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| Nassif9000
# Statistics
Favourites: 3589; Deviations: 169; Watchers: 350
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# Comments
Comments: 646
HelvecioBNF [2018-10-22 21:47:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the watch and i love your mods. Β
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trevon134 [2018-02-18 20:23:36 +0000 UTC]
It's been a really long time since we've last messaged each other. What's up Nassif? How're things going?
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trevon134 In reply to Nassif9000 [2018-02-19 08:48:37 +0000 UTC]
That's cool; I'm aight too
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TempestVortex [2017-12-12 19:18:18 +0000 UTC]
Yo Nassif, it's been a while. Say, remember when we talked about how it would make sense if the Super manga did Gogeta against Fused Zamasu? Well right now I'm kinda hoping that even if the chances are slim for this to happen, I'd hope Gogeta at least appears in the Tournament of Power. After I saw Kefla, I was like, "OK Toei, enough with the Potara Fusion, please." Not to say she was bad, it's just naturally what I think. What about you?
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Nassif9000 In reply to TempestVortex [2017-12-12 23:57:58 +0000 UTC]
honestly i was hoping the manga doesn't include vegetto... he was forced in there for hype by the anime, and toyotaro felt pressured to include him... which was honestly bullshit, the story could have went the same direction with a few less plot holes without him :\
as for gogeta idk, i'd like to see him but seeing how they screwed over vegetto, they're gonna screw over gogeta anyway, so no thanks
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TempestVortex In reply to Nassif9000 [2017-12-13 04:12:12 +0000 UTC]
Eh, I doubt they wouldβve harmed Gogeta. Honestly, they wouldnβt have had much of a reason to mess with Fusion, considering Gotenks happened and no upsetting changes happened to him. Sure, there was that upset of a battle on Potafu, but that was just the anime and that Copy-Vegeta was just stronger than he was let on to be at first. But I definitely understand your opinion right now.
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KidCreation [2017-11-25 00:41:13 +0000 UTC]
Hey Nassif! I've talked to you before on another account but that doesn't matter. I came to ask what brush and settings you use for Lineart. What program do you use? I use Photohop and I find it hard finding a brush that looks right.
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Nassif9000 In reply to KidCreation [2017-11-25 04:00:56 +0000 UTC]
i use paint tool sai, look it up, it's pretty neat
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Nassif9000 In reply to HadesDiosSupremo [2017-08-25 22:02:01 +0000 UTC]
no problem man
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TempestVortex [2017-02-06 15:20:14 +0000 UTC]
Well then, I suppose I shall give Super's manga credit for bringing in Super Saiyan Rose in a fairly interesting way.
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Nassif9000 In reply to TempestVortex [2017-02-06 17:52:09 +0000 UTC]
imho the manga is superior to the anime in so many ways it's unreal xD
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TempestVortex In reply to Nassif9000 [2017-02-06 18:49:32 +0000 UTC]
Eh, but Potafu Arc still gets points for taking place on another planet, but not in another universe. I swear, Dragon Ball has many opportunities to do that, but doesn't at all.
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Nassif9000 In reply to TempestVortex [2017-02-06 19:20:43 +0000 UTC]
that arc was, in the nicest way put, retarded to be completely honest...
the thing about toei and their writers is that they always grab great concepts yet manage to fuck them up so bad it's unwatchable, GT was a lesson to learn from, but everyone is letting their hype blind them. if you look at DBS it's no better than GT in any way other than the fact that it has a manga that, thankfully takes all the positives from the anime, adds more positivity, fixes errors and plot holes and on top of all of that actually explains something. that arc you mentioned was a filler arc from toei's writers... and while i don't really mind the idea behind it, they managed to, somehow in classic toei fashion, fuck it up beyond belief just likeΒ they did the rest of the show.
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TempestVortex In reply to Nassif9000 [2017-02-06 23:49:06 +0000 UTC]
I'ma ask you something big, is the manga possibly gonna see the return of Gogeta? Or will it be Vegito again. I would hope for the sake of ignoring that f*cking stupid change in Potara logic, it's Gogeta. This especially is because this way we can see how it could've played out if he took center stage.
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Nassif9000 In reply to TempestVortex [2017-02-07 11:00:51 +0000 UTC]
yep, same here, i would take a SSGSS Gogeta over the potara shit retcon any day... or if it's possible for vegetto to still appear but with another reason for defusion... like they use gowasu's potara and each universe's potara has a different effect, or they defuse later with the dragon balls, or zamasu's god powers which were emphasized in the latest chapter would allow him to defuse them...etc. among many ingenious ideas they could have used
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TempestVortex In reply to Nassif9000 [2017-02-07 19:54:33 +0000 UTC]
Exactly! I mean, c'mon! The Potara are magical earrings, not a means of Chi amplifying or combining like the Metamo-Ring, but something powered by MAGIC! How does a time limit make sense for something like that? And even if it did make sense, how come Vegito split early? Using a transformation of attack that uses lots of Chi should not affect the power of magic in a special set or earrings.
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TempestVortex [2017-01-07 17:45:19 +0000 UTC]
Hey man, hope you had a happy holidays and New Year's as well.
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trevon134 [2016-07-18 20:29:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav, man. I really appreciate the support.
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Nassif9000 In reply to JordanMcFighter [2016-07-10 11:13:30 +0000 UTC]
sorry man, i don't mod anymore
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trevon134 [2016-06-11 06:12:21 +0000 UTC]
Idk if you've heard, but I've started modding again, lol. If you know how to do any of these new modding techniques (like editing 3d models on DBZIW), that could help me a lot. I'm trying to make an awesome mod and release it to the public. People have found a way to give B3 and IW netplay. New feature = new game, lol.
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Nassif9000 In reply to trevon134 [2016-06-11 13:36:51 +0000 UTC]
i'd help. but i haven't modded in practically 2 years now, i'm really outdated on these stuff honestly XD
good luck though!
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trevon134 In reply to Nassif9000 [2016-06-11 14:26:52 +0000 UTC]
Lol its cool, man. Ik how you feel, lol. I'll see of I can get someone like Red Striker to catch me up. Nice talking to you again. I graduated high school last month. I'm no longer a small child.
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Nassif9000 In reply to trevon134 [2016-06-11 14:30:42 +0000 UTC]
we're the same age then, i graduated high school last year but i was a year younger than my class
anyway yeah, red striker and n00bmods could help, there's others as well
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trevon134 In reply to Nassif9000 [2016-06-11 18:54:31 +0000 UTC]
Did you like start school early or something? Okay, I'll see if O can get in touch with them. I really hope so because that model manipulation stuff looks cool
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TempestVortex [2016-04-29 20:56:41 +0000 UTC]
Hey Nassif, what's your thoughts on Dragon Ball Super?
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Nassif9000 In reply to TempestVortex [2016-04-30 08:17:17 +0000 UTC]
i have mixed thoughts... the first 2 sagas, the retelling of the movies, were absolute crap. but the 3rd saga and up are particularly pretty awesome. save for a few things such as them literally shitting on piccolo and making him lose, and also making frost a crappy character after building him up to be good. had they just kept goku in his place as the second to last contestant from the start and made piccolo fight botamo and then frost, then things would have been way way better.
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