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| RabidWuff

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# Comments
Comments: 266
VOVA3607 [2021-09-01 16:44:58 +0000 UTC]
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RabidWuff In reply to Brisle [2020-02-19 07:26:46 +0000 UTC]
Brisle! Thank you so much! ;-; sorry, I just logged into my account for so long.
How are you??
π: 0 β©: 1
Brisle In reply to RabidWuff [2020-02-19 16:57:29 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing pretty good! I'm taking more classes this semester so I'm a bit busier than normal. I have to plan out each day in advanced to make sure I get all my homework done before the weekend since I don't have the programs needed for class. It's working so far. Hopefully it stays that way for the rest of the semester.
How are you!
π: 0 β©: 1
RabidWuff In reply to Brisle [2020-02-22 07:21:43 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like it's going to be a busy sem for you. I wish you well on your studies! For sure it gets difficult sometimes, especially managing your time. I'll be rooting for ya!
Me, I've been trying to keep things chill and organize things. I'm still struggling, but! Things are getting better. I do hope things will settle down soon and I get a handle on time management.
What classes are you taking up this sem?
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Brisle In reply to RabidWuff [2020-02-27 23:44:02 +0000 UTC]
You can do it! Just takes a little practice and some dedication on keeping up the management.
I'm taking a programming class for java, photoshop, illustrator and an animation class!
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Ludicrous-Lunatic [2019-02-21 06:57:33 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I found your work via Wyngro (you have some very cute characters btw!), and I gotta say, your work is great! You've got a new follower! Β
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RabidWuff In reply to Ludicrous-Lunatic [2019-02-21 07:08:09 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thank you! I still have a long way to go, but I'm glad you like my work! Is that your gro in your icon?
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Ludicrous-Lunatic In reply to RabidWuff [2019-02-21 07:11:00 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm looking forward to what you have in store!
And yes it is my gro! Her name is Azelea ^^ you can see her better in her reference sheets, but I really love this icon
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Brisle [2017-12-18 06:38:19 +0000 UTC]
Ahh I meant to do this earlier but got busy DX Happy late birthday!
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Feligriffin [2016-12-07 02:05:13 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday Iris!! I really hope you're having an amazing day today! >w<
How have you been, sweetheart? <3
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RabidWuff In reply to Feligriffin [2016-12-07 09:13:29 +0000 UTC]
Mandyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, thank you so much! x'3 and yeah it was fun, spent the day with family and friends. :3
Been swamped with a lot of school work and still having trouble with time management. xD haha but all is well and good.
What about you? :3 And there's something I wanna ask you about Anina, if it's okay. x3
π: 0 β©: 1
Feligriffin In reply to RabidWuff [2016-12-07 10:39:03 +0000 UTC]
Haha it's no problem, I'm glad to see you around again! >/v/< It's nice to hear you had a fun day~
Oh lord I hear you XD School sucks haha. Don't we all my friend? Don't we all? //HIT
I've been good! My Nico baby gave me Pokemon moon so I'm playing a lot of that haha. I'm also back to university... I can't wait to get in the design one. Nothing against journalism (I really like to write), but it just don't feel like my thing anymore :'D
Of course sugar, ask me anything!
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RabidWuff In reply to Feligriffin [2016-12-08 02:06:38 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad to be around again! There's a whole lot of catching up to do!
Hahaha *high-five* but it is necessary to be able to get a job.... .___.)
Though I love my course so it isn't all bad. XD //Heals you from the hit
OMFREAKINGGOSH!!! That's sooo awesome! No I freaking regret ever selling my 3DS. T_T
Which starter Pokemon did you choose? And neat! What's the name of your University?
Can't wait to see your designs! And I bet once you get started, you get so pro at drawing I'll bow down even more! *bows down deeper under the ground*. And there's no problem with that really, I mean, why continue something when you know you're calling is different? CHASE YOUR DREAMS! *raises fist*
And I messaged you on Discord. Β
btw, when's the egg coming? >'D
π: 0 β©: 1
Feligriffin In reply to RabidWuff [2016-12-08 02:48:52 +0000 UTC]
Ooooh what course do you take? You kinda made me curious XD haha
AND I AM TEAM ROWLET!! Even though it's a dartrix at this point hah. I love dartrix so damn much, seriously... I've never felt this attached to a second evo before :'D I'll be a little bit sad when he fully evolves haha.
My Uni is called UFBA (federal university of Bahia)! And I sure hope so omg XD It'll be good to work on things that are right up my alley! And you're too sweet to me hehe~
And oh my gosh I really don't know XD Dex and Anny really are the kind to take it slowly heheh. Right now it's just kiss kiss fall in love so far.
π: 0 β©: 1
RabidWuff In reply to Feligriffin [2016-12-08 13:45:35 +0000 UTC]
And this is my second attempt on trying to send you a reply. :/
My phone deleted my response a while ago and it was already so long too! OTL
Anyway~ I'm taking up Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology Major
in Computer Animation (BSIT-CA). Right now though I'm not taking any art or animation related
subjects since I wasn't able to get the prerequisites last summer... So I have to deal with a whole
lot of programming and website designing. I mean, it's all well in good, but I really would rather want
to animate and draw. ;____;
Oooh, you be in the birb team! XD BirbsΒ remind me of Jemanite for some reason. XD
I looked up Dartrix and it's so cute!!! He looks much like a gentleman!!! <3 I just want to hug him to death. <3 A <3
Wow, that's a fancy name! Federal... I like it. XD And I'm sure you will!! You're already very talented and taking up classesΒ
will definitely make you a pro! Not that you're not a pro now... But... You get what I mean. XD And it's more enjoyable if you do something you like, right? Rather than doing something just for the sake of it... No feelings of fulfilment there. T_T Looking forward to see what you're going to design during your classes if ever you're going to upload them. xD
HAHAHA well, that's good too~ Those two are gonna last a life time~ <3 Taking it slow is the way to go ~
π: 0 β©: 0
Vixenkiba [2016-12-06 23:47:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh my goodness, I would almost have missed this! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELTA!!! I hope you had a great day over there <3Β
π: 0 β©: 1
RabidWuff In reply to Vixenkiba [2016-12-07 09:14:20 +0000 UTC]
Vixy!! Thank you so much! x3 yeah it was a blast thanks to family and friends, laughed my sides silly. hehe <3 Again, thank you, Vixy!
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Vixenkiba In reply to RabidWuff [2016-12-08 00:40:00 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, I'm glad to hear that! <3
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Ask-Splash-Sparkz [2016-12-06 16:00:09 +0000 UTC]
((HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If da isn't lying to me... hopefully it isn't and you enjoy your day.))
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RabidWuff In reply to Ask-Splash-Sparkz [2016-12-07 09:14:57 +0000 UTC]
Yesh, Da isn't lying to you. x3 Thank you!
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mothwyrms [2016-09-18 16:55:54 +0000 UTC]
I silently sit here
Waiting for the moment when Swift confesses her love to Dryft
Sorry if this was a little... 'awkward' to put this here?
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RabidWuff In reply to mothwyrms [2016-11-06 18:34:56 +0000 UTC]
Omg... This comment made me really happy. X'D
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Jemanite [2016-08-10 04:22:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey Iris! Hope you're doing okay < 3
I miss hearing from you
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Nestly [2016-08-03 02:30:45 +0000 UTC]
Iriiiissss we miss yooouuuuu! Hope you're doing well!
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RabidWuff In reply to Artie-chii [2016-06-05 15:56:18 +0000 UTC]
M-hm! :3 Why do you ask?
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Artie-chii In reply to RabidWuff [2016-06-10 11:20:25 +0000 UTC]
ahh, i saw your old art:
I visited your old account and saw that you were active in this account.
You placed your full name so i tried looking up your facebook and saw that we were mutual friends with my instructor Sir Edzel Mutas ^^
Its just nice to see someone from urios here in DA
π: 0 β©: 1
RabidWuff In reply to Artie-chii [2016-06-10 11:31:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow! Hi! Yeah, I just recently started my second sem as a BSIT - Animation student. Are you still in Urios? :3 and yes by far Sir Edz is one of the teachers I get along with.
π: 0 β©: 1
Artie-chii In reply to RabidWuff [2016-06-15 10:51:02 +0000 UTC]
nice xD
Im also an IT student, but not an animation major.
And Im a 3rd year student c:
And me too~ I even made an Art for sir Mutas and miss Piquero like 2 years ago ahuehue xD
he made it his profile pic before, you might have seen it. .3.
π: 0 β©: 1
RabidWuff In reply to Artie-chii [2016-06-30 17:14:13 +0000 UTC]
Heeeey sorry took me awhile to respond. Had... A lot going on. Haha
We should meet up sometime and which one did you make for Sir Edz? I've seen him change his profile pic into artworks
but I'm not really sure which one was yours.
i gotta warn you though, I'm an awkward peanut. ) I can interact a whole lot better behind the screen rather than in person.
There are social cues I have trouble dealing with and... Yeah. >__<);; But I would like to meet you.
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RabidWuff In reply to Fortranica [2016-05-04 09:02:19 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome Nica-chan! You deserve it
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Nestly [2016-01-14 06:56:55 +0000 UTC]
I just read your little profile (with Swift! yay!)
And I just wanted to say I'm almost friggin' 28 and CONFUSED AS HELL ABOUT LIFE so don't worry you still got time, haha. xD
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RabidWuff In reply to Nestly [2016-01-14 18:15:24 +0000 UTC]
Hehe! <3 I finally am able to use the wonderful sticker you made for me!
And I love it to bits! And yes... I am confused about life a whole lot more.
It's kinda hard to get high when you're living in the bottom... Y'know?
But I'll still keep on going! And hey, you've got a friend in me! XD
(I'm quoting songs... I am DEFINITELY sleepy) 83
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Nestly In reply to RabidWuff [2016-01-14 21:25:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeeeeeeeeeeep boy do I know! Not in my best phase right now!
And yaaaaay lol. Great now you've got Toy Story in my head. XD
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RabidWuff In reply to Nestly [2016-01-18 00:28:59 +0000 UTC]
No~ it can't be true~
I can fly if I wanted to~
Like a bird in the sky~
I believe I can fly~
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Nestly In reply to RabidWuff [2016-01-18 00:36:16 +0000 UTC]
Good old Randy Newman, singing about what he sees! Lol
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RabidWuff In reply to Nestly [2016-01-18 00:43:10 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHA that was hilarious! XD
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