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| PlutoniumPresumtuide
# Statistics
Favourites: 345; Deviations: 93; Watchers: 75
Watching: 994; Pageviews: 24093; Comments Made: 3486; Friends: 994
# Comments
Comments: 846
KaztheDraven [2015-08-20 14:07:36 +0000 UTC]
D: you left while i was too busy to get on D:
I will miss and treasure our friendship..
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to Ceresta [2015-01-05 00:42:45 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!!!
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DubuGomdori [2014-11-30 01:44:06 +0000 UTC]
Totoro says he loves you very much and want you to have a great thanksgiving!
...uh oh Totoro says to give him ur turkey now. It's all about sharing right?
Thanks for the fave
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to DubuGomdori [2014-12-01 14:21:44 +0000 UTC]
Awww he should have a great Thanksgiving as well!
You're welcome!!!!
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JonUriah [2014-11-16 20:19:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the !
-Jonathan Uriah Denney
Nature and Wildlife Photographer
Website - Facebook
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Yenni-Vu [2014-09-16 22:42:58 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for being so generous!! >////<
you're awesome!!
and happy belated birthday!^^
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to Yenni-Vu [2014-09-17 00:56:22 +0000 UTC]
Haha, oh you're so sweet! It was nothing >>;
Thank you!
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to Empoh [2014-09-16 00:08:57 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you so much!!!! It's so sweet of you to notice!!!!!
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razorg456 [2014-08-23 16:57:49 +0000 UTC]
I'd like to challenge you to better your art and to seek
further inspiration than what you currently have attained.
If you are interested and like to take me up on this challenge
then please go here: fav.me/d7wa6zu
for further details and instructions.
If you accept my challenge then
post back on my comment section
with the following: SBC accepted!
Due Date for this month’s challenge is 9/22/2014
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to razorg456 [2014-08-24 16:05:47 +0000 UTC]
Interesting! I'll definitely consider doing this.
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razorg456 In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-08-24 18:59:01 +0000 UTC]
If and when you do I will gladly accept you as part of the challenge team.
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SunflowerInTheRain [2014-08-07 11:27:13 +0000 UTC]
Hey. I like your art style. I also like coffee and adorn my page with "feminism is not a bad thing" stamp. I am also an American broad. Hahaha
I usually don't do watch backs, but I like your art. Thanks for watching me!
We should do an art trade later or something. ^_^
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to SunflowerInTheRain [2014-08-07 13:40:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! Haha, we have a lot in common.
Don't worry, I believe you should only watch someone if you really want to watch them!
Oh that'd be fun, I'm very interested. Note me if you ever want to!
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XxShemurr-QueenxX [2014-08-06 17:01:57 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the llama! btw I love your art!
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to XxShemurr-QueenxX [2014-08-06 17:05:06 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome.
That's very sweet of you to say, thank you!!!!
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XxShemurr-QueenxX In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-08-06 17:05:55 +0000 UTC]
your welcome! ^^
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to SerenaR-art [2014-07-18 01:00:15 +0000 UTC]
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HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-04 12:15:35 +0000 UTC]
you're red hair is beautiful, i used to have red hair as well i also have short hair lol twins.
your srtistic style is so amazing im still stunned, im browsing happily through it all i hope u become famous
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-04 21:05:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you so much, I actually bleached my hair platinum blonde recently, I constantly dye and bleach my hair because I get bored. Admittedly, I loved that color, but it faded really quickly which was annoying and disappointing. Oh, it's pretty rad that we had similar hair!!!!!
Thank you, I'm very flattered!
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-04 22:08:58 +0000 UTC]
how creepy........LOL because i recently dyed my hair dirty blond. my my. haha, I guess this is funny not exactly the same, but still similar, and short haha. mine would fade too, even though it was permanent. but i did love it
you should feel flattered, you're a breathtaking artist
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-04 22:10:27 +0000 UTC]
So, how are you?
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-04 22:18:06 +0000 UTC]
Me? I'm hanging in there I guess^^ Waiting for my lovely dad to get home from work so I can give 'im a big HUG. Youuuuuu?
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-04 22:46:24 +0000 UTC]
Haha trying to get through my last week of school before summer break, finals week is always tough!
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-04 23:00:21 +0000 UTC]
oh jeez........my condolences....to your brain. I'm sure it's soon to explode, pop, and sizzle after this week. I hope it passes faster than usual so summer can kick into your bloodstream and start your heart back up again after your nervous system breaks down too >.>
final week IS always tough, my brother is a proof of this statement lol he hates school
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-04 23:22:10 +0000 UTC]
Haha me too, I really do like school, but by the end of the year I'm just out of motivation ;A;
Are you in school?
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-05 02:35:51 +0000 UTC]
haha i DO NOT blame you my friend. i used to be like dat big time too, jeez just looking at pencils and paper makes u think about homework and youre like NO. i want to think about ART not associate the love of my life with HW lol.
Nah, I'm not. I had to drop out of the beginning of the first year of highschool to take some serious time for my health. Going back and forth from hospitals and being in pain and ill and what not can kinda be a big problem when it comes to education lol so ya know. but no biggy, ill get there eventually. for now im taking stride being weird with my hair
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-05 10:10:35 +0000 UTC]
Haha, yeah homework is gross.
Oh, I see. I hope everything works out well. In fact I'm sure it will, just always stay positive!
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-05 22:23:23 +0000 UTC]
it really is. I mean seriously.... sometimes teachers I really believe go overboard. theres a need for learning, yes, but so much that you feel like your going to collapse and you're behind on you're basic life.... NU. you get home after a day of exhaustion and you have more work until who knows when, and then you fall asleep watching the last bit of anime u barely got to finish last night to wake up for another day and repeat. what kind of life is THAT
thanks. I dont know haha three years with a brain that doesn't know how to work like a brain kinda sucks (i have a brain that acts like a tumor instead) but since i cant really do anything about it, i live my life ya know? gatta live my life do what i can. gets lonely having friends that move on though, i miss some action in meh life lol if u get what i mean.
how about you? How are you today?
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-05 22:42:00 +0000 UTC]
Haha, it is pretty horrible. At this point everyone walks into school emotionless and super exhausted, we're all just in need of a break, but only 2.5 school days left and I'm finally out, so I'm almost there.
Well I think that's very brave, so go on with life unafraid of 'what ifs', I think people should act that way even when they're completely healthy.
I'm fine, like I said tired and unmotivated....well not exactly unmotivated I am excited to start making new art again with all my free time as well as playing tennis with my friends.
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-05 23:26:45 +0000 UTC]
jeez I cant say I dont blame everyone I remember that feeling and if i were going back to school I'd probably pass out >.> wow just that much left? hang in there the hell is almost over..... can't wait till you get some over sleep.
thank you, that means a lot.
mmmyeah, tired. i get that, I'm glad all the motivation isn't gone completely, although It's seriously hard to begin art again or maybe i should say find inspiration for art when it's been a while since you've whole heartily been able to make art with nothing else on your mind but just the paper on your desk and a pencil in your hand. I hope you can enjoy that feeling sooner than later and tennis sounds seriously awesome, especially now with summer creeping out the sun feels awesomeeee
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-05 23:57:41 +0000 UTC]
Haha, me too.
It's not just tennis that's fun, I really like just hanging out with my friends in general, the experiences we have with one another are awesome, I'm sorry you miss hanging out with your friends. Mine usually keep me in high spirits during the most stressful of times. You said you're in the hospital a lot, do they visit you?
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-06 00:49:27 +0000 UTC]
yeah friends are amazing, all the laughing and stories that come about, slumber parties and drama(i actually like drama believe it or not lol i have drama but a different kind...my drama is critical and sucks to talk about most people dont understand it; no OLD drama, boyfriends, kissing, chickflicks, animes and mangas, THATS good stuff thats awesome! It's just sweet it sounds like you have good friends
you with them a lot?
um... to be honest, I have three friends, two chicks and the boyfriend of one of them. They're amazing, but one of them is always busy or grounded and her mom has a lot of restrictions on her so i never see her even tho i love her; ive seen her two times this year. And the other one is incredible and sweet and i see her when i can, altho shes busy with her life too and she HAS offered to come see me at the hospital but... i dont like to have people see me the way i get at the hospital.
I've been rethinking this actually, that maybe she could see me this time around (im getting brain surgery; again) but it would depend on how the tables turn... my head being sliced opened and smelling bad with your hair all shaved, oiled up and looking liked a rats nest while youre drugged up, sort of makes u a cry baby lol So it makes it a sort of "family-zone" but not bc i love my friends less... because i don't want them to drive hours to get to a hospital waiting room to see that sight ya know? i can barely talk too, i just become a crying mess. i dunno lol
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-07 01:01:37 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I see them everyday at school and we're constantly making plans with one another and throwing bonfires in the summer. -w-
I don't think it matters how few friends you have as long as they're good ones, I have a slightly large group of close friends made of maybe 5 or 6 people.
I understand why you would feel self conscious about something like that, but I think it would be a good idea to let your friends in to see you like that, (as long as they're really close to you), I think maybe it would make you feel a sense of normality and comfort to have them there with you. If my friend had to get her hair shaved for brain surgery I think I would shave mine with her so that she'd feel better. I don't know, I've always wanted to do kind things for my friends when they're sick, especially one of my close friends, Sarah, who is constantly in the hospital getting stomach surgery.
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-08 02:54:02 +0000 UTC]
no it's not about the number.
it's that i rarely get to see them, three friends that are hardly available to me. one is always grounded and she does text me but excludes me a lot and weve had a lot of issues bc of this, the other I am very close to and always will be she just hardly texts or calls and i cant always hang out in person because im ill and being sick has its limits, so theres a void when you wait to see her again(at least i SEE her once in a while tho). and my friends bf, i've never met him in person, just text and email. i cant even hang out with him, altho hes mentioned hed like to have a picnic with me and my friend~never said when. I'm not complaining. I'm grateful to just have friends at all, to have a number is a privilege. it's just be nice to be able to see them an interact with them too, in person i mean. being ill means i need to make technology my immediate go-to when I'm sick and dont go to school and want to contact anyone, but it can be difficult for my friends to adapt to that i guess since there can become that "drifting" while ur apart if they dont write you sacredly every day and start neglecting you. but it really isn't about the number... i dont care about numbers. i could have just one friend and love that friend forever.
those bonfires sound EPIC and so do constantly making plans whoaaaaaaaaaaaa ur friends sound so sweeeetttt have fun sam
mmyeah i guess we'll see, and i couldn't feel more worse about your friend. stomach surgery is terrible, you use your stomach for everything when you move...it's painful when that gets sliced open and then u have to recover. i don't know why shes so sick but im glad she has you.. and i mean it. having a a friend who would shave her hair off for u is one beautiful friend
ur special. but i already knew that.
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-08 03:25:02 +0000 UTC]
I understand. Have you told that close friend how you feel? Maybe then she could make more of an effort to see you in person or reply to your texts (Not to say she's not trying).
Haha, I appreciate them very much and I will!
Thank you for such kind words. Sarah is very special to me, she's like a sister; I see her work through the post-surgery pain and I see the stitches and scars, so I can understand where you come from when you describe the struggles you have. She's actually quite similar to you in that she's strong and optimistic (she's kind of harsh and sarcastic at times, but it's amusing) I think that's the special thing about kids like you guys who have to be in the hospital a lot, you're tough as nails and crazy optimistic. It's so rad!
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-08 10:32:28 +0000 UTC]
mhm, I've told her she's trying a lot more than she used to and it's a little better, but it's just who she is. in person it's like we're two souls in one body from how close we are, which is how i know she loves me. I mean, we've been together since middle school. it's just gets lonely when technology is the only thing you have to connect to others and others can't quite adapt. I don't hold it against them, like i said, just lonely
ah well lol. really tho i still have amazing three friends id be lonelier without them, thats what i tell myself despite the weeks that go by that no one writes me or i write someone and they dont write back. theyre incredible to remember me and stay with me through all these years at all, and I'm so grateful i could cry
they're as special as hell, and i'll never take them for granted. it's like finding gold in a haystack.
you're so incredible, to be so amazingly observant and notice so many things when your Sarah is in pain... so many people don't have that eye like you. I can definitely see she's special to you, and she is strong and optimistic if she's going through all that hell and she still smiles. Even if it's not all the time, just smiling with your friends or once in a while counts and she sounds really amusing what with being harsh and sarcastic sometimes lol i used to have a friend like that.
haha... well, maybe I'm not as tough as NAILS but... i try my best. Sarah sounds like she does too and i think that's wonderful; i think when we're sick we have to find what we love in life most and focus on that to make ourselves happy. It might sound selfish to others, but since there's so much pain surrounding us and bad things happening, when you focus on doing things you like, even if you're limited, you're bound to smile eventually despite everything negative clouding your head. Smiling... and trying to find things you love in life despite of what you'r going through, is probably better then crawling up in a hole and treating people like trash. Not that we all don't crawl up in a hole of doom and get cranky whether we're healthy or not
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-08 11:40:43 +0000 UTC]
Well, as long as she's making an effort and you're understanding about it, that's good! I think it's great that you cherish your friends so much!
It doesn't sound selfish at all, that's how you get through pain; know who or what you're bearing it for and put all your focus on them. That a method used by many people, you should never think of yourself a selfish for that.
Let's get off such a serious topic, I don't want to make you think about hospitals more than you already have to. What are your interests right now? What shows are you watching or books are you reading?
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-08 12:14:20 +0000 UTC]
i absolutely cherish them, and thank you
haha alright, let's seeeeeeee. Me? Honestly books I don't read barely at ALL because my eyes hurt too much BUT there was an exception just recently because it hit home in my heart called "The Fault In Our Stars" read it in two days, bad for my health but whatevs lol it was awesomeeee can't wait to see the movie! it was sad tho so beware. NOW MANGA bc I'm a manga fanatic and that's what i CAN read, currently i just finished High School Debut 4 5 and 6. I like Fruits Basket, Vampire knight, Kamisama Kiss, Fairy Tail, D-Gray Man, OH MY GOD DEATH NOTE...ahem compose myself....ok ok, also Hana Kimi, Maid Sama, and all that jazzzzzz. Um I've seen Attack about one million times(not joking, i saw it myself alone, then insisted my mom watch it, then got my brother to watch it, then my dad started watching it. Now I'm watching it with my grandma hehe. it's mighty good. I am watching Kimi No Todoke, which is also an anime, too. I also watch korean dramas and watch kpop.
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-08 12:49:48 +0000 UTC]
A lot of my friends read "The Fault In Our Stars", I don't really read romance so I didn't read it. I might go see it though, because my friend Amy really wants to see it and no one will go with her
I really love manga too! I don't have time for anime because of school though so I usually watch all the popular anime during the summer if I can. (Attack and Free are two of the ones I REALLY want to see). The manga I've been reading are Maid-sama, Special A, Black Butler, Natsume's Book of Friends, Sailor Moon, Sacred, and I've started to collect all the manga Usamaru Furuya has created, he's my favorite manga artist of all time, he made books like Genkaku Picasso, Lychee Light Club, Short Cuts, and No Longer Human. He's really dark, but his art and storytelling is so impactful. The anime I've loved and seen in the past are Naruto, Death Note, Fruits Basket (I'd like to start collecting the manga to these three), Hell Girl, FLCL, Junjou Romantica (<3), and tons more, but I can't remember anymore right now ;A; . As for regular novels I really love classic lit. like The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Dracula. My favorite novelists are Robert Cormier, Tamora Pierce, and Lemony Snicket. Are there any anime you think I should see this summer?
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-09 01:04:31 +0000 UTC]
I had no IDEA the fault in our stars was so popular.... i thought id just picked up a really impactful book i could relate to with my life, but apparently my cousin told me the same(that everyone's reading it). Haha i see ur a wonderful friend, well i hope u guys brings tissues your bound to cry. i havent seen it... but trust me on it.
haha we are twins :-P Attack on Titan is insane u must watch it u wont regret it. maid sama is amazing, i loveeee black butler i have this huge poster in my room of black butler and custom made bracelet of BB. Sailor moon is also epic, and SacreD by Lizbeth? bc if thats who you mean she's such an amazing manga artist and storyteller and person. Your favorite manga artst sounds really incredible, dark art is usually the best, it portrays emotiions through art and words the best. have all of death note thanks to my incredible dad, and almost all of fruits basktet. missing one manga by accident i think and dont really care eh lol bc i dont know which one but i do have pretty much the whole series. I LOVE Junjou Romantica, altho i dont do yaoi anymore but that was the first yaoi everrrr and I wll FOREVER love Usagi <3 that always seems to happen....we always forget everything we watched when we need to remember lol Mmmwow your novels do sound classic, very nice. Honestly I read anything, itll sound clitche, but twilight started me into reading, and I love Maggie Stiefvater with her Shiver Trilogy and Scorpio novel, I also Adore Howl's Moving Castle, and blah blah. haha.
um..... i honestly dont know. im so sorry im watching a cute anime atm. and i watch korean tv series theyre really good so, mmyeah. right now attack on titan was my biggest gold mine.
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-09 20:54:48 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I'm kind of a softy when it comes to that stuff even if I don't particularly enjoy it, I'm sure I'll cry. >///<
Wow you have so much merch!!!! I just have books, I really want some posters and figures after my family moves houses.
Yes, I was referring to Lizbeth's work, she truly is a great manga artist, and a great person in general, I have books 1-3.
Yeah, there was a point where I was obsessed with yaoi, but I've been a little more critical of the manga I read now (like I am with all other genres of manga I have standards)
I've heard of the Shiver series, I don't know anything about it, but I believe I've seen a few of my fellow forensics team members reading it. I LOVE Hayao Miyazaki, he is a genius. I love how all his animations make you feel, they're so whimsical and emotion and just sjfdkhdl. I can't. ;w; Is Howl's Moving Castle your favorite Studio Ghibli film?
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-10 11:18:50 +0000 UTC]
oops and i forgot to say how incredibly amazing and sweet and stunning Lizbeth is. Yes, she is one of the most amazing people i have ever met She puts so much hard work into her art and she surprises me and shocks me with her traditional art, she's amazing. She's a breathtaking person and artist, i really love her too^^ i have mangas 1-3 too<3 they're pretty darn good
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HelloKpopKitties In reply to PlutoniumPresumtuide [2014-06-10 11:13:26 +0000 UTC]
awh jeez... wish I could hug u U_U, dont worry remember its fiction. the bad part is it really happens just like that in real life >.>
haha mmmyeaaaah, i have a couple of figures(just a few) and the BB poster is my LIFE. i have a SacreD poster too its incredible. its nice to have a room that you can personalize, my mom let me do my room the way i wanted im pretty grateful.
Yeah same here, but i....stopped I'm love it in my heart, the problem is i would get in serious trouble if my parents caught me reading that, and I'm sick so I'll be living with them for a while haha. So yaoi withdrawal if ya get what i mean, until I'm older and out of the house.
God SHIVER IS INCREDIBLE i have customized rubber bracelets for EVERYTHING(bc theyre durable and u can wear 'em anywhere u kno? they dont get ruined) including that book series, goes to show u how amazing it is. it's just so amazing seriously i think you'd love it. well hope so. no pressure my friend haha. I LOVE hayao miyazaki too!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the Einstein of life and art and movies and and and....and...and LIFE...altho i already said that but he is he's so breath taking with his work. I could re watch his movies all day... there's no end to how interesting and NON boring they are. jfnkhvgbkszjbd i KNOW. hahahaha ;w; Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite book actually, the movie was the first i ever watched by him (altho spirited away was kinda the first bc i watched a little of it when i was a kid in the theatre but got scared and cried and...left lol with my rents) or should i say watched completely by him. And i loved it for a long time, but i have to say Up on Poppy Hill (i think thats what its called) is my favorite, I love that movie... its so peaceful. it makes me happy haha^^ how about you?
P.S.- my family is over so i might not answer real quickly surry
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PlutoniumPresumtuide In reply to HelloKpopKitties [2014-06-10 21:05:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I hope I have enough room for tons of book cases and shelves to put all my awesome anime stuff on when we move. That would be awesome even if I'm only living there for 2 more years.
Oh I see, yeah there's some pretty raunchy stuff in yaoi, I can imagine anyone's parents being upset about it, haha. It's pretty much borderline porn. <<;;
What is Shiver about?
My favorite of his movies would definitely be Spirited Away, there's just something so relatable about Chihiro. I just find it amazing how Miyazaki captured an actual human child's personality in her. She was afraid, she was immature, and she wasn't particularly incredible in anyway. She was just some dumb kid, who had to deal with an incredible problem. I think I liked it so much because his characters were realistic, they never showed too much sympathy if that wasn't in their nature or were particularly amazing in any way. They did things to make you angry and happy, they were complex, but also simple. He's just too amazing in this characterization, ;A;
That's okay if you don't reply quickly.
Lizbeth makes me proud to be a westerner. Sometimes I compare western and eastern manga artists and I'm really disappointed, but she makes up for that. She's so inspirational. Even though I'm an Atheist, seeing her strong faith just makes me happy and it's just...beautiful.
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