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| RMC-1991
# Statistics
Favourites: 518; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 3
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# Comments
Comments: 44
Envy-Denvy [2010-12-15 03:55:15 +0000 UTC]
Hey...I herd what you did to Jav....just when I was having thoughts about to lighten up to you.... what the fuck!? D:<
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RMC-1991 In reply to Envy-Denvy [2010-12-15 08:26:34 +0000 UTC]
Ugh....I knew you'd be next to find out.
I already felt bad about what I did and intended to apologize. The last thing I need is everybody chewing me out over it. Even still, I had my reasons for being mad at him.
And I honestly refuse to believe you'd ever "lighten up". >:\
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Envy-Denvy In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-12-15 19:58:18 +0000 UTC]
What reasons would you have to be 'mad' at him for?
After all he was the only one out of all of us that stood up for you when we didn't, so what reason could it possibly fucking be?
Tell me because I want to be amused
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RMC-1991 In reply to Envy-Denvy [2010-12-15 23:18:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm not telling you because it's none of your concern.
And you're the LAST person who should even THINK of calling me out on this.>:[
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Envy-Denvy In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-12-15 23:22:17 +0000 UTC]
None of my concern? It IS my fucking concern because Jav is my FRIEND, asshole! And if you think that I should stay out of this then you are either dumb or pathetic! You had no reason to do that to him, all he ever is is nice to you! D:<
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RMC-1991 In reply to Envy-Denvy [2010-12-15 23:28:35 +0000 UTC]
It's between ME and HIM. NOBODY else. I can resolve this matter without everybody else butting in. Nobody came to MY rescue the last time I was put down (seriously, Jav did nothing but tell me to shut up about it as far as I recall).
I SO had enough reason to get angry. If YOUR idea of "being nice" is him always putting me down, telling me I'm ugly, boasting about how much better he is than me, not caring about my problems, trying to mooch off me, not listening when I tell him to stop bugging me, not shutting the fuck up about Homestuck, and several other obnoxious doings, THINK AGAIN.
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Envy-Denvy In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-12-15 23:38:56 +0000 UTC]
Dude, you couldn't even get deal with the fact that you pissed off Kyra without having thoughts of killing yourself >> (And for the record, he did try to convince us to forgive you and be friends again almost all the time, so yeah)
And another thing, are you even aware how males interact with one another? They always brag about themselves and make fun of one another as a joke! In fact what your describing to me shouldn't even be much of an issue. And as far as your problems go, everyone has fucking problems, your just the only one that never shuts up about them. And if him never shutting up about Homestruck is a bad thing, then you comparing every unique idea that someone has to some weird and obscure cartoon/movie that no one has EVER herd about is even worse.
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RMC-1991 In reply to Envy-Denvy [2010-12-15 23:51:04 +0000 UTC]
1) Kyra wasn't anywhere near as close to me as Jav is. I was broken up about that because she's too good of an artist a person to be hurt that badly unintentionally.
2) He never told me he did any of that. How the fuck could I have possibly know if he never said anything?
3) My have a fuckload of male friends right now and none of them do anything that Javi did to me. They even sympathise me over being annoyed by his antics.
4) I should at least be able to talk to my so-called "best friend" about my problems without being cast off. He always used to tell me HIS problems were worse but now matter how much I asked he refused to tell me. What the hell was I supposed to do?
5) I don't do that shit THAT often. Stop making a goddamn mountain out of a molehill. As per usual your argument is terrible.
Now PLEASE leave me alone. I tried to put my past behind me. This entire time I honestly thought he had new friends at NYU because that's what he told me like a month ago. I figured I'd leave him be for the time being since both of us had new sets of friends (or so I thought) and I was already starting to get slightly annoyed with him.
But no, he shows up to pester me when I least expect it and catches me at 3 in the morning while I'm a bad mood. He refuses to take the hint to stop fucking around and I lose my temper. Now the whole fucking world wants me dead for it. AGAIN.
Haven't you demonized me enough already? Was all the abuse I took from you enough? Did I not give you what you wanted and leave you alone for GOOD?
Hell, since when are you so uppity about friendship anyway? You once told me friendship was "worthless". Now I'm public enemy number 1 just for getting angry at one of my closest friends. What's WRONG with you? You're quite possibly the BIGGEST, if not THE biggest hypocrite I've ever met! Both you and Viv did EXACTLY the same thing to me for almost the same reason, and you both got off scott-free! How is it that EVERY FUCKING THING I DO comes under THIS much scrutiny!?
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Envy-Denvy In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-12-16 00:01:48 +0000 UTC]
Because for one, I don't think your a nice person, none of us do anymore. I just hope your new 'friends' don't see you for what you really are, a bullshit artist. (and you do do "that shit" often, just ask anyone)
btw, thanks for the b-day pic, i'm sorry what I said before about it earlier, I wanted Jav to apologize for me but he knew it would mean so much more if I said it, so there you go.
Good Bye Rob, and have the best fucking existence you can muster
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RMC-1991 In reply to Envy-Denvy [2010-12-16 00:08:48 +0000 UTC]
I find it hard to believe you EVER thought I was a nice person, given the way you always treated me. And I'm not a bullshit artist. I've never lied to any of you once. YOU on the other hand contradict EVERY FUCKING THING you've ever SAID to me.
And NOW you decide to apologize? AFTER all this happened?
I'd like to point out YOU were indirectly responsible for me getting mad at Jav in the first place. Those few weeks ago when you insulted me I was so mad I tried to tell him I didn't want you NEAR him anymore. But he vehemently denied it and instead tired to be as neutral as possible
So I thought maybe I should cast myself out of the equation and leave him alone, not realizing that he didn't actually have any other friends over there. It was an honest mistake. Little did I realize he'd come back and me losing my temper would result in THIS.
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Envy-Denvy In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-12-16 00:20:38 +0000 UTC]
Well after all the times you basically tried to force me to be your girlfriend really didn't help what I thought of you.
And another thing, you tried to get him to stop seeing me? That is beyond fucked up Rob! I'm glad that he stayed neutral, all he really wanted was for the three of us to be together, you think he liked it when we were apart?
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RMC-1991 In reply to Envy-Denvy [2010-12-16 00:24:20 +0000 UTC]
I wanted the three of us to be together too, but then I just gave up and tried to move on since you continued to be a bitch to me.
But apparently now I'M wrong. Even though I did (and still do) plan to apologize to him right after I flipped out. I had no intention of making him miserable. I just just wanted him to stop pestering me. I reached my boiling point. Doesn't that happen to everybody?
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RMC-1991 In reply to OxIDaisy [2010-10-27 11:34:46 +0000 UTC]
Ur welcome. And....thanks for thanking me. Not everybody on here is this polite. :3
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OxIDaisy In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-27 12:01:21 +0000 UTC]
Of course Appreciation for me is just common "duty" to show my gratitude towards your action
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Spidersaiyan [2010-10-25 23:34:06 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave on my "Donkey Kong Country" piece...Much appreciated!!!
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RMC-1991 In reply to Spidersaiyan [2010-10-26 01:23:23 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. The world needs more quality DKC fanart for sure.
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Spidersaiyan In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-26 18:08:25 +0000 UTC]
I'm sure that'll change very soon...Donkey Kong Country Returns comes out soon!
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RMC-1991 In reply to Spidersaiyan [2010-10-27 00:15:46 +0000 UTC]
I hope hope hope HOPE it's a success. DK has been shafted for far too long.
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Spidersaiyan In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-27 01:23:05 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, no kidding...I haven't even touched any of the bongo-related games! I've been waiting for this for sooo long, and hopefully it'll be well worth the wait!
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RMC-1991 In reply to Spidersaiyan [2010-10-27 01:28:33 +0000 UTC]
Jungle Beat and Kong both sucked, but King of Swing/Jungle Climber and Barrel Blast were actually pretty good and worth checking out if you're a DK fan.
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Spidersaiyan In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-28 05:44:55 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I did play a bit of DK: King of Swing! It was actually pretty good, and similar to DKC in a lot of ways! As for the others, I haven't tried any of them yet.
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RMC-1991 In reply to Spidersaiyan [2010-10-28 19:42:31 +0000 UTC]
Jungle Climber is a sequel to King of Swing. It's even MORE faithful to DKC, but also ten times harder.
Barrel Blast is a racing game that nobody liked since they were too stupid to figure out the (actually really simple) control scheme. It's a much better 1-player racing game than Mario Kart Wii.
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RMC-1991 In reply to JuneRevolver [2010-10-16 05:25:41 +0000 UTC]
Maybe. Sorta. Probably. Possibly.
....any other words I'm leaving out?
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JuneRevolver In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-16 05:39:39 +0000 UTC]
wait...that was a stupid question of me...
because at the time I assumed you know a few people I know IRL....and I thought that maybe they showed you my page... O_o but that doesn't make sense does it, it could be a complete freak coincidence.
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RMC-1991 In reply to JuneRevolver [2010-10-16 05:45:54 +0000 UTC]
It's not a coincidence.
I meant to complement your art for a long while but never actually did so.
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JuneRevolver In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-16 06:07:15 +0000 UTC]
h. heh well then! thank you : )
I probably don't know you because I may have never met you. : \ unless I have...
and if that's the case then I'm sorry I didn't make note of it...
but thanks. I thought it was a bit sappy (the journal) but it needed to be said.
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JuneRevolver In reply to RMC-1991 [2010-10-16 05:58:57 +0000 UTC]
oh. well thank you : )
so you don't go to SVA or anything then?
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RMC-1991 In reply to JuneRevolver [2010-10-16 06:04:33 +0000 UTC]
No I do. You probably don't know me that well.
Your most recent journal entry just reminded me that I never actually said anything about your art even though I like it.
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