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| Nephrym
# Statistics
Favourites: 2325; Deviations: 127; Watchers: 278
Watching: 361; Pageviews: 24625; Comments Made: 3111; Friends: 361
# Comments
Comments: 603
powerkidzforever [2017-09-25 03:07:23 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday Bud I hope you have a great day today budΒ
π: 0 β©: 0
Crimson-Wolf2323 [2017-01-31 02:30:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you so much for the watch it means a lot ^^
π: 0 β©: 1
Nephrym In reply to Crimson-Wolf2323 [2017-01-31 02:31:15 +0000 UTC]
No problem! I look forward to your arts in the future! ^_^
π: 0 β©: 1
Crimson-Wolf2323 In reply to Nephrym [2017-01-31 02:32:25 +0000 UTC]
Eeee thank you o//oΒ
as I look foreword to you'rs as well X3
π: 0 β©: 0
Toma-HabiruChan [2016-09-25 09:20:36 +0000 UTC]
Happy late birthday my friend !!
I hope you have another happy yearΒ Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Keyblade-11 [2016-09-25 05:00:10 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!
Keep being you cause your awesome! x3
π: 0 β©: 1
ChocoSnail90 [2016-09-24 17:46:46 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 1
ChocoSnail90 In reply to Nephrym [2016-09-29 17:28:49 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome friend !
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Nephrym In reply to MagnoV824 [2016-09-29 01:09:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the birthday wishes!!
π: 0 β©: 1
MagnoV824 In reply to Nephrym [2016-09-29 09:29:10 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome! ^^
Whale: what is your wish? :3
π: 0 β©: 0
MagnoV824 [2016-09-19 15:23:18 +0000 UTC]
hey lady your b-day is coming soon, anything you want me to draw for ye birthday? :3
π: 0 β©: 1
Nephrym In reply to MagnoV824 [2016-09-29 01:08:19 +0000 UTC]
Aww you are so sweet! ^_^ But you don't have to draw anything for me~ (unless you really want to!)
π: 0 β©: 1
MagnoV824 In reply to Nephrym [2016-09-29 10:17:34 +0000 UTC]
i'll see if i can try ;w; Β
(got any ocs you want me to draw for you in case i do? ;w
π: 0 β©: 1
Nephrym In reply to MagnoV824 [2016-09-30 21:00:09 +0000 UTC]
This character! She's my favorite (two different outfits)
<-- Girl on the right
Light brown hair with yellow highlights and light blue tips.
π: 0 β©: 2
MagnoV824 In reply to Nephrym [2016-10-03 17:42:09 +0000 UTC]
Change that, sadly I won't be able to do the b day gift due to several projects and time constraints ;n;
I deeply apologize to bring the sad news
π: 0 β©: 1
Nephrym In reply to MagnoV824 [2016-10-21 07:36:21 +0000 UTC]
No Problem!! I'm in the process of moving, so I'm crazy busy right now. I totes understand~
π: 0 β©: 1
MagnoV824 In reply to Nephrym [2016-10-21 08:07:06 +0000 UTC]
well change that again ;w;
i was going through an episode at that time and was frustrated on the gifts, but now that i have moved on, i want to still make your gift ;w;
π: 0 β©: 1
Nephrym In reply to MagnoV824 [2016-10-21 21:44:13 +0000 UTC]
Haha! Well either way~ I will not be sad or disappointed if it doesn't work out. But I will be happy if you do draw something ^_^
π: 0 β©: 1
MagnoV824 In reply to Nephrym [2016-10-21 22:19:20 +0000 UTC]
ok ;w;
i got an idea that you might get not only get a kick out,but to also celebrate halloween XD
π: 0 β©: 0
MagnoV824 In reply to Nephrym [2016-10-02 09:49:45 +0000 UTC]
Alrighty then Β
i'll tend to your gift when i can ^^Β
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Nephrym In reply to Peacharii [2016-09-17 04:47:23 +0000 UTC]
Waaah!! Thank youΒ ^\\u\\^
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Moonx3 [2016-09-12 21:14:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank chu for the watch, i love yout kitty beans!
π: 0 β©: 1
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