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# Statistics
Favourites: 2; Deviations: 61; Watchers: 27
Watching: 9; Pageviews: 7278; Comments Made: 109; Friends: 9
# Comments
Comments: 23
Anne-Frank In reply to ddddisaster [2007-08-27 23:25:46 +0000 UTC]
Ah, you're welcome. This is my other account. . . incase I've confused you. Hah.
I need to watch you on this one, as well. ^_^
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OhxYourxGod [2007-03-08 23:54:56 +0000 UTC]
I wouldn't have a problem with you if you could just leave her alone...Why do you bother her in the first place? I mean come on she tries to be nice to you and you just flip out on her.I get tired of coming into school and seeing her upset.Your also not a bad ass if your threatening a 17 year old girl.You don't know Elliott you never will.It is true that she didn't even talk to him untill after you two broke up.So yea you can stop thinking whatever you are thinking.I am not afraid of you dear.I am also not a whore and neither is Bre,so yea you can stop calling her that.Also you say this isn't San Diego then go off telling me I am a butler bitch? Wtf?Just leave her alone,why can't you do that? I mean god you make it sound like you hate her.But then call her and talk to her like a person.Then the next day flip out on her.If you are bi-polar take something to help you.Honestly why do you still bother her? I mean you live in New Castle and say if I run my mouth I'll get beat.Well I don't run my mouth off about people,unlike you do.If I was running my mouth I would be saying this to other people.Who do you think you are? Honestly Bre is 17 year olds and you were moving to fast for her and controling her thats why she broke it off.Oh and yea, my friend Zane is the one who wrote the first message.So you pretty much threatened me for no reason.As you can tell I am not swearing every two lines in this message.You can write back and acctually answer my questions instead of threatening me or Elliott....You don't even know him okay so you can just stop insult him every bloody chance you get.Oh the gangsta and thug way...What is that suppose to mean? I mean are you acctually in a gang or just saying that to be cool?IF you can acctually stop being immature then reply to this,and not threaten to beat me down or whatever.I mean honestly its been how long since you two have been together? I just want to know why you won't leave her alone thats it.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: smokie that smokes all the little turner boyz
Date: Mar 8, 2007 10:11 AM
first off were does you little bitch ass get off telling me this aint now fucking shit ass fucking san diego when you say shit you better be able to back it up and so what if she has bigger people that play football i know what they are like ive played football for 8 years so why would that scare me i aint scared of nothing and when it comes to elliot fuck that little bitch nigger freak wanna be. you little school girls wanna act all big and bad because you are butler bitches well come to new castle and see how long you last running your mouth out her cuz these girls out here when you run your mouth to them they will knock your ass out or the will kill you you take your pick. try and last a day in new castle and you think im affraid bitch please i lived in pittsburgh - homewood to be exact so im suppose to be affraid of some butler bitches. come on i think you can do better than that. so fuck you two little whores and fuck that little punks freak ass nigger wanna be bitch elliot. he wants to do something let him i show him the real meaning of a bad ass and true way of the thugs and ganstas bitch .
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Robot God.
Date: Mar 7, 2007 3:31 AM
Serisouly leave Bre alone,you guys have been broken up for how long now?Stop sending her little messages and calling her phone its simple.You go off on her lying about Elliott.Well you know what?She didn't even fucking talk to him,until after you two broke the fuck up.I am acctually happy you two did,because she IS too good for you.She is only 17 bucko and how old are you 20? Thats a whole lot of ILLEGAL,you know that right?So pretty much that makes you a god damn pedophile.You should leave her the fuck alone,she wants nothing to do with you.Are you fucking obbessessed with her? Serisouly if you still look at her myspace and BITCH about Elliott and her being friends,you have fucking issues dude.You are stalker material,also if you ever do anything to her.YOU WILL REGRET IT.Shes friends with hella big dudes,and foot ball players they can whip your god damn mexican ass around.She is also friend with me,ah and you know what?I pretty damn scarey ,because of my short temeper.Your pushing the wrong god damn buttons on me.Which is messing with Bre,like I said twice in this message.LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE.Don't you ever even metion Elliott to her ever again,you don't know shit about him.You don't know shit about their past romantic relationship or their friendship.So shut your god damn fucking mouth when it comes to him.Also fucking telling people she gave you an enffection or and std? WTF? Maybe if you fucking washed more than once a week you wouldn't have gotten it.There is a thing called shampoo and body wash,go fucking buy them.Then go stand in the god damn shower and turn the water one and scrub yourself down more than once.
Also you live in fucking new castle,find another UNDERAGE girl since thats all you can get and fuck her.
Anyways I am done talk to you,also this is my friends myspace,I am on hers.She gave me permetion to yell at you.You don't know me,or you never will.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
OhxYourxGod [2006-12-01 00:27:16 +0000 UTC]
Ah "How would you like it if I was t jam my relgion down your trhoat?"
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sam92088 [2006-10-29 18:40:09 +0000 UTC]
ANNE!!! DUDE!!! i've missed you. how have you been? I like your photos by the way, i suck at anything having to do with a camera. But you gots skillz dude i gotta talk to you sometime soon
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sam92088 [2006-10-29 18:38:57 +0000 UTC]
ANNE!!! DUDE!!! i've missed you. how have you been? I like your photos by the way, i suck at anything having to do with a camera. But you gots skillz dude i gotta talk to you sometime soon
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Notrem In reply to OhxYourxGod [2006-10-29 17:13:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey Dara, I know you too. Loser face ^_^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mysticalove [2005-09-30 16:50:59 +0000 UTC]
Anne wahts up? Havnt talked to you in a while.
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Notrem [2004-08-29 00:30:36 +0000 UTC]
How is it egotystical? It's just a picture with words. Like yours isn't Psht. "Blood lust" picture. And why don't I experament? Because I've run out of Ideas. Give me some, and I'll see what I can do, other wise shut your mouth.
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kleineannoemeisje [2004-08-27 23:23:37 +0000 UTC]
Oh, and one other thing.
Being egotistical and having self esteem are not the same thing. Don't bother sitting on your high horse.
You'll just fall and break your neck.
Try something less ego-bloated on your DevID.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
kleineannoemeisje [2004-08-27 23:21:13 +0000 UTC]
Your work is good, Anne. But it never gets better, you know? It's just kind of.. stays. It's a constant. Most everything you do is almost exactly the same as the rest... you never try anything new. dare to experiment. You might find yourself moving forward.
Familiarity breeds complacency...
You know what they say. Life is like a muddy hill. If you try to stay in one spot, you just slide down, back to the bottom. Art is like that, too.
Good luck.
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analoren [2004-08-27 03:21:48 +0000 UTC]
*squee* You stalkie me! Happy day! happy day!
You stalk me
I stalk you.
My art has now
infected you
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