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| RedSoul77

# Statistics
Favourites: 1350; Deviations: 111; Watchers: 36
Watching: 462; Pageviews: 23512; Comments Made: 433; Friends: 462
# Comments
Comments: 45
A-M-A-P [2014-12-06 19:48:55 +0000 UTC]
May I kindly ask if you may give me your thoughts on my newest piece ? I Am Hate
I'd really appreciate it if you would! And also, I've sent you a Llama, Fav'd some of your works and I became a watcher!
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RedSoul77 In reply to A-M-A-P [2014-12-06 21:25:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh, sure ^^'
Glad you like my editions!
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RedSoul77 In reply to Amisgaudi [2013-05-26 18:08:45 +0000 UTC]
Love your art, especially your dragons.
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Amisgaudi In reply to RedSoul77 [2013-05-30 19:40:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks you! I glad you like it! Greetings!
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RedSoul77 In reply to Thaiix [2013-02-18 18:35:21 +0000 UTC]
I only make editions and rendering, but yes.
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Thaiix In reply to RedSoul77 [2013-02-18 18:38:24 +0000 UTC]
what is editions and rendering?
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RedSoul77 In reply to Thaiix [2013-02-18 18:40:13 +0000 UTC]
Modify images so that they look better, at my vision and cut only what you want from an image, so that it can be used in banners and etc.
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Thaiix In reply to RedSoul77 [2013-02-18 18:43:42 +0000 UTC]
Oh okay....... so are you able to draw or not ? X3
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RedSoul77 In reply to Thaiix [2013-02-18 18:45:04 +0000 UTC]
No, I only make editions and rendering...
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DANNYTHEHELPER In reply to Thaiix [2013-02-27 20:42:41 +0000 UTC]
Hi there Thaiix. I'm going to tell you that this RedSoul77 is a Art Thief. I'm going to show you one example of an art he stole [link] Now This is where he stole the image from [link] And there is many more in his gallery that he stole and he is claiming that he made them. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't trust him.
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deepvoidskitzoid [2012-12-21 03:46:18 +0000 UTC]
Red Soul, you do understand that you cannot own an edit(ion) of someone else's original work, don't you? That you only changed colours, shapes, etc., is immaterial. When your starting point is another artist's work, it is not yours to edit, much less to own. That would be comparable to changing the names in a Harry Potter book and saying you own that edition.
If an artist gives you permission to create edits of a work, then there would be no problem; though, I expect the artist would require explicit credit given them for the original work.
As an artist who spends endless hours creating my works from scratch; building sets, correcting lighting and color, tearing things down and starting again until I'm satisfied with the result, I find your claims of "edition" ownership a little hard to bear. I'm making no judgement on your artistic abilities, only stating that I think you need to reconsider your sources and forego any claims of ownership.
Also, it does your reputation little good to make hidden any comments you don't like. The best way to disprove any accusation is to present evidence to the contrary, not to hide the accusation itself.
It's important to do things correctly and ethically, and to be above suspicion when creating art you claim to own. When you present a piece without any credit given to the original creator, you imply ownership. That you don't explicitly say you created the original does not matter. You must give credit and get permission from the original artist in order to edit someone else's work. Period.
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RedSoul77 In reply to deepvoidskitzoid [2012-12-21 15:37:24 +0000 UTC]
I already solved this. Yesterday, I removed the Eragon screenshots which I was only sharing, I did not even edited them and added a kind of copyright on the rest which says "I do not own nothing but the edition of thi image.". All other rights to their owners.
The problem is that I like to edit images to show my point of view as art. If you still think I am wrong, then give me any other sugestion that makes me keep my editions.
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deepvoidskitzoid In reply to RedSoul77 [2012-12-21 16:04:13 +0000 UTC]
I, and I'm sure most other artists, have no issue with you editing images to reflect your vision. However, it is the explicit, or implicit, claim of ownership that bears the criticism. Your tagline caveat should read something to the effect of:
"This is an edited piece based on an original work by (name of original artist). It represents my vision of an artwork created by an artist I admire. I make no claim of ownership or copyright to any portion of the work. Any altered or edited work will be removed promptly at the artist's request."
This makes it clear that you claim no ownership of any portion of the image, even your edition of it. This is an important point, because even though you have altered a work so that it is not in its original form, you have begun with a work that is not owned by you. Copyright and ownership laws are very clear about this. While you may edit a work for your private enjoyment, you may not display it - regardless of any claim of ownership - in public, without the express written permission of the original artist.
So, to reiterate; You can claim no ownership of an "edit" of someone else's work. Think of it this way; could you sell this edited work legally, and without the original artist's permission? Of course not. And, copyright law does not differentiate between displaying an altered work for gain or no gain. The simple fact is, that to edit a work and display it, you must obtain the original artist's permission to do so. Copyright is very clear.
Just so it's clear that I know what I'm talking about, I am the owner of a small publishing company, and I have dealt with copyright issues for over twenty years.
All this is said not in anger, only in concern for both your rights and protection and those of other artists.
I hope this helps.
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RedSoul77 In reply to deepvoidskitzoid [2012-12-21 16:54:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the help.
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Auraysu [2012-12-19 06:23:40 +0000 UTC]
hey, your art is good. did you make them yourself? how long did it take?
especially the differing art styles
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RedSoul77 In reply to Auraysu [2012-12-19 15:18:33 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, actually, I only own the editions. All the other cedits go to the editors. But there are also some of them that I made with some free vectors together, but they are not very good. I love to edit images and I do not like when people try to report me for copyrights because I amnot offending anyone, I'm just sharing my vision of art as many others, I just do not have talent to draw, I have talent to edit, change shapes, colors, effects, blur, anything to show my vision of art and hope that other ones like it. I do my best and, sometimes, I even spend some hours to make a perfect edition at my point of view.
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Auraysu In reply to RedSoul77 [2012-12-20 01:04:26 +0000 UTC]
but how is it yours if you only edited it?
the artists probably took a bunch of time making them, and in all fairness, i have no doubt that you spent a lot of time editing it, but you can't OWN the edits. you should link the artists to your edits, and the crazy storm of haters will dissipate. :]
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RedSoul77 In reply to Auraysu [2012-12-20 08:21:50 +0000 UTC]
I said I only own the edition. The rest of the credits goes to the owners. Yeah, I will start to add "all rights reserved" and etc... That shall reduce the haters... Thank you.
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RobbersDen In reply to poetryunite [2012-12-18 04:11:06 +0000 UTC]
I never knew someone else liked my OTP...;w;
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poetryunite In reply to RobbersDen [2012-12-18 04:21:59 +0000 UTC]
i dont like that otp it creeps me out a little
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poetryunite In reply to RobbersDen [2012-12-18 05:03:30 +0000 UTC]
last time i saw many nsfw of them >.< its stuck my head >.<
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Kanameakai [2011-03-01 20:41:26 +0000 UTC]
entra mais aqui no DA pra gente conversar filhote =O
ate o tatsumi me add no msn
pow usa mais teu pc tem muita COISA PRA FALAR xd
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RedSoul77 In reply to Kanameakai [2011-03-08 01:56:31 +0000 UTC]
Ah ta...Não sabia q ainda queria ficar conversando comigo...anyway, que bom
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Kanameakai In reply to RedSoul77 [2011-03-09 19:13:16 +0000 UTC]
claro que sim pow...nem vou voltar mais no colegio,como acha que vou poder falar com voces?ate marcar de ir a eventos de novo XD
add: kanamezero@hotmail.com
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RedSoul77 In reply to Kanameakai [2011-03-10 15:43:32 +0000 UTC]
Bom...no último evento você só pegou carona com agente, dps ficou com a galera lá e se esqueçeu dagenti.-_-
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Kanameakai In reply to RedSoul77 [2011-03-10 20:06:20 +0000 UTC]
nao esqueci nada de voces so que VOCES ME ABANDONARAM sumiram do nada e quando achei tavam la na parte de yu gi oh
e ainda bem que meu colega tava la so assim entramos mais rapido senao tariamos no fim da fila nhe nhe nhe...
peguei carona, mas me arrependi quase morri la dentro nao so igual a voce que nao tem medo de morrer ._.
se fosse so tu e tatsumi tava bom .... o rafa enche o saco..
nada contra gosto dele mas enche o saco... affe....
alem disso a gente poderia ter feitoumlocalzinho mais legal so pra tu vender melhoras cartas =] ce disse que tava vendendo facin, a gente podia pesquisar uns preços delas pra vender xD
e tambem que voces estavam ja indo embora muito cedo chegam tarde vao cedo XD
e qual o problema de ir de novo?
so que dessa vez vou la pra comprar manga e chega O.o' ufs....
depois so volto se for de cosplay XD
participa disso: [link]
=] quem sabe voce nao ganha? ^^ (se ganhar quero o tablet rsrsrsr)
participa, se voce souber fazer montagem =O
porque nao fala pelo msn?
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RedSoul77 In reply to Kanameakai [2011-03-14 22:30:19 +0000 UTC]
Eu tava comprando barato...
Foi vc que quis se separar primeiro...'¬_¬
Nunca mexi cim montagem...Eu faço vídeos e meu pc ta pra ser formatado, por isso n to no msn... baka vírus!-_-
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Kanameakai In reply to RedSoul77 [2011-03-15 17:07:58 +0000 UTC]
entao pronto oras.... ._.
separei pra ficar longe do "senhor chato", assim foi a gente de um lado e os outros...de outro O.o
oras, cada um queria ir para um lado,cada um queria ver algo primeiro e tem mais..era muita gente la...
porque nao tenta???nao custa nada tentar.... ._.'
pc bom esse heim ... =/
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RedSoul77 In reply to Kanameakai [2011-03-15 22:09:15 +0000 UTC]
O pior é q o vírus vira culpa minha...'-_- (mas não fui eu!)
Poxa, se vc pedisse por dinheiro ou cartas pelo desenho, dinhero n tenho, cartas:Já te dei um lorde vampiros entre outros em troca de nada!-_-
E...ah, bota só uma expressão de sério nele, nem mau , nem bom...
Essa sua idéia do livro ta no meu caderno de idéias.Agora eu vou começar a escrever uma aventurinha de RPG com um amigo na escola, pretendo fazer a história de um guerreiro pra salvar uma princesa num castelo mas a trilha até o castelo é "interminável"(Ele vai encontrar de tudo até lá tipo de zumbis até dragões) e to escrevendo lentamente o meu livro perfeito de um mago em um mundo de dragões...Lucius.*_*
Ok, agente ta de olho no site pra ver quando vai ser o aquecimento...Rafa vai avisar a nóiz aqui.
Fui entrando de site em site recolhendo inicialmente esqueletos de dragões pra ganhar mais noção, acabei hoje com 207 págs no word desde contos e lendas até cor das escamas e detalhes das asas...Agora é só resumr...
Que emoticon doidão q eu achei!"High"
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Kanameakai In reply to RedSoul77 [2011-03-16 03:06:25 +0000 UTC]
porque moveu pra ca?deixa na note
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RedSoul77 In reply to Kanameakai [2010-10-15 16:09:56 +0000 UTC]
Que legal.'^_^
Dá uma olhada no vídeo que eu fiz do KH!
meu próximo vai ser do Como treinar o seu dragão.
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RedSoul77 In reply to RedSoul77 [2010-10-25 10:21:55 +0000 UTC]
Já fi o do Como Treinar o seu Dragão, espero que veja!
Queria que agente tivesse mais tempo pra se falar...quase não te vejo mais na escola...T_T
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