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| Rolut
# Statistics
Favourites: 94239; Deviations: 5; Watchers: 198
Watching: 2159; Pageviews: 29001; Comments Made: 3610; Friends: 2159
# Comments
Comments: 4071
ExtraOver [2019-05-04 18:38:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav's and watch, really appreciated!
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LimitElta [2019-02-14 12:49:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for watching my art, means a ton to me!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
KaidokJ [2018-11-17 03:30:22 +0000 UTC]
I know you favorited more than this, which is great.
But so as not to flood your page, here are just a random selection of replies for the pictures that you favorited.
Sorry if it's still a bit long.
Thanks for the fav on 135 - I'll have what she's having...
Unless it’s some of that new hippity dippity, 100% organic, certified chemical free, all natural stuff called…water? Is that what it’s called? Can’t stand the stuff myself. No flavour, full of who knows what. Next thing they’ll tell me it’s good for my health. Bah! Poppycock! That’s just part of the marketing scheme. Well let me tell you, I am the last person to be hornswoggled by some fancy advertising or flashy gimmick. That’s why I only ever drink CRUSHED!™ A bittersweet, infinitely satisfying beverage made from the tears of your enemies, collected by rehabilitated ex-junkie tooth fairies and then brewed for 3 non-consecutive full moons, until all the natural goodness is finally eliminated and all you’re left with is a blend of barely legal chemicals. "Get CRUSHED!™, the beverage of poor sportsmen!"
Thanks for the fav on 136 - Medicine is just my hobby...
Okay, it’s not really a hobby. It’s more of a side gig. But once my glockenspiel career takes off, I am done with all that personally satisfying drudgery and its life changing experiences. I mean who really wants the hassle of saving lives and being a hero? Not me, that’s for sure. Give me the wide open roads, the adoring fans, questionable groupies, a soulless corporate sell out, meaningless promotional feuds and of course, the real reason for taking up an instrument, the free food. Yep. That is what I call living the dream. And I’m so close too. I just need to learn how to play, find just the right bandmates who are willing to ride my coattails to top before stabbing me in the back to support their rampant decorative soap addiction, and of course a manager so devious and underhanded that by the time my career is over I won’t have two buttons to rub together. So I’m practically there already. I figure another week and there’ll be billboards with my face on it, just you see.
Thanks for the fav on 137 - Twins, Basil! Twins...
Upon closer inspection, it appears that these two are not, in fact, twins. That’s right, I was wrong. Honest mistake. One of them appears to be a covert polymorphous gelatine based lifeform, masquerading as a fluffy belt ornament. The humanoid form upon which the ornament rests is nothing more than a highly complex, trans-dimensional, Bluetooth enabled, physic projection. Classic contextual camouflage. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before. I mean I see this sort of thing all the time. Rookie mistake. I apologise. Of course, now that I know that one of them is a fake, the next challenge is figuring out which one is the imposter… I know what you’re thinking, why not just draw blood, and to that I say, have you ever tried to draw blood from a physic projection? Of course you haven’t. That’s a ridiculous suggestion. It takes ages.
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Rolut In reply to KaidokJ [2018-11-30 15:46:19 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow I don't even know how to respond to that I'm speechless XD
It's not normal for others to respond with a whole text, I really enjoyed reading it XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KaidokJ [2018-11-16 22:32:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the llama
I knew a llama once. At least I thought I knew him. I mean, how well can anyone really know anyone, much less a llama. With their air of mystery and thinly veiled contempt. It’s hard. But I digress.
His name was Kevin. But for reasons I will never understand, he would only ever answer to Albert. Identity issues aside, things started out okay. The usual introductory sniffing and sneezing went well, despite his allergies, but then things started going downhill during the ritual licking phase of the pleasantries. We pushed through. And had it not been for the spitting, we might have even been able to make it work, but alas, after just 3 seconds of bittersweet brotherhood, we finally decided to part ways. It’s kind of sad, when you think about it. Spitting seems like such an innocent thing to fight over, but he was pretty adamant that I should stop and that was just never going to happen. We might have overcome that issue, but Kevin, like all llamas, was very competitive. First came the stench competitions. Then it was belching contests. And lastly, a painstaking count to see which one was hairier. You can clearly see why our relationship was doomed. The poor fellow was a bit of a sore loser.
So he snuck out, taking with him a failed friendship, an obliviously optimistic dread of the future, and my sixth favorite toothbrush. Now that he is gone, I can honestly say, it's for the best. He was too much of a chick magnet anyway and who needs that drama?
Full disclaimer, as Kevin’s official biographer, a position of which he blackmailed me into (don’t ask), I’ve been instructed to inform you about his ongoing series. The journey starts here with The Kevin Chronicles - Chapter 1, and this gallery contains the rest. You should check it out.
*End of cue card*
And don't worry, they're pretty short.
No pressure though, only if you want.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KaidokJ [2018-11-16 21:48:50 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for choosing AbsurdAir, your captain for this flight is KaidokJ. I have no license, I’m considered legally blind and I’m easily distrac… Wait, what was I talking about…
But not to fear. There’s a good chance we’ll never make our destination, but since this whole flight metaphor is just a weak attempt at a humorous anecdote, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. Ah damn, I just shattered the illusion by crashing through the 4th wall.
Anyway, thanks for the watch.
I’m sure you regret your choice by now, considering this madness is basically what you signed up for, but since all tickets are non-refundable, welcome to Crazytown. Quarantine measures come into effect upon arrival.
On a more serious note, here’s basically the run down. Posting regularly (fingers crossed), free funny stories in almost all fav replies, and an intro to Kevin the Llama in the Llama Badge reply. Also, if you haven’t already heard, I’ve been designated Kevin Llamason’s official biographer, so you can check out what he’s been up to in The Kevin Chronicles. (Unfortunately “The Kevin Chronicles” are currently on hiatus, while Kevin gets a handle on his pinecone addiction. In the meantime I hope to experiment with a new format in the near future, so keep an eye out for that)
So that’s about it. Thanks again for flying AbsurdAir, and I hope you enjoy the ride.
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Catluckey [2018-10-06 02:49:39 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for faving some of my TheWatchman Chapter 6 pages!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
BRlearner [2018-09-21 12:51:54 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the fav, for the llama and for the watch!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Make-It-Mico [2018-09-15 22:24:47 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a bunch for watching this account as well! Plus the faves, too. It is all appreciated, so thank you.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
terraaremar In reply to Rolut [2018-09-15 03:20:00 +0000 UTC]
youre super welcome! hope you had a great time!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
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