "copy-paste Number + full Geno + THE LINK PLEASE"
Second Choice: "copy-paste Number + full Geno + THE LINK PLEASE"
You can only adopt once, even if you sell/trade your adopted Saliko, so choose wisely c;
Donating a Saliko to the Adoption Center:
If you have a Geno/Design you want to donate, please fill this form and comment here: http://comments.deviantart.com/1/602473101/4103265614
Geno: "copy paste the full Geno please, including Subspecies, Manetype, etc"
Proof of Ownership: "link"
Design: "Link to the Import"
(This option is only available for blank Saliko, meaning there is no art/literature of them)

You will be re

(greeting, AkumaNoBaka / AkumaNoAka)

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MightyRaptor [2016-08-20 11:46:16 +0000 UTC]

hi hi hi

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Kami-O-Kami [2016-08-06 14:32:37 +0000 UTC]

o: are breedables currently open?
if so can i buy 2 slots and throw them on each other ;w; my salis currently not breedable but i would love another lil floofer

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40mg [2016-05-28 20:41:03 +0000 UTC]

I want to change my Saliko's name (Amur Kumba 52 ) to Roux -he was traded to me so I'm real just trying to learn all I can about this group - seems amazing. ;w; want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Is there a process for this?

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Saliko-Archive In reply to 40mg [2016-05-30 17:07:00 +0000 UTC]

for changes please use the Saliko Change Log

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Vireh-Riftkin [2016-05-04 00:32:00 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Vireh-Riftkin [2016-05-04 01:01:32 +0000 UTC]

The Apply is already open again
if we didn't check your Designs they might have been posted to the wrong comment

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Vireh-Riftkin In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-05-04 09:11:00 +0000 UTC]

last question though.

may i have a link to the proper place to post my design?

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Vireh-Riftkin In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-05-04 08:57:34 +0000 UTC]

yay i'll post right away.

and na, the designs i made are only in my stash, and i wasn't sure if they were ok or not.

i made 2 of them with the intent to become npc salikos

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DragonAura [2016-03-31 11:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Good day.ย  Quick question - I have 2 designs (my starter and a purchased genotype) that I submitted for approval back in January.ย  They were never accepted or rejected.ย  Should I re-do/re-post them?ย  Thanks for your time.

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Saliko-Archive In reply to DragonAura [2016-04-01 13:32:27 +0000 UTC]

Hi there I just searched for your submission - it was posted at the wrong place, that's why it might have been overseen. As you might have noticed the group gets updated atm so it might be the best to just wait until the Apply is open again and repost it It won't take too long anymore ^^

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DragonAura In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-04-01 15:26:01 +0000 UTC]

Oops, sorry - totally my fault then.ย  I appreciate your reply and the advice.ย  Thanks!

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dergenn [2016-03-28 18:19:47 +0000 UTC]

So I'm kinda inerested in the group again but I've already taken my first free common a super long time ago :u
Since the group is rebooting could we claim another or would we have to buy one?

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Saliko-Archive In reply to dergenn [2016-03-28 18:36:56 +0000 UTC]

We're very glad to here that. ^v^
But sadly you will have to buy a Saliko now.
The breeding will open very soon again and I'm pretty sure many people will rush to produce some little welps.ย 

You might look through the advertisement folder for Salikos that are for sale at the moment.
Or upload a journal and ask if someone is selling one.

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dergenn In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-03-28 18:38:10 +0000 UTC]

Okay, thanks for getting back to me so quick ^^
I'll take a look around, I've always loved this species c:

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Saliko-Archive In reply to dergenn [2016-03-28 19:08:42 +0000 UTC]

No problem I'm currently pretty busy with updating stuff so I'm in the archive the whole. xD Seeing every new comment immediately.

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dergenn In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-03-28 19:11:25 +0000 UTC]

It's nice to see the group wake up again!ย 

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Saliko-Archive In reply to dergenn [2016-03-28 19:13:09 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. xD It's also a lot of work but the wonderful feedback we get keeps us going. QvQ

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dergenn In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-03-28 19:16:15 +0000 UTC]

Yeah feedback is always helpful

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ChemicallyAbsolute [2016-03-23 02:32:10 +0000 UTC]

Want. To buy a second saliko
..a maneless. Male tatra how much would that cost with all common traits (besides the mane) owo

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Saliko-Archive In reply to ChemicallyAbsolute [2016-03-23 13:28:11 +0000 UTC]

A custom like that would cost 32$ but customs are currently not open and it is not sure yet when they will be available again.

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ChemicallyAbsolute In reply to Saliko-Archive [2016-03-23 15:29:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, o_o;
Just the maneless common saliko alone costs that much???

Did i miss an escalation in priceing?;0;

And customs are downthats fine o 3o

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Yellowsparkle In reply to ChemicallyAbsolute [2016-03-23 20:54:23 +0000 UTC]

Well since it is a rare mane...yes. o.ร’

I wouldn't call it escalation...many closed arpg species are pretty pricey. You know Stryx? Simple semi custom starts with 100$ ....talk about escalated prices there. xD
I really wouldn't consider Salikos that expensive. Not cheap, let's say well priced. I mean you can get all manes through breeding.
Customs are just the lazy and fast way to get what you want. Pure luxury. xD

Have a look at this: fav.me/d9qaboi
That are the prices I sell my bred Salikos for. The species is great and group even though it's a little bit inactive at the moment is fun too, so I see no reason for underselling them.

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ChemicallyAbsolute In reply to Yellowsparkle [2016-03-23 21:03:54 +0000 UTC]

...actually....i font >^> this is the only rpg ive dobe so far...looking ti try ludiis toi but pretty much grabbing at sttx here XD

Either way im not saying the price iant legit i worth it just wow i had no clue o.o

Eitgwr ay thats gonna be 35,500 points or 3,500 pts? ._.

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Yellowsparkle In reply to ChemicallyAbsolute [2016-03-23 21:21:38 +0000 UTC]

Ouh xD well..it's a group about giant bird dragons. But a bit frustrating...you can't do very much with your birds at the moment und well it's hard to get something that's looking really nice.

Oh no, we don't take points anymore for customs. Overall the whole custom thing will become pretty rare.
We want to encourage the people to breed with their Salikos, making it a actual challenge to get something nice instead of just....throwing money away....

People kinda stopped to appreciate even uncommon Salikos....this is sad. So getting something that's more than common will get harder from now on.
Enough uncommon, rare or even very rare Salikos are out there for breeding.^^ย 

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ChemicallyAbsolute In reply to Yellowsparkle [2016-03-24 00:55:30 +0000 UTC]

Nooooh well crap that aucks guess i should have grabed one back then, eitger way im not breeding my saluji hes gay so thats not happenig anytime soon.

Might just lurk about till i can find a maneless male XD

U really should stop predrawing art, i did the same thing with pets xD

Thanks for the info

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Vireh-Riftkin [2016-03-19 11:19:16 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Vireh-Riftkin [2016-03-19 13:06:50 +0000 UTC]

As soon as we finished the preparations for the reorganization of the imports.

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Hellusination [2015-11-09 10:43:39 +0000 UTC]

I love how this account it setup so easy to find everything

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Sylyensatein [2015-10-17 22:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Quick question: My saliko has been approved, and Iv'e received the badge. Does that mean I can post art of my saliko now?

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Sylyensatein [2015-10-22 21:36:18 +0000 UTC]

Yes you can upload art of your Saliko to your account, but please do not add it to the group untill your Saliko is offiial uploaded.
Our admins try to give EP whenever there is a new artwork in the group and if the Saliko isn't uploaded they cannot do that.
Thank you.ย 

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Sylyensatein In reply to Saliko-Archive [2015-10-22 23:55:42 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou for answering!

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momofoxes [2015-10-08 11:04:52 +0000 UTC]

I'm rather confused (for which I apologize >.<). About 4 days ago I had uploaded my design to the Free Saliko application comment, and I'm not sure if my application had been 'hidden by owner' or something else (because I cannot seem to find my Saliko within the archives).

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Saliko-Archive In reply to momofoxes [2015-10-09 17:59:48 +0000 UTC]

No worries is this the comment you were talking aboutย comments.deviantart.com/1/5598โ€ฆ

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momofoxes In reply to Saliko-Archive [2015-10-10 12:11:37 +0000 UTC]

I'd also probably been looking at the wrong application GAH im so sorry

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Saliko-Archive In reply to momofoxes [2015-10-10 15:07:53 +0000 UTC]

No worries <3

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momofoxes In reply to Saliko-Archive [2015-10-10 12:10:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh! Yes it is! My apologies then xD I couldn't quite seem to find it

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Aeur [2015-10-02 02:44:51 +0000 UTC]

Can you give me the link to mikaleys customs? I can't seem to find it and I want to make some edits..

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Aeur [2015-10-09 18:00:16 +0000 UTC]

Custom Saliko - Limited Slots OpenCustoms are OPEN.
Limited Slots. There are different Slot, watchout what you claim.

Sorry for the reupload.
Just wanted to let everyone know that this will be the last time you will see customs like this.
After this is done there won't be customs to uncommon, rare or very rare Salikos. (Only maybe for very special events)

Base Price
The base price for a custom common Saliko is 500/$5
This price includes:
-A common base colour
-A common coat type
- As many common markings as you would like
ย ย  ~You can only have one pattern!
Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare Marking Prices
-Uncommon markings: 1200/$12
ย  ย ย ย  ย  ~You can have as many of these as you would like.
- Rare Markings: 3000/$30
ย  ย ย ย ย  ~You are limited to 3 rare features (That includes both: Markings/Patterns

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Aziria [2015-09-13 18:04:06 +0000 UTC]

they are open again?!ย  D

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Aziria [2015-09-13 20:49:48 +0000 UTC]

If you talking about applying for your saliko, then yes they are, go there and read the rules carefully, please thank you!

Apply for your Saliko

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Maevery [2015-08-31 01:05:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure where you go to get mistakes fixed, but my saliko,ย saliko-archive.deviantart.com/โ€ฆ , is listed as a tundra, but i'm pretty sure she is a tatra!ย 

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Saliko-Archive In reply to Maevery [2015-09-05 14:34:50 +0000 UTC]

thank you for telling us

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