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# Comments
Comments: 371
Nep-Nowa [2019-12-22 07:35:43 +0000 UTC]
Please reply to this comment if you want to say something!
Thank you!
👍: 1 ⏩: 2
IAmAFailedArtist In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-09-03 01:17:30 +0000 UTC]
Hello there!~
I would like to make a gift for you. Would you mind if I draw your Kirby FC Dianna? I couldn't help but admire her design.~
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nep-Nowa In reply to IAmAFailedArtist [2018-09-03 03:36:28 +0000 UTC]
i don't mind at all! just mention me in the description so i can see it when it's done.
i'm glad that you like her!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
IAmAFailedArtist In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-09-03 04:23:57 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
YugoNaru In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-07-12 19:47:39 +0000 UTC]
Thx for faving the Swimsuit Yuno Icon
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hhummingbee In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-04-25 21:04:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, kindly, for the favorite!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-03-05 21:29:12 +0000 UTC]
ugh, sorry i am late saying this but thank you for all the comments. i read them all
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2018-03-06 00:30:53 +0000 UTC]
aa it's fine
you're welcome- thanks for drawing reversed roles
i said it too much i think, but i love them
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-03-07 22:29:42 +0000 UTC]
haha i'm glad ! ^^ i'll defintely be drawing more mirai nikki in the future!
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Yuki-x-Yuno In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-02-19 21:56:11 +0000 UTC]
This girl is mine. I love her so much. Her art is amazing, she's really talented. Keep it up hon
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
NewK00paUSA In reply to Nep-Nowa [2018-01-03 23:47:01 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave! You really like Marx, don'tcha?
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Mayleth In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-12-22 02:26:22 +0000 UTC]
Thank you kindly for the fave on my Samus! Feel free to watch if you wish
I love Yuno and Mirai Nikki, too ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
SeashellTheSeaWing In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-12-05 23:45:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
mozarttheduck In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-11-13 04:12:55 +0000 UTC]
Akise Aru Is not Gay. I watch Mirai Nikki 4x times already, and i already read the manga, and ny conclusion is that Akise isn't gay, and even him admit it. And i'm gonna give you 3 reasons why Akise Aru is not gay. 1) He only wants a good God. It's simple he is willing to do anything so Yukki becomes a God, and he might feel more than freindshipbfor Yukki but in a different way, is the love some people feel for God, or he has the same love that Deus(God) feels for Yukki, because he was create to observe Amano(Yukki) and the other players. 2) Distract Yuno. He wasn't staring at Yukki while he was kissing him, and i think he only kiss Yukki because he wanted to distract Yuno so rage make her pissed, and he have the opportunity to defeat her easily, and maybe he only wanted to get in Yuno's Skin. I honestly just believe that hes not gay, hes just gay for yukii (if that made sense). Around when we first were introduced to his character, he told Yuno that he liked Yukii as more than a friend. Before that, he stroked Yukii s cheek and called him cute. On the episode he dies (spoilers oops) in the first part where Deus is asking him to prove his humanity, he says "My undying love for Yukii" (i dont think he used the word undying but i dont know in all honesty). And then they.... smooch n ** and after that whilst hes trying to show Yukii the thing about Yuno, he says something like "i must show Yukii, my love." Or some ** so yeah not really gay just gay for Yukii In other words he is not gay for anyone he only loves Yukki. Conclusion:I think he was not gay, but pansexual. He did love Yuki, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he was gay. He didn’t care if Yuki is a boy or a girl. He didn't give a damn what gender Yuki is. He loves Yuki as a person, not as a boy. So that doesn't make him gay. He's attracted to people regardless of their gender. What do you think? Which theory makes more sense?
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
Nep-Nowa In reply to mozarttheduck [2017-11-13 04:21:01 +0000 UTC]
Akise Aru Is not Gay. I watch Mirai Nikki 4x times already, and i already read the manga, and ny conclusion is that Akise isn't gay, and even him admit it. And i'm gonna give you 3 reasons why Akise Aru is not gay. 1) He only wants a good God. It's simple he is willing to do anything so Yukki becomes a God, and he might feel more than freindshipbfor Yukki but in a different way, is the love some people feel for God, or he has the same love that Deus(God) feels for Yukki, because he was create to observe Amano(Yukki) and the other players. 2) Distract Yuno. He wasn't staring at Yukki while he was kissing him, and i think he only kiss Yukki because he wanted to distract Yuno so rage make her pissed, and he have the opportunity to defeat her easily, and maybe he only wanted to get in Yuno's Skin. I honestly just believe that hes not gay, hes just gay for yukii (if that made sense). Around when we first were introduced to his character, he told Yuno that he liked Yukii as more than a friend. Before that, he stroked Yukii s cheek and called him cute. On the episode he dies (spoilers oops) in the first part where Deus is asking him to prove his humanity, he says "My undying love for Yukii" (i dont think he used the word undying but i dont know in all honesty). And then they.... smooch n ** and after that whilst hes trying to show Yukii the thing about Yuno, he says something like "i must show Yukii, my love." Or some ** so yeah not really gay just gay for Yukii In other words he is not gay for anyone he only loves Yukki. Conclusion:I think he was not gay, but pansexual. He did love Yuki, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he was gay. He didn’t care if Yuki is a boy or a girl. He didn't give a damn what gender Yuki is. He loves Yuki as a person, not as a boy. So that doesn't make him gay. He's attracted to people regardless of their gender. What do you think? Which theory makes more sense?
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Nep-Nowa In reply to mozarttheduck [2017-11-13 04:13:06 +0000 UTC]
Akise Aru Is not Gay. I watch Mirai Nikki 4x times already, and i already read the manga, and ny conclusion is that Akise isn't gay, and even him admit it. And i'm gonna give you 3 reasons why Akise Aru is not gay. 1) He only wants a good God. It's simple he is willing to do anything so Yukki becomes a God, and he might feel more than freindshipbfor Yukki but in a different way, is the love some people feel for God, or he has the same love that Deus(God) feels for Yukki, because he was create to observe Amano(Yukki) and the other players. 2) Distract Yuno. He wasn't staring at Yukki while he was kissing him, and i think he only kiss Yukki because he wanted to distract Yuno so rage make her pissed, and he have the opportunity to defeat her easily, and maybe he only wanted to get in Yuno's Skin. I honestly just believe that hes not gay, hes just gay for yukii (if that made sense). Around when we first were introduced to his character, he told Yuno that he liked Yukii as more than a friend. Before that, he stroked Yukii s cheek and called him cute. On the episode he dies (spoilers oops) in the first part where Deus is asking him to prove his humanity, he says "My undying love for Yukii" (i dont think he used the word undying but i dont know in all honesty). And then they.... smooch n ** and after that whilst hes trying to show Yukii the thing about Yuno, he says something like "i must show Yukii, my love." Or some ** so yeah not really gay just gay for Yukii In other words he is not gay for anyone he only loves Yukki. Conclusion:I think he was not gay, but pansexual. He did love Yuki, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he was gay. He didn’t care if Yuki is a boy or a girl. He didn't give a damn what gender Yuki is. He loves Yuki as a person, not as a boy. So that doesn't make him gay. He's attracted to people regardless of their gender. What do you think? Which theory makes more sense?
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Ruby-Bae In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-10-13 16:20:22 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-09-17 22:27:15 +0000 UTC]
Though I do think Yuki belongs with Yuno, I wish she didn't kill Aru so...violently ;___;
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2017-09-17 22:55:43 +0000 UTC]
true. it was really violent. plus, she tricked yuki into killing / betraying his friends.
though my opinion of yuno has changed a lot, in the end i just look at those two scenes as "she's yandere, it's her nature."
though akise cared a lot about yuki and didn't deserve to be beheaded, yuno did it out of fear that he would get in the way of her last chance to be happy with yuki.
sorry, when it comes to the show i type too much.
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Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-09-17 23:04:34 +0000 UTC]
i wish she had just stabbed him or something >> but! sadly, true, that is her nature, although I don't hate her, I just have mixed feelings after that whole fiasco ff
it's fine! if it's your favorite, don't be afraid to ramble XD
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Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2017-09-17 23:16:48 +0000 UTC]
yeah, when i first watched the show it's what made me kinda dislike yuno
the ending of the show made me feel extremely bad for her, though.
the redial may have brought her back, but it's just third world yuno who recalls first world yuno. that means that she just died right there, and she never got what she wanted-- a happy future with yuki
although she's the one who kills off interesting characters / beloved characters, she's kinda the show itself.
after all, according to this book i translated that had to do with mirai nikki, at first yuno wasn't meant to be major. it was going to be mostly yuki. i can't really imagine that, at all.
ofc that may not be right, it's what it seemed to say though.
a h a h sorry
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-09-21 04:40:45 +0000 UTC]
sorry for the late reply, i'm currently watching the show as we speak, i'm watching and then coming back to read your comment, and BOY tHIS SHOW IS FUCKED uP
can any one really yuno for being batshit when her parents were crazy as fuck also????
anyway, i really couldn't see future diary, without yuno being a major character.. even if yuki wasn't a punkass and knew how to fight. it'd still be weird. in a strange complex way, they're made for each other.
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Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2017-09-21 17:46:36 +0000 UTC]
a a a im sorry, i didn't know you haven't finished it.
it's fine though.
im glad i haven't talked about the ending yet then, because it's what i talk about 90% of the time. ;u;
people get mad at yuno being insane and they say how it gets annoying
1. she was abused
2. she's stuck in an endless, frustrating cycle where she can't be with her love
3. she's a yandere, we all expected this when we watched it
and yeah, the show wouldn't be itself without yuno. you need yuno and yuki in it together.
they're the reason why i'm still into the show years after seeing it.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-09-22 23:51:40 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, you haven't spoiled anything for me! I often read ahead lol
Anyway I just finished episode 21 last night. I think I'll wait until Sunday to continue, especially since I already know what's going to come next :')
Right, exactly. Yuno's never had any positive, supporting, or loving role models in her life before Yuki. I'm going as far as to say Yuno killed her parents because she felt she had no one to turn to and felt threatened by her parents. If they locked her in a cage and starved her for coming home late, imagine what they'd to her for snitching? Yuki at least tries to check Yuno's sanity. If he didn't love her, or even care, then he wouldn't even bother, and would have left Yuno a long while ago.
Before I watched this show I was a mindless Yuno lover lol but know I can understand her character better and I know that she isn't exactly perfect or a total demon.
Besides Yuno, I think Yuki, Minene, Aru, and Nishijima were the more interesting characters.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2017-09-24 18:13:15 +0000 UTC]
tbh, when i got into mirai nikki i had no idea that yuno was yandere.
i found it through "yuki yuki yuki" and i thought that yuno was some innocent girl and yuki was some brave adventurer.
though, before i watched it i mostly saw innocent romance animes.
because i was younger, when i first watched it i didn't focus on the deeper things when it came to characters
it was mostly "oh yuno kills people but she cares about yuki, cute."
after watching it more, i've realized how every character has their own interesting thing. even third-- how did he even manage to murder people without being caught if he was a teacher at sakurami middle school?
but right now, yuno and yuki are both equally as interesting to me. i can't decide which one i like more.
yuno is cool asf because of obvious reasons but,
yuki is hated for no reason, imo.
he's just reacting as any normal person would in the situation.
yet people call him a coward and bash on him.
yeah sure, but wouldn't like 99% of us be a coward too
i would
i'd die first, for sure.
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Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-10-07 00:23:23 +0000 UTC]
aaa sorry, this reply got buried !!
i finished the series + the ova ! and now i'm watching in dub, just for fun ! (the fucking voices...oml)
same, mirai nikki was the first time i'd saw a yandere too! the "yuki yuki yuki" video is pretty adorable, and now that i've finished watching it i can tell what scene came from what episode XD
i'd really like to see how a nonviolent yandere would work out. like one who was still psychopathic but instead of straight up killing resorts setting traps and shit.. that'd be my new waifu tbh
i think probably the best thing about this show is the characters. they just make you feel so much, and then they're erased from existence i'm all like "f uck ;__;"
yeah there's waaaay too much yuki hate!!! people are even complaning about his voice !! he's in his early teen's!! he's one of those actual characters in anime that look their age lol
and also he at least tried to take responsibility (although it wasn't until after his parent's death) and he had good intentions! imagine if third or sixth won the game?? the world would have been fucked lmao
yet, people still bashed after he tried take responsibility and even AFTER HE FOUGHT YUNO !! idk man, doesn't he deserve some credit for that?
and yuno isn't even that bad. as long as yuki is not in danger there's no reason to worry
and you bet my ass i'd be a coward...i'd honestly just surrender my diary lol .. i would have given it to ninth, her intentions seemed like the most interesting.
honestly the world they live in so creepy... one world ends so another can begin...everything "resetting"... what if our world is like that?!
also i have some questions abt the ending/ova, but i wait to ask them until i watch it for a second time
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Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2017-10-11 15:52:43 +0000 UTC]
ack sorry, school has been killing me.
yeah, mirai nikki has a tendency of punching the viewer in the face if they grow too attached to a character. even yuno isn't safe.
also omf the d u b
i've watched it all the way through a few times and my opinion on it has varied so much
at first i hated it completely - believed that every voice was terrible.
then i kinda liked some voices except yuno and yuki's
then i ended up getting used to all of them
the biggest problem to me is how cheesy some of the lines are (i love how yuno uses lovey nicknames for yuki though??)
they butchered the yuno vs yuki fight so bad
the japanese voices made it so emotional yet the english voices had barely any emotion compared to it
instead of yelling "no! these aren't my true feelings for yuki!" she's just kinda like "no, this isn't what i want..."
m e h
oh, and when it comes to the ova
i hated the anime one. way too many fillers- made yuno a pervert.
if you want to see a really good ending, you should read the manga's redial.
it's SO much better imo and i love it. ;u;
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Chickadde1 In reply to Nep-Nowa [2017-10-22 01:46:06 +0000 UTC]
same, it's fine though lol
you know now i think of it, i've always seen yuno as a goddess, even before i found out she was a (actual) goddess haha
i laughed so hard the first episode of the dub bc the voices are crazy, but i got used to them. not sure why they chose those voices for yuki and yuno, but they're interesting, i guess.
yes omg the lines are so skfnsknfkd i can't stop laughing
the show is supposed to have serious moments but bc of the dub i ended up laughing instead, oops
also the lines being rewritten affected some of the characters?? like in the dub they made fourth a jackass, and i'm like ????? why would y
ahh ok!! after i finish the dub, (i'm on 15 I think,) i'll be sure to read the end of the manga!! i had skipped around on it, then read the chapter where akise tells yuki that yuno's fake and all that stuff. also i'll defintely be giving paradox and mosaic a read!! akise's my boy, and i really wanna know how minene was able to work at the police station undercover lol.
should i read paradox first, or moasic? or does it not matter? you're the expert XD
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Nep-Nowa In reply to Chickadde1 [2017-10-22 14:19:47 +0000 UTC]
the mosaic is pretty good since it shows stuff about minene. i never knew how to feel about the paradox, lol. there's also my personal favorite- the mosaic keishi. it's a parody and it's amazing. sadly, you can't find the translation online. i can't even find the full thing online. i own all of the mangas including it. if you're interested i can put it on here through stash or something. there's also the art book- idk if you can find that online.
oh and when it comes to english- i recently got the entirety of the english translated mirai nikki mangas. sadly, they only went up to volume 10?? meanwhile every other language went up to the mosaic and paradox like- wHY. it's bothering me so much.
oh and to be honest- goddess yuno is my favorite yuno. she's so sad and i feel so bad. ive been extremely emotional about the ending lately. i feel horrible for blaming yuno for anything. and i keep crying while watching it.
hh i know im overly attached to the show and i think too far into it but it's worth it.
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mozarttheduck In reply to Nep-Nowa [2016-07-21 02:46:04 +0000 UTC]
i wish you would still talk to me )-:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nep-Nowa In reply to mozarttheduck [2016-07-21 02:51:06 +0000 UTC]
i just replied.
sorry, a lot has been going on.
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CloversInTheSnow In reply to Nep-Nowa [2016-07-10 20:27:25 +0000 UTC]
You have a very colourful page xD
and thanks for the watch <3
I rly appreciate it
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KatastrophicVII In reply to Nep-Nowa [2016-07-09 07:33:41 +0000 UTC]
Just wanted to say hey, thanks for the favorite
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