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# Comments
Comments: 205
mhaekalhrp13 [2021-09-18 00:45:57 +0000 UTC]
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Aleixity101 [2019-07-24 01:33:21 +0000 UTC]
Ik im late but at least i remembered..... HAPPY BDAY.. a lot has been going on so ill try to upload it tomorrow but i have a gift for u (a drawing))
Hope u like it X3
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Aleixity101 In reply to Aleixity101 [2019-08-11 12:55:32 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I’m late with the drawing, my style changed a bit and I’m re drawing everything.. and I don’t even know
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Muuluzi In reply to Aleixity101 [2019-07-24 15:28:55 +0000 UTC]
oh thank you. do you have a discord. (does amaya have one?)
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Muuluzi In reply to exotic-legends [2019-07-23 14:01:10 +0000 UTC]
thank you ^^. have a good day too
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Susante [2019-06-24 18:30:49 +0000 UTC]
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Muuluzi In reply to Susante [2019-07-04 02:52:56 +0000 UTC]
no problem. came from your other account. seriously love your art, man ^^
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Muuluzi In reply to kuroakikitsune [2019-01-06 10:19:00 +0000 UTC]
Of course! Your character is super cool ^^ nice design. Unlike you, I’m not good at designing characters lol
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kuroakikitsune In reply to Muuluzi [2019-01-06 10:54:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I'm not either, I still have a lot to learn, I just browsed google, and drew inspiration for aspects of her outfit. Besides, you're only (14?) and you're already so skilled. (If you see where I was at your age, you are leagues ahead of 14 yr old me) Your animal draws are amazing! I still struggle to draw animals, that baby dragon took me quite a few tries.
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Muuluzi In reply to kuroakikitsune [2019-01-06 11:16:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you! I am 14 yes. I started drawing when I was 11 I guess? I mean I drew before that but not like seriously. But when I was 11 I met my friend who inspired me to start drawing, so I did and now I like to draw. But I don’t draw as often anymore,,,
I looked through your art, and you are so good at drawing people! I suck at that lol. Legs and face are hard. Like... I can draw a face though, but when putting it on the body it just looks awkward.
(also,,, you like SHINee? They are good I like them ^^. Sadly I got into them too late.... became a fan at the end of December after Jong-hyun died TT TT My favorite songs from them are “Orgel”, “Don’t let me go” and “Black Hole”.)
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kuroakikitsune In reply to Muuluzi [2019-01-06 11:36:16 +0000 UTC]
That's great! One of my friends inspired me to draw, in primary school. She was really good, even back then. I gone years, where i've barely drawn, but i'm trying to get back into it. It helps to have other artists, for inspiration and motivation. I'll give you one thing of advice: never delete your old art. No matter how bad it may seem to you, it's a clear reminder that you have improved and is a good motivator too
Thank you! I still have a lot to learn about anatomy/etc, but i'll get there one day. I find hands and overall anatomy difficult. I enjoy drawing hair/faces the most, and it kind of shows in my art. Have you tried using the base shapes? Like all the cicles/lines, (im having a mental blank of it's actual name) since I started drawing the basic shapes, then everything else, it has helped me a lot (though I still start by drawing the head)
Yes! They're my favourite band. (for almost 10 years) I've been a shawol since late 2009. It has been difficult, the last two years... The best people always leave us too soon... (I'm happy to talk about SHINee, but Jonghyun is a sensitive subject for almost all Shawols, so tread carefully when talking about him ) Orgel and Don't let me go, are really nice songs. If I had to choose, Savior, is one of my absolute favourites. Dynamite is another great one. Despite their wide variety of songs, almost all of them are amazing. They've worked so hard, and it shows.
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Muuluzi In reply to kuroakikitsune [2019-01-06 16:18:13 +0000 UTC]
Of course I try to draw basic shapes! lol. I’m just not very good at drawing people. It’s very hard for me. The legs are the hardest for me,and the faces end up a little awkward. And I never know what to do with the arms.
ahh. You are a true SHINee fan. See,,, I’m a fan, but i don’t know them like that. I’m not that into Kpop tbh. Only bands I really like are SEVENTEEN, SHINee, and Mamamoo (kinda). I do enjoy other Korean artists tho. Like R&B and alternative Korean. And sometimes I listen to old Korean songs too.
SHINee is very good ^^ I enjoy their music a lot. And I really loved “Blue” by Onew. So haunting, I love it. Sorry to have brought up a touchy subject
I’m a dedicated Seventeen fan. 2 years already. Love them so much. I enjoy their soft (soulful?) songs rather than their pop songs. Not too into pop songs.
ive been studying Korean too. I can now understand 20% of what’s going on in a song. lol
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kuroakikitsune In reply to Muuluzi [2019-01-07 06:12:38 +0000 UTC]
Everyone has things they're less good at drawing. I still struggle with faces too, teeth especially. Do you make the legs too long, or is it the overall shape that you find difficult? I never know what to do with arms either, ahaha.
I guess?? I haven't been with them since their debut, but they've always had a special place in my heart. I'm not that into kpop anymore (when I was your age, I was obsessed) SHINee is the only thing keeping me there. Blue is hauntingly beautiful. Theres so much symbolisim in the mv too. (reminds me of the opera cover he sang years ago) I've never really listened much to those groups, though I do know of them. 2009/2010 groups were the main ones I listened to (2009/2010 was a really good time for kpop bops) These days, kpop seems to reffer to just Korean music in general, as most groups sing songs in many genres. You probably know more korean that I do, though I haven't really been studing it or anything.
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Muuluzi In reply to kuroakikitsune [2019-01-08 15:41:11 +0000 UTC]
The legs are other too long or too short or just look weird.
teeth are hard,,, and my arms will be awkwardly placed lol
Bodies are just hard for me ehhhhh
I’m ok with Kpop, but not that into pop sounds (you know what I mean) BTS,,,, I don’t like them that much. Their music has that repetitive generic pop beat. I don’t hate them, but not really a fan.
i like some old “Kpop”. I’ve been into Cho Yong Pil lately. Love his 1985 song ‘The Winter Teahouse’ ‘그 겨울의 찻집’. So good ^^
im not the best at Korean either. Vocabulary is fairly ok. Understand sentence structure (to a certain degree). Honorifics are extremely complicated. Alphabet is super easy. (you can learn and memorize in a day) I should study more often though. I’ve been procrastinating and putting it off. I was gonna study over wi Ted break, but I only studied like 1 hour lol. I want to learn too many languages now. If I like the music and some shows, why not learn the language? What’s the point of listening if I don’t understand? Now I don’t like Kpop as much as last year..I mean 2017. Was totally obsessed. Now I just like the language a lot and have made some Korean friends on Kakao.
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kuroakikitsune In reply to Muuluzi [2019-01-09 00:36:00 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I get that problem sometimes. Bodies are hard for most people.
That's fine, everyone is allowed to like whatever music they like- I can't stand 99% of Country music, sounds like whining cats to me, ahah.
its good to try and learn a language. I studdied Japanese, though I have forgotten a lot, and taught myself a little korean. But I would like to be fluent in at least one other language- it just takes a lot of work to remember everything, and a lot of time. It helps when you're younger.
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Muuluzi In reply to kuroakikitsune [2019-01-09 04:09:05 +0000 UTC]
lol country music is horrible. All they talk ‘bout are red pickup trucks, cold beer, tractors, good girrrrl. And the countryside or something lolol.
i tried studying Japanese back in 2017! I learned a lot of phrases and the numbers, but when I started learning the alphabet I completely gave up.
i want to learn Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. And maybe French too? I don’t know. Too many I want to learn XD
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kuroakikitsune In reply to Muuluzi [2019-01-09 08:33:19 +0000 UTC]
ahah, thats pretty much it.
With languages I remember the words spoken more than what they look like on paper. Yeah, well theres three Alphabets in Japanese to learn. I think you need to roughly 100 kanji characters, just to read the newspaper. (or was it 1000?)
Have you heard of Duolingo? its a really good language app (its free too) and has pretty much every asian and european language on there. It sets it in stages, like levels of a game. a girl who was learning German, showed it to me. (back then, it only had a few languages)
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Muuluzi In reply to kuroakikitsune [2019-01-10 16:04:34 +0000 UTC]
Same. I think Japanese is easy to remember the way its spoken, but writing ehh,,,
live heard of duolingo. I used to use it, but it didn’t really help me much. To study Korean I use Talk To me in Korean videos and website lessons. I also use HiNative. You can ask natives questions about language or culture and can answer question in return.
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kuroakikitsune In reply to Muuluzi [2019-01-11 02:24:11 +0000 UTC]
fair enough. Everyone learns differently.
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ninjamoo2004 [2019-01-05 18:59:53 +0000 UTC]
tysm for liking my herso of dragonstone character, kichi! ^w^
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Muuluzi In reply to ninjamoo2004 [2019-01-05 19:14:45 +0000 UTC]
Of course!! Your character is really cool and cute. ^^
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MyrielLachance [2018-12-14 19:33:37 +0000 UTC]
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your icon XD As a cactus fan, it caught my eye immediatly! XD
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Muuluzi In reply to llTonyMaverickll [2018-12-01 05:58:03 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Your art is really good. You show a lot of potential!
i would like to say a couple of things, though.
1. Add variety. I see you like to draw women a lot, but you should try drawing other kinds of things.
2. Add more hashtags to your work if you want to get noticed. Especially on Instagram.
3. Experiment with colors, poses, bodies, etc.
i can’t really talk, though. My art isn’t the best lol.
But all in all you have an amazing talent and lots of potential!
라마배지 고마워요! 좋은 하루 보내세요!
I am learning Korean, so bear with me. Please tell me if the above sentence sounds natural or not. Thank you.
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llTonyMaverickll In reply to Muuluzi [2018-12-01 18:55:31 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely natural!! XD!! Thank you for tips!!
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Muuluzi In reply to llTonyMaverickll [2018-12-01 22:04:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!! I’m tryna learn that language (as well as Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Spanish.) it’s a complicated language. Honorifics and such are so hard. Forming sentences is pretty hard too. I need to study more TT TT
and you’re welcome. Looking forward to seeing more art from you! ^^
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llTonyMaverickll In reply to Muuluzi [2018-12-02 05:09:50 +0000 UTC]
Ohohoh XD! You are learning many languages!!
잘 부탁드립니다~ = I'm looking forward to your favorable help~!
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Muuluzi In reply to llTonyMaverickll [2018-12-02 15:38:01 +0000 UTC]
oh! I’ll write that down in my notebook. And I’m looking forward to helping you. I’m not sure exactly how I can help, but I’ll give you feedback on your art. I guess that can help......? Maybe you could do the same for me? Thanks for the llama badge.
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Sushiihara In reply to Muuluzi [2018-02-20 16:25:19 +0000 UTC]
What do you think you'll do with it?
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Muuluzi In reply to Sushiihara [2018-02-20 16:26:02 +0000 UTC]
I only needed a one month core membership so I could change my name but since it’s for three months I’ll use it for polls and whatnot.
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Sushiihara In reply to Muuluzi [2018-02-20 16:26:56 +0000 UTC]
what will your new username be?
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