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| Nitral
# Statistics
Favourites: 1228; Deviations: 47; Watchers: 54
Watching: 255; Pageviews: 21439; Comments Made: 956; Friends: 255
# Comments
Comments: 308
CalamityChemist [2011-04-07 02:52:01 +0000 UTC]
You have some beautiful artwork! Your coloring style is really interesting. c:
π: 0 β©: 1
OMG-Art [2010-06-26 20:15:58 +0000 UTC]
Hello Your art has been faved by OMG-Art. Check [link] for more details If you agree you must reply but if you will not reply your photo/art etc. it wil be Removed from my favourites Have a great day
π: 0 β©: 1
Nitral In reply to OMG-Art [2010-06-26 21:05:11 +0000 UTC]
Aww ^^ you like my art, that makes me really happy, I'm honored I get to be featured in your favorites
have a nice day
π: 0 β©: 1
Blood-Fuhrer [2010-02-25 19:19:21 +0000 UTC]
Stalker mode initiated upon your page.
Please to have nice day now.
π: 0 β©: 1
Nitral In reply to Blood-Fuhrer [2010-02-25 22:18:16 +0000 UTC]
hey thx! ^^ glad you liked it
I hope you have a awesume day too
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Nitral In reply to Remcoow [2009-10-30 00:53:33 +0000 UTC]
you can be wow hon
gee...it's been a while ^^ have you gone all grown-up?
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Remcoow In reply to Nitral [2009-11-02 13:02:04 +0000 UTC]
Dont start about it, heh.
Im about to buy a house... suppose that DOES mean I'm growing up
How you doing dear?
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Nitral In reply to Remcoow [2009-11-03 19:22:15 +0000 UTC]
you're buying a house! seriously that'sss cool, in Amsterdam I guess? is it big? btw how's Carola and the cats?
I'm doing awful I have a fever and I'm coughing so much you'd think I would be aloud free ice-cream, so people didn't have to listen to me going on, but alas no x),
anyway other than the lack of ice-cream I guess I'm doing fine thought a job would be nice
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TwilightAmazonStock [2009-06-13 07:11:50 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the watch! We really appreciate it, and we hope our stock is useful to you!
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LeatherArtisans [2008-08-01 23:45:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for watching the community (and sorry for the slow response)
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Stocked-N-Loaded [2008-05-18 20:23:38 +0000 UTC]
thank you for the watch, we appreciate it greatly and we hope to live up to your expectations
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OAAN [2008-05-18 09:22:26 +0000 UTC]
AHH upp med char conceptet fΓΆr spelet (den pΓ₯ ansiktet), det lΓ€r hamna i mina favs dΓ₯
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metalweavers [2008-05-14 15:56:53 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for adding our club to your Friends list. *smile*
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Remcoow [2008-05-09 22:14:26 +0000 UTC]
ince youre the one who introduced me to le parkour; heres a little gametrailer you should watch.
The details and movements almost make me dizzy.
*Hugz* Rem.
π: 0 β©: 1
Nitral In reply to Remcoow [2008-05-11 15:33:25 +0000 UTC]
I think I've seen that trailer for about 8 times allready ^^
See Dice (the company who made the game) has been at our school at several occasions, having lectures and giving us assigments so I (and my classmates) has been aware of the game for quite some time, so when the trailer finely came everyone in shool were watching it over and over ^^
I hope it's as good as it looks
hey! how you been?
hugzees* ina
π: 0 β©: 1
Remcoow In reply to Nitral [2008-05-16 07:50:11 +0000 UTC]
wow, sounds like you were pretty privileged. I loved every single screenshot that was released in the press. When I accidentally saw the trailer I send you my jaw just dropped. heh... to be honest, i'm kinda dissapointed that you know so much of the game already. Hoped to come with a revelation. hehe damnit
Im doing great. Going to London within a few weeks, having some cool projects at work (more Kindertelefoon and a Pirate boardgame!) and my kitties are starting to grow up
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Sabakuno-Gaara [2008-03-20 21:52:47 +0000 UTC]
Yo anata, how's it going...are you coming home this weekend to got to gothcon...have fun and don't hit the other children
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Remcoow [2007-10-08 21:04:16 +0000 UTC]
Hi, still remember me?
nah I wouldn either.
seesh...havent been online since... since
well its been long...thats for sure. (just cleared out 400+ messages)
Back t drawing squiddies and monkeys whee!
HUGZ! (eh...its been ages...how do these hug tings work again? something to do with sticking out my arms...right?)
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Plageus [2007-10-06 21:22:44 +0000 UTC]
Long time no see.. What are you up to these days?
I got a Wacom-thingy for my birthday so maybe I can upload some more stuff soon..
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DeboraFonseca [2007-09-18 20:29:18 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fav <3
sweet gallery <3<3<3
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Yose-chan [2007-08-18 18:05:29 +0000 UTC]
aww! Nitral give me some inspiration pweas! cus I don't have any, it's completly emty up there
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Nitral In reply to Remcoow [2007-08-10 23:00:35 +0000 UTC]
aww dear I miss ya to, you silly little blue muchroom. how's life?
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Nitral In reply to canXeren [2007-06-10 22:40:25 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thx man!
like your gallary 2, quite creepy, I really love the coloures.
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