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| NishimiyaBojji
# Statistics
Favourites: 252; Deviations: 279; Watchers: 93
Watching: 36; Pageviews: 22797; Comments Made: 25934; Friends: 36
# Comments
Comments: 2415
ChewyEnnui [2021-10-05 07:25:12 +0000 UTC]
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to ChewyEnnui [2021-10-05 07:28:04 +0000 UTC]
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to Pajunen [2018-11-06 21:01:43 +0000 UTC]
The pleasure is all mine! I liked the picture you took!
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Kenshins-Soul [2015-08-10 21:05:09 +0000 UTC]
Whether you're still checking your accounts or not, I will say this: Happy Birthday! I hope you are well.
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2018-10-17 10:58:52 +0000 UTC]
Hello, many thanks for being so mindful.
Not that I deserve it, but I surely appreciate now by looking back in my nostalgia trip.
Hope you are doing great!
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Kenshins-Soul [2014-08-07 23:35:38 +0000 UTC]
I hope it's a good one!
(I will do it at your other account ^^ )
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2014-09-28 08:28:46 +0000 UTC]
thanks for all the sweet hbd messages... by the way I tried to add this to your account page but my browser didnt let me, I am using the phone haha...hbd as well! I know you have ur bd recently...its been a while huh? haha hope you are having a great time, I will delete my account or cancel it but wanted to say goodbye before doing it. It has been a pleasure to know you (Virtually but happily) cheers and keep rockin'- Antonio a.k.a. stinkyryoma
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Kenshins-Soul In reply to NishimiyaBojji [2014-09-28 21:40:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the birthday wishes.Β
Yes it has been a very long. XD. I'm not here much because I'm taking care of my mom who's dying from Alzheimer's. We don't know exactly when she'll leave from this world. I've been at home since June 13th. I'm on a leave of absence until mom passes away. I'm hoping to find a better job than my current one.Β
I'm sorry to hear you are leaving, if you do. It's a pleasure to know you too. I take it it's either real life and/or your health? I'm glad I saved your artwork on my flash drive, the one I colored for you.
You keep on rockin' too!
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2012-08-13 21:11:36 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot, girl! You re very sweet! Hugs from Mexico!
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Kenshins-Soul In reply to NishimiyaBojji [2012-08-14 01:36:47 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome! *hugs from USA* XD
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to invaderLil [2012-05-29 16:53:12 +0000 UTC]
No prob, Lil! My pleasure!
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to BlackRabbitExorcist [2012-04-11 20:35:51 +0000 UTC]
No probs uwu
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to MeghanLejeana [2011-10-05 23:47:07 +0000 UTC]
Hiiiiiiii! Very good, yup youre right about that has been forever! Well, Im doing pretty good, what I had missed so far, Meg?
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to examinee405 [2010-11-18 01:40:27 +0000 UTC]
Thanks x3 I have an advanced bday party x3!
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to niXiecHaN [2010-12-23 07:37:12 +0000 UTC]
Very good, how are you, cheers x3
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niXiecHaN In reply to NishimiyaBojji [2010-12-23 08:22:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks x3
I am currently working on my secret santas while eating some noodles
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examinee405 [2010-07-09 02:16:39 +0000 UTC]
Send this to at least 10 people you care about, including me if you care for me!
And if you get at least 5 back, you will receive good news within 15 minutes!
~Let's see how many hearts you get! =]
All the best. Please continue sending you're own love to those you care for. :3
..................ΒΆΒΆ ΒΆΒΆΒΆΒΆΒΆΒΆ
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cwc-lover In reply to NishimiyaBojji [2010-02-15 06:15:36 +0000 UTC]
This guy goes around posting the exact same message to people:
Hello. Do you wanna look my works and add favorites, please? [link] with Faust Reygar
he doesn't even bother to look at your art, or fav, or anything. He just arrives and asks you to look at his shitty photography.
if he comments on your page, you guys should tell him off for being such a rude little prick (lol asian) and for spamming your page with his bullshit. whatever happened to getting comments by actually commenting on other peoples' work? what he is doing is basically FREE ADVERTISING and should we give him pageviews/watch/favs just because he asks us to? No. i mean come on, the guy just ADVERTISES he doesn't even bother to fav/watch/comment on YOUR art.
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to cwc-lover [2010-02-15 06:21:51 +0000 UTC]
Well,i thought the same, but i just let it be xD, ths place is for improvement and expanding our art reach...So getting, this, so called pageviews are meaningless just by begging for them...
Inn other words, u have my support dude
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Kenshins-Soul [2009-07-31 03:54:09 +0000 UTC]
D'oh! I mean it's has been very quiet since I've last heard from you. * at myself*
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2009-11-25 05:00:08 +0000 UTC]
I have missed you too
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Kenshins-Soul In reply to NishimiyaBojji [2009-11-25 06:02:55 +0000 UTC]
Welcome back, stranger.
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2009-11-25 06:38:25 +0000 UTC]
What are ya sellin" Come back anytime strenya! ok nou but hey nice to be here with you
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Kenshins-Soul In reply to NishimiyaBojji [2009-11-26 02:15:50 +0000 UTC]
Nice to see you too. :3
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Kenshins-Soul [2009-07-31 03:52:03 +0000 UTC]
Hi Stinkyryoma!
I hope you're doing okay. It's been alot quiet since I've heard from you. Please take care.
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animator-666 [2009-06-24 20:51:01 +0000 UTC]
hey stinkyryoma um do you remember spongeob-lover5790
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MeghanLejeana [2009-06-19 02:18:36 +0000 UTC]
hey Tony-onii kun its been a long time.
how have you been?
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NishimiyaBojji In reply to MeghanLejeana [2009-11-25 05:02:55 +0000 UTC]
A very long time, how are you (gives you hugs equivalent to all the missing time)
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