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Nirokk [10928657] [] "You Only Live Once"

# Statistics

Favourites: 161; Deviations: 165; Watchers: 31

Watching: 73; Pageviews: 7126; Comments Made: 327; Friends: 73

# Comments

Comments: 99

CarlEiphelheim [2013-06-23 15:43:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for

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Sappy123xD [2012-02-14 16:56:06 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav

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Nirokk In reply to Sappy123xD [2012-02-14 21:03:34 +0000 UTC]

No problem

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Cele-P [2012-02-12 20:39:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you
deviantART muro drawing

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Nirokk In reply to Cele-P [2012-02-12 20:40:51 +0000 UTC]

No problem

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Darkdreemz [2011-05-04 03:25:26 +0000 UTC]

Dude I found you!

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Nirokk In reply to Darkdreemz [2011-05-08 14:55:27 +0000 UTC]

Dude you did! XD

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Darkdreemz In reply to Nirokk [2011-05-10 23:50:50 +0000 UTC]

I've missed you! Been worried about ya <3

Still havn't given Vanya to anyone, no one could play her like you.

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Nirokk In reply to Darkdreemz [2011-05-11 20:27:46 +0000 UTC]

Awww... :3 Sorry for just kinda disappearing like that xD

Haha thank you I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a teeny bit glad tbh, if I ever came back to BBA she's definitely the first character I'd want to pick up again. xP

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MarvelousMatt [2010-11-04 20:47:31 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav

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Nirokk In reply to MarvelousMatt [2010-11-10 17:06:31 +0000 UTC]

no problem (:

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gdpr-13377852 [2010-10-03 08:51:16 +0000 UTC]


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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-10-03 09:09:37 +0000 UTC]


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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-10-03 18:20:32 +0000 UTC]

IT'S TOO LATE!!! MY EYES HAVE GLANCED A PEEK. NOOOOESSS. They're pretty good pictures actually, you're getting scarily good at drawing people as well as fluffy creatures that could eat you. In fact you already were scarily good, i've just realized the scariness. (: Well done dear.

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-10-04 16:41:18 +0000 UTC]

Haha, clever you. XD I've got a BIG drawing of a person coming up soon actually. It'll scare the socks off you.

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-10-04 16:42:01 +0000 UTC]

Im scared already

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arbuzzig [2010-10-01 13:37:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the waaatch!

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Nirokk In reply to arbuzzig [2010-10-01 15:11:20 +0000 UTC]

No problem. (: I love all your doodles.

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mumitrold [2010-09-18 19:28:04 +0000 UTC]

hey -thanks for the watch
I am very honoured!

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Nirokk In reply to mumitrold [2010-09-19 08:54:47 +0000 UTC]

Haha, no problem. (:

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mumitrold In reply to Nirokk [2010-09-19 09:16:39 +0000 UTC]


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JasonBrubaker [2010-07-11 05:07:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch!

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Nirokk In reply to JasonBrubaker [2010-07-11 11:37:31 +0000 UTC]

No problem. (:

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gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-09 16:47:15 +0000 UTC]

How did you get your journal skin? It wont let me have one now because im not premium? Grr *eats own journal* Oh and hope you had a fun sshhhportss day!

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-10 10:22:36 +0000 UTC]

lol, I guess it's cos I haven't changed it yet. They did a thing a while back where you got the skin for free, but that's over now. X3 So back to boring old green for me... or I could just keep the old news.... >)

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-10 11:02:55 +0000 UTC]

Mwhahaha sneaky plan that'll trick 'em (: xx

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-10 17:10:28 +0000 UTC]

Haha, yushhh. >)
And to answer your question about sports day, it's always been the best day of the year and always will be. (: I came first in my race! Haha, go me. Second year in a row. I OWN the 300m sprint. And I got hi-fives from Mr.Cunningham, the uber cool, uber tall head of Santlache. Haha, made me feel special. And I really wanted to run in Billy's neon yellow sunglasses, but Miriam said that they made her take her sunglasses off when she did her race, so I didn't. Which was irritating because I saw this year 10 boy running in the same glasses, only neon pink. Twas vurreh annoying. Last time I'm listening to Miriam. X3

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-11 09:42:27 +0000 UTC]

Well done!
Super-Corin! Neeeooowwww.....*Dirt Cloud*.....*Cheers*

Haha sounds awesome, LOL so many people in my year are like that..."ohh don't do that I got told off", i always ignore them hehe much more fun, plus they just worry too much you never actually get in trouble cos the teachers love you and if you do you can make an excuse like "Oh ok Sorry, I didn't know" and they think "ah what a polite young person". Haha, the mind of a teacher (:

Right umm well im sitting here naked so should probably go get dressed...
Hehe Now you're wondering if its true or not...

Love, your crazy boyfriend xx

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-11 11:41:47 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I really regret it now... >( It would've been more than epic.
And haha, betcha not. X3 You're sitting there in your boxers.

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-11 11:55:39 +0000 UTC]

Ohh really (; xx

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gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-04 16:49:04 +0000 UTC]


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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-04 16:50:19 +0000 UTC]

knew it would be you. X3

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-04 16:51:19 +0000 UTC]

i feel bad i was hoping it would be someone else as well...hehe sorry i just saw the number and was like ohhh yaay

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-04 16:55:32 +0000 UTC]

lol, you want me to draw you something then? You know the prize is me as an art slave for a day. X3

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-04 16:56:48 +0000 UTC]

I will think about how i can best utilize an art slave and get gack to you soon-ishly with a sensible answer xx

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-04 16:59:50 +0000 UTC]

Hhaa, okies. Sorry about today btw.
Lol, I've gotta go, I'll call you or something later. xx

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-04 17:04:20 +0000 UTC]

No worries famous artist with miwyons of views lovely person. xx

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gdpr-13377852 [2010-06-28 09:15:29 +0000 UTC]

Your so close to 1,500 views now!!

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-06-28 15:05:08 +0000 UTC]

heeheee... ^^

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-06-28 15:41:57 +0000 UTC]

someones famous

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-06-28 16:20:12 +0000 UTC]

I know. Get me. X3

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gdpr-13377852 In reply to Nirokk [2010-07-01 18:23:21 +0000 UTC]

1480 ohhhh nearly there!!! hehe

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Nirokk In reply to gdpr-13377852 [2010-07-03 09:24:34 +0000 UTC]

heheee... I know!

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TheKarelia [2010-06-21 15:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot for watching me!

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Nirokk In reply to TheKarelia [2010-06-21 17:40:38 +0000 UTC]

No problem (:

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brushescentral [2010-06-19 16:46:21 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fav x

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Nirokk In reply to brushescentral [2010-06-19 16:53:48 +0000 UTC]

no problem. (:

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C-ityL-ights [2010-06-12 18:49:00 +0000 UTC]

O hay it's Smithens~!

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Nirokk In reply to C-ityL-ights [2010-06-12 20:30:26 +0000 UTC]

Why yes it is. (:

I know who you are, it's miss "I have lovely arts" <3

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C-ityL-ights In reply to Nirokk [2010-06-12 21:01:19 +0000 UTC]


Wrong person. xD

This is miss mediocre arts, plz.

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