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| Renlyspeach
# Statistics
Favourites: 107; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 9
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# Comments
Comments: 23
Renlyspeach In reply to dogfishkiss [2015-08-14 04:49:28 +0000 UTC]
no problem!! sorry this is so late im super inactive bc health problems
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Renlyspeach In reply to DollhousePrincess [2015-06-25 09:09:38 +0000 UTC]
omg hey bb how r uΒ
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DollhousePrincess In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-06-25 15:16:07 +0000 UTC]
I'm good bb shou told me I should come back to da so here I am
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Renlyspeach In reply to DollhousePrincess [2015-06-26 03:27:00 +0000 UTC]
ooh yeah now everybody is back but gillian (and i dont think she's coming back ever tbh) its great. I don't post too much on here bc I don't usually have many finished pieces anymore but I still check it!
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DollhousePrincess In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-06-26 15:29:41 +0000 UTC]
I was snapchatting her and she said she was so busy v.v
I just post my crayon drawings. They're like all redraws right now.
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Renlyspeach In reply to DollhousePrincess [2015-06-27 09:05:46 +0000 UTC]
yeah she's got work this summer + she doesn't really draw much anymore so yea :/Β
ooh redraws! I've been thinking about doing some of those myself tbh, I did enough weird stuff maybe i can make something out of it
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DollhousePrincess In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-06-27 18:26:00 +0000 UTC]
I like redraws~ I drew sammy and co and kiki and mitsu and chet and dwight and jennings.. they're the only ones I could find refs for..
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Renlyspeach In reply to DollhousePrincess [2015-06-28 06:00:55 +0000 UTC]
all of mine got lost from my old account bc I put them in storage and deviantart won't let me get them out Β
Like I can access them but no one else can see them.
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DollhousePrincess In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-06-28 15:08:10 +0000 UTC]
can't you just save them and reupload them? lol that would be what I would do.
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Renlyspeach In reply to DollhousePrincess [2015-06-30 11:08:17 +0000 UTC]
yeah I guess I technically could do that, honestly its just a lot bc I have a ridiculous amount of stuff saved up there. I started to save them all for myself but then gave up bc it wouldn't even let me download the full size so i was like ehhh. I can reupload some of the references for you if you want tho?
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DollhousePrincess In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-07-01 03:04:47 +0000 UTC]
aw Β that sucks. yeh gurl gimme some refs bbcakes.
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Renlyspeach In reply to DollhousePrincess [2015-07-11 13:17:38 +0000 UTC]
ok so I have bad news tbh, for some reason my old rp art is all gone except for Claudia? I totally dont remember deleting it either wtf.
Here is claudia thoughΒ 41.media.tumblr.com/c48cd35b75β¦
Here is a commission of Jace I got done a long time agoΒ orig00.deviantart.net/128c/f/2β¦
sorry I don't have more.
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NsPamC [2015-01-16 03:01:35 +0000 UTC]
Jammerssss!!! Β Shit I'm a horrible friend. I know u fb a well ago and I never fb u back. I'm horrible with keeping in touch. I. Going to fb again in a bit. I hope you're doing well....thanks for the watch. I got to return the favor for my jams.
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Renlyspeach In reply to NsPamC [2015-06-25 09:09:57 +0000 UTC]
im awful too lmao im so sorry, shits been real with graduation and stuff. I miss you <3
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DinoJessRawrrr [2015-01-04 23:25:46 +0000 UTC]
Hey you!
It's !
I am happy that I tracked you dooown!
I started this new account and didn't want to lose contact with you!
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Renlyspeach In reply to DinoJessRawrrr [2015-01-05 11:29:21 +0000 UTC]
oh my god wow hey!! This is wild bc I totally just came back like in the past month. (I made this account a while ago but never like was active again)
I'm really happy to see you though how are things?? Your art is looking really nice!
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DinoJessRawrrr In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-01-05 15:13:31 +0000 UTC]
haha soooo, you're saying that I came back at the most absolute perfect time?
I'm happy to reach out to you all and keep in touch! So far, only you and Renge have responded to me. Also, where's Pam? I can't find her anywhere now.
But things have been alright. Just a little more stressful haha but alright. How about you? I mean, it's been a while, so there are bound to be new things happening in your life, missy!Β
And thank yoooou! As of recent, I have been drawing and exploring new ways to draw and continue my art, so it means a lot to have someone as talented as you are say that<3 You're just as sweet as you were before
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Renlyspeach In reply to DinoJessRawrrr [2015-01-05 18:44:01 +0000 UTC]
Pam is still here asΒ nspamc.deviantart.com/ and on tumblr under the same username but idk if you were here for the switchover to that account. I haven't talked to her in a few months but she pops up and posts from time to time.
Gillian isn't really active at all online anymore, she's embraced the whole going out a lot and being super social thing better than I have. I don't think she really draws as much either other than for her art class.
Idk if Shelby is on here or not but she messaged me on fb about 6 months ago and I feel a bit bad bc I wasn't very talkative bc I was in the worst of my chronic illness. She definitely wanted to reconnect though and she's pretty active on fb.Β
As for me though, I got really sick last year with an autoimmune disease. We tried a bunch of stuff and thought it was getting better each time but now its just worse so things haven't been great. Other than that I can't complain though, things have been going pretty ok. Trying to make it out of school.
Aw thanks <3 That's really good, sometimes you gotta just like explore and start fresh. I kinda did that in that I moved to traditional for like 3 years and now I'm in digital again and have no idea what is going on lol. I'm so glad you are back though, it's just really nice to talk to you again c:
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DinoJessRawrrr In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-01-06 03:44:05 +0000 UTC]
Ahh, well I hope she pops in and sees that I am back and that I miss her!
And with Gillian and Shelby, I hope that they still draw! We all had such different art styles and that was something that I always enjoyed watching! You know, us all growing in our own art styles!Β
Aww, sweetie! If you want, you can have my number! I would love to talk to you more and I would absolutely love to be a go-to person when you need one! I am here for you! I just think that you would be able to get a hold of me waaaaay faster by text rather than trying on here <3 Whenever you need anyone, let me know!
Pffft, you have more patience than I do though! I tried digital a loooong time ago... Gave it up haha I really missed you though, so I'm happy that I'm back too
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Renlyspeach In reply to DinoJessRawrrr [2015-01-06 23:09:33 +0000 UTC]
I bet she will tbh, even her longest breaks seem to be about a month or so so she'll be here.
Yeah it's really weird for me that Gillian is not drawing as much anymore, I guess its something that just kinda happens when you go into like a harder level of education? Like we're both friends w really artistic people at school but I'm more in the art crowd than her I think.
I would love that tbh! Like note me it or however you want to send it. It would be way simpler for me too just bc I generally don't check this thing too much unless I have something I want to post (which I'm sure I'll have more of now that I'm stuck at home tbh). Thank you though! It's been a bit hard bc I've been out of school and just like outside life for so long and its so weird.
tbh the only reason I'm back w digital is bc the grip on a tablet pen is way more comfortable than prismacolors for my arthritis so I can do it more. Also I really am in love with the look of like oldschool 1920s oil paintings and stuff and I can do that digitally but not irl so I'm trying to get a really painty style.
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DinoJessRawrrr In reply to Renlyspeach [2015-01-07 02:42:46 +0000 UTC]
I hope so! I miss her!
Yeah, I know that I just recently started drawing more seriously just a few months ago. Work definitely gets in the way of trying to draw But hey, everyone embraces it differently. Some people further their art abilities and make something of it that can put food on the table while others value it as a hobby. She may bounce back into it like I did.
And good! I already sent you the note with it haha I wish I would have decided to come back sooner! I would have loved to be here for you right from the get-go! It may take me to reply during some parts of the day due to me being at work often, but I will always be here to help in anyway I possibly can
That makes sense! I truly envy your patience you have for it though. I know I go crazy when I just try to comprehend how to begin haha And I love that style! I think you are doing a fantastic job at it so far! <3
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