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# Statistics
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Watching: 12; Pageviews: 1930; Comments Made: 36; Friends: 12
# Comments
Comments: 9
SlinkyChan In reply to RinMagane [2016-03-29 16:14:24 +0000 UTC]
Can you draw my Oc's Voic and Voice?Β
Voic is the muscular strong athletic type, since he has a motivation full of anger against his birth father, for being an abusive alcoholic towards him and his younger brother Mark ,then later caught their father lying to them for almost all of their childhood about their birth mom. Their dad passed away when Voic would turn 19 ,but at age 15 Voic found their mother after running away with his brother Mark miraculously bumping into her. Their dad lied about the mother for some many years .The truth that the boy's had figured out , was the mom was an extremely kind woman, and the father had spread rumors around causing child services to get involved, making the mom unable to see them. Following Voic's past, obviously he would have troubles expressing his feelings towards Voice. The result was him bullying her until grade 10 along with other victims. considering that was the same year he left his father and started getting proper teachings from his mother. That's when he began realizing that he had turned out like his father. Voic continues to lift weights and get stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. Since Voic use to bully Voice, of course she would have a bit of a trust issues with him which she continues to work on. In the relationship with Voice, Voic is very protective and acts very cute towards her in public and alone since he has learned how to express his emotions better than ever before but is still working on his rage. (Loyal in the relationship)
When mad he is sometimes clueless to her feelings ,and lets his rage take over since he has little patience with people's bullshit. He usually apologizes to her afterwards since he has a soft spot for the ones he loves. For his intelligence, Voic has street smarts, so his ideal job is a mechanic. And Voic enjoys taking part in extreme sports and psychical activities which seem to calm his nerves when angry or sad. Voic's sense of humor is good, but if you purposely try to piss him off he will be enraged. especially if you hurt the ones he loves.Β
( Voic's inharatence is great since his mother before retiring worked in neurosurgery. But, if he still lived with his father, he would be poor since his father had worked as a cashier, and his dad usually drank it away.)
(Voic is sociable, but is still learning to be nice)
(Voic hangs out with the rowdy crowd of people such as the rrb, when Voic matures more, so does Boomer and Brick , not Butch as much though.)
Voice is the book smart type , since she had studied non stop after coming home to the orphanage where she had spent 10 years from childbirth after school hours, She is also a very curious and ambitious learner. Voice has a great endurance when running since she would purposely try to avoid the bullies at her earlier kindergarten classes than high school classes. Voice usually avoids conflict, but when some else is in danger, she sticks up for them, but if you meet her when she's failed to escape, she will indeed stick up for herself. After sticking up for one of the younger girls not from the orphanage, who is attending the same school's as Voice, named Poppy during recces/break, being bullied by one of Voic's friends. The young girl went home and got her mom and dad into adopting Voice as her big sister. Ever since that Voice had taken the role of keeping Poppy safe and does it with great strides at home and at school . Since Voice is the book smart type her ideal job would be a Doctor. Voice enjoys reading books and spending time with her friends when she needs to relax or when she gets spare time, although Voic tries to get her to join on in with extreme sports with him and she sometimes agrees. Voice's sense of humor is more directed in a kind way, but can sometimes laugh at other people's mistakes, like such as clumsily falling on their butt. Voice in the relationship with Voic is balanced between trust which sometimes she doubts, but other than that ,Voice is still learning forgiveness for Voic and everyday it grows stronger. Voice acts cute towards him in public or alone and has patience for Voic's development. She realizes that Voic has still has built-in anger for his father and expects him to yell at her, but sometimes takes her by surprise and really hurts her feelings. (She is loyal in the relationship)
(As for being adopted by Poppy's parents she has been inhearated with a well off, but not rich family, but she saves up for her education by working at Tim Horton's at night for 4 hours on weekdays. Both of Poppy's parents work as University professors. The mother teacher teaches Psychology and father teaches Geography.)
(Voice is sociable and friendly, at least until you break her trust and that takes a long time to redeem yourself.)
(Voice has made friends among the book smart and cheerful crowd of people . Including the ppg. But Buttercup and her aren't as fond of each other. The only reason Buttercup has a little bit of respect for her is since Voice and her sisters get along. It's not that she hates her, it's just that they have barley anything in common.)
Voic and Voice start as friends after Voic apologizes to her, then later blossoming into a relationship<3
π: 0 β©: 1
RinMagane In reply to SlinkyChan [2016-04-02 14:36:39 +0000 UTC]
Should i draw them together? or i can draw just one (whom i like more)?
π: 0 β©: 1
RinMagane In reply to SlinkyChan [2016-04-09 11:21:47 +0000 UTC]
Then...some wishes?Β
or can draw what i want?
π: 0 β©: 1
SlinkyChan In reply to RinMagane [2016-04-10 19:20:29 +0000 UTC]
May you draw my Oc's Voice and Voic?????? They're on my profile page????? Please???
π: 0 β©: 1
RinMagane In reply to SlinkyChan [2016-04-11 19:13:14 +0000 UTC]
i've answeredΒ
i asked about some wishes... may be in pose or composition or something...
so i see
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