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| ParanormalTeddy

# Statistics
Favourites: 243; Deviations: 54; Watchers: 47
Watching: 134; Pageviews: 6682; Comments Made: 349; Friends: 134
# Comments
Comments: 25
Anachronism-EiN [2017-05-01 02:48:49 +0000 UTC]
Took me awhile to post this:
Thank you for the
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Aoi-Kawasuo [2017-04-19 13:12:17 +0000 UTC]
People got 3 arms infact.
Thanks for the watch lol
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to Aoi-Kawasuo [2017-04-20 00:20:55 +0000 UTC]
O shit I didn't know people actually read those lmao
No prob man! Your art is bomb, I especially like the Haise pic :3
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Aoi-Kawasuo In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2017-04-20 21:04:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. Next week when ill be home ill upload a manga ive made.
I hope youll enjoy it.
Tho its the first time im making panels lol
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to Aoi-Kawasuo [2017-04-21 01:10:57 +0000 UTC]
.o. that sounds cool!
Awe I'm sure it's great, I'll definitely check it out!
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icycreep [2016-11-22 11:28:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for watching me, I really do appreciate it a lot, lovely hoomanΒ Β
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to icycreep [2016-11-22 15:59:35 +0000 UTC]
Ahh no problem c:
Your work is all very lovely~
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to Milly-Marauder [2016-10-24 00:20:59 +0000 UTC]
Np! ^^
I didn't know you drew! (or maybe I did but I forgot haha) I saw a dA in your sig (or profile or something) and got excited c: your work is lovely~
Thank you for the watch-back haha.
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Milly-Marauder In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2016-10-24 00:34:14 +0000 UTC]
Hehe I only recently put it up in my sig.
Thank you! And not a problem ~
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PartySkelet0n [2016-06-14 23:50:09 +0000 UTC]
I found ya! We met on Gaia once and you did art of my OC. My username on Gaia is WarpedTardis.
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to PartySkelet0n [2016-06-15 15:34:22 +0000 UTC]
Oh hi! I saw your dA on your profile, but I wasn't sure if it would be weird for me to watch yours, but tbh I love your art style >.>
Yeah this is the realm of things that need to get updated and I need to submit more to =w= I just never think about it lol.
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PartySkelet0n In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2016-06-15 15:41:02 +0000 UTC]
It wouldn't have been weird at all, I put it on there to see if anyone would actually take the time to look at it, haha.
I get it, it says I have been a deviant for 5 years but like 3 of those years I wasn't even active on here at all, so it took me a while to update everything myself...
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to PartySkelet0n [2016-06-15 15:50:33 +0000 UTC]
Haha I think I've only been on here for less than a year now? Tbh I'm just incredibly lazy so I have a whole bunch of stuff that I was GONNA put here, but I never got around to finishing them
...Maybe I'll do that now though...
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PartySkelet0n In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2016-06-15 15:52:34 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I currently have no life, that's why I have been posting so many...
I can't wait to see some of your other work!
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to Sarria-Holyfire [2016-05-23 19:37:46 +0000 UTC]
Wow, someone actually found this desolate wasteland of an account haha.
Hi Sarria, I didn't know you had an account here .o.
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Sarria-Holyfire In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2016-05-23 20:40:13 +0000 UTC]
Oh course and I am glad I did, yay! I swear I have linked it from L&S OOC before. I don't add super often but enjoy looking.
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ParanormalTeddy In reply to Sarria-Holyfire [2016-05-23 23:12:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh you probably have, now that I think of it I think I've seen it, haha your stuff is awesome.
I guess that's some motivation for me to put some L&S stuff up here then!
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Sarria-Holyfire In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2016-08-22 01:52:06 +0000 UTC]
Yus! I like seeing any of your art but there is just something about seeing art from something you knowΓ© are apart of.
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Sarria-Holyfire In reply to ParanormalTeddy [2016-06-26 07:54:17 +0000 UTC]
Yay, would love to see it. I need to find the picture of the group to finish it or start again XD. BUT THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLEMENTS. Ahh hate caplock -_-
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