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| Rionaxa

# Statistics
Favourites: 7475; Deviations: 1052; Watchers: 108
Watching: 448; Pageviews: 36854; Comments Made: 3904; Friends: 448
# Comments
Comments: 420
BlueQuartzz [2020-07-03 19:05:16 +0000 UTC]
where does caius get his birb plushies π
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Rionaxa In reply to BlueQuartzz [2020-07-03 20:18:56 +0000 UTC]
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BlueQuartzz In reply to Rionaxa [2020-07-03 20:21:23 +0000 UTC]
Quartz: We must spoil him
Tyrain: Yes!
Tai: I can sew-
Quartz: Heheh- I'll just- * runs to the toy store *
Qrow: She's gonna spend all her money just to spoil my son-
Caius: Yeh
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Rionaxa In reply to BlueQuartzz [2020-07-03 20:23:39 +0000 UTC]
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Rionaxa In reply to sunflowergirl15 [2019-06-13 03:43:29 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Another year older, haha. X )
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Rionaxa In reply to CyberFox [2018-07-04 16:15:44 +0000 UTC]
I do! But I'm not taking any at this moment. Sorry! :I
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shycatgirl [2018-02-14 00:09:14 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the fave on my KH Valentine! Please feel free to check out the rest of my gallery and fave or watch if you like anything else!
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Rionaxa In reply to shycatgirl [2018-02-14 00:31:00 +0000 UTC]
No problem! And I definitely plan to check out the rest of your gallery once I have the time. School's had me stressed lately, so seeing that KH Valentine pic really brightened my day.
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shycatgirl In reply to Rionaxa [2018-02-14 01:39:09 +0000 UTC]
Of course! And I'm so glad it makes me giggle everytime I see it. I did it instead of working on school work too haha
Hope you have a good Valentines!
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Rionaxa In reply to kanyiko [2017-07-11 21:11:33 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Sweet llama picture, haha. X )
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bear48 [2016-12-02 21:23:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fine Camelidae
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Rionaxa In reply to kats07 [2016-09-06 01:41:52 +0000 UTC]
Right back at ya.
No problem! I'm so hype for kh3 and 2.8 *_*
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kats07 In reply to Rionaxa [2016-09-06 14:14:29 +0000 UTC]
hahaha me too !!! but you can almost taste it...... almost there.......
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Rionaxa In reply to chateaugrief [2016-09-05 20:18:07 +0000 UTC]
No problem! You have great scenery.
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pinkythepink [2016-08-21 22:20:59 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favorites, it really means ever so much to me that you enjoy my artwork! I invite you to add me to your watch so that you can see all the future beaded and stitched pieces I have planned!
Just think of the sparkles...
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Rionaxa In reply to pinkythepink [2016-08-22 02:05:09 +0000 UTC]
Ah my goodness. Follow I shall! This way I'll technically have favourited everything!
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pinkythepink In reply to Rionaxa [2016-08-22 10:51:42 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for adding me to your watch! It really brings a smile to my face which is more than I could've asked for.
I hope that I can continue to impress with my future pieces!
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MetalFaceLover [2016-05-16 03:47:55 +0000 UTC]
Hey I forgot to mention that I'm actually drawing you something. . it's one of my better drawings and it's you in dragon form. well just the head but it's still going to be you in dragon form...it's a thank you for being such an awesome friend. . quick question,what color would you like it to be? Β And for my drawings, I can wait as long as necessaryΒ
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Rionaxa In reply to MetalFaceLover [2016-05-16 04:14:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh gee, I guess green would be a pretty sweet colour. Like a forest-y green or something.
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-16 05:29:39 +0000 UTC]
I just worked on it some more, it's actually halfway done..I amazed myself by how well it came out. .Β
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Rionaxa In reply to MetalFaceLover [2016-05-16 05:37:30 +0000 UTC]
It's good that you're proud of it. :V
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-16 05:47:09 +0000 UTC]
It's just I wish I could draw faced mechon but I suppose since my drawing has improved, I suppose I could try my hand at drawing a mechon...like I'm being 100 % honest here but it is actually thanks to you that I'm both a author and illustrator and that I have improved in both areas..I might even be as good as you one day. .Β
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Rionaxa In reply to MetalFaceLover [2016-05-16 05:50:34 +0000 UTC]
Practice is always a good thing!
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-16 05:58:50 +0000 UTC]
Indeed it is. . I feel bad though because I always tried to draw the drawing fully the first time. . but I got a drawing book and started drawing from that and it flowed naturally for me. . my drawings have improved because I found my own unique way to draw. .in the past, I thought it wasn't possible for me to draw but I actually proved myself wrongΒ
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-16 04:18:20 +0000 UTC]
Very well, consider it done. ..and I might also finish the full body one that I was working on for you as well. . I should hopefully have the head drawing done soon. . I'm pretty sure that you will love it. ..
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MetalFaceLover [2016-05-14 06:48:04 +0000 UTC]
Hey, not trying to be a bother you or anything but how do I start writing? I mean I really want to start writing it today but I don't know how exactly...
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Rionaxa In reply to MetalFaceLover [2016-05-14 14:40:42 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm. Well, I can only give advice from personal experience. But before I even started Fragmentation (which is an idea I've had in mind since 2012), I wrote down a rough/skeleton of how I want the story to go/what major events go where. So it was pretty easy to get started.
That said, I suggest listening to music! Especially music that fits the tone/mood the chapter is going for. It's okay if your first few sentences are simple because you can just add to them in later drafts. Your first draft of the chapter isn't supposed to be something awesome, it's to get an idea of how things look and then rewrite, add, or even scrap entire paragraphs if neccessary. My main suggestion though is music!
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-14 22:05:07 +0000 UTC]
It's just I was listening and watching YouTube,especially about Mumkhar and metal face and I was still having a bit of trouble... To be honest,I actually want to be able to write like you and have my stories that good...I haven't written since 2013 or even before that,and back then writing stories just came naturally for me, but I really want to do my IreneXMumkhar story because I keep thinking of ideas for it... A lot of people love my stories and say that they would be devastied if I stopped writing...
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Rionaxa In reply to MetalFaceLover [2016-05-14 22:17:48 +0000 UTC]
You'll shake off the rust eventually. Just write down whatever comes to mind. The paragraph doesn't even have to make sense! Maybe there are writing exercises or prompts you could find on the internet to help you warm up.
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-14 22:23:05 +0000 UTC]
I may just do that, thank you so very much...well, here is what I was working on and this is how I usually write,I'm not really sure if it's good or not...
The Darkest Desire. ( Chapter 1.)
Summary: When you are tempted from darkness on all sides, will your heart be as strong as you think it is, or will it succumb to the darkness? That's what Saden is forced to decide when a strange powerful man asks her to choose. But will her heart be more tempted by the darkness or the man himself?
I'm strolling down the long castle corridor when I notice yellow eyes staring at me. "Oh, crap, I don't need this!" I try running from them, but to no avail. I feel a strange power stirring deep within my being. The ebony creatures stop in their tracks. In a flash of darkness, I have what appears to be a demonic sword clutched in my right hand. I drop it in surprise.
"Accept the darkness." A deep and seductive voice replies. I stop dead in my tracks and pick my sword back up. I begin looking from side to side frantically, trying to see who is talking to me. I begin to get angry. Is someone playing games with me?
"Show yourself! I'm neither deaf nor stupid, so you might as well reveal yourself!"
"Now, now, no need to get so testy." The dark deep voice replies. A dark portal seems to appear out of thin air. When the portal vanishes, there is a tall, ominous figure standing where there was just absent space. I stare at the figure in shock, taking in every little detail. He is tall, has to be over six feet and has carmel skin that looked like it was kissed by the sun. He has amber hues that seem to stare right through you, like he could see what was in your being, your soul. His hair is sliver and slicked back into three spikes on the top of his head before it falls straight down his back. He wears an open high-collared leather trench coat that has a red interior and a yellow trim. It is grey from the waist down and black on the top, divided by a charcoal belt. Two more belts line the front of the jacket from the waist up to the collar. They have thick metal buckles and catch the light as he moves. It looks like he wears giant metal shoulder pads connected with more straps and buckles. His bare chest peeks through beneath his under shirt. There is some strange red and black emblem on his chest in the shape of a heart. Underneath the coat, he wears a white vest that hangs down to his thighs with three black buttons and another skinny black belt at his waist. In addition, he wears wide-brimmed, white gloves with three buttons lining the forearms and a grey band on either wrist. He wears black pants that are tucked into knee-high boots with silver trimming and high concave indentations in the top.
"And you are?" I ask, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
"It is I, Ansem, The Seeker of Darkness." He replies, his dark voice becoming higher in tone.
"Why are you here?" I demand.
"No need to raise your voice, young lady." Ansem chuckles.
I lower my voice and repeat, "Why are you here?"
Ansem smirks and crosses his arms. "The darkness in your heart summoned me."
My eyes grow huge in terror. "The darkness?"
Ansem grins. "Yes, everyone has darkness in their hearts, and if it's left to fester, it will grow and consume that person's heart in the end."
I shake my head sadly. "No, this can't be true, it just can't!"
Ansem laughs darkly. "Yes, it's true, don't deny it! You can't run from the dark!"
I put my hand on my heart and I back away slowly. "Never! I'll never use the darkness!"
Ansem stands with his arms crossed and eyes closed before they shoot back open. His lips curl into a smirk as he opens his mouth. "You're intent on resisting the darkness. You fail to realize that only the darkness can give you the strength that you will ever need."Β
"You keep talking about darkness, but I'm strong without it! I will never rely on the darkness!" My lips begin trembling and I clench my fists.
Ansem shakes his head slowly. "You don't have a choice in the matter. Chasing after the light is not the way. See for yourself." He points his arm behind him to a dark door that is as tall as the castle wall. Has it been there this entire time? Ansem then reaches his hand out to me. I pull away from him when he curls his fingers toward his forearm. I feel the power stir inside of me again, but much stronger this time. I look down at my body to see a big black hole forming over my heart. I quickly clench my chest. I look up and notice Ansem's eyes are noticeably bigger, staring at me with intent, and his smile is mesmerizing. Leaving you completely unable to look away, and even though you know it is dark, it still calms you. "Ah, so you do have darkness in you, and a formidable darkness at that."
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Rionaxa In reply to MetalFaceLover [2016-05-14 22:26:02 +0000 UTC]
Ah, do you think you could send that in a note? That way we can keep things a bit more personal and it won't clutter my profile comments. :V Anything related to your story will be note-based for the sake of privacy.
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MetalFaceLover In reply to Rionaxa [2016-05-14 22:27:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh I'm so sorry about that..
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