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| Richtoon
# Statistics
Favourites: 63; Deviations: 84; Watchers: 117
Watching: 31; Pageviews: 14523; Comments Made: 678; Friends: 31
# Comments
Comments: 116
IronTortoise [2014-07-08 19:26:35 +0000 UTC]
Hey Rich, it's Colin! Glad to finally have an account so I can post and see what great stuff you've got up your sleeve!
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Richtoon In reply to IronTortoise [2015-01-12 20:24:10 +0000 UTC]
Wish I could say I use DA a lot. I don't once every 6 months.
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RyCAS [2013-01-31 04:21:36 +0000 UTC]
Hey Rich, didn't know you had a DA.
I went ahead and added you to my watch list!
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Richtoon In reply to RyCAS [2013-01-31 04:57:30 +0000 UTC]
I am giving this a try. I've been asked often by students over the years to get an account. I stopped using it for a while but decided to post something once a day.
I am not particularly good at attracting viewers in here yet. Still wrapping my brain around this site.
I just asked on FB if it is worth getting a premium membership, so far most people are saying no.
Any suggestions? How is your DA experience.
Thanks for the watch, btw.
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RyCAS In reply to Richtoon [2013-01-31 06:20:05 +0000 UTC]
There is a comparison sheet of Premium and Non-premium benefits if you click "Upgrade Now" from your name tab at the top of the page. It basically adds more customization to your profile page and a couple of discounts towards the shop among other things.
Personally, I am happy with the tools I'm given already as I mainly use the site to peruse and contribute art of my own.
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Richtoon In reply to RyCAS [2013-01-31 15:36:42 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the info. It seems like most people don't bother with it.
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HueTwo [2012-09-28 21:48:03 +0000 UTC]
So glad to have found your page here on DeviantArt. It's inspiring to see teachers so devoted and driven by their work that they feel compelled to continue their expression with art outside of the workplace as a hobby and share their love of the craft with the world.
Again, glad to have found you here. If you're here in the Capital still i'd love to catch up and hear how things have been since my time at Algonquin.
Take care and keep up the great work!
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sweeneykitkat [2012-04-08 08:16:00 +0000 UTC]
Boo! Hey Rich!
I graduated from Pre-animation/illustration in 2008 so it's been a while since we've chatted and though I've been dealing with some chronic medical problens, I've been trying to get back into the illustration swing.
I was hoping to get your opinion on how my character design work is coming along.
Any comments/critiques would be greatly appreciated!
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CelticMagician [2011-10-23 04:37:59 +0000 UTC]
Riiiich! D:
I found you. :3 This is Tara by the way... One of your former students.
I didn't know you had a DA until today! I hope to see lots more epic stuff from you. ^_^
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Richtoon In reply to CelticMagician [2011-10-25 01:08:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Tara! Hope all is well.
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CelticMagician In reply to Richtoon [2011-10-26 17:26:39 +0000 UTC]
Yep, all is going pretty well here on my end. :3 I hope all is well for you too.
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Richtoon In reply to A-zne [2011-10-25 01:09:24 +0000 UTC]
I agree! I've been pretty busy with the comic. I'm going to make a point of adding more stuff soon.
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adrienne-paynter [2011-07-21 02:42:30 +0000 UTC]
If you're in the Ottawa area and want a professional-looking photoshoot for affordable prices, drop a post on my fb page! [link]
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politik-photik [2011-05-27 19:52:28 +0000 UTC]
Hello Rich, I hope it's alright I added you. We met at the open house! I am kind of new to deviant hello!
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Richtoon In reply to politik-photik [2011-06-01 18:02:33 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem! Welcome to DA!
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Richtoon In reply to OLaughter [2011-05-16 00:10:45 +0000 UTC]
Yes... I don't use it as often as I should.
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samuRAI-same In reply to Richtoon [2011-01-29 03:22:22 +0000 UTC]
ahahah im hmmm i dont want to say my name but im in concept art annd i see you every tusday and thurday befor my life drawing class
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samuRAI-same In reply to Richtoon [2011-01-30 16:30:55 +0000 UTC]
XD are you sure about that
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samuRAI-same In reply to Richtoon [2011-01-31 02:49:27 +0000 UTC]
sketched out 2009 page 100-101
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Silverbreaker395 [2010-11-10 17:05:12 +0000 UTC]
Julien here.... i have some question's to ask you about the assment
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Richtoon In reply to Silverbreaker395 [2010-11-12 14:17:40 +0000 UTC]
I don't reply to college stuf here. PLease contact me through email Thank you.
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Silverbreaker395 In reply to Richtoon [2010-11-12 14:37:52 +0000 UTC]
i don't think any of my friend whant the book sorry
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Richtoon In reply to Silverbreaker395 [2010-11-12 14:41:54 +0000 UTC]
no worries. They are not my target audience.
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Silverbreaker395 In reply to Richtoon [2010-11-12 14:43:32 +0000 UTC]
o ok.
but then maybe some are..
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Richtoon In reply to Silverbreaker395 [2010-11-12 14:44:02 +0000 UTC]
then they can buy it. gotta go
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AshinGale-Effect [2010-07-30 01:56:59 +0000 UTC]
Hi rich! I can keep up with yoru work now! (IsabelPaquette)
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Richtoon In reply to AshinGale-Effect [2010-08-06 22:54:46 +0000 UTC]
Nice to hear from you again. Hope to see you at the last few Sketchnights. On;y in august now...LAter! And thanks for watching!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AshinGale-Effect In reply to Richtoon [2010-08-07 19:03:01 +0000 UTC]
hope i can make it! love to see what you're up to
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Richtoon In reply to AshinGale-Effect [2010-08-07 20:23:37 +0000 UTC]
That would be great!! Bring as many pees as you can!
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