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| NataliaLanvaldear

NataliaLanvaldear [3580327] [] "THIS ACCOUNT IS DEAD."

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Favourites: 318; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 34

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# Comments

Comments: 211

MKShaymin [2009-11-18 23:54:39 +0000 UTC]


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michakuu [2009-11-05 17:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Le kiss meme de HyouNata que je t'ai promis est fini. <3
j'ai fait de mon mieux, j'espère que ça va te plaire.

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Lucky-phantom [2009-11-04 06:32:18 +0000 UTC]

definitively, bones and house ftw!!! XD

nice gallery

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Lucky-phantom [2009-11-04 12:03:00 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! 8D These shows are just so both awesome!! <333

Thank you! C=

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michakuu [2009-10-26 18:35:41 +0000 UTC]

C'est quand les vacances de la Toussaint, au Canada ? Moi je suis en vacances ...
Bonne chance pour le boulot. <3

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to michakuu [2009-10-27 03:15:01 +0000 UTC]

Nous...n'avons pas de vacances de la Toussaint. Mes prochaines vacances sont celles de Noël et les prochaines vacances après Noël sont celles de...l'été. T_T
Merci beaucoup <3

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ZeFrenchM In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-27 13:19:31 +0000 UTC]

Viens chez nous en France, on te fera changer de nationalité.

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to ZeFrenchM [2009-10-27 13:26:24 +0000 UTC]

Non. Les euros, c'est trop cher! J'aime mieux les dollars canadiens <3

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ZeFrenchM In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-27 13:27:37 +0000 UTC]

Attends, si tu gagnes des Euros, tu t'enrichieras plus vite !

Sinon ça va ? Ca fait longtemps que je t'ai pas vu

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to ZeFrenchM [2009-10-27 13:30:45 +0000 UTC]

Owww, vrai, mais comment gagner des euros? o-o Telle est la question...~

Voui, ça va! Je suis un peu beaucoup crevée, merci aux études. Je n'ai pratiquement plus le temps de faire d'autres trucs que des maths. o_o Sinah toi? Ça va? <3

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ZeFrenchM In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-27 13:34:55 +0000 UTC]

Ben j'ai eu un choc émotionel, un de mes récent journaux raconte ce que qui s'est passé samedi dernier pour moi. Je suis en train de m'en remettre. Enfin, ça ira mieux.


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michakuu In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-27 11:43:29 +0000 UTC]

Pas ... Pas de vacances de la Toussaint ??! o__o c'est scandaleux!
Enfin, vivement Noël! J'espère que ça va arriver vite!
Et y'a pas de vacances entre celles de Noël et celles d'été ?! Oh ... Ma pauvre. Je te soutiens en tout cas!
pas de problèmes <3

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michakuu [2009-10-11 19:00:19 +0000 UTC]

Salut !! Comment ça va ?
j'ai des news!

PS : j'adore ta nouvelle webcam XD

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to michakuu [2009-10-12 02:23:50 +0000 UTC]

Omg, tellement désolée de réondre aussi...tard! >_<

Comment ça va? Je me porte bien, je suppose. ._. Suis morte : 30 heures de math par semaine, c'est...beh. *meurs*
C'our ça que je suis plus vraiment sur l'ordi, et donc je commente pas! >_< Je commenterai tous tes nouveaux dessins demain, ze te le promet~ **

Et toi? Ça va? >3
Oooh? Quelles news?? **

PS : Yay! Merchi! 8DD

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michakuu In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-12 10:30:16 +0000 UTC]

Ce n'est rien.
........30 heures de maths ?! Oh ... ma pauvre D: moi mon prof de maths est sympa, donc ça peut aller ^w^ j'ai eu un éro l'autre jour et il ne m'a même pas engueulé ! XD Il m'a dit : "désolé, je n'ai rien pu faire..." et je lui ai repondu : "il est mort docteur?!"
Enfin bref ...
Prends ton temps sinon, et je te souhaite bonne chance avec ton emploi du temps chargé ^^
Sinon moi ça va, j'ai eu ma première heure de colle ce matin ... 8D
Et ouiiii j'ai plein de news! X3

PS : Pas de problèmes!!

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Ben-The-Black-Cat [2009-10-09 12:41:33 +0000 UTC]

I command you to make a Wilson plz account. You don't have to but it'd be AWESOME if you did.

Long story short, on our little 'roleplay group', I made House host a party just to blackmail Wilson, beer included.

And since is offline most of time, and Allison and I may have made too many roleplay accounts, I was hoping for you to make a Wilson account.

Also, if you do make one, I think I'll spam Wilson's account more since I love him and Robert Sean Leonard, haha.

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Ben-The-Black-Cat [2009-10-10 02:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, I would like to play as him~! *3* Wilson's one of my favorite character! <3

I could make one! :3 But will it be too weird to have two Wilson accounts? o.o

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Ben-The-Black-Cat In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-10 02:34:12 +0000 UTC]

Mine too! x3 I love him so much but I SUCK at roleplaying Wilson, I think~

I don't know. Since interacts more with this Wilson, and I don't wanna steal someone else's Wilson. If that makes any sense, haha! I doubt it'll be weird, though~

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Ben-The-Black-Cat [2009-10-10 02:37:38 +0000 UTC]

Me, I guess I just...suck at roleplaying. This is actually my first time roleplaying in English! o3o

So...Let's say there're gonna be two Wilsons? (Well, there are two Kutner accounts, so...~)

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Ben-The-Black-Cat In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-10 02:42:23 +0000 UTC]

Really? Aww, I bet you'll get the hang of it!

HAHA. Yes, of course~ And that isn't weird at all! And besides, there's a gazillion House accounts so I wouldn't mind~

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Ben-The-Black-Cat [2009-10-10 02:45:11 +0000 UTC]

Owww, really? Thank you! <333 (I actually roleplay a lot, but only in French! 8D)

Okay! So...~ -goes to create my Wilson account-

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Ben-The-Black-Cat In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-10 02:48:00 +0000 UTC]

I wanna learn French! It's a lovely language~

Oh, and don't worry, I'll be sure to give out luffles to Wilson~

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Ben-The-Black-Cat [2009-10-10 04:25:00 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it is~ It's rather hard to learn though. D: It's my first langage and I think my English's pretty good too! <3 (So I wanted to try roleplaying in English 8D)

Yay! <333

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Ben-The-Black-Cat In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-10 04:32:10 +0000 UTC]

You're doing great at roleplaying in English! I hear that you have to make a right accent in order to learn French. D:

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Ben-The-Black-Cat [2009-10-10 13:28:50 +0000 UTC]

D'aww, thank you! <33
A right accent? I don't think so. o.o There isn't a right accent for French! C:

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Ben-The-Black-Cat In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-10-10 22:46:16 +0000 UTC]

There isn't? Wow! I heard from someone that you had to have a right accent to speak French!

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michakuu [2009-10-07 16:08:06 +0000 UTC]

'vais peut-être bientôt avoir le wi-fi!
je te fais signe si c'est la cas.

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michakuu [2009-10-06 16:39:41 +0000 UTC]

une de mes amies a fait un petit fanart de hyou-nata ^^ si ça t'intéresse : [link]

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michakuu [2009-09-27 19:49:50 +0000 UTC]

fanfic finie!

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michakuu [2009-09-27 10:24:21 +0000 UTC]

j'a fini l'art trade ^_^


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anime-oblivion [2009-09-26 21:53:41 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE your avatar xD

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to anime-oblivion [2009-09-26 22:05:51 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Thank you! XD I love it too! 8D

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anime-oblivion In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-09-27 21:44:03 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha no problem

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michakuu [2009-09-26 17:12:31 +0000 UTC]

je suis toute contente *Q* : j'ai trouvé tout un tas d'images de hyouta et nataneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! _________

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to michakuu [2009-09-26 18:24:44 +0000 UTC]


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michakuu In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-09-26 19:11:38 +0000 UTC]

Ouiiiiiiiii!!!!! X3333 j'ai été trop contente!!!! X3

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ZeFrenchM [2009-09-21 18:22:53 +0000 UTC]

Tiens je ne suis pas dans ta liste d'amis

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michakuu [2009-09-21 17:43:19 +0000 UTC]

j'ai ... j'ai trouvé un porno hard de hyouta et nataneeeeeeeeee o__________________o

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to michakuu [2009-09-21 20:03:27 +0000 UTC]

*____* Va trop falloir que tu me le montres!! *0* C'EST UN MIRAAAAAAAACLE! Un hard d'Hyouta SANS Denji!! *___* *sort*

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michakuu In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-09-22 10:04:39 +0000 UTC]

Oui, c'est vraiment un miracle! J'ai été contente quand je l'ai vu ~ (j'ai fixé l'image pendant une demie heure environ XD)

C'est hard attention! XD

je te l'envoie sur note hein XD

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KorineForever [2009-09-21 14:27:50 +0000 UTC]

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to KorineForever [2009-09-21 15:33:29 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! <3

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Artrookie--yup [2009-09-19 02:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Would Jynx be a good idea for Foreman??

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Artrookie--yup [2009-09-19 02:29:21 +0000 UTC]

Mmm, maybe so! I should add Jynx to his team~! (But that won't mean I'll draw it/her! D: )

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Artrookie--yup In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-09-19 02:31:49 +0000 UTC]

Awww man! Well do you like Bones? Maybe Lucario and Cubone/Marowak would be good for Booth and Brennan.

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Artrookie--yup [2009-09-19 02:33:27 +0000 UTC]

A Bones/Pokemon crossover? *_* That would be so awesome! *0*
I never drew Booth or Brennan before, but I'll try! <3 Lucario would be -so- perfect for Booth!

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Artrookie--yup In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-09-19 02:35:26 +0000 UTC]

Cubone would be good for Brennan, especially after the penultimate episode of last season... it actuall got me to watch Bones, plus Stewie Griffin was in it x)

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Artrookie--yup [2009-09-19 02:36:32 +0000 UTC]

I still haven't watched the penultimate episode : I'm watching it in French, so I'm kinda late. XD We just started Season 4 here~

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Artrookie--yup In reply to NataliaLanvaldear [2009-09-19 02:38:47 +0000 UTC]

Ohhhhhh... at least you're in the same season...!

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NataliaLanvaldear In reply to Artrookie--yup [2009-09-19 02:44:58 +0000 UTC]

Yeah~ :3 Yesterday, I just watched that episode when Brennan has two boyfriends. XD This was sooo funny~ Bones is so awesome

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