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| PsychoJane
# Statistics
Favourites: 23; Deviations: 52; Watchers: 16
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# Comments
Comments: 55
provethatweexist [2010-12-04 13:57:55 +0000 UTC]
Hai! I don't think I've talked to you on here yet....
Anyways, Thank you for the fav. ;D
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-04 19:13:21 +0000 UTC]
Ha i know right? I barely ever talk to you, but we only just met at the picnic for the short time :3 But that's okay!
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-04 20:09:48 +0000 UTC]
xD. Yeah, true.
I want Ohayocon to come faster... once I get my parents to book a room first.
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-04 21:54:13 +0000 UTC]
I know :3
I'm so excited, especiallly since i missed Sugoi, but i couldn't afford it. Hopefully by Ohayo i'll be caught up on khr...Tofu might kill me if i'm not XD
My finals are next week and then i'll be on my way home to louisville! Thankgod.
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-04 23:16:56 +0000 UTC]
xD. Yeah... she may not be the only one. xD
That should be really nice.
I was going to try and go to Louisville for a couple days but my parents shot down that idea and wont let me/drive me there. So that sucks but the internet is a wonderful thing.
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-09 02:45:42 +0000 UTC]
hahah yeah probably the whole famiglia might XDD
Whaa? That sucks..You know why?
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-09 20:43:17 +0000 UTC]
xD True true
Well, my parents wont drive me 8 hours to louisville 4 times, and they wont let me do it cause I'm only 16. >.>
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-12 03:10:15 +0000 UTC]
ah...yeah...that's uh..that's long XD
So..my car died.
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-12 13:19:51 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... 8 hours is a little much...
EW! That sucks D: Can it be fixed
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-12 21:06:02 +0000 UTC]
Uh I'm pretty sure it can't.
We are about 98% sure the transmission blew. And it's already 17 years old and has over 194,000 miles on it. XD Robert is an old man. My sister and i barely made it home from Missouri on friday. Like, everytime i would take my foot off the gas, this noise that sounded like the tires were burning ruber (they weren't but thats what it sounds like) would flare loudly. Then it shakes badly when its slowing down and the brakes kept locking up between teh speeds of 40 and 70, below that we were fine but the trip is 300 miles...and like 90% of it is on the expressway XD SCARYFUCKINGTRIP. My sister and my mom came and met me in Indiana and then my sis drove my car with me the rest of the way home (don't know how the hell we got home...) Her car was parked at our old high school where my mom works and so i wanted to go out to see my gf that night so she dropped me off there (never turning off the car) and i took her car. When they got home she texted me saying that Robert (that's the car's name btw) wouldn't go in reverse. At all. Whatsoever. So we're pretty sure it's dead. And i refuse to drive it now. So until we get another car (cause i can't go back to Missouri without one it's too far for me to be stranded) i have no car. WHICH REALLY SUCKS
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-12 21:23:57 +0000 UTC]
Ew... that does suck.
I'm pretty sure the transmission blew too... I don't know what else would have done that. I'm glad you got home safe though, if a little terrified of cars atm. xD That and at least you got to see your gf. Still, that sucks though. Any idea of how you're going to get another car?
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-13 17:47:48 +0000 UTC]
I know XPP
Hmmmm...i'm really not the one in charge of the new car thing (but i sure wish i was..) I don't go back to missouri for another 6 weeks so yeah we have six weeks to get another car....but i really HATE not having a car when i've had my car for so long. I feel grounded XD Right now i'm sharing my sister's car (if this is all repeating i'm sorry XD i don't know exactly what i said last time..) and luckily she's really flexible and we're able to share the car easily until...something idunno. I'm thinking what we're going to do is give me my sister's car and give the other on to my sis. (Unless the "new" car is older than my sisters, basically i get the car that's older. Which is fine. My car was a 1994, and my sis' is 2004. So..yeah anything is fine XD)
So...i was reading on Tumblr...
Anything i can do??
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-13 18:18:39 +0000 UTC]
xD. Yeah, I can understand the feeling. I lost my liscence last week so I spent 4 days without a liscence being unable to drive. IT SUCKED x.x
And yeah, as long as it's taken care of, old cars work just fine.
Mine's a 1999 Honda CRV. xD
About my friend? Not sure... it's just complicated more then anything. I can talk to you on tumblr about it if you want.
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2010-12-13 20:38:37 +0000 UTC]
ahh yes yes! So frustrating..and my parents are like..not wanting to go look for cars. My sister and i both work and we both have shit we want to do during the day. Sharing is only going to get us so far.
The car would have lasted a little longer if my dad who originally owned it when we bought it new in 1994 would have taken better care of it...but he didnt..so yeah. XD
Yeah that's fine :3 I reread and share my thoughts, but they're probably going to be hesitant cause like..i'm coming from the point of one being in the famiglia and i don't want to press any buttons
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2010-12-13 21:46:14 +0000 UTC]
xD. Yeah, my parent's weren't keen on looking for a car for me. But with the winter, they needed to get me one. But hopefully it works a little... if not, bumming rides of friends is fun. xD
Ahh... yeah, taking car of a car definately makes a difference.
Alright, thanks.
And yeah, I understand that. I'm not to worried about that though, I like honest thoughts more then anything. She's also being unreasonable towards people she barely knows, so yeah... -off to tumblr-
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2011-01-15 17:03:59 +0000 UTC]
So how ya been lately? I saw the tumblr. At first i didnt relize that you changed your name so i'm like WHO IS THIS!? WHEN DID I START FOLLOWING THEM!??! But then i realized it was you and calmed down XD
WIth the tumblr topic, i can't personally empathize or understand, but hey! Whatever i can do to help, let me know :3 Still love ya no matter what! (I would say more, but i really don't know a lot about what you're feeling. So i dont want to say the wrong thing ya know? Personally, I dont care what you identify as, as long as i get the pronouns right!) <3
Oh, and question. What the hell is a lama badge? I just got one from somebody.
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2011-01-15 17:14:13 +0000 UTC]
xDD. Yeah, I got inspired by a book so I changed the names and stuff around. Sorry for the panic attack.
Aww, thank you! And yeah, I understand. xD. One of my friends is gay and I don't always understand what he's going through cause he's always gotten bullied more then I have about my bisexuality. So I understand the feeling. xD. And yeah, pronouns are important, I always feel bad when I screw them up but that mostly happens with cosplay, which makes a little sense. xD. As of now, I'm still a she xD
Ihavenoidea. xD. They're kind of like gifts but I'm not really sure what they're purpose is. >.>
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2011-02-22 21:34:39 +0000 UTC]
sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I havent gotten on here in forever :3
I'm really frustrated right now! Woo! The gf's being awesome! NOT.
I dont really want to go into it right now. Ugh.
Anywho. How have you been?
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2011-02-22 22:08:32 +0000 UTC]
xD It's okay~
Aww :hugs: I'm always available if you wanna rant.
Pretty chill... The guy I had a crush on got a gf so that sucked but oh well, shit happens xD. I'm working on a Death Note AMV that is so boss but is frustrating the crap out of me x.x Yay artistic expression. xDD. My band's also been making progress which is good. Other then that, it's been pretty laid back. How about you?
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PsychoJane In reply to provethatweexist [2011-03-11 18:41:13 +0000 UTC]
-hugs back- thanks! I'm always here too :3
Damn i hate when that happens!
Oh really?? I dont know how to make AMVs so thats kickass I wish i could watch it when its done but the video chip in my computer is broken... >>.<<
I'm doing okay. Getting better with this break up every day :3
The one girl ex that came back has been continually get less emotional everytime we talk. Like it went from "Hey beautiful, how are you? " to "Hey how are you?"
" to "how're you?
" to today, "So sup?" like..XD I wanna ask her about it..but i dont know how to phrase it, so i think right now i'm gonna just let it go for now XD
How're you doing? I saw your latest poem. I love your poems, they're really good, but so sad 3: Can i ask what's troubling you?
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provethatweexist In reply to PsychoJane [2011-03-11 20:02:47 +0000 UTC]
You and me both xD
Yeah, you should get that fixed so you can see my awesomeness xDD. This is the 2nd one I've tried to make, I hit a rough spot though cause the parts aren't coming out like I wanted them too.x.x
I'm pretty good, going through the motions lol. And thank you! Glad someone read's 'em xDD And yeah, they're mostly how I vent, and it works best when I'm sad. I have some that aren't but they're really really weird. xD.
You're welcome too, always, but I'd rather do it over text/tumblr But yeah, feel free to ask me on there.
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PsychoJane In reply to FemmeBoysHavMorFun [2009-11-24 19:55:36 +0000 UTC]
zomg! it's you!
hahah how are you?
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FemmeBoysHavMorFun In reply to PsychoJane [2009-11-24 20:51:25 +0000 UTC]
Good! My Pyramid Cosplay for Ohayocon is almost done. Are you gonna be there?
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PsychoJane In reply to FemmeBoysHavMorFun [2009-11-26 05:09:55 +0000 UTC]
nahh i wish though.
i'm going to colassalcon in june though!
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FemmeBoysHavMorFun In reply to PsychoJane [2009-11-26 10:28:43 +0000 UTC]
Woot! Where's that one?
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PsychoJane In reply to FemmeBoysHavMorFun [2009-11-27 04:22:21 +0000 UTC]
it's in sandusky, ohio
colassalcon.org :3
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FemmeBoysHavMorFun In reply to PsychoJane [2009-11-27 05:13:02 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm... When is it?
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PsychoJane In reply to FemmeBoysHavMorFun [2009-11-30 04:37:29 +0000 UTC]
uhhh june 3rd through...5th? 6th? i'll haveta look it up.
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PsychoJane In reply to WorldAngel [2009-10-05 03:54:25 +0000 UTC]
XD hahah that's great! Thanks!
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KillaTofu13 [2009-07-08 05:10:06 +0000 UTC]
Why have I not watched you yet? O.O; Ridiculous!
And you lost the game.
And have you apologized to the Yaoi Gods, yet?
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PsychoJane In reply to KillaTofu13 [2009-07-30 20:31:13 +0000 UTC]
Huh? "Why have I not watched you yet? " Yeah i've missed the conversation.
Sorry =]
I thought i did, and then i got mad again because i lost my necklace, but i found it =]
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