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| Opium01
# Statistics
Favourites: 122; Deviations: 51; Watchers: 53
Watching: 67; Pageviews: 13540; Comments Made: 1429; Friends: 67
# Comments
Comments: 120
SecretsOfSorrow [2010-06-12 04:28:56 +0000 UTC]
Love your gallery and your webcam is pure awesomeness.
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SecretsOfSorrow [2010-06-12 04:28:56 +0000 UTC]
Love your gallery and your webcam is pure awesomeness.
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Opium01 In reply to Roytje [2010-04-15 06:30:23 +0000 UTC]
no kidding! What have you been up to? I'm doing great! Moved back to Alaska about a year ago and am loving every second of it. Except of course for the foot of snow we just got today...but other then that life is pretty good! How are things for you?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Roytje In reply to Opium01 [2010-04-16 15:37:41 +0000 UTC]
Good to hear everything goes well You still don't have a tablet?
I did stop with my study Biology and I'll try to go to an artschool next year.
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Opium01 In reply to Roytje [2010-04-17 07:42:52 +0000 UTC]
I did finally get a tablet, and shortly after I got it my computer crashed! I unfortunately lost everything, and I was really bummed about losing some artwork that I hadn't backed up and all my photos. Life and learn I guess. But now that the computer is back up and running, I just have to reinstall everything and see if I can't find an art application to start using. Hopefully soon!
That's too bad about you stopping studying biology but congrats on going to art school! What made you switch? I don't know if I could do the art school thing, I have a problem when people tell me what to draw for a grade. When that happens all inspiration goes out the window for me. Any ideas what you want to do with that degree? Goodness knows you have the talent for it!
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Opium01 In reply to SoullessXGirl [2010-01-21 09:15:24 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much! I would love to draw you a picture but I unfortunately don't have much time and my computer decided it didn't want to live anymore Thanks for the favs and the watch though! I really appreciate it
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SoullessXGirl In reply to Opium01 [2010-01-21 22:40:01 +0000 UTC]
D: Awe. Okay =\ Thanks anyways. You're welcome too
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Opium01 In reply to SoullessXGirl [2010-02-02 04:37:57 +0000 UTC]
if things change, I'll definitely let you know though!
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Roytje [2008-12-29 20:57:17 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, madame.
I have a lot free time this year, as you can see A lot of drawing and I go to school for only 5 houres a week..
Next year I'll study Biology on the University of Amsterdam, hopefully. (you did study Biology too, didn't you? Do you still enjoy it? )
Not much art from you here lately. I'm not welcome on Floating Ginkgo anymore, so I haven't heard/ seen art from you either. How are you doing?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Opium01 In reply to Roytje [2008-12-29 23:33:41 +0000 UTC]
hey, if free time means more art for you, then I'll take it!
Yeah, I did get a degree in biology. I loved the degree and since my current job doesn't deal a lot with biology, I'm thinking of switching careers. The job market is just dried up here so I probably won't be able to switch for awhile. It was a great thing to study, fascinating and one of few fields that is constantly changing so you can always learn new things. That's exciting to start at the university! I would have loved to study abroad in that area of the world. Are you excited?
I'm not on ginkgo much anymore (tablet is broken! ) and my art slowed down for awhile. I'm curious, you said you're not welcome there? What's the deal with that? I'm on a big pencil drawing kick and am slowly branching out into watercolors. It's a bit too free of a medium for me so it's slow going. As soon as I find my camera cord I'll have to upload some pencil drawings! Who knows where that thing went.
Things are ok. Life is pretty boring, but work keeps me somewhat busy. I'm currently working with reptiles at the Phoenix Zoo in Arizona. It's not the greatest of jobs, but I don't necessarily hate it either. How've you been? (fyi - longest comment ever, I swear! sorry bout that)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Roytje In reply to Opium01 [2008-12-30 18:49:07 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I can't wait till I start at the Uni My friends can't make jokes anymore about the fact that I still study on the High School, haha.
[link] ageno=0
You can see explanation from Grace there. I still don't understand why I'm not welcome there anymore. They did delete my account and stuff, so I'll never come back there anymore. I still draw a lot at 2draw
Working with reptiles sounds great! I work as a postman and strangely enough I love it. I like to work outside, so this the perfect job for me right now. I don't do it fulltime, only 23 houres a week
Yeah, make some pictures of your pencil-art. Almost a year without it isn't good for me.
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sexy-gaara-lover09 [2008-11-23 17:22:30 +0000 UTC]
Your art work is AWESOME!!! I've never seen anyone able to do something like that so well!!! I love your work!!!
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Opium01 In reply to RenaissanceMan1 [2008-11-18 19:45:39 +0000 UTC]
wow! Thanks so much for the feature, I'm greatly honored
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RenaissanceMan1 In reply to Opium01 [2008-11-20 10:23:40 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome! [link]
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Mendrinos [2008-10-18 10:14:25 +0000 UTC]
THANKS a lot for your commentS!
I chose the heads of "Jan van Gent"=birds, for the elegance, the colors and my feeling of the moment...I don't why exactly!?
SUCCES to you also! Greatings from Belgium,Antwerp!
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Opium01 In reply to Mendrinos [2008-11-14 17:13:33 +0000 UTC]
well, I like the choice, definitely. It makes it feel so unique and personal. I liked the idea, but when I saw that it wasn't swans, I enjoyed the piece even more! Swans are such an obvious choice, the Jan van Gent birds give the picture such a life of its own
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dd1707 [2008-04-05 08:36:08 +0000 UTC]
No problem at all.
You have a rockn gallery!
So glad i fell into the goodness.
And welcome to az, you said the past few months.
sorry a cruel joke has been played on you.
you may think this awesome weather will last. but say oh about three days now we will be in the 7th circle of hell,where even satan says "damn this hot, im outie!"
So please to enjoy
and wheres the tigers!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Opium01 In reply to dd1707 [2008-04-14 14:13:00 +0000 UTC]
Thanks very much for loving my gallery! And thanks for the welcome. It'll be interestng to see what it's like, I'm sure I'll be quite miserable. Thankfully I moved here from the south, so I know what its like to be humid and hot, but not dry and hot. We shall see! The tigers in my gallery (except for the white one) are back in South Carolina at a zoo
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dd1707 In reply to Opium01 [2008-04-15 07:15:50 +0000 UTC]
Wellz i demand the tigers come here! they so cute and cuddly!
it will with nice weather into mid april we are looking at a summer in the mid 120s
the heat would be better to take with a tiger around to play with in the pool
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Opium01 In reply to dd1707 [2008-04-27 21:52:27 +0000 UTC]
they are adorable! and such big babies
Holy cow, mid 120s? I'm going to die!! Tigers in a pool would make the heat just a tad more bearable, I think you may be on to something
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DancesWithHorses [2008-01-20 15:58:53 +0000 UTC]
You've been tagged! Ha ha, you're it! If you would like to play (it's certainly not required) see the following journal post: [link]
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The-Tabla-Engine [2007-04-16 02:52:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Joy.
You have a delicious gallery full of wholesome images.
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Opium01 In reply to The-Tabla-Engine [2007-04-17 14:05:28 +0000 UTC]
haha delicious, huh? thanks! that's a great compliment coming from such a great artist as yourself!
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X-LittleStar-X [2007-03-01 04:55:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for faving "Forever a Legend" [link]
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candysores [2007-02-14 13:28:17 +0000 UTC]
Even though everyday should be celebrated, Valentine's Day is a special day to give more love. What could be bad about that? The love you share doesn't have to be with a partner, it could be with a friends, family, or even a random person. A little card, a smile, or just a Happy Valentine's day greeting could warm anyones heart.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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swerno092 [2007-01-31 13:12:29 +0000 UTC]
*rubbs eyes* what the heck? Damn your good! Howd u get so good man! Woah! Gotta watch i love apinting
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GekidoRising [2007-01-25 23:43:43 +0000 UTC]
You've been a deviant for... 9 months, and you have less page views than I do. How in the world did that happen.
Your art looks amazing, you deserve far more pageviews than you have.
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Opium01 In reply to GekidoRising [2007-01-26 21:51:22 +0000 UTC]
awww that's so sweet! I stay pretty low key I guess! hehe I don't really care too much though
people like what they like I guess! Thanks though, you definetly brought a smile to my face!
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GekidoRising In reply to Opium01 [2007-01-26 22:49:38 +0000 UTC]
Quote: you definetly brought a smile to my face!
Well as you can see from my avatar, it's something that I like to do
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Opium01 In reply to GekidoRising [2007-01-27 05:16:24 +0000 UTC]
haha smiling is definetly a good thing!
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Angeldess [2006-12-22 13:27:43 +0000 UTC]
Please, please send me a pic. of you! I'm doing chibis of friends on DV and I really want to include you your amazing
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