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| Nami-Taicho
# Statistics
Favourites: 2895; Deviations: 35; Watchers: 282
Watching: 119; Pageviews: 30991; Comments Made: 1366; Friends: 119
# Comments
Comments: 232
Nami-Taicho In reply to Sam-Mo [2015-11-05 19:57:06 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome!! I love the HoO/AtlA art. Sorry, I don't usually have much time to write comments
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Sam-Mo In reply to Nami-Taicho [2015-11-06 09:39:01 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry,fav and your comment upward is already amiably
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hentaigrandfather [2014-12-05 15:20:20 +0000 UTC]
¡Mis mejores deseos, Andrea!
¡¡¡Que tengas un gran dia!!!
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Daiyame [2014-09-30 20:12:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the Fav on my Percy Jackson Cosplay photo.
If you liked that, have and eye on my gallerie, there is more to come.
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Nami-Taicho In reply to Daiyame [2014-10-02 12:49:49 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I saw a couple other shots, but this is my fave (even if it's like a punch on the gut because feels). Besides, my sis showed me some of the pictures too
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Daiyame In reply to Nami-Taicho [2014-11-01 19:18:12 +0000 UTC]
*hahah* Good that I see that now.
Hey there Andrea! ^^~
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Nami-Taicho In reply to Daiyame [2014-11-06 12:45:53 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Sorry, we had a big con here this past weekend and I didn't pay much attention to DA ^^U
How are you?
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Daiyame In reply to Nami-Taicho [2014-11-07 19:09:32 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, I'm not the fastest one to answer anyway, doesn't matter if busy or not.
Hope you had a great time. =3
My convention season is basically over. The last con I attende was the MCM in London and the next ,...I have absolutely no idea, because I'm not 100% sure on wher I'll be working and living when cosplay season starts again.
Thus right now I'm kinda working on planing that much talked about 'real life'.
How are you?!? <3
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Nami-Taicho In reply to Daiyame [2014-11-08 14:52:57 +0000 UTC]
It was pretty great, yeah.
This convention is the end of the cosplayer year here in Spain, even if there are other conventions until December. We all wish each other a Happy New Year Cosplayer when the con is over, lol.
I'm planning my next cosplay, I'll probably make it for April's Comic Con in Barcelona. I think it's the more appropriate, seeing as I'm planning on costuming as Harley Quinn from Injustice
As for my 'real life' plans, I'm hoping to get a job, at least for the Christmas session :3
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Daiyame In reply to Nami-Taicho [2014-11-10 20:24:04 +0000 UTC]
Brilliant! ^^
Do you also live in Barcelona? Then it would be a nice and rather calm end of the season without much travelin for you, which is alwasy nice.
I'm not planing anything right now, which is really weired, because most people around me are so much into cosplay that they keep talking about this huge winter pause.
And I'm like, 'I don't plan. I don't know where I'll be working neither which conventions I'll manage.'
I'm actually a pastry chef and currently job less, after I quit my last job, because my boss was beeing an asshole. >-< I love my work, but right now here (I live in munich) isn't anything I'll like to work at.
Thus I'm kinda planning (well, more thinking than actually planning) about working in London for some time.
Just not to sure about the whole thing.
Means right now I'm (and for months already) tryinging to sort out my thoughts on what it is I want to keep doing.
Ahhhh, babbling deluxe! ^^°°°
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Nami-Taicho In reply to Daiyame [2014-11-12 19:50:02 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I live in Barcelona. And sadly I don't usually have the money to go to conventions outside my city. I don't usually make lots of plans regarding cosplay since a few years ago. But I'm feeling motivated with my next project, and I want to start early and take my time to do it right.
Ooooh I'd love to be a pastry chef! I've been trying to get into public school for three years already but there's a lot of demand, and private school is out of my budget If only I got a job, I could pay it myself *sigh* But I'll keep trying!
Working in London! Lucky you, that would be super exciting!!
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Daiyame In reply to Nami-Taicho [2014-11-19 20:23:26 +0000 UTC]
I am sorry, I'm like the worst when it comes to answering. >__<
It is really weired, I kinda would like to make plans, but because i really don't know, whats going to happen next year and where I'll be working and if the thing with London works out, I am not planing anything.
I don't particulary enjoy sewing, but by know (and a lot of time to spare at hand) I will probably start (or maybe finish) something.
Most of my friends are already really deep into sewing and crafting and planing for next year and I'm like :I should start to plan my life next year and not do cosplay planing.
But my motivation right now (for anything, except watching shows all day) is somewhere, where I haven't seen it in long time.
I guess you have a completly different system in spain. here in germany you have the possibilyty to start and apprenticeship, after you finished school. Which is in general a three year period where you go to school one day a week and learn you craftsmans ship the other four days of the weeks. It works in germany for almost all the artisanry and crafts jobs. You don't get paid much during the time, but you also don't have to pay for it.
(it is hard, when you live on your own, during that time, but still possible in most citys).
I don't think I would have had enough motivation (or money), if it would have meant to visit a privat school.
I do love my job, I just haven't found the right comany to work at until now and kinda hope to ....well, become happy in London would be an overstatment, but to get out and get some fresh air (work wise).
I'm wishing you all the best of luck and keeping my fingers crossed, that you'll find something. >___<
I know just to well, what it feels like if you really don't know waht to do with yourself. ~.~
Something else.
I dropped the letter for your sister into the mailbox last saturday, Thus there might be the chance, that it will be arriving somtime soon. =3 At least I hope it does.
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sulechitayadormir [2013-08-10 21:01:13 +0000 UTC]
Ojalá todavía esté vigente lo de tu journal *-*
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Nami-Taicho In reply to bechedor79 [2013-06-27 19:33:44 +0000 UTC]
You welcome! I loved your LBD fanarts. There's not enough LBD art.
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Nami-Taicho In reply to LauraHollingsworth [2013-05-29 12:47:45 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome! I love all your PJO and HoO art. They're all stunning! ♥
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fictograph [2013-02-05 18:41:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favorite on one of my Avengers commissions! [link] [link]
Who’s your favorite Marvel movie character?
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