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| Nirvy713
# Statistics
Favourites: 2409; Deviations: 246; Watchers: 95
Watching: 180; Pageviews: 38341; Comments Made: 2324; Friends: 180
# Comments
Comments: 252
stairsintothesky [2012-03-05 16:23:26 +0000 UTC]
hello, my name is Michael Nuellen and I find it very interesting that you used the very unique name Nuellen as your character's name. How and where did you come up with it!! I think the character is very cool by the way!
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Nirvy713 In reply to stairsintothesky [2012-03-11 19:14:15 +0000 UTC]
You know, I gotta be honest. When I was coming up with the name, I was just stringing together sounds that I liked. Afterward, when I looked to see how common the name was, I was surprised that it was a surname. But I'm glad to know you liked the name, lol!
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stairsintothesky In reply to Nirvy713 [2012-03-13 00:11:44 +0000 UTC]
Wow, very cool! I can only find my direct family with the name. There was some one who came out of Mexico years ago with the last name Nuellen they stated American as their nationality on their papers. No other mention of them or any one else for that matter. Anyway thanks for the responce!!
careful what you wish for, dreams really do come true!
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Nirvy713 In reply to 1B6 [2011-04-04 16:23:00 +0000 UTC]
Was a lovely pic of Sesshoumaru-sama! Worth the <3
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daminico [2010-10-09 02:33:32 +0000 UTC]
your very lovely and your artwork makes me smile X3
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Nirvy713 In reply to daminico [2010-10-09 16:38:46 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thanks and glad to hear that!
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kevintheman [2010-09-25 02:24:55 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! I just wanted to give you my compliments on your Jigglypuff cosplay at AWA this year (I was the person in the Sonic shirt taking the pictures). You "putting everyone to sleep" and your reaction afterward was one of the funniest parts of the Pokemon photo shoot.
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Nirvy713 In reply to kevintheman [2010-09-25 04:34:00 +0000 UTC]
Haha, thanks very much!
I loved now everyone played along with it as well. It's probably the best parts about being able to do that impression.
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Nirvy713 In reply to Nymsilly [2010-04-26 04:02:56 +0000 UTC]
Quit doing that Argy. <3 Now I have to go get the needle and string again.
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No-Nami [2009-11-19 02:01:19 +0000 UTC]
OH EM GEE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? I thought I had you watched on this account!!!! -headdeskrepeat-
Ah-GUUUUUUUUUUH shame one me DX
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Nirvy713 In reply to No-Nami [2009-11-19 03:53:04 +0000 UTC]
Because you thought wrong.
S'okay, I love you though.
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Jen-Mae [2009-08-26 15:36:49 +0000 UTC]
You need a comment here!
Thank you for the fav on Kitchen Chickey!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Hannah-mation [2009-07-03 00:34:09 +0000 UTC]
So I was perusing wigs today, thinking about costumes for AWA, and I pulled up a picture of Stark to compare.
My mother walks by and sees it, and instantly she starts yelling at me.
"You're wanting to go as TONY STARK?! You will NOT be going to any convention as TONY STARK. I refuse to pay for your hotel or let you borrow the car, so you can't go!"
So first off, any chance we can rendezvous to the event, if I pay for part of gas?
Also, I'd be paying my own ticket and pitching in for hotel, so her threat is null and void, anyways...
And while I'm on the topic, could you give me your opinion?
Which wig is more like Tony Stark's hair [link] ?:
This one?: [link]
Or this one?: [link]
[Of course, I would be getting it in Stark's colour.]
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Nirvy713 In reply to Hannah-mation [2009-07-03 00:43:28 +0000 UTC]
Blah, your mother needs to know that no one is going to make fun of you or HER BY ASSOCIATION because you're crossplaying.
I planned on taking my car, so as long as you can pay for gas, it's totally cool.
As far as hotel room goes, I'm going to talk to my friend Ria and see if she still has two places left so you don't have to room by yourself or with people you don't know. XD
Ria's cool. You'll like her.
Which wig?
I think the first one. It's already kinda flipped up looking and shorter so you won't have to frim stuff...
I could always style it for you so it stands up a bit more in the front.
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Hannah-mation In reply to Nirvy713 [2009-07-03 00:49:07 +0000 UTC]
I don't know what her problem is.
She has a stick shoved too far up her ass.
It's really starting to get to me.
Sounds like a plan!
I like that thought!
I found a great green wig for my Joker cosplay that I thought I could touch up with brown, but my mother says it's impossible to dye a wig.
Then again, my mother is a pessimistic bitch who takes far too much pleasure in crushing my aspirations.
So, Shea, expert, can a wig be dyed?
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Nirvy713 In reply to Hannah-mation [2009-07-03 03:59:44 +0000 UTC]
-shrug- Save up money and move out.
That's your best option. XD
I'd move in with you too. I just need a job.
You CAN dye a wig, but you'd need to buy actual wig dye.
Now that's the stuff that's hard to come by...
BUT you can find some spray paint and spray on the brown (which I think will look better for Joker anyhow)
It doesn't destroy the wig, just covers it with a little paint which will make it a bit...
But for the Joker? That shouldn't matter.
Don't put wigs near heat though. That -will- damage the wig.
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Hannah-mation In reply to Nirvy713 [2009-07-03 04:07:39 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like a plan to me.
Those apartments across from TCC look inviting.
We should look into those.
Oh, okay, awesome!
If I spray-paint it, then dunk it in water, muss it, and blow-dry it on cool, would that work?
Or is that still too much heat?
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Nirvy713 In reply to Hannah-mation [2009-07-03 04:12:50 +0000 UTC]
Lol, indeed.
Still too much heat. D:
Wigs are stressful once you actually get into it apart from:
"Okay! I got it, let's put it on like NOW."
If you're gonna dunk it in water after spray painting it, wait til it dries thoroughly.
And probably repeat the process two or three times...
Or until it's to your liking.
Any kind of drying that you want done will probably have to be done either in front of a
cool fan or just setting it aside to dry.
I know. Stressful shit.
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Hannah-mation In reply to Nirvy713 [2009-07-03 04:19:49 +0000 UTC]
This wig business is NOT WORTH IT.
But it is, it totally is.
Because I want it nasty and gross...
But I want it to look GOOD, y'know.
I don't think I could pull off the Ledger Joker 'do.
I'd have to do my "own" version of it, that still looks good.
I'm just not sure what that would be.
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Nirvy713 In reply to Hannah-mation [2009-07-03 04:26:52 +0000 UTC]
You'll find a way, I know you will.
Just make sure your mom doesn't like throw it away.
Cause knowing her she'll be like, "You ruined it! Waah waah waah bitchbitchbitch!"
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Nirvy713 In reply to Remmybear [2009-06-17 05:33:35 +0000 UTC]
Wonderful pic of Meg!
Love it a lot.
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Nirvy713 In reply to Shadow-Dancer1456 [2009-05-29 21:49:39 +0000 UTC]
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sh33lf [2009-04-19 06:52:47 +0000 UTC]
i love vulpix! what a cute avatar!! how did you get it???
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Nirvy713 In reply to sh33lf [2009-04-19 08:43:34 +0000 UTC]
I found it around on deviantart. ^-^ Love Vulpix as well.
Feel free to save and use it, it's not mine. XD
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stillreflection [2008-11-28 15:35:48 +0000 UTC]
You are so kind, so wonderful, so brilliant, that each piece of artwork you share is another wonder of the world, but no matter how indepth they may be, they do not match the deep chasms of depth that illuminates from your personality. Thank you for "watching" me.
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