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| Refugnic
# Statistics
Favourites: 132; Deviations: 488; Watchers: 83
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# Comments
Comments: 352
MrCorbi [2017-07-12 16:55:04 +0000 UTC]
Hello fellow Wingless reader and theoretician! ;^) So, tell me, what do you recommend me among your works? I like horror, fantasy and sci fi
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Refugnic In reply to MrCorbi [2017-07-12 18:31:04 +0000 UTC]
Haha, it pays to have a rather unique handle to go by, doesn't it?
Welcome. Welcome, indeed.
As I'm sure you've noticed already, I have a rather wide array of stories, both long and short for you to choose from, most of which move along the lines of sci-fi and fantasy, often borderlining between the two genres.
If you're looking for something a little longer, I think you may like Tisis, a survival/sci-fi collab I tried my hand at a while ago.
If something a little more recent tickles your fancy, I am currently working on 'Rise of the Psionians', an apocalyptic sci-fi story about people who suddenly got 'powers' and how that changed the world.
In Anti-Zombie I tried my hand at the horror genre. Not my best work to date, but I nevertheless entertaining I am told...at least there's actually people who read the whole thing, so it can't be all bad.
What I don't recommend is 'Animal Kingdom', a piece of fantasy and kinda gone wrong or 'Manifest', which was my NaNoWriMo entry of last year, which is still better than AK, but not really 'grade A' material either...well, what to expect from something I typed down in less than a month, right?
And if you're looking for some of my shorter works/standalones, you may want to take a look at the remaining folders labeled short stories,Β etc. where you will find some of the things I cooked up either in response to something specific or on a whim.
Except for Crochet, I doubt you will find anything worth reading in there.
I hope you'll enjoy your time in my gallery and if you've got a thing or two to say about how awful my writing is, feel free to share.
After all, feedback is the only real way for me to improve, cause how am I going to do better, if I don't know what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you for finding me and have a lot of fun.
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legomaestro [2015-07-03 09:49:29 +0000 UTC]
Congratulations on winning your entry Refugnic! Impressive stuff. Tied down by school work atm but I'll get to it asap and give it a read.
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-03 10:03:32 +0000 UTC]
...do you know something I don't?
Waaait a minute, you don't mean to actually tell me...
Oh and thanks.
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-03 10:15:04 +0000 UTC]
Haha I was checking out The Written Revolution's page and they said we should congratulate you so yeah...
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-03 10:17:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm afraid I don't see it right now. O_O
Where did you see this, if I may ask? Is it in the Twitter section by chance?
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-03 10:26:52 +0000 UTC]
Says you were awarded 100 points ?
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-03 10:35:03 +0000 UTC]
Ahahaha, oh dear! No, that wasn't a contest, it was a prompt. Every participant in the prompts gets thrown into a lottery and the winner gets 100 points.
Man, you really surprised me there, I actually thought for a moment that I had somehow ranked in the Flash Fiction contest they're currently holding.
But still, thanks, though I really just got lucky with that one.
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-03 10:45:38 +0000 UTC]
Gaaah my bad man sorry. Totally mixed that up. Still, congrats.
Ach, Γbrigens, sprichst du Deutschh?
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-03 10:49:36 +0000 UTC]
Haha, danke. Macht nichts. Irren ist Menschlich, wie es so schΓΆn heiΓt. Und ja, tue ich.
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-03 13:45:52 +0000 UTC]
Ah, nett! Ich lerne jetzt Deutsch aber ich bin noch ungefΓ€hr A1. Deutsch ist eine sehr interessante Sprache aber so schwierig haha.
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-03 15:42:55 +0000 UTC]
Gut, mit A1 kann ich jetzt nichts anfangen und ich mΓΆchte behaupten, dass Deutsch jetzt auch nicht viel schwieriger ist als alle anderen Sprachen. So lange man etwas hat, an dem man sich festhalten kann, fΓ€llt es einem vergleichsweise leicht und wenn man reinwΓ€chst sowieso.
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-03 19:31:11 +0000 UTC]
Gah, ich will nicht Google Translate nutzen, aber ich glaube ich kann deine Bedeutung verstehen
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-03 20:17:51 +0000 UTC]
I think we'll switch back to English then, Google Translate massacres most any language.
Here's the same text in English:
Okay, I don't really know what 'A1' is about, but I don't think that German is any more difficult to learn than any other language. As long as you have something to hold on to, it's relatively easy to learn this language too and if you grow up with it, you'll naturally have no trouble at all.
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-04 02:09:31 +0000 UTC]
Haha I see. Plus points is that I enjoy the language so learning will be that much easier. It's great also when the people are real friendly about it.
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-04 06:07:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, if you have fun with something, it's so much easier than when it's a chore.
Haha, funny you should say that.
You see, as we grow up, our parents teach us, that the world is a dangerous and terrible place.
Don't get me wrong, the world is a difficult place to live in with all sorts of dangers all abound, however the fun fact about this is: The majority of the humans are actually decent people. They are friendly, helpful and overall pleasant to be around.
I'd say about 80 %+ of the populace is that way. However it's the 20 % you need to worry about...and you never know when you'll run across one of those, so believing everything someone tells you is bound to get you hurt. And since everyone is brought up in this consciousness, there's always an air of distrust, no matter where you go, because we are raised to assume that the person we stand before means us ill. All in the mindset of 'Better be safe than sorry'.
However, I'll say it again, most people are actually decent and mean you no ill. If only this air of distrust could somehow be dispersed, I believe the world would be a better place.
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-04 22:16:09 +0000 UTC]
I think it's just how people are too much of dicks online for you to trust living breathing people. But I'm learning fast, and so far at the very least even if someone dislikes me I've never in my entire life heard someone say that to my face at least. So most of my fears are unjustified and just me biting down on my own drive.
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-05 08:06:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh are they now? I guess I must've been lucky then, because most of the people I meet online are actually pleasant people. Sure, there are a few of the...shall we say 'special' kind, but the circles I move in, people have generally been good to me. So yeah, I've had more unpleasant encounters in reality than I have online. Insecurities and all that stuff impact our real lives significantly more than they do affect us when dealing with faceless people on the internet, simply because we don't have to fear having to deal with them every single day. Funny thing, really.
Personally I prefer people throwing whatever they have to tell me into my face, but people are too much cowards to do that, because they fear retaliation...another of those silly fears. I mean, what do they think I do, tear them a new one? I do admit that my stature is somewhat intimidating with my 1.96 meters body height, but anyone who bothers knowing me even the slightest bit would know that ignorance is the worst they have to fear from me...so yeah...
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legomaestro In reply to Refugnic [2015-07-05 10:19:41 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha well I wouldn't mind having that perk. Would definitely make life easier on that front.
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Refugnic In reply to legomaestro [2015-07-05 13:38:40 +0000 UTC]
You mean being tall? Believe me, it's not all sunshine either. I have a colleague at work, who's easily one head taller than I am...he won't fit through any door, needs an extra spacious car and I don't even wanna know how huge his bed needs to be for him to fit into it.
The world just isn't made for people THIS tall. I mean, I already stand out in most surroundings, but that guy...I pity him at times.
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dreamelancholia [2015-03-14 16:45:09 +0000 UTC]
Out of curiosity, what does "Refugnic Eternium" mean?
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Refugnic In reply to dreamelancholia [2015-03-14 18:31:18 +0000 UTC]
Wow, you're actually the first person to ask that in a long time. In fact I can't even remember who the last person was who asked that...so long ago has it been. Actually, I was considering writing a journal about who he is and everything, but didn't quite yet.
Now, to answer you question, 'Refugnic Eternium' is a construct from the words 'Refuge' and 'Eternity' -> The eternal refugee, his 'home planet' being 'Refugna', which would translate to 'the eternal refuge'.
I said 'his home planet', that's because 'Refugnic Eternium' is not just the name I chose for myself, but also the name of the oldest OC I have...he's been accompanying since I was ten or something. His name has changed a number of times over the years, but he's been Refugnic Eternium for over 10+ years now, so I guess this name is sticking
His character is based on what I wanted to be like, back when I was young, which is why his first name was a 'power version' of my own name (which I'm not stating), later became 'Refugna 1', if I recall correctly and finally became Refugnic Eternium. Just like his name changed, so did his story...and right now, I'm finally writing down this story...so his story won't keep morphing under my hands as my life continues to unfold.
There are multiple Refugnic Eterniums now, actually. But they all have one thing in common...they all originate from my life, some deviating more, some deviating less from the original.
However the original Refugnic Eternium, that very first OC of mine...he was born different. Not a human, like the rest of them, not mutated like some of them, not caught up in exceptional circumstances like most of them.
The original Refugnic Eternium was born a hybrid between a human woman and an alien (Refugnian) man.
As such, he is heir to the legacy of his (now extinct people), blessed (?) with an enormous life-span and access to technologies, which shame what we have today in every respect...and yet he is not happy...know what? I think I'll type it down after all. Please check my profile later if you're interested.
Thanks for asking.
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dreamelancholia In reply to Refugnic [2015-03-14 19:16:44 +0000 UTC]
Wow, it's amazing how complex of a backstory he has. I've been coming up with my own OCs and they still need a lot of work!
I'll be sure to do that.
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Refugnic In reply to dreamelancholia [2015-03-14 21:07:40 +0000 UTC]
I've been working on it for long enough
Heh, I know the feeling all too well, all of my OCs have that problem that there's something lacking in their background or their character isn't properly developed and what not...but I still somehow manage to make my stories work.
So yeah, don't worry, you're not alone.
And I finished writing the journal with those explanations...sorry for taking so long, but I've been interrupted a number of times.
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Carmalain7 [2015-02-19 19:58:23 +0000 UTC]
Hi, and welcome toΒ Β theWrittenRevolution !
There are lots of things you can get involved in:Β
Β we post monthly writing prompts (that include prizes, and a chat event during the month to help people with their pieces),
Β publishing opportunities from other sites (whenever we come across one!),
Β we have a monthly feature that includes a deserving member, two of the best critiques we've seen during the month, and two helpful writing resources,
Β a monthly affiliates feature of two Literature groups,
Β and a biweekly-ish article in which one of our admins gives an in-depth critique to one of our members' work that hasn't received much feedback.
We'll soon be reviving our chatroom with weekly activities, so stay tuned for that too.Β
We also have Facebook and Twitter accounts. On our profile page you will find links to the latest of all the activities I listed up here and to our social networks that will help you keep updated, so feel free to look around and ask if you have any questions, we're here to help!
Welcome to the revolution.Β
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Refugnic In reply to Carmalain7 [2015-02-20 06:31:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, I'm happy to be here.
Yeah, I already noticed the prompts...actually it was them that got me to consider joining.
Heh...I doubt I'll make that 'monthly feature', but who knows right?
I'm looking forward to it.
Facebook and Twitter? Not a fan, to be honest. The only 'social network' I need is right here on dA.
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NeoPaladinOfLight [2014-12-11 03:10:59 +0000 UTC]
Hey Ref. So you closed down the group?
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Refugnic In reply to NeoPaladinOfLight [2014-12-11 05:32:06 +0000 UTC]
Yup, I closed the group. I even gave a whole weeks notice beforehand so people could prepare for it or convince me to not do it. I'm not fit to be a leader of anything and as such, the group died under my hands...so I took the final consequence and buried it with honors.
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NeoPaladinOfLight In reply to Refugnic [2014-12-11 05:40:13 +0000 UTC]
Honestly, I think you were the only one in there reading everything. You know I only pop up once or twice a season, but was anyone still submitting things there?
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Refugnic In reply to NeoPaladinOfLight [2014-12-11 06:19:12 +0000 UTC]
Very sporadically I've seen Emi and you...well and myself, obviously. So yeah, that's why I said the group was dead. I mean, what good does a group do, if it just serves as an extended watchlist?
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NeoPaladinOfLight In reply to Refugnic [2014-12-11 23:31:37 +0000 UTC]
Speaking of which, I need to watch you.
I think you made the right call. So other than that, anything else big happen with you? I see that you're still writing, which is always good.
I'm still making time for my writing as well. Going through the Nexus story again to pick up where I left off. I'll wrap up their encounter with the Mystics, have them get what they need from them, and start the next story arc. Good times are coming.
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Refugnic In reply to NeoPaladinOfLight [2014-12-12 06:39:07 +0000 UTC]
Oh? Thank you for the watch then. Much appreciated.
Yeah, I think so too. I mean, there's like four persons from the group whom I know are still somewhat active on dA and only one of them posted regularly to the group...kinda makes the whole thing pointless. Anything big, huh? Well, I became a father in March this year, though that's old news again already and that's about the biggest thing. Ah yeah, my grandfather died somewhere in between, but as they say: 'Lord teach us that we are mortal, so we may become wise'...we knew it was coming and I was always good with detaching myself from things like that. I can't afford letting death drag me down, when there's so much life to be had, you know what I mean?
My life, as it is, is boring and I like it that way. All the thrills I need/want are right there in my stories, I don't need that kind of drama in my life.
Haha, yeah, I'm still writing. Makes for a terrific vent for pent up frustration and all that stuff (family life and work just aren't getting any easier ).
That sounds nice. When the time comes, I'll have to go through the AZ chapters again to get back on track with that one. Funny thing though, I know exactly what's going to happen next and how I want the story to end, which is kinda rare for me, but apparently it happens.
Well then, here's to our writing. May it be successful and entertaining.
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NeoPaladinOfLight In reply to Refugnic [2014-12-14 15:24:10 +0000 UTC]
Boring? That sounds pretty eventful to me. Glad to see you're still up and at it. Keep writing. When I get a chance, I'll follow something of yours to comment on like you did with me.
And on that note, thank you again. Every single chapter, you've given your input, and that's helped me a lot.
To our writing indeed. Salude.
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Refugnic In reply to NeoPaladinOfLight [2014-12-14 15:35:32 +0000 UTC]
Yeah well, these are the hiccups in the daily routine, but my life...my regular life...is fairly boring.
And yeah well, if I was to stop writing, I think a piece of me would wither away and die...so I think even if I wanted to, I couldn't and keep living the life I am living...okay, sometimes it gets rough, because everyone constantly seems to need something from me, but then again: We don't have time, unless we take it.
Heh, that'd be nice, but you should be prepared...my stories tend to be VERY long winded. The currently active story has over 100 chapters by now and is only now entering the home stretch...very slowly at that.
Don't mention it, it was my pleasure. Keep submitting to 'World of the writer' and I'll keep an eye out for them, ok?
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Icedeb [2014-06-02 13:03:32 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Welcome to !! I hope you like the group and have fun!
Please read over our submission policies fav.me/d4fqao0 . We're excited to see your work in the group!
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Refugnic In reply to Icedeb [2014-06-02 13:06:08 +0000 UTC]
Hello Icedeb. Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm happy to be there and hope my works will prove to be at least adequate among the many talented artists I have seen in your group.
I already browsed through the submissions guidelines and uploaded my first three works in accordance with them
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Icedeb In reply to Refugnic [2014-06-02 13:24:53 +0000 UTC]
That is nice! I've already seen and accepted your works, and they are very nice ^^
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Refugnic In reply to Icedeb [2014-06-02 13:26:14 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I noticed. Thanks for accepting them and also thank you for the praise, though I still think they aren't anything special. After all, they're nothing but basic shapes (rectangles and circles)
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Fox-Ink [2014-05-20 17:38:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey, A very good friend of mine is entering into a music contest and for her to be considered people need to view and or like her video. Please help her out with this link!www.deviantart.com#/journal/A-β¦
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Refugnic In reply to Fox-Ink [2014-05-20 18:44:49 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, no facebook, no twitter and no 'whatever social network you mean by 'share''. And I'm not getting any of them either. (But at least I looked.)
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Fox-Ink In reply to Refugnic [2014-05-21 17:05:29 +0000 UTC]
well it's the thought that counts. Thanks anyways.
So I'm going to be posting a fan fic for mlp soon and I wanted to know how you submit your writing without it reformatting?
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Refugnic In reply to Fox-Ink [2014-05-21 17:58:52 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome.
And I'm usually typing (and formatting) directly into dA with the textbox and HTML. Alternatively you can use the stash writer.
And if all else fails, export it as PDF and upload that.
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Refugnic In reply to Fox-Ink [2014-06-03 19:47:22 +0000 UTC]
Sta.sh writer is the WYSIWYG editor of dA. You can choose between the regular text box, where you do your formatting yourself, or the more advances sta.sh writer, which gives you options like bold, italic, color, etc.
Look for it in the submission window, I'm sure you'll find it.
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Fox-Ink [2014-03-14 06:55:42 +0000 UTC]
all right. So I was clearing a lot of notifications off of my page and I noticed that you commented something right before I deleted it. Any idea what that was?
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Refugnic In reply to Fox-Ink [2014-03-14 07:03:05 +0000 UTC]
Err...I would THINK that was a while ago...let's see, the last note I sent you was around Christmas. Do you have any idea, what TYPE of comment it was? Cause, as a matter of fact, if it was a reply to a deviation comment or something, we're pretty much stuck.
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Fox-Ink In reply to Refugnic [2014-03-16 04:20:32 +0000 UTC]
well that is unfortunate I'm sure is was inspiring and full of intrigue and what have you....
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Refugnic In reply to Fox-Ink [2014-03-16 07:16:58 +0000 UTC]
Heh...I kinda doubt it. While I aspire to inspire (before I expire)...or rather be thoughtful and all that, the wittiness of my comments seems to have declined a little, since I rarely find the time or muse required for 'great' comments as of late.
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Fox-Ink In reply to Refugnic [2014-03-18 06:03:21 +0000 UTC]
I know the feeling. I myself have had a, slump, of creativity lately. My English class has me writing so many essays that I just don't feel like recreational writing when I find the time.
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