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| QuailCoven
# Statistics
Favourites: 14580; Deviations: 175; Watchers: 499
Watching: 241; Pageviews: 36512; Comments Made: 5242; Friends: 241
# Comments
Comments: 1061
galaxyghosts [2018-03-20 23:00:24 +0000 UTC]
heyo! back in art fight last summer you drew my oc sparky for me, and i still love it a lot. c: i'm making a roleplay blog for him on tumblr, and i was wondering if it was okay if i used the drawing as my icon there? i could put credit to you on the blog somewhere, like the description or one of my pages if you wanted me to! if that's not okay, no prob!! just wanted to ask. ^^
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QuailCoven In reply to galaxyghosts [2018-03-21 00:28:50 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah, absolutely!! go for it!
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QuailCoven In reply to galaxyghosts [2018-03-22 02:16:01 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome, i appreciate you asking!
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HoldZeFoam [2017-12-18 04:13:19 +0000 UTC]
Wish I was rich enough to get a commission from Rea. I went to her page and it said Blockeriino. I was like "hold up".
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QuailCoven In reply to HoldZeFoam [2017-12-18 15:30:43 +0000 UTC]
yeah, man, that was from back around september and i was lucky enough to snag a spot during her commission streams! ;;w;; it was an inpulsive money decision, but definitely worth it!
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HoldZeFoam In reply to QuailCoven [2017-12-19 05:02:33 +0000 UTC]
haha, you're not wrong.
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galaxyghosts [2017-07-01 19:16:53 +0000 UTC]
i sent you an attack on art fight, mind if i post it on here too? c:
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QuailCoven In reply to galaxyghosts [2017-07-01 22:04:04 +0000 UTC]
of course, go for it!! ;w; i said this on art fight, but i'm out of town right now, so i'm away from my computer, so i should be home some time tomorrow and i can do a response then!
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galaxyghosts In reply to QuailCoven [2017-07-01 23:26:16 +0000 UTC]
awesome, thank you!!
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galaxyghosts [2017-07-01 03:14:11 +0000 UTC]
hey, dA says it's your birthday! happy birthday!
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TwilightIsMagic [2017-06-30 13:44:04 +0000 UTC]
Haaaaaaappy happy birthday to our good friend today!
Here's a little birthday song with something I must say!
On this day we celebrate having you with us!
Throw a party here for you I'll make sure is a blast!
I wish you only happiness, that your life's full of smiles!
That you and your friends will prevail in any troubling times!
Most of all, I wish for you that you'll have lots of fun!
And share it with all close to you, spread happiness around!
So let's get down to business now, there'll be no more delays!
On to the birthday party, celebrate this joyous daaaaay!
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QuailCoven In reply to Slurptalon3000 [2016-07-16 01:48:50 +0000 UTC]
Yep, I did! I started following her new account on here a while back
Thank you for letting me know though!! ;u;
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Slurptalon3000 In reply to QuailCoven [2016-07-16 01:53:19 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome ;n;
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GeoTheGamer [2016-07-01 04:54:00 +0000 UTC]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(ββΟββ)
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QuailCoven In reply to CastoroChiaro [2016-07-01 04:06:18 +0000 UTC]
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TwilightIsMagic [2016-06-30 09:42:04 +0000 UTC]
Yay! We're here, everypony!
Phew, that wasn't long. I told you we could easily make it on hoof!
Speak for yourself, Twi, you didn't have to carry this cake! It's heavy, you know!
Thank you for helping out, Dashie! I couldn't have settled for anything less, after all!
Hi... We're here to... wish you a happy birthday.
You said it!Β Happy birthday!
And what better way to say "happy birthday" than with a cake?
Why, with a real Apple family apple pie, of course!
But these, while pleasant to give, mean little by themselves...
What makes them meaningful are our wishes for you!
Exactly! And we wish for you to have a perfect birthday and a great year ahead of you!
Don't fear any challenges you might face! No matter how bad it may seem, have faith in yourself and keep on being awesome!
And while at it, keep a level head and don't lose sight of what's important! Keep the magic of friendship alive in yourself!
Remember your loved ones and friends, an' don't let little things an' worries get you down!Β
We hope that you'll find all you seek and be the best you can be!
Don't forget to respect yourself! You're the best at being you, so stay true to what you really are!
And we hope that you'll be at peace with yourself, too... and that the year ahead will be peaceful for you.
And throughout all that, have fun! It isn't fun if you don't have any, after all, and fun it should be!
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QuailCoven In reply to Lintu47 [2016-06-27 19:24:08 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much!! ;u;
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QuailCoven In reply to SkyLandWarrior [2015-09-25 03:41:18 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome!!
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NoreyDragon [2015-08-10 19:50:30 +0000 UTC]
YOOOO remember w-ut? well we got the old crew back together and started rping again in Secret--ofthe-Forest ^.^ wanna join in the warriors nostalgia? My char is Gleam's daugther BurningpawΒ noreydragon.deviantart.com/artβ¦
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QuailCoven In reply to NoreyDragon [2015-08-12 20:17:22 +0000 UTC]
ahhh, maybe eventually? ;w; I'm about to get back into college and I'd need to see how much free time I'd have and all that, but I'll definitely keep it in mind!
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hlbat [2015-08-07 04:30:22 +0000 UTC]
I have to ask since you draw so many ponies- which do you think is the best pony? c:
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QuailCoven In reply to hlbat [2015-08-07 15:39:14 +0000 UTC]
ahhh, definitely Pinkie tbh
i also really like AJ, Sunset, and Flim and Flam ;v;
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hlbat In reply to QuailCoven [2015-08-08 00:41:04 +0000 UTC]
Pinkie would be so interesting to hang out with, I want to see what a ball emergency is like ;v;
Sunset is definitely one of Β my favorites design wise, her colors are so PRETTY, I wish she was shown more often
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