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| PeterPainter
# Statistics
Favourites: 174; Deviations: 24; Watchers: 5
Watching: 55; Pageviews: 4382; Comments Made: 196; Friends: 55
# Comments
Comments: 46
LimonTea [2013-02-12 09:08:13 +0000 UTC]
Thank U for the fave!
Find a minute to take a look at my other arts:
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HatschYuh [2012-12-24 16:41:11 +0000 UTC]
Aye, thank you for the watch! I really appreciate it and I wish you Merry Christmas!
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PeterPainter In reply to HatschYuh [2012-12-24 17:47:30 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas to you too! keep on making great artwork
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PeterPainter In reply to v242 [2012-09-06 17:04:03 +0000 UTC]
always happy to help a fellow believer
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Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-08-27 19:23:12 +0000 UTC]
hey Peter, its me again im not sure if you seen this but here [link]
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-07-26 17:57:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey, i just came back from Turkey today! uff it was hot there! 39 degrees... your good with imagination drawings,i used to draw stuff like this some time ago, random scary creatures and mythical creatures, how long is your story going to be?
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to PeterPainter [2012-07-27 01:50:11 +0000 UTC]
awesome glad you came back in one piece
thanks glad you like these creatures that i created
not sure to tell you the truth it could be very long
it might be a series or something
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-08-02 14:13:58 +0000 UTC]
I've been writing myself for a while now; but not stories, it's actually my personal art project which i wanted to do for a long time and planned to start it this summer and so i did. The project is to get as much knowledge as i can get on how to do good paintings, the reason is, i noticed quite some time ago that quality is not the only thing in paintings, it's also the idea and the composition. Most of it is my own observations but i do have some official stuff as well. This is due to my personality, i like going deep into things the project is called 'Deep Art'
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to PeterPainter [2012-08-02 19:39:04 +0000 UTC]
whoa, that sounds fantastic!!! i love the idea
and cool that's its a personal art project
Looking forward to that
that sounds awesome
well i have maid a few drawings and also made another void fracture, called void sincreed. Its the void fracture that will forever stay that way, please check it out when you can. I really think your gonna love there story's, youll see why they will stay in damnation forever and i think youll love how they look like
heres the [link] i hope you like it
wat i really want to do is study for graphic novels. There are a few schools in the US that specializes in that but i leave in puerto rico. So its gonna be tough but i really want to make graphic novels or even comic books
i want my story to be in pictures
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-08-09 13:58:21 +0000 UTC]
Sorry i wasn't on for some time, couldn't connect to the internet >.< It's really creepy!, you have an amazing imagination. Your stories are also interesting! I have finished the first part of my project, now i will try and use this knowledge to design paintings. Oh and one more thing! i have wrote a poem... as much as i used to hate poetry, i love it now ill post it in a sec go check it out, it's quite long. The name is "The Poem of Life".
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to PeterPainter [2012-08-09 18:23:31 +0000 UTC]
hey no worrys i totally understand
thanks!!! :d really happy you think its creepy and like there story's i shall make more lol
im making two new ones two
and thanks
and that's great that you finished the first part of your project
oohh yup i left you a comment very nice poem you made there
lol sometimes that happens
one minute you hate something and the next you love it lol
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-07-10 07:13:17 +0000 UTC]
woo! looks like the characters from your story!
No problem!
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to PeterPainter [2012-07-10 16:38:12 +0000 UTC]
hehe yep that's the fireflies in the story shaping a silhouette of an angel
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Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-07-09 03:51:58 +0000 UTC]
[link] made a new one and yess i sucked at this one lol but hope you enjoy the detail or even the story
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-07-09 10:24:35 +0000 UTC]
you know, you might just inspire me to write a story myself This looks really interesting!
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to PeterPainter [2012-07-09 16:52:34 +0000 UTC]
for real? Awesome!!!! that's great i never inspired anyone before
that be great ,go for it
let me know when you finish your story
and glad it interest you
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-07-09 18:02:45 +0000 UTC]
haha i will first need to come up with a plot. And anyways i won't start it until i finish my personal Art research project
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PeterPainter In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2012-07-02 08:19:37 +0000 UTC]
Wow, it's like fireworks!
deviantART muro drawing
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to PeterPainter [2012-07-02 17:20:06 +0000 UTC]
hehe thanks glad you like and nice muro drawing too looks awesome
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BiBiARTs [2012-06-26 16:36:25 +0000 UTC]
A warm welcome to , I really appreciate you joining
If you need any help or have problems, please feel free to contact us!
Hugs BiBi
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knight-of-sand [2012-06-22 06:08:18 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to !!
Thank you for your joining this group and hope you will have fun !!
Founder of #masters-of-painting
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PeterPainter In reply to knight-of-sand [2012-06-22 11:24:38 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot for accepting, ill do my best
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knight-of-sand In reply to PeterPainter [2012-06-23 15:15:22 +0000 UTC]
You've asked me why I had declined your paintings. Firstly, if I were you I wouldn't paint these frames, because I think it doesn't look very good. But I don't look at how painting looks like because everybody has their own style and taste . But I think you should correct your technique of painting to become a master of painting
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PeterPainter In reply to knight-of-sand [2012-06-23 18:25:01 +0000 UTC]
niezawiedziesz bliźniego Polaka prawda? XD
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PeterPainter In reply to knight-of-sand [2012-06-23 18:11:20 +0000 UTC]
tbh i didn't think anybody would reply back so thanks for replying to start with.
Yeah everyone has their own taste, i don't think the frames look significantly bad, however i did make them up completely, without any studies or observations due to lack of time and patience. However is it just the idea of the frame or the quality of it? cos if it's the quality ill make sure to improve on that if i ever decide to do painted frames again.
Now about my painting technique, i see you use acrylics too so could you explain that a bit deeper if possible? This style is pretty new to me, i only started to paint like this since 2011 September so i realize it's not complete yet. I paint dark to light (only for about 2 months, before i painted from mid-tone outwards) layer over layer until i get to the lightest area's with fairly thick paint. My style also involves strong colours, however i do still lack in contrast and i usually make things not light enough.
That's my self analysis there, could you perhaps tell me what exactly is my technique lacking? Take the figure from [link] or my self portrait [link] as reference as that's what i did to the best of my ability. Is my detail bad? proportions? colours used? chiaroscuro? any particular bits like the hair?
sorry i know this is asking for a bit much and you might be a busy person, but this would really help me out, even if it is just your personal opinion, i just want a honest opinion ^^ i wont get offended thanx
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knight-of-sand In reply to PeterPainter [2012-06-25 14:49:17 +0000 UTC]
Więc, od razu zacznę, że choć sama coś tam paćkam akrylami od jakiegoś czasu, to nie znam się na tym zbytnio, bo uczę się sama i nawet jestem zbyt leniwa żeby zobaczyć na jakieś tutoriale xD. Więc moje akryle nie są zbyt dobre, niestety.
Ale ludzie zawsze mi mówili, że mam dobry smak w decyzji czy obraz/rysunek jest ładny czy nie, dlatego też postanowiłam założyć tą grupę .
Ogólnie obraz jest fajny - koncepcja mi się podoba, jest w tym coś zabawnego i zaskakującego. Nie podoba mi się jednak kolor skóry, szczególnie na twarzy - wydaje się strasznie nienaturalny, tutaj coś bym zmieniła. I ta mina tego pana, nie wiem czy zamierzona czy nie, ale trochę się go boję : D. I popracowałabym jeszcze nad tą stopą wychodzącą poza ramkę. Ponadto dodałabym trochę ciemnych kolorów, czerni do tej zieleni z tyłu, żeby nadać większego realizmu.
Ale jak mówię, sama jestem amatorem i z technicznego punktu widzenia nie znam się na tym najlepiej . Mam nadzieję, że nie uraziłam Twoich uczuć, czy coś w tym stylu
. Powodzenia!
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PeterPainter In reply to knight-of-sand [2012-06-25 15:31:19 +0000 UTC]
(Sorry for writing in 2 languages hope it's not confusing, it's just easier for me )
No myslalem ze mi nikt juz tego nie wytknie! Everybody who looks at my painting only praised it, when i asked my classmates if there was anything wrong with it they either said it's fine or almost got angry for me being too much of a perfectionist >.< Tak masz racje, kolor skury jest bardzo nienaturalny, tylko nikt tego niezauwazal. To zostalo spowodowane przez to ze zaczolem od twarzy, a background byl bialy, i sie na poczatku kolor wydawal dobry >.< Kolor skury mnie denerwowal caly rok, ale skoro nikt tego nie zauwarzal to mi sie nie chcialo go zmieniac ill never make the mistake of painting with a white background again.
Just so you know, ja jestem tym panem xD (lol first time i was called a sir) i mina byla zamierzona; it was suppose to catch attention and challenge the people viewing, the face is basically saying "what do you want?" nastepnym razem postaram sie namalowac inny face expression
Nienajlepjej mi wychodzi trawa, ogolnie landscapes, bende musial nad nimi popracowac :/ Not only darker colours, but contrast in general, both darks and lights need work on, it was a problem i always had.
Haha xD ja sie nie obrazam naprawde masz dobre oko jezeli tyle mi potrafilas wytknac, nikt inny tego nie potrafil. Personalnie to jestem jeszcze bardziej strict zwlaszcza dla swojej wlasnej pracy. Oprucz tego co wymienilas jest o wiele wjecej rzeczy ktore bym porawil
potrzebuje konstruktywnej krytyki zeby sie polepszac and so far this is the best critique i heard for that piece, dzeki ^^
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knight-of-sand In reply to PeterPainter [2012-06-24 06:37:15 +0000 UTC]
Czy mogę odpisać po polsku xD? Nie chcesz widzieć moich cudnych błędów językowych i gramatycznych w angielskim xD.
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PeterPainter In reply to knight-of-sand [2012-06-24 06:58:49 +0000 UTC]
spoko i lived 9 years in England and Poland, polskiego jeszcze niezapomnialem, but ponglish mi najlepjej wychodzi xD
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K-Pang [2012-06-21 02:52:03 +0000 UTC]
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