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RallsyArt [4528007] [] "I stream at twitch.tv/rallsyart"

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# Comments

Comments: 921

bubble-fan [2019-09-16 06:13:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the llama ^^

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RallsyArt In reply to bubble-fan [2019-09-16 18:30:15 +0000 UTC]

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bubble-fan In reply to RallsyArt [2019-09-19 18:47:26 +0000 UTC]


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Bowser81889 [2019-09-12 07:34:47 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday dude! Hope you have a good one and wishing you many, many more! All the best!

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-09-14 21:43:52 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-09-14 22:30:41 +0000 UTC]

Sounds awesome, dude! Hah, yeah but hey you're enjoying life, it seems like! Glad you're doing well dude. Doing the best I'm able to for the time being, amongst recent family circumstances.

Hope you have a good time dude!

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-09-16 18:33:30 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-09-16 22:54:46 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that bites. Glad you had a good summer; it went by really quick it felt like. Trying to make up for some missed opportunities by taking walks outside while the weather is still mild. My Dad had a stroke recently so he's at a rehabilitation center to hopefully improve his vision and motor skills since it's been a rough week.

Keep on trucking along dude, you've got this. <3 And thanks for the well wishes too!

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-09-25 19:03:12 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-09-26 06:03:25 +0000 UTC]

Hopefully it won't last too long, hah.

Thanks dude, it doesn't get any easier as the years go by. But, it's important to continue to do your best and not let these things totally bog you down. My dad is expected to come home on October 5th, and he'll be getting at-home physical therapy to hopefully help him recover as much as possible.Ā  He's been doing slightly better, although still having some vision problems but he's trying his best.Ā Ā 

You're a good person yourself, dude.Ā  Don't ever change.Ā  That's a healthy positive attitude to keep on going.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-09-26 16:22:29 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-09-28 00:48:43 +0000 UTC]

Definitely going to be remaining active, nonetheless. Didn't particularly enjoy last winter very much, but this one should probably be a better one at least since I've managed a couple of issues I had back then to some extent.

That's the important thing to take with you, that you're doing the best you can to keep going and stay motivated. I feel that lately I've been trying to work on improving my outlook on things, and trying to be more positive.Ā  Could still work on it but current circumstances considered, I'm proud of myself for making the attempt at least and trying to not let such circumstances deter me from my goals...such as walking outside during the autumn months, for example.Ā Ā 

Really appreciate the well wishes.Ā  I'm terribly sorry your father was involved in such an accident, God bless him.Ā  Glad he made it out alright from the sounds of it.Ā  I hope it stays that way for him.Ā  The old saying goes, there's no place like home...and I'm sure my Dad will be feeling that way for sure the moment he's able to set foot back in the door.Ā  He's gonna need a wheelchair for awhile though.

Heh, I have a hard time trying to accept that compliment too from others whenever they mention it to me.Ā  At times they don't quite understand why I have a hard time accepting it, but I guess that's just who I am.Ā  Trying to improve on that front though, since it's important to learn to forgive yourself and love yourself for who you are while still trying to be the best possible version of yourself as possible.Ā  You're definitely one of the good ones dude, for sure.Ā  I'm really glad I have the pleasure of calling you a friend.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-10-05 23:29:40 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-10-06 02:44:49 +0000 UTC]

Hey, that's good dude. Working out will certainly keep you active in many respects if you can keep up that kind of a regiment, which I understand isn't the easiest thing to do.Ā  Last month I set a goal for myself to try and get outside as much as I could between September and October to take walks, and though it was something I wasn't sure I'd be able to hold myself to, I've managed to despite recent family health circumstances and I've definitely felt good about that. In a way it's like I've been able to make up for the summertime and what I feel like I've missed out on from then, so while the weather is still bearable outside it's the best thing to do for myself as far as that goes.Ā Ā 

Glad I'm not the only one out there who is trying their best to spread the love around to others.Ā  There's so much positivity one person can give and share with others, and it can spread so quickly when given the chance to.Ā  It's just that either some choose not to use that ability, or they just don't know how yet.Ā  That's why I try to see the good in others and show them that good...so that they too can make a positive difference in this world like they were meant to.Ā  Being a light in other peoples' lives has been extraordinarily important to me, and I hope to continue that mission as time goes on.

Ah, true, a decade is a long time.Ā  Still, glad he's still going strong from the sounds of it.Ā  My dad was finally discharged from the rehabilitation center today, and he was really happy to finally be home despite how tired he's been feeling.Ā  With some help from us, motivation, and persistence, we're hoping over the next few weeks we can try and watch some improvement grow for him so he'll more accustomed to how things were before he had the stroke.Ā  Being back at home is good for mental health as we've been saying around here lately, so we're trying our best to make it as good of a home for him to enjoy as possible.Ā 

That's much appreciated, dude.Ā  There seems to be a lot of people out there who don't find themselves very capable of being able to be patient and who are willing to forgive, even if it's themselves.Ā  If a person means that much to you, then by all means continue and try to get them to open up a little bit more to you so that you can be a light in their life when they need it most, even if they think they can manage things just fine on their own.Ā  We all need a little help from time to time.Ā  Gotta keep moving and gotta keep improving.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-10-21 17:11:40 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-10-22 02:11:24 +0000 UTC]

It's all good, no worries.Ā 

Exactly, it's kind of one of those "better late than never" things in life. You can never go wrong with just enough exercise in your life, as long as you're able to and try to put in the time and effort.Ā  I actually have been able to walk a lot this month, thankfully, despite the chill in the air. You'd be surprised at how many milder days we've had here in New Jersey with the weather this month; and this week is supposed to be higher than normal temperatures so I'm not going to let it go to waste, haha.Ā  I certainly appreciate your kind words dude, it helps to keep me motivated knowing that there's people out there I know of who acknowledge and appreciate my efforts to try to be a good person in others' lives...even if I'm not expecting any thanks for it.Ā  Gotta keep the positivity flowing in this world of ours somehow!

Yeah I know, it's interesting to see how online friendships can be tested and endure when both people still try their best to maintain the connection.Ā  I think it's so important to have at least one good friend in your life, and while I have a few good online friends, you're one of the longest lasting ones I've had so I feel our bond is pretty strong for that of a friendship that's lasted over ten years.Ā  We may not be able to talk everyday like our NSider days, but the fact we still try and reach out to one another on occasion speaks volumes for an online friendship.

Thanks dude, he's doing the best he can.Ā  His vision is still not 100% yet and he still needs a lot of help with his daily and nightly routine, but we're doing our best to help him along the way. Hoping after a few months, maybe he'll show some more signs of improvement.Ā  Any little bit of progress helps.

Well, that comment right there just made my night, haha. Thanks for that. I definitely mean what I say and say what I mean; I think it just comes from my heart and I always want to do my best to do just that.Ā  And nice, that's good to hear dude.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-11-06 20:13:40 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-11-09 04:47:32 +0000 UTC]

Ah man, I don't like when that happens, haha.Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 

That's understandable, what with a busy work life I'm sure of and such, it's not like the average person has the time to be able to devote to regular exercise. I try to walk whenever I can even if the weather isn't all that good out sometimes; I've walked in rain and I once walked into town during a blizzard.Ā  It's funny, because the day after Halloween (which was around the high 60s or so beforehand), it suddenly got really cold out and it's as if November just snapped right into place, right on schedule. I needed three sweatshirts and a vest just to keep somewhat warm tonight when I went out because man was it chilly.Ā  I'm glad that you get such positivity out of our conversations dude, because it's all mutual. Wouldn't want it any other way, hah. And...that's a perfect quote!

The passage of time is an interesting concept in many regards, but one of the things that's always fascinated me about it is how people can manage to stay in touch despite living busy and separate lives the older a person becomes. It's not everyday you can say that you've known a person like our friendship is like for as long a time and say that we've managed to stay in contact this long.Ā  Friends seem to come and go and I had to learn that the hard way, when I was trying to hold onto friends who clearly wanted to move on for different reasons. Which is part of why I'm so thankful our friendship has particularly endured as long as it has and the way that it has. I'm thankful that platforms like Twitter and Discord exist so I can keep in touch with other NSider friends, but even then some seem to just go off on their own and move on with their lives after awhile. That's life I guess, heh.Ā  Hah, shoop da woop! Boy do I miss mid-2000s memes.Ā  We're old enough to remember when funny pictures of cats were only just starting to fascinate the internet. xDĀ Ā 

Well, I'm trying my best with him, and I'm hoping things get better soon enough on that front too. Couldn't agree more there; progress is progress.

I can't really hide much what I'm feeling. Sometimes I do, but for the most part you're going to get exactly what I'm feeling.Ā  Emotions aren't really meant to be hidden, unless there's good reason to and of course there's plenty of times there is lots of good reason to do so. I just find that being a nice person and trying to be good is the best way to go about life.Ā  It even feels good, so why wouldn't you want to?Ā  Really glad we can both call ourselves people who reach out for and to make the better good in this world.Ā 

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-11-13 17:20:28 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-11-18 07:29:29 +0000 UTC]

Heh, who can blame ya? My own schedule lately has led me to going to bed much earlier than I used to before, which I guess is good in a way. I think part of it has to do with my medication I'm taking too, which causes tiredness pretty easily. At night I would usually go to do an activity like play a game, catch up on a TV show, or draw...but lately it's rare I even do that much these days. xDĀ  Just want to go to bed usually by that time.

Man, I wish Wal-Mart was closer to us. We have one nearby but it's not one I can just walk to.Ā  Usually need a ride to get there and since I can't drive to my health conditions, it's not very fun waiting for the perfect time someone needs to go there to catch a ride with them instead, hah.Ā  Glad you have one nearby though for such situations.Ā 

Happy to hear you're a perennial member around here! I wish more NSiders we spent time with were similarly around as much, even if it's to the general capacity someone like you is able to be around these days. Just shooting the breeze even with someone familiar is always a nice time.

Oh yeah, who can forget Nintendo and their corporate policies to escape liability for any 'stranger danger' on the internet...hah. NSider still feels like a magical place despite its flaws like that; it probably would have a hard time existing nowadays if it didn't evolve with the times if it were still around, but I'm glad we got to have it as long as we did. I remember going around frantically trying to reconnect with people after doing some sleuthing and good ol' detective work to find those I had lost contact with. Certainly helped too that some members came up with longtime thriving replacement forums like NSider2 and such.Ā  Guess I could consider myself lucky in that respect.

It's good that such traits come so naturally to you. Your words alone are already proof to me that you are who you say you are. I wish it was like that for everyone so we all could live in an easier, more peaceful world together. I know I'm no stranger to having negative feelings in my life, but the older I get the more I'm honestly trying to introduce more positivity into my life.Ā  Doesn't help to let the negativity build up so much because life is hard enough as it is. Sometimes I could stand to take some of my own advice to others when it comes down to enjoying life and just going with the flow. I'll keep striving though to be the best I can be...and I'm sure you will too, dude.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-12-17 16:38:23 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2019-12-22 06:18:30 +0000 UTC]

Life gets to you over time once in awhile, you know? Back in September after my dad had a stroke, I was constantly getting up earlier almost every day than I was accustomed to so that I could go visit him, and my sleep schedule just became more and more...normalized, at least for me by my standards, haha. Lately it's been slinking back and forth from that earlier time to slightly later than that, but thankfully not what I was doing before because that was so late to be only just going to bed sometimes. xDĀ  Guess that makes two of us, just winging each day by the minute like the best we can.Ā 

Usually my sisters visit the Wal-Mart by us and they can go whenever they want to, but they get tired of it rather quickly. Whereas I'm someone who doesn't get to go very often, so when I do go I feel like I'm visiting some magical wonderland of savings. xD I don't blame you for not getting to go too often though, I mean who wants to put up with weather like that?Ā  I still baffle myself whenever I decide to go out walking in the rain or even in sleet...just to get some exercise for myself.Ā 

Simpler time for sure. I'm probably one of the few that gets super nostalgic about it, so it's not always easy to bring up in a conversation with a former fellow NSider friend. Most like to just talk about how they've advanced so far since then, which is pretty understandable.Ā  Personal growth is always an outstanding trait to be commended for.

Well, I must say, if I'm pushed too hard and someone really wants to get a rise out of me, the claws do come out, in my case, haha. Not literally, because of course I'm not going to punch someone just because they took advantage of me or said something mean that I didn't like. But my temperment can get volatile if someone really wanted to get it that way. Mostly verbally though. I'm glad tou have that right balance you're looking for, while I could stand to use a little bit more balance in that area myself.

Of course dude! Man, I've been going through some personal struggles lately, and it's really made me think hard sometimes about the age-old question if life is really worth all the pain be it whatever type it is.Ā  But then you have personal moments that make you feel so good, that make you feel alive and genuinely make you smile. Those are times to remember and to hold onto, because as we can both surely agree, life is worth loving and living.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2019-12-30 13:56:15 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-01-26 00:17:00 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes I think it's good to get back to a normal schedule like a 'normal person', as you put it, haha.Ā  I've been going to bed way too late for over a decade now and it's really screwed up my lifestyle in ways I didn't think it could, so the older I get the more I realize I'm not exactly superhuman like I used to feel like I could be back in my earlier twenties. Experience will certainly shape out your perspective the older you get, as they say that with experience comes wisdom.

Cool, glad to hear you finally got to visit Wal-Mart after a long while. xD I haven't been there in awhile like I said before, but I think I'll be making a stop there next month to see if they have any decent desktop computers, since this one I'm currently using is kind of on its way out with the slow and sluggish performance it's been giving after about nearly a decade or so of service.Ā  So I'm trying to save up some money for a new one, probably going to go for an HP desktop or something like that.Ā  As far as snow goes, we had some recently but as the days go by thankfully it's melting little by little and I haven't heard of anything new on the radar for snow...so that always makes me happier and feel like we're getting that much closer to spring approaching.Ā 

Heh, true that. It still feels strange and surreal that is was about 13 years ago that it closed down, and the longer time goes on the further away NSider becomes as merely a distant memory for most. Someone like me will probably always be having something as special as NSider close to my heart, so I'll be one of the few who enjoys keeping its memory and legacy alive whenever I'm able to fondly reminisce about it with those who might lend an ear. I agree though, 'personal growth' can mean a lot of things to some people, and some didn't exactly turn out the way you'd hoped they would when it comes ot personality changes, so I'm just glad I still have at least a few good friends like you who didn't change so drastically.

Wouldn't that be interesting? xD I mean, I might have a slightly shorter fuse in real life when it comes to dealing with those who give me attitude but in general I usually try to take the pacifist approach. I honestly don't know why some people like to provoke others to the point that the claws come out other than to get a rise out of them or to make themselves feel better, but I think sometimes it's also about knowing how to not give them the rise that they're seeking.Ā  Which can take a lot of practice and dedication...and restraint, but it's worth it when you go high as they go low.

With you right there on that one, dude. Every time I feel like giving up, I remember that there's still so much more to look forward to and things that haven't been experienced yet that make the tough times much more worth enduring. I really live a lot more for those kinds of moments, nowadays!

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-02-02 13:05:17 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-03-11 04:55:02 +0000 UTC]

Well hey, if you can manage it, more power to you dude! xD I don't think my body could take not being normal much longer, so I guess in my case it's better for me, haha.

It's been over a month since I finally got around to replying here (sorry about that ) but I did finally upgrade my computer to a new HP Pavilion with Windows 10! Runs so much smoother than our last one, although there are certain things I do miss about Windows 7. But yeah, now that that's out of the way, I have to start saving up for upcoming events that are happening in our family over the course of the next few months. xD My Dad's birthday, Father's Day, my sister's wedding...and soon it'll be time to save up for Christmas all over again, ahaha. It's quite the cycle! Been much milder outside as of late too, so I've been enjoying some somewhat warmer walks since the last time we spoke. Hope you enjoyed your time watching the Super Bowl, and yeah man, you definitely deserve any kind of good vacation you can get!

Heh, I was on NSider for probably around the same time as you, although I did sign up for Nintendo's forums a year or two before I even started using them so it was kind of funny seeing my 'join date' on the sidebar on my posts being much earlier than I actually started posting. I've been introverted most of my life, while only being more of an extrovert a bit as a kid from the time I learned to talk until about third or fourth grade, when I became more of an introvert. It's good that you managed to stay true to yourself and allowed yourself to be who you really are deep down. I don't think I've met many people around my age who are as nice as you are so it makes me glad to call you a friend still after all this time.Ā Ā 

I think that's the funniest thing, when the tables end up getting turned on the other person who's trying to cause trouble and they end up blowing up their own fuse and walk away in a huff. xD But you're right though it is a good life lesson for them to take in the moment it happens and maybe they'll reflect on it to become better people in the future. I find it interesting that I'm friends online with at least one person who used to consider themselves a 'troll' of sorts but went through a massive personality shift apparently or something like that and is now one of the best friends I've ever known and can place more trust in him than I can with some other people who I thought were good friends of mine but turned out to be the opposite after awhile. Life is interesting that way, I suppose.

Hey, thanks! :] There's a quote that Bob Ross used to say, and he'd say something to the effect of "Sometimes you have to go through the bad to remember what the good in life feels like," and how you can't have light without the dark, and sometimes I can really relate to that. I find myself out walking and reflecting a lot on life's little moments and things that I enjoy or wish I could improve upon, so it really is a good healthy outlet to explore when you're in the moment. I'm really glad you have some of those things in your life to keep you motivated and to enjoy when the tough gets going. I feel like everyone should have a passion of some sort or at least a few good hobbies in which they can relate back to and express themselves the most through. I will admit, I've been on medication for the past year so I have found myself sometimes feeling like I'm lacking certain emotions in my life...but whenever they do come up, usually they feel so good because you're finally letting out that part of you out. Thankfully I still try to enjoy the little things when I can, even if it's not always easy to with my health issues being a daily constant in my life.Ā 

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-03-28 22:46:41 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-04-03 07:56:34 +0000 UTC]

Tell me about it, what a difference only a few weeks makes. Hope you're staying safe, I know we talked a bit since then in Animal Crossing: New Horizons so stay well out there dude.

Heh, well, I did manage to get at least one thing for my dad for his birthday so far, which is just a $50 gift card but in the times we're living in and with how often my dad is actually able to leave the house, it makes me wonder what he'll even be able to use it on at some point.Ā  Saving money otherwise has been a bit tougher, since this month I ended up giving about $200 towards our rent since our water bill is included with it every three months or so and it's on the high end of things. Can't believe they're still running things out there like it's any old time of the year. That is pretty stupid because they're endangering people's lives. Unless they're a factory that makes essential medical supplies, then they really should be considered a non-essential business from my perspective. Sorry to hear you're not making much in the meantime dude, hope that things pan out for you better in the long run. I'll be praying for you, there.

Ah yeah, there's a lot of cases of the virus out here in Jersey, a couple of hot spots. The governor hasn't issued a mandatory stay-at-home order, but he has come down pretty hard on gatherings that are purposefully disobeying the guidance to not get together in large groups like parties for example. For the most part they're strongly suggesting people restrict their travel and do what they have to do outside of the house quickly and get it done with. New York is pretty close by to us, about a half hour or forty minutes away and they're one of the bigger focuses globally so it does make me feel concerned. I'm trying to stay positive and active otherwise, even if it can be pretty tough to in times of pessimism and negativity like the uncertain ones we're currently living in. I just get concerned for others and for my family and friends, not wanting them to be affected by this or their loved ones. Just gotta keep the faith and pray for the best possible outcome out of all this. Thanks for the thoughts, dude; I'll be thinking of you too.

Yeah, that's exactly it with me! I mean, last year I was self-isolating and withdrawing from things I normally liked to do which wasn't healthy for me at all. Besides that, I'm not used to going out of the house all that much as it is. I wanted to make this year a goal of getting outside more and trying to be as active as I possibly can to improve my mental health...as well as my physical health, but lo and behold we're now living in a time where going outside is very discouraged. The good thing about where I live is at least I can take long walks and maintain safe distances from people due to the wide paths around my area; just need to watch out for trucks and the occasional cars that come through since I live near a bunch of trucking companies, hah. As long as I'm able to do that, and as long as we have our treadmill for times I can't get outside, I'm just glad to be able to get any kind of movement at all. Being in my room a lot isn't always good and if one can help it, they should at least try to get some kind of fresh air safely during this rough time.

That's a good point you make, sometimes you really have to get to know someone to find out if they're truly being genuine. It amazes me that in some cases, years later, you can end up being friends with people who you considered to be people you wanted to stay away from but because they ended up changing for the better, sometimes you find yourself wanting to be more around those people than those that you thought were your friends but nowadays they tend to just not want much to do with you. It's an interesting thing, this life of ours, and how things turn out sometimes!

Definitely agreed, and actually, I've found that watching some of his videos again after not having watched them for a good over a year and a half really can bring a smile to your face and remind you exactly what nature has to offer. And not just nature, but the little things and simple moments that make life worth living for. My medication I've noticed seems to make it harder for me to express emotions like sorrow like I used to; to some degree I think it's healthier than I was since I was having a lot of panic attacks and emotional breakdowns before I started taking it, but at the same time there's times where I feel like shedding a tear or two might be appropriate but I just can't seem to do that. So...in a sense, sometimes I have to remind myself that I am in fact human with emotions just like anyone else, and it's not like I'm some empathy-less bot that could care less about what happens around me. Really means a lot being able to talk to you though, for sure! You're a good friend that I'll be sure to treasure the friendship of for hopefully a long time to come! :]

And yes, true, where would we be without the good ol' interwebz, haha. xD

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-04-08 09:11:53 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-04-10 02:07:02 +0000 UTC]

Same here, I feel like I was prepared for this a long time ago. xD It's been quite a few years since I was able to have some kind of a normal lifestyle so I'm used to staying inside a lot, haha. Thanks, we're doing our best as well through this thing.Ā 

Hm, hopefully your income situation improves before then. It's important to be frugal with what you have for the time being; I've seen our family having to go through similar times even when there wasn't such a global problem with this pandemic going on. We'll probably have to think about another place to live ourselves by 2023 since our apartment complex's owner is apparently ending its affordable housing program, so we won't be able to afford the higher rates once they go up at some point.

Yeah, what Cuomo has been doing for NYC is pretty admirable from my perspective, and he's doing what other governors across the States should be doing in terms of maintaining closures of non-essential businesses and enforcing social distancing protocol in most public spaces. Our governor here, Phil Murphy, has been doing a pretty good job himself at trying to come down on anyone who disobeys the current executive orders. Recently he also closed all county and state parks as well as forests since people who wanted to go outdoors were finding ways to gather in larger groups in such places. Also, all people have to wear face masks when going to the store now so that's another props to him. The only way to really flatten the curve is to get people to stay home and only go out when absolutely necessary and to do so safely.

I feel as though any current gym membership fees should be waived until this health crisis is over. At best, they should offer the same memberships to be extended so that they pick up automatically by the time that those gyms reopen again.Ā  My stomach is sort of a small potbelly at this point, but I attribute it to my medication and maybe it making me feel a bit hungrier than I usually feel like, but as long as I'm able to at the least maintain my current weight and not gain any extra than that would make me really happy. I went from being about 145 lbs to 190 lbs now, on average, over the span of last summer to now. I'm impressed with myself at how well I've maintained my going outside goals as of late, considering how easy it could be to just give up and stay totally shut in until this thing blows over. It may be the same route I take over and over, but it's worth it because I get a lot of healthy exercise that way and get to escape the house for awhile too. Having that personal me-time is really important for me as well. xP

Definitely agreed with you there! I can respect when people go down different roads. I've learned that some people are not always going to be in your life forever the hard way, and when you eventually grow up a bit and mature you realize that it's the natural way of how things are. Getting too attached to people that clearly want to move on from their past, even if it includes you, is not healthy and you're just best enjoying the company of those who still want you in their own lives.Ā 

Haha, nice. xD Yeah I remember that Twitch marathon they did a few years back of his shows. I've managed to watch a few of his shows recently in full and it makes me appreciate the joy that he truly brought to this world while he was around.Ā 

Yeah, I was concerned about that too. I didn't know what to expect, and although I have experienced the side effects of some light weight gain and times of feeling empty, I'd rather experience those than deal with anything more severe than that. It certainly does help to have good friends in my circle like you who help to keep me going after all this time. Ā  And heh, I'm glad to hear that.

Cool, I'll go give it a look! And that would be super awesome, since it looks to me that you've improved majorly since the last time you uploaded something.Ā  Exciting to see progress from you!

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-04-14 06:23:14 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-04-16 04:13:17 +0000 UTC]

There's usually at least something to do around here to keep me occupied, be it busywork of some sort or getting to spend some downtime playing a game or surfing the internet for awhile. My sister who's been furloughed from her current job at the restaurant near us has been actually enjoying the time off, and getting to finish up her college semester at home online has saved her a lot of stress from travelling back and forth. I guess to each their own, on that one, haha.

We're thinking we'd probably have to move anyway once my youngest sister decides to move out on her own, and we'd have to get a two bedroom ground floor apartment as opposed to the current three bedroom apartment we have at the moment. That would probably save us at least some money to some extent. I'm happy to hear you're at least getting by for the time being. Hopefully you get your stimulus check too, at some point soon enough.

Yeah man, it feels honestly way too soon to be reopening anything right now that shouldn't be reopened. They need to wait awhile more before they see a reduction in new coronavirus cases nationwide and hopefully they'll also come up with some kind of a safe cure to be used within that time frame...although I can see how that'd be unrealistic to expect a proper vaccine before the end of this year. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes through at least 2022, with the way people are talking about this virus right now. Widespread closures, social distancing, and wearing masks in public may very well be the new normal for quite awhile yet.

Ah that's cool, haha. My sisters usually go to the gym to workout themselves, but with the way things are right now they just take walks and get exercise their own way. I on the other hand just rely on straight up walking around, as well as a few pieces of home workout equipment I bought last year that I use once in awhile if I'm feeling up to it. Could certainly use the extra weight loss with how much I've undesirably gained in just a few short months. I could probably stand to take some of your own methods and watch my food intake as well, especially when I'm not doing much except watching YT videos.Ā 

True there on that one dude.

For sure! I think that it's interesting how we've all veered off in these different directions, yet something like the internet manages to still bring a good few of us back together every once in awhile for a good catch-up conversation or so. xD We may not all be active but I find it fun whenever a person you weren't expecting to pop up back into your life again when you missed them comes up. It's another one of those fun little life mysteries, I suppose!

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-04-16 05:51:46 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-04-16 08:16:05 +0000 UTC]

Heh, on the gaming front, so do I! My backlog goes all the way to the Wii, where I still have games I never finished or even played, haha. These days I'm more of a game hoarder than a player it seems like, since it takes me a long time to getting around to actually finishing a game. YouTube helps me a lot as well, whether it's to relax, stay informed, or learn something new. Sometimes though, just hitting the hay and going off to sleep earlier than I usually do just feels so good. Gotta savor some of that darkness at night before the sun comes up. xD Catching a break is honestly really important for one's mental health, and with my sister she just keeps going on and on like the Energizer Bunny. Don't really know where her or my other sister get their stamina from, but they're incredibly motivated people so I guess between being young and determined is what drives people like them. Glad to hear you're getting a break too, because in your line of work it especially sounds as if they don't give you enough of it.

Ah, that's awesome. I hope you'll be able to make it work out for you the best you can. Yeah, I've already been looking a little bit around myself on occasion when I don't have anything else better to do. It's good to know there's probably other places that offer affordable housing near where we live. If anything we might just look for something affordable back in my old town or my Dad's hometown, if they offer anything like that.Ā 

That's consumerism for ya, at least partially. I don't know if society will ever really change to a workable system that helps everyone and not just a select entitled few, but if one thing this virus has taught us, it's that we need substantial change and a lot of outlets are opining that we can't just simply go back to the way things were before because they weren't working for everyone before either. Hopefully within our lifetime though, things will improve.

I'm honestly surprised that medication can impact a person's metabolism that's always been as quick and fluid as mine has been. You don't just wake up one day, turn 30, and suddenly this weight gain comes upon you out of nowhere. It definitely does make me feel hungrier than I used to, and I think it slows down my metabolism so it can't easily break through everything I eat as quickly as it once did. Then again I didn't eat as much back then as I kind of do now (like having two or three bowls of cereal a day, or a second helping of a snack), so that can't be helping me too much in that area. I guess we could both stand to take a page out of each other's playbooks in that department, haha. And hey, who can blame you in all honesty? xD I guess there's pros and cons no matter where you're at, but you ought to go wherever makes you feel happiest. So as long as you still have some kind of sustainable income coming in, I don't see why it's even worth staying in a place that makes you feel unhappy.

Dude, if the internet didn't exist, I think I'd go crazy at this age. xD Nah, maybe not, but life would definitely be a lot less interesting than it is if it weren't to exist. Sure, the internet has its questionable uses or strange corners of its realm, but there's something to be said about the boundless frontier that is the World Wide Web. I even find myself incorporating things I've learned on the internet in real life conversation (like using the term "doggo" or "birb" to describe dogs or birds, haha). It's just a lot of fun because you never know what'll be the next big thing, no matter how random or silly or menial or trivial it may seem like. And yeah, it's hard for some to remember different people even if they went to the same place for as many years as we both did. Goes to show that even a community like the forums that brings people together also had their high school-like cliques and people just kind of gravitated to whoever they thought would click most with them. Just glad I met some pretty level-headed people like you on there, because a few that I used to be friends with from there turned out to be much different than I remember them being like. You're definitely one of the surprising few who have maintained a pretty constant personality and overall demeanor, and I think that's part of why we get along so well.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-04-23 13:26:13 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-04-26 04:23:04 +0000 UTC]

I need to seriously watch how many games I buy nowadays, so I don't keep adding onto the pile needlessly. It's probably best with what you're doing though, because focusing on just a select few allows you to get more done that way. I should probably consider doing that somewhat myself, haha. As far as my sleeping goes lately though, I've been trying to go to bed earlier at night and get up earlier than I was before, and so far it hasn't been too bad. I would imagine that must be kind of rough though, trying to catch some z's when you're working a late shift. Considering how long I've been staying up really late at night though and sleeping during the day, I'd probably be more accustomed to such a schedule. I might be a night owl of sorts, but in a way I'm trying to change that somewhat so there's more of a middle ground between that type of schedule.Ā 

I'm glad that you're someone who tries to see both sides of the story, as I'm someone who can similarly try to understand where two sides of a story are coming from. I lean more towards the left myself, with some conservative values...so I guess in a way, I kind of lean towards center left? I don't know, not really going to get into it like some people do with politics and labels, haha. Guess we both have wishful thinking of what society could be like in a perfect world, and even though it'll never be perfect, with the way our generation tends to get more progressive as time goes on, I do have some bit of hope for the future of our nation. Thanks for the good luck on the eventual move though!

Been getting a little bit concerned lately, now that I've just about broke the 200 lb. mark, when I was around 190 two months ago or so. I have noticed though that over the span of a few days of extended walking outside and cutting back on snacks/meal sizes, I seemed to have dropped a few pounds. So that makes me a little bit happier knowing that at least my metabolism still has the power to fluctuate between going up or down despite being obviously slowed down due to my medication I'm currently taking. And you know what? I think I also have consumed a whole box of cereal before, but that was over the course of a day or so. Good to hear you'll try and keep going with any activity though, especially since a schedule like yours is understandably busy.Ā 

Aye, that's a tricky question. It's something I suppose you'll find the answer to within time, depending on what your circumstances are. Those who have a job or career that make it their passion I would think, don't feel like they have a job and more like they're constantly at play. Those are the lucky some, I guess. I certainly haven't always enjoyed where I've lived over the past while due to different things, but I've also learned that in a sense, happiness is what you make of the circumstances you're in or playing with the cards you're dealt with. That may sound like resting on your laurels, but sometimes...there isn't really anything bad with resting on them a bad thing if they do make you genuinely happy. There's a surprising amount of people out there who live so modestly and wouldn't trade what they have for a more lavish or upscale way of life because they feel like they already have everything they need. I don't blame you one bit though, winning the lottery wouldn't be such a bad thing either; my family has tried to do that for a long time now!

Heh, same here. I can't really picture my life without the internet, especially since I grew up with the very beginnings of the World Wide Web and being on a 56k dial-up modem and seeing Yahoo advertising the likes of Beanie Babies and Y2K on its homepage. It's just made life a lot better, especially for an introvert such as myself who likes to learn new things. I can relate to finding some of your first connections on NSider; some of mine were first in an AOL Pokemon chat room but after that went away I found more connections with people on the forums after I went looking into them more. Definitely glad I did, because aside from a few dA artists I've made friends with, my NSider family is like the only other consistent friend circle I've ever had online. I'd visit other areas of the forum from time to time but clicking away on the Fan Art board was where I spent most of my time. And hey, there's nothing wrong with bringing up NSider, it just feels so good to reminisce about it every now and again. And...nah, you know me well enough by now that I wouldn't judge you for that.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-05-10 06:11:23 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-05-19 05:23:49 +0000 UTC]

Usually I've been buying games if they're on sale, or in the rare case, right when they release (AC:NH being one such example). I have to find ways to better stay focused on doing one or two, maybe three things tops, at a time because it would help me to get more accomplished instead of adding more onto the pileup of things I have going on. Not to mention it could certainly be helpfully applied to other tasks I do as well, in general. I've been getting somewhat more accustomed as of late to getting up at least maybe two, two and a half hours earlier than I was before...though it's still in the afternoon. At least my nighttime schedule doesn't lead me going to bed around sunrise like it once often did for me. I can definitely understand why you enjoy the night though, just sometimes feels like you can accomplish more of what you want to around that time, haha.

True that, politics seem to be everywhere and nearly unavoidable when you think about it. It brings out the worst in people, and when you think about it, also reveals some of their true colors as well...which isn't that fun to know especially if you know someone you really like but absolutely cannot stand by their viewpoint on certain things. Oh, to be a kid again and be blissfully ignorant of such things, haha.

It seems that I might be possibly stopping one of my nighttime medications, the one that my psychiatrist attributes most of the weight gain to, pretty soon. I think if I can stop that, still get some adequate sleep, and cut back on the compulsive eating habits, I'll be able to shed some of this stomach weight. Yeah man, cereal is so addictive; I could eat it morning, noon, and night if I wanted to. Too bad it doesn't help with the weight gain though, unless you're like the old me who ate practically nothing but Cheerios for breakfast for about 17 years.Ā 

Me too, to be perfectly honest. If I came into a large sum of money somehow, I'd definitely be living pretty similarly to how I do now...except with a few minor upgrades perhaps, haha. Travelling is a healthy habit to have and certainly allows you to see more than just what's at your doorstep, or edge of town. I'm not sure if I could travel in a way that most others attempt to, with making vacation plans every few months like some of my own relatives are able to do, but it would be nice to see more of the country or even more of my own state for that matter. My dad is also quite into the lottery, himself--it gives him a sense of happiness to look forward to when he wins something.

Wow, that's earlier than I had broadband. We didn't get broadband until around 2008, I think. I predict that as time goes on the smaller even my current small friend groups will be, what with just people generally moving on with their lives. It's bittersweet, but sometimes necessary I guess to leave a certain part of your past behind in favor of looking ahead to the future and personal goals one hopes to accomplish. Time really does fly.

Honestly it did surprise me when you first mentioned doing adult art, but one doesn't usually think of the more...'tasteful' I guess...approaches to doing adult works. So that's pretty cool that you lean more towards that side of the spectrum when it comes to it. I don't think I could ever find myself even doing that kind of art, so when I think about it...you're pretty brave for taking that kind of subject matter on! xD

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-06-16 22:48:57 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-07-22 08:03:37 +0000 UTC]

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-08-07 19:24:36 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-08-08 08:31:53 +0000 UTC]

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-09-07 19:10:06 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2020-09-08 04:22:23 +0000 UTC]

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2020-09-23 02:13:22 +0000 UTC]

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Bowser81889 [2018-09-10 05:27:18 +0000 UTC]

Happy Early Birthday dude! Hope you'll enjoy your day once it comes and wishing you all the best into the next year!Ā  Many, many more to you and keep on keeping on.

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2018-09-14 01:51:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man! I didn't do a lot but I guess that isn't the worst way to spend the day .
Really need to finish another piece soon haha

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2018-09-14 05:34:06 +0000 UTC]

I've been in the same boat over the past few years myself, but family and friends always make the day a good one regardless.

If you can, awesome, haha. Been working on yet another piece too...even if I tend to wander around WIPs these days. xD

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RallsyArt In reply to Bowser81889 [2018-09-19 02:53:02 +0000 UTC]

I went to my parents the week before and we had supper, that was about it for me haha

I have 2 I've started and want to finish and a couple other ideas. Been feeling a bit more motivated to work on some lately so I'll probably have one done in the next week or so.
I used to always finish what I started but I've noticed that if its not going how I want its better if I just move on to something else for the time being so I don't get demotivated.

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Bowser81889 In reply to RallsyArt [2018-09-19 06:17:27 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like a nice time, regardless, heh!

That's encouraging to hear, I'll be looking forward to seeing it, and honestly I do the same thing myself.Ā  Someone recently finished outlining a gift line art from a sketch I made last year for a friend, after the first person who started outlining it for me never finished it and doesn't respond to my notes anymore, so I'm glad I can finally start to resume working on it.Ā  Been coloring it a bit to start tonight, but it'll still take much more time before it's finished.Ā 

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