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| Pagiechan
# Statistics
Favourites: 14196; Deviations: 570; Watchers: 119
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# Comments
Comments: 3921
dazza1008 [2013-02-09 09:28:57 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to ! Glad to have you on board.
We're delivering major Celldweller updates, and if you have any ideas for fun competitions or games, please let us know! (and please check out the rules on our front page before submitting - ask us if you're not sure!)
Break the anonymity here .
We'd really love to get to know ya!
Check out our other fun activities
All Celldweller art on dA (including stuff not submitted to the club) should be in our faves .
If you want timely Celldweller news, please watch the official Twitter account . We have a widget on the club's home page so you can see Twitter updates from FiXT, Celldweller and Blue Stahli.
Please 'Like' Celldweller @ Facebook to help establish Klayton as a major musical force, plus you get to download free songs! (if you rely on facebook for updates, please read this so you know how to adjust settings - [link] ) If you're not fully familiar with Celldweller's music, please check out our guided tour page, with links to official Celldweller YouTube channel.
It would be very much appreciated if you could put the club's icon on your page somewhere ( :iconcell-mates: ) or the club's devlink in your signature ( :devcell-mates: ) to help spread the awesomeness that is Celldweller!
We hope you enjoy it here!
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Pagiechan In reply to kayomin [2012-09-28 07:43:03 +0000 UTC]
hey!cool i'll watch you here!^^
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NeonWolfGlow [2012-07-26 23:18:13 +0000 UTC]
Hi hi :'D
I'm that person who followed you, and was talking to you on tumblr about seeing you in the irvine specrum. (Also the Karkat who was too afraid to go in any of the shopsss)
My friend ~Jaystar0214 wasn't the one who followed you on tumblr, because she doesn't have one.
She wanted me to ask you if instead of cosplaying tomorrow (The 27th) if you could do it on this Saturday (the 28th)?
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Pagiechan In reply to NeonWolfGlow [2012-07-27 02:12:48 +0000 UTC]
oh hey haha hi there.^^ aww yeah the karkat haha.
As of right now I have no ride so that's my only problem.:/ i'd love to go but I have no ride and I don't know anyone else that lives close to me, I live about 20 mins from the spectrum.T__T
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Jaystar0214 [2012-07-18 02:01:38 +0000 UTC]
You. You
you're that dave i saw at barnes and nobles in irvine spectrum <3
and the one who had a friend on the phone and took a pic of you and that other dave >: D
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Pagiechan In reply to Jaystar0214 [2012-07-19 02:32:03 +0000 UTC]
haha omg hello again. XD wow how did you find all my accounts? lol.XD Yes that is me.
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Jaystar0214 In reply to Pagiechan [2012-07-19 03:04:39 +0000 UTC]
haha yay FINALLY after YEARS of SEARCHING with my FRIEND x3
i came over to my friend's house (the one who was on the phone that day) and we went on the computer, she went "i still can't find one of the two daves" and im like "really? we could check on tumblr again now that i am here and have a pic of em AND seen them close up :3"
we SEARCHED FOREVER on tumblr because there's a LOT of dave cosplayers. but then we scrolled down a little, then i stopped her mouse "WAIT. STOP. That dave. She has same shoes, same shades, and the bangs go that way. And the cape. Is just like that." So we looked at each other like 0_0
we clicked it, then we saw the icon of dat book (the same book i saw you holdin while takin a pic) then we gasped like "aahhhhhh" we stared at each other and like laughed but like went "OMAIGODOMAIGODOMAIGOD. FINALLY. WE FOUND ONE OF THE DAVES. AHHHH'
Then we just went crazy.
That's how we found you x3
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Pagiechan In reply to Jaystar0214 [2012-07-19 06:16:01 +0000 UTC]
haha omg you guys went through so much trouble to find us. XD there are a lot of dave which makes me sad but i'm trying to do different cosplays of him and some unique ones or au one's.C: I'm glad you were able to find us though, I would have given you my tumblr or da if you asked. haha.
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Jaystar0214 In reply to Pagiechan [2012-07-19 21:59:25 +0000 UTC]
hng i know i wouldhve asked T-T
and yes, we went through so many years, of searching, just two daves, out of like a million.
funny, cus me and my friends are cosplaying in spectrum on july 27th next week :3
i've been feelin ickeh like 'bleh' about my cosplay cus im like 'i feel my cosplay is odd' then my friends keep telling me 'nuuuuu yours is the most amaziiinnggggg out of all of uuuuuuussss >:U'
but i don't really feel that way v.v' not even sure why, i just have that awkward feeling.
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Pagiechan In reply to Jaystar0214 [2012-07-19 22:59:16 +0000 UTC]
aww i'm glad you found us though. usually i've been carying around a little notepad to give it out to people because I have that new blog for my cosplay that you followed. >.< i'm so forgetful though.
oh nice!^^
aww who you are cosplaying as?:3 ah yeah like Dave is my first cosplay ever, the con i went to i was so scared but then like everyone kept saying hi and said took all these pics i was like. O_O no no, like my pants were the wrong color and i didn't have the stripes on the side. >.< All that matters is you put effort and have fun. C: i'm sure you'll look great.
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Jaystar0214 In reply to Pagiechan [2012-07-20 01:18:01 +0000 UTC]
aw thanks ;u;
(Sorry that this is very long)
when i FIRST EVER cosplayed , it was at my school because it was anime/cosplay day from my club,
.... and... well..
they just HAD to say
"Why are you blue?" (Me: It's gray get your factth right)
"Why are you gray?" (Me: Becauthe I'm a troll.)
"Why are you wearing mixmatched shoes?" (Me: Becauthe I do.)
"Why are you wearin 3D glasses?" (Me: Have a problem with my thight?)
"Why do you have horns?" (Me: Becauthe I'm a troll.)
"What is on your shirt?" (Me: A zodiac)
"Is that a roman numeral two on your shirt?" (Me: No. It's Gemini thign. There'th a differenthe)
"What. are you wearing..." (Me: I'm wearing clotheth, DEAL WW IT)
"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - (i gave that girl a scare twice) (Me: I'M THORRY ;A
Teacher: I didnt know it was dress up as a freak day... (Me: -puts head down-)
OtherTeacher: ... -rolles eyes- (Me: ... hi.... xD)
OtherTeacher2: I think we have a new student in our class today... (Hehe yeth, ii apparently am)
OtherTeacher3: -screams- WHAT THE HECK oh its you (Me: A troll that could trololol)
OtherTeacher4: -stares as I walk in the room- -shakes head- (Hii mith tyler)
AwesomeTeacher: WOAH! You're the BEST cosplay OUT OF ALL OF THEM! (YETH!)(he's the BEST teacher in the world!)
SomeboyIhate: "LOOK, IT'S A 3D AVATAR!" (thut up douthcebag)
Friend: I think you went overboard... (nope i dont think tho becauthe other people cothplay like thith)
Friend2: What are you suppose to be? (im thoppothed to be a perthon that ith drethed up)
Someperson: What series are you guys from? (Me and my cosplayin friends: HAMSTEAK. No jk its HOMOSTUCK. No jk its HAMSTACK. No jk its HOMSTRUCK. No jk its HOMESTUCK.)
Sameperson: what's homestuck? (Me: It's when you're stuck at home)
I felt SO awkward that day because I had so many stares ^^' but after school, we went to the market place, and went to macdonalds, and it was very fun except our karkat at first went crazy and she kept being "no noN NO NO I DONT WANNA GO IN THERE I DONT WANNA.. IT LOOKS SO CROWDED.... ;n;"
We went to Yogurtland too, and saw our classmates there so it was VERY awkward.
(I'm pretty sure you figured out who I was cosplaying as ;u
And yes, you're right i dont have the right color pants, but i still have lots of fun x3
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Pagiechan In reply to Jaystar0214 [2012-07-20 11:33:28 +0000 UTC]
haha oh wowXD that sounds so exciting haha don't worry about the long comment.
aww haha sollux!! I like sollux. someone said I should voice act as him or like a younger version of him. lol.
Isn't sollux's pants just black? you can get some almost anywhere, hot topic, kohls, target, forever21. haha yeah cosplaying is so much fun.^^
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Jaystar0214 In reply to Pagiechan [2012-07-22 18:14:16 +0000 UTC]
Lol I always thought they were gray or silver pants
Hey btw
The other Dave that you were with is cosplaying in Irvine spectrum as Dave with us
Is it possible you can come too?
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Pagiechan In reply to Jaystar0214 [2012-07-23 00:33:06 +0000 UTC]
lol hmm then I don't know.XD
oh she is, hmm she didn't tell me, I asked her if we wanted to go together.
I want to I just need to find a ride because I live about like 20-25 mins away from the spectrum.>.< when are you guys doing it again? the 27th? and what time?
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Jaystar0214 In reply to Pagiechan [2012-07-23 20:36:54 +0000 UTC]
Yes we are doing it on the 27th
12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. is the time and you don't have to come on time, you can be there earlier or later than
12:30 or leave earlier,
But we might go to a park or something :3
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Pagiechan In reply to Jaystar0214 [2012-07-24 00:18:01 +0000 UTC]
ok. I'd love to come, I just need to find a ride. If I can convince my other friend to come with as something then she can probrably be my ride so I'll have to see if I can.
umm where would everyone be meeting? I've only been there twice so I don't know it that well.XD
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zutange [2012-06-22 08:03:33 +0000 UTC]
you have been tagged by me and my meme!!!
go forth and do thy meme!
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Pagiechan In reply to Ginseng-Cielo [2012-05-29 01:01:56 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome and thank you!^^
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FoxIsMyName [2012-04-30 23:20:00 +0000 UTC]
Helloooooooo~! Just thought I'd pop in~!
Something funny happened over the weekend:
As Italy, I was claimed by Germany... and several others XD
sold by Norway (to who I still don't know XD)
and paired with France... and France was paired with himself XD
oh and I'm apparently Seychelles' Uncle...
XD I felt so loved XD (and man-handled, buutttttt... XD)
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Pagiechan In reply to FoxIsMyName [2012-05-03 23:15:40 +0000 UTC]
lolXD hahah that's funny especially since i'm Norway in my group of friends. Omg France. XD
lolXDDD hahah so loved. Did you go to a convention? or were you just dressed up with friends?
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FoxIsMyName In reply to Pagiechan [2012-05-03 23:20:58 +0000 UTC]
I have other pics, but go look at the second paradox.
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Pagiechan In reply to FoxIsMyName [2012-05-04 05:20:14 +0000 UTC]
oh nice. ^^ second paradox?? O_O what is that?
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FoxIsMyName In reply to Pagiechan [2012-05-04 22:20:05 +0000 UTC]
My latest picture of me as Italy, and another person as Italy, and a Romano
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Pagiechan In reply to FoxIsMyName [2012-05-05 04:48:13 +0000 UTC]
lol, ok i'll look. I'm backed up on deviations.XD
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doraleepee [2012-04-29 00:38:51 +0000 UTC]
BTW, while I'm on your page, I don't like your new ID, you look creepy.
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doraleepee [2012-04-29 00:38:01 +0000 UTC]
Have you ever gotten anything requested as a print?! What do I do? Format it then sell it??! o.O
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Pagiechan In reply to doraleepee [2012-04-29 03:31:33 +0000 UTC]
someone asked for a print? idk if your old enough and you might have to set something up and pay for the paper and shipping stuff to send to them. Idk.
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Pagiechan In reply to Ginseng-Cielo [2012-04-22 18:27:39 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome and thank you back.
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FoxIsMyName [2012-04-18 19:52:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave, but, why in that specific folder?
I don't think John has anything to do with either of those
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Pagiechan In reply to FoxIsMyName [2012-04-18 19:54:22 +0000 UTC]
D: ahh i'm sorry wrong folder. lol. I'm so out of it today I didn't even realize. -_-; lol I'll go put it in another folder.
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FoxIsMyName In reply to Pagiechan [2012-04-18 20:03:49 +0000 UTC]
haha its ok, i have a 4-5 page paper to write tonight, so imma kind of out of it and procrastinating XD
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Pagiechan In reply to FoxIsMyName [2012-04-18 20:13:51 +0000 UTC]
oh wow that's a lot. haaha. I have a 2 page and then lot's of math like 6 pages, and then 4 page essay this weekend and I have no sleep right now. XD
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FoxIsMyName In reply to Pagiechan [2012-04-18 20:24:55 +0000 UTC]
haha unfortunately my parents make me go to bed, and that wouldn't be such a problem if my laptop wasn't out of commission *cries forever*
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