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| QualiT-Adopts
# Statistics
Favourites: 251; Deviations: 60; Watchers: 143
Watching: 125; Pageviews: 16483; Comments Made: 1381; Friends: 125
# Comments
Comments: 73
megadrivez [2020-08-27 00:27:23 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
QualiT-Adopts In reply to SummonerStripclub [2016-08-26 17:19:41 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I havent been on this account in agesΒ
How much did you pay so I can refund you?Β
π: 0 β©: 1
SummonerStripclub In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2016-08-26 20:59:17 +0000 UTC]
NP, it was 10
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to SummonerStripclub [2016-08-28 23:35:14 +0000 UTC]
laTE AGAIN but yes refunded!Β
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to RexVortexHusky [2015-07-24 19:56:15 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much! uwuΒ
π: 0 β©: 1
RexVortexHusky In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2015-07-24 20:29:56 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! ^^
π: 0 β©: 0
mother-amaterasu [2015-06-02 23:32:02 +0000 UTC]
Here's your request! ; 7 ; I hope you like it!Β
π: 0 β©: 0
Snow-Srika [2014-12-04 04:51:09 +0000 UTC]
Dear God, the sweet girl reading this is kind and I'm proud of her. Please help her live life to the fullest and bless her in her chosen field.
Now, you're on the clock. In 9 minutes something will make you happy. Please share this with 15 girls you love. Remember,only for *girls*. If I don't get this back I'm obviously not a close friend.
Now, I have a game for you, it's been played since 1977. Once you read this, you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this:
Day 1 - you will wake up to the biggest shock of your life.
Day 2 - you will cross paths with an old friend you have missed.
Day 3 - you will find yourself with a lot of money.
Day 4 - your day will be perfect.
Day 5 - the love of your life will kiss you.
....if you don't forward this, your next 5 days will be the exact opposite.
Don't break this. Send it to 14 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard. Whoever sent this to you must care about you.
Don't know how to send it? Lol. Just hold your finger on it and it should say forward.
π: 0 β©: 0
housin123 [2014-11-29 00:53:25 +0000 UTC]
i have a question for the pichakus is it not allowed to change the colors of any part i want to make sure cause i dont know
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to housin123 [2014-11-29 04:02:43 +0000 UTC]
Yep, once you own it you can change it as you please uwu
I'll update my adoptable rules
π: 0 β©: 1
housin123 In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-11-29 04:17:36 +0000 UTC]
Sweet thx for the info
π: 0 β©: 0
Starlathehedgie [2014-11-23 15:20:47 +0000 UTC]
just a question for the pikachus do I have to download the whole thing or copy it just wondering on here?
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Starlathehedgie [2014-11-23 15:27:38 +0000 UTC]
I'd recommend downloading it for the best results but copying should work too
π: 0 β©: 1
Starlathehedgie In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-11-23 15:28:27 +0000 UTC]
okay cool thanks
π: 0 β©: 0
Polarbearcutiez [2014-11-07 01:06:23 +0000 UTC]
Do you do custom ponies? Like the lpnk one?
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Polarbearcutiez [2014-11-08 18:01:03 +0000 UTC]
I do uwu All customs are 5
π: 0 β©: 1
Polarbearcutiez In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-11-08 19:35:57 +0000 UTC]
I would gladly take one! :3
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Polarbearcutiez [2014-11-08 21:05:29 +0000 UTC]
Alrighty, what do you have in mind? Any particular color scheme or theme?
π: 0 β©: 1
Polarbearcutiez In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-11-09 02:47:57 +0000 UTC]
Glad you asked! I was kind of going for a nighttime look perhaps?
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Polarbearcutiez [2014-11-09 23:11:26 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, I'll start on it as soon as I finish up these surprise eevees uwuΒ
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Scene--Skittle [2014-10-29 11:47:29 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, customs are 5
What pokemon did you want?
π: 0 β©: 1
Scene--Skittle In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-10-29 18:17:13 +0000 UTC]
I actually am looking for 14 certain pokemon, but I'll give ya a few ^^
Poochyena, Eevee, Skitty, and Houndour. x3
Uhm~ As for the designs, I don't mind, but no spots!
Now the colors, I like black, silver, lime green, red-pink, white, brown, tan and peach~.
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Scene--Skittle [2014-10-29 20:09:46 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, I'll work on them after I get done with the surprise poke ball adopts
Do you want to send the points before or after?
π: 0 β©: 1
Scene--Skittle In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-10-29 20:41:26 +0000 UTC]
After if that's alright with you~
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to Scene--Skittle [2014-10-29 20:50:48 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, I'll link you as I finish them
π: 0 β©: 1
TmntLover111 In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-10-10 21:52:33 +0000 UTC]
Awesome!!!!!! Could I get a custom Vivllion?
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to TmntLover111 [2014-10-10 22:24:41 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, do you have a color pallete or theme in mind?
π: 0 β©: 1
TmntLover111 In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-10-10 22:27:14 +0000 UTC]
Awesome!!!!!! Well, could it be Magnet and Grass/Leaf design....does that work?
π: 0 β©: 1
QualiT-Adopts In reply to TmntLover111 [2014-10-10 23:39:12 +0000 UTC]
Sure thing, I'll start working on it as soon as I can
π: 0 β©: 1
TmntLover111 In reply to QualiT-Adopts [2014-10-10 23:41:50 +0000 UTC]
Awesome!!!!!! Ok, cool.
π: 0 β©: 0
QuackingDragon [2014-05-19 22:23:52 +0000 UTC]
Do I have to credit you for the first picture I make of my adoptable or anything like that?
π: 0 β©: 1
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