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# Statistics
Favourites: 570; Deviations: 213; Watchers: 33
Watching: 151; Pageviews: 10916; Comments Made: 895; Friends: 151
# Comments
Comments: 87
Hellas01 [2011-10-24 17:09:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, I find you absolutely beautiful, and could write poetry over your beautiful figure. Very pleasing to the eye.
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FrankZinatra [2011-09-05 09:42:08 +0000 UTC]
Not been able to draw the portraits yet, just moved to a new house and had to sleep on the floor one night and everything but got desk now so soon soon
How's your summer??
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JACAC [2011-08-12 18:48:02 +0000 UTC]
h e l l o . Bianca
t h a n k . y o u . f o r . t h e . k i n d . .
i . h o p e . m y . o t h e r . p h o t o s . a r e . a l s o . i n t e r e s t I n g
w o r d s . a r e . i m p o r t a n t… w h y . n o t . m a k e . c o m m e n t s ?
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dukeofspade [2011-08-08 13:34:21 +0000 UTC]
would like to welcome you and thank you for joining the group.Please read our Submission Guidelines found at the left side of our main page and read more on our some activities of the group that you might participate with.
Hope you will enjoy your stay and have a great day
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ChibiInuChan [2011-08-07 17:00:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave!
By the way I read your journal and I totally agree with you!
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JDLuxe [2011-08-06 15:53:35 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to #Capture-Life-Pg
Hope you will enjoy your stay and for any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
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lmtcloud [2011-08-06 02:14:42 +0000 UTC]
We welcome you to the Art Den. We are honored to have you as a member. We look forward to seeing your work.
Please go to the groups home page and read our rules. Please get familiarized with them.
You will find many folders in our gallery to submit to. As a heads up members are not allowed to submit to the feature folder. Our reasons are explained in the groups rules as well as the folder summery. Each folder has a summery of the work we want in that folder.
Please submit to the correct folders. Nothing irritates us more then members not taking the time time to look for the right folder to submit to.
If we denies you submitting we will try to tell you why. Please do not harass us about why we made that choice. Also do not try to make us reconsider our choice or prove you are right in where you submitted. This will only aggravate the admins and get you kicked out of the group. We are sorry to have to bring all this up but it has been an on going issue for us.
Lastly it is art so please have fun.
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Backroomboy [2011-08-05 13:12:47 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to Preciousness-Arts!
Please read carefully our Preciousness-Arts Rules.
Enjoy your stay.
Post just your Preciousness-Arts
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FrankZinatra [2011-08-03 14:41:47 +0000 UTC]
hiii, would it be possible if i sketch some of your portraits?x
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Backroomboy [2011-08-01 16:29:57 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to Monofacture!
Please read carefully our Monofacture Rules.
Enjoy your stay.
We capture your memories forever
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LuciaConstantin [2011-07-09 14:14:52 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for the fav on Burial of the dead and have a lovely weekend!
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emilyl233 [2011-07-08 15:18:01 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to #All-Art-Is-Perfect I am glad you have joined. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. Also, don't forget to check out the new contest theme. You can find the journal on our front page. Thanks!
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